How to spell water pumped out of a pool

Features of installation and connection

How to spell water pumped out of a poolThe surface pump must be installed on a solid, stable surface. If pumping is planned for a long time, then it is better to take the unit to a closed room, so that it will be possible to protect it from negative external factors.

Before starting operation, a hose is connected for supplying and discharging liquid. It is lowered into the tank and filled with the working chamber. After that, it is necessary to start the unit and check its operation from time to time. Control is not needed in the presence of high-quality automation.

Any self-priming surface pumps are considered serious equipment. To choose this unit, you need to decide on its main tasks and scope of use. Thanks to this approach you will get a practical functional device
at an acceptable price.

  • Creation of an external drainage system
  • Production of internal drainage
  • Pit: what is it?
  • Emergency work in case of emergency
  • The fastest way to pump out water

Surely most of the happy owners of private houses faced the problem of how to pump water out of the basement and what is the best way to do it. This problem is one of the most pressing, especially in regions that are regularly flooded with rainwater.

There are ways to divert water from the basement. The most popular is the creation of an internal and external drainage system.

There are several options for how and with what to pump out water, but they are all based on the variations below.

Preventive measures

After the destruction of all harmful insects, do not forget to complete the work done with a control strike:

  • Residents of apartment buildings often make a cruel mistake by starting to poison cockroaches alone. Leaving your habitat, they will not return to the basement or sewer system; they will make it much easier - they will move to the neighbors. These "moves" will continue indefinitely. Pests can easily get into your house through small cracks or a common house hood.
  • There remains only one ideal solution to the problem - joining forces to exterminate uninvited guests on several floors. Remember about the favorite habitat of pests - garbage chutes. The most effective option is to permanently brew it. If this is not possible, call the SES or an insect exterminator team. They will do the required processing of the desired congestion and kill the cockroaches.
  • It may happen that disinfection will need to be done regularly, but the timely intervention of professionals can guarantee that insects do not enter the treated building for several more years. It is remarkable that the means used repel various insects. While they are working, you should not be afraid of the sudden detection of bedbugs of other "domestic" insects in your home.
  • In addition, it will not be superfluous to organize a stable cleaning of entrances. Be aware that pests will not start in well-cleaned places where there is no moisture. When keeping perfect cleanliness in public places is not easy enough, try to do it in your apartment. The most problematic places in the apartment are the kitchen and bathroom. It is here that cockroaches and other reptiles constantly live and breed.

Effective measures for "war" by pests should contain:

  • Joint efforts of all residents of neighboring apartments or private sectors. Simultaneous use of various options for the extermination and repelling of insects.
  • Stable and high-quality preventive measures (in particular in places with the presence of a basement and a garbage chute).

The most common problem that sooner or later townspeople and summer residents have to face is basement flooding. As a rule, water in the basement appears in early spring - during the period of snowmelt, heavy rains and floods.

There are several proven ways to solve the problem of annual flooding of private basements, which will make them suitable for economic and domestic use.

The correct operation of all home security systems will create comfortable living conditions, but a violation of building technologies can cause serious problems. One of them is groundwater in the basement.

The appearance of water in the basement depends on the following factors:

  • the occurrence of cracks in the foundation of houses;
  • groundwater level rise;
  • precipitation in large quantities;
  • formation of new water sources under the base of the house.

Often, a violation of the technology for erecting the foundation of a building leads to the fact that over time water appears in the cellar or basement.

In addition to cracks and breaks, capillary penetration of excess moisture is noted, which leads to the formation of mold and fungal spores. The reason for this may be the poor quality of waterproofing materials and an inefficient ventilation system in the room.

The main source of groundwater level rise is seasonal precipitation in the form of rain, snow and hail.

The relief features of the building site can also have a significant impact on the course of construction activities. In this case, it is recommended to carry out all major survey work to determine the volume and level of groundwater occurrence before construction begins.

To prevent the negative consequences of flooding, it is necessary to take timely effective measures to eliminate such a problem.

What are the pumps

Currently, there are many devices for pumping water, but drainage pumps are the most suitable.

They are submersible and superficial.

