The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system

What are the causes of uneven heating of radiators

Batteries are an essential component of a residential heating system. It depends on their serviceability how warm it will be in the rooms. With proper connection and proper operation, radiators can effectively heat the air in large areas and maintain the optimum temperature for a long time. However, what to do if the upper part of the radiator warms up perfectly, but the bottom remains cold? First of all, you need to figure out why this is happening.

The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system

Part of the bottom of the batteries heats up worse

Let us recall right away that most battery models are designed in such a way that during operation their lower part heats up somewhat worse. This can be explained by the high degree of heat transfer - during the time it is in the radiator, the water has time to cool down a little before it starts to flow out of the batteries. As a result of this principle, the upper part of the appliance will always become hotter. Thanks to this, there is no need to worry if, during the operation of the heating elements, their surface does not heat up completely equally.

Worse, if you touch the device and see a big temperature difference. This directly indicates that the radiator was connected incorrectly, or the liquid in it moves at insufficient speed. In the first option, the professional, most quickly, mixed up the pipes for outflow and water supply. Many owners of real estate face a similar situation. The basis is the lack of professionalism of the called master or an attempt to attach the radiator with his own hands. In another version, the bottom of the radiator is cold due to the low speed of the water flow in the middle of it. In this case, the liquid can completely cool down before flowing out of the element.

Why are bimetallic radiators hot after connecting at the top and cold at the bottom, a reason to check the connections

Many home craftsmen decide on self-assembly, guided by considerations such as: there is nothing complicated here or why spend extra money if you have hands. Partially, this point of view is justified, but it is not bad to back it up with at least superficial theoretical information, which not many do. Therefore, let's go through the "tops".

Incorrect installation of coolants: consequences

The main gross miscalculation during the installation of a two-pipe system is the wrong choice of the direction of the coolant flow in the pipes and its connection. A common mistake is that the supply pipe is connected to the lower fitting of the heat exchanger, and the return pipe is connected to the upper one. Face result:

  1. Circulation processes are disturbed, as a result, the efficiency of the system drops.
  2. The course of removal of the coolant from the device is disturbed, one half of the battery will heat up, and the second one will not.
  3. Efficiency drops, full heat transfer is impossible due to incomplete filling with water.

Since the heated liquid has a lower density than the cold liquid, when it gets inside, it tends to rise up. Therefore, the water follows the path of least resistance and does not mix in the sections.

How to fix the situation

A competent connection method guarantees the flow of hot water from above and facilitates its passage through the upper collector. Full heating provides a diagonal connection of radiators. However, it is not always done as one thinks, but it needs to be corrected. The algorithm is the following:

  • Disconnect the supply pipes from the fittings.
  • Adjust the system layout, taking into account that the supply flow goes through the top pipe (it is connected to the top pipe), and the return flow through the bottom pipe.
  • Connect the components to the heat exchanger.
  • Open the supply and check the functioning of the system.

The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system

Why is half the battery cold

When the radiator is connected incorrectly.

The main reason why the battery is half cold may be its incorrect connection. According to the rules for installing heating equipment in the heating circuit, the pipe supplying the hot coolant must be connected to the top of the battery. Cold pipe or return, on the contrary, to its lower part. Also read: "Brackets for radiators."

How can this be explained?

It is necessary to take into account the laws of physics and remember that hot water is much lighter than cold water, and therefore is located at the top of the heating device. Gradually giving up its thermal energy to the surrounding air, the coolant cools down. Its density, and hence its weight, increases. He goes down. That is why often half of the battery is cold and half is hot.

In any case, if the radiator is half cold, you need to seek help from a specialist, and not try to solve the problem yourself. This may result in equipment damage or injury.

Low coolant temperature.

The installation of the heating device is done correctly, but still half of the battery is cold. What to do in this case? Very often, especially in frosty weather outside, the coolant enters the heating circuit at an insufficiently high temperature. Giving heat to the heating element, it cools down completely. That is why the effect of a cold radiator from below is created.

Dirt inside the heater.

Debris, rust, as a result of corrosion of the inside of the heating circuit, can cause the batteries to be half cold. What to do in such a situation? Before the start of the heating season, especially if the thermal distribution was organized several decades ago, it is necessary to clean the radiators. To do this, a locksmith is called from the corresponding service and they perform all the work.

