Do-it-yourself cesspool made of concrete rings

Types of various septic tanks

Cesspools for country toilets are of two types:

  1. Without waterproofing;
  2. Waterproofed.

A cesspool without waterproofing is the easiest way to install a country toilet. However, this type of septic tank is not suitable for every site, moreover, it has many undesirable effects. For example, the presence of a smell can ruin a garden, and polluted groundwater can ruin a crop of vegetables and herbs.

Watch a video of what this product is:

Sewer wells without waterproofing are of the following types:

  • A simple pit without facing.
  • Pit with tires.
  • Pit made of brickwork.

Cesspool formwork:

  • Wooden;
  • Metal.

Cesspools without waterproofing cannot be installed if groundwater is not far from the surface of the earth. Also, you can not install such toilets near residential buildings (and neighboring country houses). The service life of a septic tank depends on the number of people living in the house, and when the pit is 2/3 full, you need to clean it with a cesspool fecal pump or dig a new one.

Do-it-yourself cesspool made of concrete rings

Different kinds

Cesspool waterproofing can be done using:

  • plastic tanks;
  • brickwork;
  • concrete rings.

Disposal of waste in plastic containers occurs due to special bacteria placed in them. The price of containers for a cesspool depends on the volume. Concrete waterproofing is designed with and without a concrete bottom. Pits without a bottom are cheaper and easier to install. However, the effectiveness of such a device is questionable. First, there is a risk of contamination of groundwater. Secondly, after some time, a hole without a bottom must be covered with earth. Thirdly, the presence of smell is an undesirable phenomenon in the country.

In this regard, the owners believe that the cesspool in the country should be installed on a concrete base. To improve the waterproofing properties, concrete rings and the bottom are covered with a special protective layer. A fully waterproofed cesspool made of rings meets all hygienic standards and is completely safe.

Advantages of a waterproofed pit:

  1. Wastewater isolation;
  2. Soil protection from contamination;
  3. Lack of smell;
  4. Installation does not depend on ground water;
  5. Aesthetics.

Types of cesspools from concrete rings

  1. Pit with drainage bottom
  2. Monolithic septic tank
  3. Combined

Let's look at each option.

Cesspool with drainage bottom

It consists of concrete rings, the number of which depends on the consumption of water, respectively, and drains.

Always has a tight cover with a hatch for revision and cleaning.

At the structure, the bottom is made in the form of a natural filter (a mound of gravel, crushed stone and sand).


  • Easy installation
  • Strength
  • Rare cleaning

  • Designed for a small number of stocks
  • The drainage bottom will not last long, after a while the septic tank will have to be moved
  • Paying close attention to the disposal of waste into the sewer system

Drains fall into the pit, where they settle, and after being cleaned by a natural filter, they go into the ground.

Monolithic septic tank

The installation site must have free access for the access of service equipment. The hose of the cesspool machine is from 6 to 15 meters long.

It differs from a pit with drainage by the presence of a blind bottom.


  • Volume can be selected
  • Long service life
  • Strength

  • The septic tank is subject to regular pumping
  • When cleaning, an unpleasant smell is heard throughout the area
  • All joints and connections between the rings must be sealed.

Waste water accumulates in the pit. Defend. Large inclusions settle to the bottom, forming silt. Cleaning is done as it fills.

Combined septic tank

A combined septic tank is two types of pits connected by a pipe.
The first pit is made with a blind bottom, the second with drainage.

This type of cesspool is optimal compared to others.


  • Strength
  • Durability
  • Large volume
  • Good quality wastewater treatment
  • Not afraid of volley discharge

  • Cleaning required
  • Mounting with features
  • Not suitable for large houses
  • Not designed for discharge of water from artificial reservoirs (pool, pond)
  • Free access for the entrance of special equipment

This type of homemade septic tank can work with or without bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria are used, they multiply and work productively in an oxygen-free environment.


The arrangement of cesspools from concrete rings is the same.

  1. It is required to dig a pit with a depth and width in accordance with the number of rings and their diameter. The diameter of the pit should be 50 cm larger than the rings.
  2. A ditch is also dug under the sewer pipe.
  3. For a pit with a drainage bottom, the bottom is first equipped. It is created to fill with sand and gravel at least 1 meter.
  4. A hole is made in the upper ring for a sewer pipe, a branch pipe is installed for subsequent connection.
  5. The rings are lowered into the pit. Seams are treated with sealant.
  6. The sewer pipe is connected.
  7. The bottom of the finished pit is again covered with drainage.
  8. The structure is closed with a lid.
  9. The remaining space around the shaft for 60-70 cm is covered with drainage, the rest with soil.

bottom pit

Installation differs only in that there is no drainage.

Combined septic tank - a septic tank made of concrete rings with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself cesspool made of concrete ringsThis structure may consist of two or more pits. It all depends on the desire and possibilities.

Liquid settling pits are always installed with the bottom.

The first sludge pit is installed at the highest point, the subsequent ones are arranged towards the low point of the site.

There is another option for arranging a cesspool of concrete rings.

Installation of such septic tanks is more complicated and more expensive.

concrete rings

For the arrangement of the cesspool, it is recommended to use reinforced concrete rings. They have increased strength.

All products are produced in accordance with GOST 8020-90

Name Volume, m3) Size (mm)
height Inner diameter External diameter
KS-10.9 0,71 890 1000 1160
KS-15.9 1,59 890 1500 1680
KS-20.9 2,83 890 2000 2200

The bottom, cover with a hatch can also be purchased from the manufacturer.

How to correctly calculate the volume of the cesspool.

The volume for a septic tank is calculated based on the number of permanent residents in the share and the average amount of liquid consumed.

According to statistics, one person consumes up to 200 liters of water per day.

Pit selection

In order to choose and equip a pit correctly, the following points should be followed:

  • Number of permanent residents (volume)
  • Location (5 m from the house, 30 from the water source)
  • Entrance for sewage equipment

A pit with a drainage bottom is equipped for small houses, most often summer cottages.

A cesspool with a bottom is designed for no more than a permanent residence of 2-3 people.

A septic tank consisting of several chambers can serve a year-round home for up to 6 residents.