  1. Surface is an installation that should not come into contact with water. They must be placed either above its level, or on a dry surface. The main advantage of such a system is the availability of the unit. Another advantage of this type of pumps is their cost.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

Among the shortcomings of the device can be noted a strong noise during operation. In addition, due to the fact that the pump will not be in contact with moisture, it does not have adequate insulation. Therefore, in order for it to serve you as long as possible, you need to carefully consider its placement.

. Another disadvantage of such a device is that it stops pumping liquid when its amount becomes very small. At the same time, he can become airborne.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

Taking into account all of the above factors, it can be noted that such a pump can be purchased if it is not planned to be used frequently. In this case, the savings will be justified

  1. Submersible. This device has no drawbacks, unlike the previous one. Its difference lies in the fact that it works when immersed in a liquid, and can turn on when the liquid level reaches a certain limit, and also turn off after it is removed. To do this, use a special switch in the form of a float.
  2. Manual. This device works by exposing the piston to the force of human muscles. The main advantage of such a pump is that it does not require electricity. In addition, this device is simple and reliable.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

Basement floor work

The constant presence of water in the basement is not only a harm to the supporting structure and internal equipment. First you need to solve the problem of practicality: to remove dirt and contribute to the rapid flow of water to a certain common point from which it will be removed.It is advisable to carry out all work during the period of the greatest drop in the groundwater level: in a summer drought or in winter, if the basement is warm.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

First, the floor in the basement will need to be deepened. Ideally, in order to reduce the harmful effects of water on the walls, you need to deepen below their level of occurrence by 25-30 cm. The floor must be planned in a special way, creating the correct slope. Even slight level fluctuations can contribute to water retention, which will cause dampness and the smell of stale water in the basement.

The lowest point for all slopes is easier to place in the corner of the basement or closer to its center, if the floor area exceeds 20 m 2. It is advisable to adhere to the length along the fall of the inclined section of no more than 5-6 m. The lines of convergence of slopes are almost always located diagonally. Steel pipes are placed along them, used in the manner of lighthouses, as when pouring a screed.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool1. Pit. 2. Clay castle over the entire surface of the floor with a slope towards the pit. 3. Gutters. 4. The foundation of the house

The planned floor should eventually be a hydraulic lock made of soaked and carefully compacted clay. Even if sandy loam has already gone at the existing depth, there should be a layer of clay of 15-20 cm, otherwise the deposition of sedimentary particles along with water will be pronounced. When the castle is 30-40 cm from the walls, the floor rises sharply at an angle of 30-35 °, forming a kind of gates, the height of which is 3-5 cm below the zero mark.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

A particularly difficult case is basements with a monolithic concrete floor that has lost the integrity of the waterproofing. Slopes in this case are formed at the existing level using a preparatory screed

It is very important to ensure its high-quality adhesion to the main array, so often the concrete floor has to be carefully cleaned and special modifiers are used to improve adhesion.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

In both cases, in order to make the floor suitable for walking, it is necessary to lay a hygroscopic bedding of 20-25 cm of fine gravel on it or knock down walk-through ladders. To avoid subsidence of gravel through a clay floor, it must be covered with a layer of geotextile

It is important to additionally protect the walls from high humidity, for which you can use moisture-resistant plaster compositions or "liquid glass".

Ways to deal with cockroaches

The most popular and effective at the moment is:

  • Mechanical destruction;
  • Application of temperature influence;
  • Application of repellent, poisonous chemicals and baits.

Use of chemicals

How to spell water pumped out of a poolDomestic cockroaches will not be able to be in rooms where there is:

  • Bay leaf.
  • Rye ears.
  • Feverfew is fragrant.
  • Inflorescences of elderberry.

Toxic chemicals (insecticides)

  • If the situation has reached a catastrophic level, take children and pets and treat the room, applying a double dosage of the product. Close all windows and doorways tightly, leave the room for about six hours. After returning, you should ventilate the room as thoroughly as possible, sweep away dead cockroaches and carry out a thorough cleaning of all treated surfaces and objects.
  • Poisonous substances designed to kill insects are sold in the form of a spray, dust, chalk, gel and traps. They are produced under different brand names, but have the same quality. Under the influence of their constituent substances, insects are quickly paralyzed and die very quickly.
  • Before use, carefully read the instructions for use. Use insecticides as many times as needed to make them disappear. In practice, re-application is carried out about a month after the first use. Do not stop using the remedy until you have completely exterminated all cockroaches.
  • According to statistics, the complete extermination of insects occurs after 2 months.
    Be aware that there are times when the use of toxic substances cannot guarantee the complete disappearance of the problem situation.
  • If insects have even the slightest access to a water source, the insecticide will not have any harmful effect on them. Therefore, having decided to get rid of harmful creatures, accumulate patience and combine several methods of extermination. It has been practically proven that it takes up to two months for insects to completely leave the premises.