The situation is worse if the radiators do not heat up after the start of the heating season. In this case, the entire riser of an apartment building or the heating circuit of a private building is decommissioned. After all, it is possible to remove contaminants from the radiator only when there is no coolant in it.

Air congestion.

They may be the reason why half of the battery is cold. It is easy to check their presence if the supply pipe and the return of the heating element are equipped with ball valves or thermostats. They are simply covered. Then the upper tap is opened, while the lower one remains closed for only 10-15 seconds. If extraneous sounds and gurgling are heard at the moment the coolant enters, there is air inside the heating element. It prevents the free circulation of hot water, therefore half of the battery does not heat up.

You can solve the problem by simply bleeding air. To do this, heaters are equipped with a Mayevsky crane or a conventional crane in its upper part. Beforehand, a container for collecting hot water is installed under the locking mechanism. The Mayevsky tap opens and stays in this position until all the air has escaped from the heating device. The process is accompanied by spraying hot water under pressure. That is why it is recommended to cover the tap with a cloth.

The cross section of the supply pipe is narrowed.

The heating element is mounted correctly, it is new and there is no air inside, and the battery is half cold. Reason: a thermostat or a tap with a narrowed flow section is installed. What does it mean? Through a pipe with a narrowed cross section, half the coolant enters the radiator. As a result, the speed of movement of water in the radiator decreases, therefore, the temperature of its surface also decreases.

What needs to be done?

Dismantle the taps in front of the heating element.Before choosing a new device, be sure to consult a specialist. He must calculate the required section of the valve, which will not affect the movement of the coolant in the circuit.

Complete space heating

The air temperature in the room will always be low if half of the radiator is cold, half is hot. The reason for this may be incorrect installation of the radiator, the presence of a tap with a narrowed cross section in front of it, pollution and air inside the heating element. Any problem can be fixed if you seek help from a specialist. It is not recommended to carry out repairs yourself, as this leads to equipment failure or injury.


What to do if the batteries are clogged

A clogged radiator is a common battery problem that can lead to various problems. Dirt accumulates inside the devices due to poor-quality coolant and due to the presence of air. This is especially true for the beginning of the heating season. When heating starts and ends, see here.

In self-contained circuits that do not depend on central heating, dirt and debris can enter through the open hydraulic tank. Particles and batteries settle on the bottom and in secluded corners of the battery, as a result of which the circulation of the coolant is disturbed. Batteries start to heat up worse. A strong blockage leads to the fact that the radiators become completely or half cold.

Blockage also occurs due to the accumulation of excess air and the formation of an air lock. Modern bimetallic batteries are easy to maintain. In this case, you can remove excess air by opening a special faucet. If the problem is in the air lock, a hiss will follow from the hole. If the problem is different, coolant will flow from the faucet. In this case, close the tap immediately.

For old cast-iron batteries, such a faucet is not provided. With an air lock, you will have to look for a coupling, which is located at the junction of the pipe with the approach to the radiator. Turn the coupling and dirty coolant will flow from the tap. Drain a little and screw back. In order not to stain the floor, first place a container under the coupling. Do not unscrew the coupling completely, otherwise there is a risk of flooding!

The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system


So, if you find that the batteries in the apartment have become cold or not warm enough, we recommend that you do the following:

  1. Determine the type of failure. If this is a separate battery, then it is necessary to block the flow of coolant into this element. This can be done by using a supply valve.
  2. Wait for the liquid to cool down and disconnect the damaged non-working battery.
  1. Clean the system or install a new battery.
  2. Allow the coolant to enter and check the operation of the entire system.

Today, heat transfer and efficiency are important parameters when choosing radiators and radiators. Well-thought-out solutions, using the qualitative characteristics of the metal, make it possible to obtain not only durable, but also more practical elements for heating an apartment or a room.

That is why many seek to replace old cast iron batteries and install modern and more economical ones. In addition, not the last place is occupied by the aesthetic appearance of the batteries. Today it is possible to choose batteries that are ideal for the interior, creating comfort and coziness in the room.

In any case, when selecting and repairing a heating system, it is important to correctly identify the cause and eliminate it before the onset of cold weather. Thus, it is possible to avoid freezing of the entire system, the repair of which will cost much more than a single element.

