On the form of the act of commissioning a heat energy metering unit
MKD management > Energy saving, metering devices. Key Documents
dated May 10, 2016 No. 13855-OD/04
The Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, within the framework of its competence, considered the appeal and provides clarifications on the form of the act of commissioning a heat metering unit.
Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2003 No. 7 approved unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for fixed assets, in particular, unified form No. OS-1 “Act on the acceptance and transfer of an object of fixed assets”. From January 1, 2013, the forms of primary accounting documents contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation are not mandatory (information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. ПЗ-10/2012 “On the entry into force from January 1, 2013 of the Federal Law of December 6 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”). In addition, the “Rules for accounting for thermal energy and heat carrier”, approved by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation on September 12, 1995 No. Vk-4936, containing approved forms of acts for admitting the operation of a heat metering unit, have also become invalid.
Currently, there is no approved form of the act of commissioning a heat energy metering unit (hereinafter referred to as the Act). The act can be drawn up in a convenient form for use and must contain the following information:
The act is an integral part of the agreement or contract for the supply, installation, commissioning of a heat metering unit. In addition to special parameters and indicators that are important for the uninterrupted operation of a thermal energy metering unit, the document may contain information on the rules for safe operation, compliance with fire and sanitary standards, and labor protection rules.
The act of decommissioning a heat metering unit can also be drawn up in any form, taking into account the comments given above.
In addition, we inform you that in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1038 dated November 18, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), the Ministry of Construction of Russia is a federal executive and implementation of state policy and regulatory legal regulation, including in the field of heat supply (except for the production of thermal energy in the mode of combined generation of electric and thermal energy, as well as the transmission of thermal energy produced in the mode of combined generation of electric and thermal energy, including produced by thermal energy sources, if such thermal energy sources are included in the heat supply scheme, which includes sources of combined generation of electrical and thermal energy).
In accordance with paragraph 6.2 of the Regulations, the Ministry of Construction of Russia, in order to exercise its powers in the established field of activity, has the right to give legal entities and individuals clarifications on issues related to the established field of activity of the Ministry.
It should be noted that the letters of the Ministry of Construction of Russia and its structural subdivisions, which explain the issues of application of regulatory legal acts, do not contain legal norms, are not aimed at establishing, changing or repealing legal norms, and the explanations contained in them cannot be considered as generally binding state regulations. permanent or temporary.
Department Director
housing and communal services
Stage 2. Approval of design documentation for UUTE
Coordination of project documentation
– procedure for checking project documentation for compliance with technical specifications and requirements of regulatory legal acts.
To proceed to this stage, the client must have the technical specifications for UUTE (stage 1) and technical documentation for UUTE.
Development of design documentation for UUTE is carried out by a client with the involvement of an accredited design organization
. With this organization, the client concludes an agreement, which, among other things, sets the deadlines for the performance of work by the design organization.
Based on the results of the preparation of project documentation for UUTE, the client sends it for approval to the Instrument Metering Organization Department of Branch No. 11 Gorenergosbyt of PJSC MOEK, by sending original documents (at least 2 copies in paper form) to the name of the Director (or Deputy Director ) Branch No. 11 Gorenergosbyt PJSC MOEK.
Coordination of design documentation for UUTE is carried out within 15 working days
in the absence of comments on the project and a set of related documents. If there are comments, then PJSC MIPC notifies the client about this within 5 working days
from the moment of receipt of project documentation.
How to fill out an act of admission of a metering device into operation
The paper has many columns to fill out. For convenience, they are divided into paragraphs. There are 10 in total:
- Delivery point.
- Counter characteristic.
- Description of measuring current transformers.
- Description of voltage transformers.
- Filling data.
- If so, then a remote data acquisition device is described.
- Registration of the results of measurements taken during commissioning.
- What equipment was used to take measurements.
- Other.
- Conclusion.
Each of the points is fundamentally important. At the very end, it is concluded whether the metering device is allowed to operate or not.
If it is not allowed, then what actions need to be taken, what to correct in order for the conditions imposed to comply with the tolerance standards. Moreover, a specific deadline for correcting deficiencies is indicated.
The first point is the delivery point
The point of delivery refers to the place where the meter is installed, whether it is residential or not. Numerical indicators of accession are described. They include:
- The address.
- Number, voltage level and name of the delivery point.
- Feeder description.
- Support information.
Since the act involves manual filling, then in the right column all lines are combined into one. This allows you to create a complete description of the metering device's support point.
The second point is the characteristics of the installed meter
The characteristic of the metering device is presented in the form of a table. Characteristics are listed on its left side, specific values \u200b\u200band numbers should be written on the right. Metering devices have different installation locations, types, accessories, serial numbers, accuracy classes. They are designed for different mains voltage and rated current. Separately, columns are provided to indicate the bit depth before and after the decimal point. The year of issue, the date of the last inspection and when the next one is planned are also indicated. Here indicators of active or reactive type of energy are fixed.
The third point is measuring current transformers
Each of the transformer phases is described separately. Separate lines are designed to talk about:
- Installation location.
- Type of transformer (if it is two-phase, then the third column is not filled in).
- The serial number of the installed equipment.
- The transformation ratio of each phase.
- Accuracy class.
- The date of the previous and planned inspection.
Details of requirements for the admission procedure
Paragraph 152 of the "Basic Provisions" of the above document describes in detail the process of admission to operation of an electricity meter, namely:
- The date of installation and the date of drawing up the act should not have a difference in terms of more than a month.That is, all actions for verification and introduction must be agreed upon and carried out within 30 days. Violators face administrative liability in the form of a fine.
- A prerequisite for putting the device into operation is the participation of representatives of the network company and the guaranteeing electricity supplier. And also you need the participation of the owner of the property to which the metering device is attached. If these are different people, then the direct owner of the counter.
- If the meter is a common building, then the presence of a representative of the association of tenants or a management company is necessary.
It must also be borne in mind that the owner of the meter must be the initiator of the admission procedure. It is he who sends the application for this procedure. This application is sent to the guaranteeing electricity supplier and the grid organization. Only in the presence of representatives of these organizations, the commissioning of an electricity meter will satisfy generally accepted rules.
Since March 28, 2018, the document has been amended. Previously, the act was drawn up in free form. Now it should be a custom shape. It is given in Appendix No. 16 of the Rules for Technical Connection. Also, changes in the document affected:
- Paper submission deadlines. Now the draft contract from the network organization must arrive no later than 20 days from the date of sending the application.
- Incorrectly drafted applications. If there are flaws, the network organization must indicate them to the sender no later than 3 days from the date of receipt. And these errors must be corrected within a period of not more than 20 days, otherwise the application is invalidated.