Using traps

  • Apply sunflower oil to the sides of a glass container.
    The cockroach will freely penetrate inside, attracted by the smell of food, but it will not get out in the opposite direction. Empty such baits once every few days.
    A trap using glue is quite popular. Apply it next to tasty bait. It will stop insects going directly to the food - they will stick to the treated surface.
  • To increase the effect, you can make the bait poisoned
    . Add a small amount of boric acid to it or boil hard-boiled chicken eggs and mix the acid with the cooked eggs. Make round balls from the resulting mixture, and scatter them in the corners of the toilet, in the kitchen and in other places where they can accumulate.
  • Traps produced in our time are original
    . Some affect insects by striking them with a discharge of electricity, others affect the sexual characteristics of the insect, leaving it infertile in the process.

Where to dump water

The place for the discharge of pumped water is selected based on the volume of pumping and the intensity of flooding. For short seasonal floods, the method of discharging water into / on the soil with the device of a simple filtration field is quite suitable. The trench in which the perforated section of the pipe is laid must be deepened and covered with large road gravel and sand, alternating layers with non-woven geotextiles. On average, for one cubic meter of discharged water, the length of the trench should be 6-8 m.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

A more voluminous discharge requires laying its own channel to the nearest reclamation or drainage trench. A limited amount of water can also be accepted by a self-equipped filter well. Do not forget that with year-round water supply to the basement, its continuous pumping is not the best option for getting rid of it. An intense flow of moisture in the soil leads to its erosion, which affects both the relief and the reliability of buildings on a shallow foundation.

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Choosing a pump for pumping

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

Most submersible slurry pumps are suitable for pumping water. Capacity is key: it must be large enough to handle the volume of incoming water, while at the same time, an overly powerful pump will operate in an intermittent mode, which will affect the durability of the contact group and the motor.

The height of the standpipe should be appropriate for the conditions of your site and the prepared water discharge field. A lifting height of 10-12 m is usually sufficient, but a small margin of power should always be left in case the drain pipe is not straight or has a long length.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

The ingress of all kinds of debris into the pump cannot be ruled out, although with the correct construction of the casing, this will be of minimal importance. The pump must be capable of pumping sand slurry up to 3-5 mm, the specific size depends on the mesh used for the casing filter.

Unit power

It is necessary to choose the performance of the pump, taking into account the area and depth of the basement. For example, for a room up to 20 m2, you can use a device with a capacity of 100-120 l / min. For smaller basements, 40-50 l/min will suffice.

If the site has a slope from the basement, then water can be removed in the following way:

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

- prepare a hard plastic pipe, which is similar to the intake used for a surface pump;

- make a hole from the basement towards the slope;

- the pipe should be immersed with one end in water;

- the other must be placed where the site has the largest slope;

- In order for the water to start flowing by gravity, you can use a vacuum cleaner.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern surface pumps have a number of important advantages.

  • ease of installation, because the device does not need to be immersed in water;
  • ease of work;
  • mobility and practicality;
  • minimizing the possibility of overheating;
  • ease of shutdown of equipment;
  • the possibility of pumping water with large waste;
  • the possibility of using cheap materials, which will reduce the cost of construction.

The disadvantages include:

  • exposure to idle work;
  • the need for careful control over the pumping of water located at a depth of up to 8 m;
  • noise during operation.

How to spell water pumped out of a poolMany people believe that surface pumps are inferior to submersible models. However, in practice, infrequently there is a need to pump out dirty water
from a depth of 20–25 m. Accordingly, conventional surface equipment is suitable for everyday tasks. It is lightweight and easy to use. It is also worth noting the minimum likelihood of any malfunctions and the possibility of pumping contaminated water, which contains large debris.