What to do if the batteries in the apartment are cold, see the following video:

Questions about housing and communal services The battery in the apartment is cold, what to do

To your question “…What to do? Where to apply? ZhEK does nothing" - look at the answer to Maria's question "How to deal with public utilities?" a few days ago. Here in the Nizhny Novgorod region, it is believed that the most effective way to fight housing and communal services for their rights is to contact the main "plumber" - the governor of the region. So in one of the articles in the press they write: the increase in the number of complaints from citizens against the governor about the inaction of housing and communal services is evidence of the growth of trust and authority of the governor! True, I personally would like the growth of the governor's authority to be the result of not an increase, but a sharp decrease in complaints about housing and communal services. If plumbers still come to you, do not rush to immediately change the battery on their advice! This is their favorite trick - to rip off the money for the battery. Demand that they first disassemble and repair the valves or clean the pipes on the supply to the battery. Good luck to you, Irina, and a hot battery! Yuri

You can answer briefly: the reason is the low water consumption through the battery. You can answer in more detail, but it is very long. There can be many reasons:

1. The inlet or outlet pipes of the batteries are clogged with deposits (rust, salts), or the batteries themselves are clogged.2. Faulty (or closed) valves in the basement, through which the direct or return riser is connected to the main pipelines of direct or return water.3. Small consumption of coolant (hot water) in the whole house, or only on the risers of your entrance.4. Insufficient performance (power) of pumps in the boiler room, from which water is supplied to the heating system.5. Poor adjustment (adjustment) of the heating system of the neighborhood or your home.

In any case, contact the house management company. If plumbers will tell you “We don’t know the reason”, tell them everything you think about these loafers and ignoramuses. If the plumbers do not fix the problem, write a letter of complaint to the house management company, the State Housing Inspectorate, the city administration, and the regional governor.

If there is a craftsman in the family or among the neighbors whose “head and hands grow from where they should”, show him the following text and ask him to try to determine the cause of cold batteries:

To determine why this flow is low, check:

- do the batteries on other risers in your apartment heat up well? - do the batteries heat up well on the same riser in apartments above or below you?; - do the batteries in neighboring entrances heat up well?

If the batteries in other risers of your apartment, as well as in apartments above or below, heat up normally, it is most likely that the valves at the inlet or outlet of a poorly heating battery are faulty, or the inlet or outlet pipes of this battery are clogged, or the battery itself is clogged.

If the batteries on the same riser in the apartments above or below you warm up too badly, but on the neighboring risers it’s good, it’s most likely that the valves in the basement are faulty (or covered), through which the direct or return riser is connected to the main pipelines of direct or return water . Or maybe the pipes of the direct or reverse risers are clogged.

If the batteries on all the risers of your apartment do not warm up completely, this is most likely due to the low flow rate of the coolant (hot water) in the whole house, or only on the risers of your entrance. To make sure of this, go to your friends in another entrance - how do their batteries heat up?

If the whole microdistrict freezes, it is the boiler house (CHP) that is to blame

You can also write to the site, giving as much detail as possible - where, what in your apartment and in neighboring apartments and entrances heats or does not heat. And what are the specific temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the battery and the air temperature in the apartment. If we can help in any other way - advice is not a pity.

Good luck in determining the reasons why the batteries are not warm enough!

Wrong connection and other reasons

We looked at two common reasons why half the battery does not heat up. However, there are many options why the radiator does not work. Each heating system and design is unique. They can become outdated and fail. In addition, correct installation, connection and operation are of great importance. Let's look at what problems you may encounter in this case.

Incorrect position of the valve on the bypass. The bypass is a piece of pipe that connects the internal and return coolant supply before entering the radiator. It shuts off the water supply to make it easy to remove, rinse or repair the battery and then put it back in.

It is important that the bypass is not located far from the device and that it is in the closed position when the radiators are in operation.

Illiterate installation of the heating system will lead to many problems. So, the top will be warm, and the bottom will be cold. The battery may fail completely and become cold. In addition, improper installation can lead to a burst pipe and flooding the room with boiling water! Therefore, trust the installation only to professionals, even if it is a simple single-circuit heating Leningradka.

Regular failures in the operation of radiators can be the result of incorrect selection of pipe diameters and radiator parameters, incompatibility of the boiler and battery. Sometimes devices can be cold at the top or bottom, or heat poorly due to poor workmanship. Choose reliable and proven products.

