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Installing the device in the heating system

Test certificates download a blank form and sample fillingPressure gauges are mounted using special three-way fittings. Thanks to them, devices are changed and serviced without stopping the entire heating system. At the same time, taking into account the different pressure in each section, more than one pressure gauge can be installed inside a house (or apartment) equipped with a heating boiler. The presence of several devices also simplifies the manometric testing of pipelines, which is periodically carried out to control the reliability of heating.

The process of installing a pressure gauge is not particularly difficult for most people - the work does not require any special experience or specialized tools. To mount the device on a specially designed fitting, it is quite enough to have a conventional locksmith kit. However, if the option with a pressure gauge insert into the supply pipeline is selected, a welding machine will be required for installation.

To protect the insulation from moisture, waterproofing and vapor barrier are used, which differ in their characteristics.

When using centralized heating, the installation of the device is not included in the tasks of users - it is located as part of a hydroelectric complex, usually located in the basement of a building. The ideal place to place the pressure gauge is the area directly at the boiler. It is undesirable to place other fittings between the appliance and the boiler (see How to install a solid fuel boiler, piping).

Installation, repair and maintenance of boilers and columns

Heating system tests produced after completion of installation work. But first, all plumbing pipes must be flushed.

Before testing, check compliance with the test heating systems project, produce an external inspection of pipelines, connections, equipment, instruments, fittings.

Put to the test heating systems in general and certain types of equipment, as well as their regulation. According to the test results, acts are drawn up.

Testing of heating systems, heat supply perform hydrostatic and manometric (pneumatic) methods.

Hydrostatic testing of the heating system produced by filling all elements of the system with water (with complete removal of air), increasing the pressure to test pressure, keeping the system under test pressure for a certain time, reducing pressure and, if necessary, emptying the system. Hydrostatic testing is safe: the system is tested under conditions as close as possible to the working conditions. However, such a test requires water to be supplied to the building to fill the plumbing system, which is unacceptable. In case of violation of tightness, flooding of premises, wetting of building structures is possible; in winter time, freezing of water in pipes and their “defrosting” is possible.

So hydrostatic testing of heating systems, heat supply, boilers, water heaters are performed at a positive temperature in the premises of the building. The temperature of the water that fills the system must be at least 278°K (5°C).

Hydrostatic heating tests carried out before finishing the premises.

Gauge testing of the heating system in many respects they are devoid of the shortcomings of hydrostatic tests, but they are more dangerous, since if pipelines or system elements are accidentally destroyed under the action of compressed air, their pieces can get into the people conducting the tests.

Gauge heating tests spend, filling heating system compressed air at a pressure equal to the test pressure, and keeping it under this pressure for a certain period, then the pressure is reduced to atmospheric pressure.

For testing, a pneumohydraulic unit TsSTM-10 is used in the form of a two-axle trailer, on which a container with a volume of 2.5 m3 and all test equipment are mounted.

Testing of heating systems. Acceptance of heating boilers is carried out on the basis of the results of a hydrostatic or manometric test, and heating systems – based on the results of hydrostatic and thermal tests, as well as external inspection of the installed devices and equipment. Heating systems tested for tightness (but not for strength) by the manometric method under an excess air pressure of 0.15 MPa to detect mounting defects by ear and then with a pressure of 0.1 MPa for 5 minutes (in this case, the pressure should not decrease by more than 0.01 MPa ).

hydrostatic water heating system testing carried out after installation and inspection. To do this, the system is filled with water and air is completely removed from it by opening all air collectors, taps on the risers and at the heaters. Fill the system through the return line, connecting it to a permanent or temporary water supply. After filling the system, close all air collectors and turn on a manual or powered hydraulic press, which creates the required pressure.

Water heating systems tested with a hydrostatic pressure equal to 1.5 times the working pressure but not less than 0.2 MPa at the lowest point. During the test, the boilers and the expansion vessel are disconnected from the system. The pressure drop during the test shall not exceed 0.02 MPa for 5 min. The pressure is controlled by a checked and sealed pressure gauge with divisions on the scale through 0.01 MPa. Minor faults found that do not interfere with the hydrostatic test are marked with chalk and then corrected.

A manometer is a device that measures the pressure of liquids and gases. The principle of its operation is based on balancing the action of a gaseous or liquid medium by the force of deformation of the membrane or spring. This device is one of the mandatory elements for monitoring the parameters of most engineering communications. So, a manometer for a heating system is needed to monitor the excess pressure inside the boiler and pipes (see Pressure in the heating system of a private house). At the same time, they are able to simply inform about the state of the coolant, and transmit a signal that blocks the operation of the equipment in order to prevent an emergency.

1. Requirements for the site and workplace when testing with portable equipment

3.1.1. Plot for hydraulic
tests must comply with the requirements of current sanitary standards
design of industrial enterprises CH118, CH119,
SN245, building codes and rules SNiP2, SNiP8, SNiP9.

hydro stand (or portable
equipment during testing on the assembly stand);

auxiliary equipment and

of the product under test, taking into account
safe performance of work on its installation and inspection, while the free zone
along the perimeter of the maximum possible dimension of the product must be at least 1 m.

3.1.3. The site must have
non-slip floor covering with a slope and/or holes for water drainage, and
protective fencing, excluding the possibility of accidental appearance on the site
unauthorized persons and the ingress of working fluid outside the site (appendix).

There should be a light board on the fence with the inscription "ENTREST
FORBIDDEN. TESTING IN PROGRESS" or an appropriate poster.

3.1.4. The site should have general and local working lighting,
emergency lighting, as well as portable lamps with a voltage of not more than 42
B. Lighting equipment must comply with the requirements of "".

Lighting should provide illumination on the surface
tested product:

working - at least 300 lux with fluorescent or 200 lux with
lighting with incandescent lamps;

emergency - at least 10 from the working one.

3.1.5.The hydrotest site must have a reverse system
water supply, ensuring the filling of the volume of the tested products or
technical plumbing with a drain system to the sewer.