How to pump water out of a basement without a pump

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

It is not uncommon for the owners of certain private buildings to need to pump water from their basement. Frequent causes of such troubles are the close location of groundwater to the surface of the earth.

This leads to the fact that the soil becomes very moist and with a large amount of precipitation, it is not able to quickly absorb moisture into itself. The only solution is a pump to pump water out of the basement.

Water in the basement

Basement pumps (pumping, pumping water)

The problem of flooding basements, basements, cellars and other underground structures is very common in our latitudes.

Especially often it occurs in the spring, when the snow melts and the rains begin.

In places where groundwater comes close to the surface, underground structures can accumulate water all year round.

Depending on the climatic and geographical features of the region, different pumps are used to pump water.

What is a suction pump for?

Pumps for pumping water are necessary in case of underground structures, such as basements, cellars, basements, etc. However, this is far from their only purpose.

The suction pump is also used in the following cases:

  • drainage of trenches and pits during construction work;
  • preparing the local area for winter: draining pools, fountains and other reservoirs;
  • watering the garden and garden from open sources: lakes, barrels, streams, etc.;
  • replacement of water in pools and decorative reservoirs;
  • extinguishing fires.

Submersible drainage pump in the basement

Reasons for flooding and pump selection

There can be several reasons for flooding the basement or basement:

  • seasonal flooding of underground structures during spring floods;
  • close occurrence of groundwater;
  • water or sewer break.

It is the reasons for the flooding of basements and basements that are an indicator of which pump for pumping water from the basement should be chosen.

In the case of seasonal flooding, water can be pumped out of the basement once a year after the flood has passed and the water has settled below the level of underground structures. That is, the permanent location of the pumping device in the underground room is not necessary.

In the case of a close occurrence of groundwater, the drainage system must work constantly.

In such situations, the drainage pump should work automatically: turn on when the water has reached a certain level and turn off after pumping it out without human intervention.

If the flooding of the basement occurred due to a rupture of the water supply or sewerage, the situation changes somewhat. In this case, of course, the pump is used once, but other nuances arise here. In the case of a gust of cold water supply, any drainage pump will do.

Mechanized pump

The main types of pumps

Surface self-priming pumps are divided into several groups. The most popular is the classification according to the type of water intake.

  • Standard models are practically not used today. Such equipment is usually referred to as mud pumps. They differ in their power
    , as well as a not very convenient design in everyday life.
  • A self-priming variety is often used by owners of summer cottages. Such a small device raises water from a depth of 5–8 m. However, if at the time of work there is not enough water in the chamber, the equipment will not start or will start to idle.

There is another classification that divides surface pumps into 2 groups according to the type of construction.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

Any surface pumps, including fecal varieties, are considered relatively expensive equipment, so you need to responsibly choose products.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the power of the equipment

For simple household tasks, a powerful unit is not needed
It is important to remember that power affects the speed of pumping water and productivity. Accordingly, if you plan to pump out dirty liquid from a basement or cellar, then a model operating at a speed of 1–2 m³ per hour will do.

For large areas or a problematic sewer system, a more powerful unit will be required.
If you plan to buy a surface pump, be sure to pay attention to the material and build quality
. In particular, this applies to the engine, as well as the impeller and the working chamber.
It must be remembered that the diameter of the hose affects the throughput as well as the performance of the equipment. If the hose is small, the device will not be able to pump water with large waste.
When buying such equipment, you should give preference to products from a trusted manufacturer. For example, these can be units from Grundfos or Wilo. These companies produce high-quality and reliable equipment, but its price is quite high. Accordingly, with a limited budget, you should pay attention to Caliber products.

How and what kind of pipe to lay

To drain water, it is desirable to use pipes with the lowest hydrodynamic resistance. For pumping contaminated water, HDPE pipes with smooth walls and the possibility of extended laying without joints are optimal. The diameter must match the pump nozzle.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

In the section closest to the pump, the pipe should be raised approximately to the discharge level, that is, the first pipe segment is mounted as vertically as possible and without kinks. The output of the pipe from the basement must be done in the nearest wall by digging from the back side. The passage is carefully sealed with cement mortar, the broken waterproofing is restored.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

The HDPE pipe can be laid without a specially prepared bed and even above the freezing depth, if a slope of at least 1000: 5 is provided. It is recommended, however, not to lay the pipe unprotected in rocky ground and openly on the surface.