In order for the heating to work and heat as efficiently as possible, do not cover or sew up the radiators with anything. In extreme cases, you can put a wooden grate overlay

If the batteries are still wired, it is important that no parts touch the device, otherwise the heat will go into the structural element

The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system

What to do if the engine overheats

The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system

First of all, it should be remembered that if the overheating is short-term (for example, the temperature arrow rises in a traffic jam), then you should observe whether the temperature will drop after the start of movement (there is an oncoming airflow) or as a result of turning on the radiator fan.

If the car was already in motion and the engine temperature reached a critical point, do not immediately turn off the engine. Also, you should not try to cool the engine by pouring water on it from the outside, pouring cold water into the radiator, etc. Such actions will lead to the need to repair the internal combustion engine, and it may be necessary to change the BC and cylinder head.

To “cool down” the engine, you will need to pull off the road (if possible), stop the car and then turn on the stove to maximum, while the engine should continue to idle.

Next, you need to wait a few minutes, at the same time looking for obvious and strong signs of antifreeze / antifreeze leakage under the car or in the engine compartment. If no leaks are visible, but the temperature does not drop, the unit must be turned off.

Please note that you need to immediately turn off the engine when steam comes out from under the hood, traces of intense coolant leakage are clearly visible. In this case, the motor must be stopped without expecting that turning on the stove will lower the heat.

Solving key problems with a radiator how to deal with problems

If you began to wonder: “Why is the heating radiator in the room hot on top and cold on the bottom?”, Then it's time to take the necessary measures without delay.

The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system

Correctly connected battery

To determine the cause, follow the following algorithm:

  • it is necessary to check the error-free connection of pipes;
  • view the radiator itself;
  • release the air and clean the device;
  • it is necessary to check the condition of the valves for adjustment;
  • look at the pipes;
  • the pump needs to be checked.

Cold batteries, possible reasons why the heating radiator does not heat up

The initial stage requires a literacy check of the connection. First, evaluate the temperature of the pipe section at the bottom of the radiator. If the device was connected incorrectly, then the lower section of the pipe will be hot. To solve the problem, it is necessary to turn off all pipes and reconnect them according to the above principle. If you do everything right, then the lower section of the pipe will be barely warm.

Very often, an air lock will appear in the radiator, which interferes with the normal heating process of the element. In order to solve the problem, the device must have an air vent or a separate seal for air release. To purge, you need to close the air supply, fully open the descent and release all the air. After the crane must be returned to its previous position and turn the valves of the system. In most cases, this procedure gives the desired result.

If the system is equipped with a control valve, then the problem may lie in it. Remove the faucet and inspect it carefully. If you see a narrowing of its end, then you will need to return the parts to their original diameter using pliers. Most experts advise immediately replacing the faucet in order to increase the life of the system.

If there is no tap, then, most likely, the problem is hiding in the pipes. We recommend removing the channels with a specialized removable key, cleaning them from corrosive damage and other contaminants. If the pipes are no longer serviceable, replace them with new ones.

Often there is no high pressure in the system, due to its design properties. This should be clarified when buying a living space or a private house. To increase this indicator, change the outdated pump or purchase it if the pump itself is not available. This will increase the speed of movement of the thermal carrier and ensure more productive operation of the entire system.

Thematic publications:

The heating radiator does not warm up completely!

Heating scheme of a one-story house with forced circulation

Why does the pressure in the heating system decrease?

Radiator is hot on top and cold on bottom

The efficiency of the heating system

  • The main causes of uneven heating
  • How could it be dangerous
  • Ways to solve the problem

The main causes of uneven heating

Batteries are an integral element of the room heating system, and the comfort of operation of residential and public buildings or various industrial buildings depends on its serviceability.

The most common causes of uneven heating of heating radiators are: insufficient power of the circulation pump;

  • non-observance of slopes and angles during the installation of the pipeline system;
  • incorrect thermostat mode; air lock;
  • battery distortion.

Equally important are the correct calculations of the power of the heating boiler, as well as the commissioning of the heating system. Consider the fact that a slight temperature difference between the bottom and top is not a deviation.