Things to consider before getting started

  1. Is there a little time for quality preparation for the event or do you need to act immediately.
  2. Assess readiness for the procedure. This is the presence of experience in carrying out such work, a supply of necessary tools and fixtures.
  3. Understand how quickly water enters the basement. This is necessary in order to determine the possibilities for its removal. For example, if the liquid continues to heat the room, and you are trying to cope with devices such as buckets and a shovel, then this will not lead to anything. You may need to use a pump that has good power.

Of course, you can use devices such as a bucket and a shovel, but this is only if the water is no longer supplied and a small amount has accumulated.

How to spell water pumped out of a pool

Organization of a reliable drainage system

A technically complex, time-consuming and more efficient way in the basement is to organize a drainage system. Since the main cause of basement flooding is precipitation, external measures to protect it are key.

Technology for arranging a drainage system for the home:

  1. A shallow trench with a width of no more than 130 cm is arranged along the perimeter of the building.
  2. On each side of the trench, small ditches are made, each 5.5 meters long.
  3. At the opposite end of the ditches, a recess is arranged, the size of which is equal to the diameter of the concrete ring for mounting the drainage well.
  4. Geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the trench, creating a reliable waterproofing layer. From above they fall asleep with a layer of fine-grained gravel.
  5. From above, a drainage pipe is mounted under a slope for effective drainage of wastewater. After laying the pipes, the trench is covered. The first layer is 12 cm high - with small gravel, the second by 10 cm - with sand, the third by 15 cm - with large gravel. At the base of the house, crushed stone is poured with a concrete mixture. Every 6 meters, viewing hydraulic structures are mounted.

Diversion channels in the drainage system along the perimeter of the basement will help solve the main problem - to reduce the level of groundwater and divert it beyond the foundation of the building.

For some types of basements, drainage channels are recommended to be built into the underground. In this case, the process of arranging the system is no different from the above, the only difference is the implementation of a concrete floor screed.

After installing the drainage system, the basement becomes 25 cm lower.

Creation of an external drainage system

Materials and tools:

  1. Drainage pipe.
  2. Lookout well.
  3. Spade bayonet.
  4. Wheelbarrow for soil.
  5. Concrete rings and lid.
  6. Concrete solution m 50.
  7. Rubble.
  8. Sand.
  9. Geotextile.
  10. Excavator.

Drainage system is a system of intake and drainage of water from the house. It will take a lot of time and effort to organize it, because. the use of technology is kept to a minimum. It is the external drainage system that is the primary protector of the house from water.

The depth of the drainage is exactly 0.4 m below the foundation. The ditch around the house is dug with shovels, the width of the ditch is 1.2 m. The equipment cannot be used for fear of damaging the foundation of the house.

After the main trench is ready, it is possible to make direct bends of 5 m from 4 sides (permissible with the help of an excavator). The bends end with an even larger recess, which in diameter will coincide with the purchased concrete rings.

Geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the trench. After that, a drainage pipe is laid. Every 7-10 m, the drainage pipe is interrupted to install a manhole. And from the corners, the drainage pipe is diverted into concrete collectors, where it is lowered by 30-40 cm.

The difference between a drainage pipe and any other is in its corrugated structure and perforated surface. The corrugation will provide some bending flexibility and increased strength characteristics, and the perforation serves to take in water.

Manholes are needed to monitor the performance of the drainage system. If the drainage is clogged (which is almost impossible), then it should be opened and the sand cleaned of plaque.

  1. Large rubble. The layer ends 10 cm before the start of the foundation slab.
  2. Sand. Directly to the foundation.
  3. Large rubble. 15 cm to the ground surface.

Directly under the house, crushed stone is poured from above with a concrete blind area, and after it hardens, it is dug in to the width of a bayonet and covered with any large stone aggregate that will be pleasing to the eye.

There remains a rather long tunnel 15 cm deep, which is convenient to use for stormwater drainage.