It is worth worrying with a significant decrease in heating, it negatively affects the efficiency of the radiator

Keep in mind that a slight temperature difference between the bottom and top is not a deviation. It is worth worrying with a significant decrease in heating, it negatively affects the efficiency of the radiator.

How could it be dangerous

The uniformity of heating radiator batteries directly depends on the balance of the speed of the heat carrier and its temperature regime.

Incorrect operation of the heating system can cause:

  • rather strong and unpleasant noise and vibration;
  • violations of the acid-base balance of the heat carrier;
  • enhancing the corrosive effect on heating elements;
  • a noticeable reduction in service life, as well as battery failure.

Ways to solve the problem

Not all problems of heating systems are solved independently. However, there are ways to bring the radiators into working position.

To eliminate uneven heat transfer, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Bleed air from the heating system.
  2. Install an automatic air release valve.
  3. Install a circulation pump of sufficient power.
  4. Adjust bypass.

It is important to flush the radiators and the core annually, which very often become clogged during operation. If it is not possible to achieve uniform stable heating of radiator batteries on your own, then you should not delay inviting qualified plumbing workers who can cope with problems of any level of complexity. published by

If it is not possible to achieve uniform stable heating of radiator batteries on your own, then you should not delay inviting qualified plumbing workers who can cope with problems of any level of complexity. published by

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project here.

Helpful Tips

Starting the stage of restoring the efficiency of heating, you need to analyze the situation and determine the cause of the problem. The course of action is as follows:

  • Check for correct communications.
  • Check the presence of air in the system, if there is, release it.
  • Inspect the heater, clean the internal cavity.
  • Assess the functional state of shut-off valves and control valves.
  • Determine the performance of the system, if necessary, change or install a more powerful pump.

If a situation is detected when the bimetallic radiators are very hot at the top and cold at the bottom, it is worth checking the control valves (if any are provided for in the project). It is necessary to immediately remove such a node and conduct a detailed inspection. If deposits are found that narrow the cross section, they should be eliminated. However, the best option would be to replace the part with a new one.

Low pressure in the system also does not contribute to efficient heat transfer. This may be due to the pump, or its absolute absence. Therefore, it is not for nothing that the masters advise to install modern equipment. This is the only way to get a high-quality heat supply.

Often on construction forums, people complain about heating systems - the bottom of the battery is cold and the top is hot. It is worth noting that any radiator is warmer at the top than at the bottom, but if the gap between these temperatures is too large, then most likely something is not right with the system.

Moreover, this means that the battery gives less ...

Shutoff valve not working

Shut-off valves regulate and block the operation of the coolant. This includes ball valves, cone valves, thermal heads with electronic and mechanical control.

By the way, experts advise installing thermal heads on each radiator. So, you can control the temperature in each individual room. If you set up the system correctly and select the temperature reasonably, you will save up to 30% on heating.

On the tap, you can watch the arrow, which indicates the correct direction of movement of the coolant. If the taps or valve are installed incorrectly, the circulation will be disturbed. In addition, the damper must be closed for full operation.

A malfunction in one of the elements in the shutoff valves disrupts the circulation of the coolant. As a result, the bottom of the heatsink or battery becomes completely colder. If the last battery is cold or the radiators are warm at the top and cold at the bottom, check the operation of the shutoff valves. If there are defects, contact specialists.

The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system

How to clean clogged batteries

  • To clean the radiator from debris and dirt, you will have to remove the device and rinse it. Before starting the procedure, prepare the area for cleaning. It is better to clean radiators on the street or in the bathroom;
  • Line the tub with a thick cloth beforehand and insert a protective mesh into the drain hole to avoid damage to the enamelled surface of the plumbing and prevent clogging of the pipeline;
  • Shut off the valves and unscrew the nuts, carefully drain the remaining water, remove the radiator and place it on the street or in the bathroom;
  • Tap each section with a hammer or mallet so that rust and plaque fall off more quickly. Then gently shake out the accumulated debris from the inside;
  • For washing, use a special sealed hose to clean the battery under high pressure. If you simply rinse the device under a tap or from a basin, it will not clean. Special cleaners can also be used along with water. For efficiency, pour hot water into the radiator and leave for half an hour, and then rinse;
  • If the radiator is heavily clogged, chances are other radiators are also clogged. In this case, you will have to wash each battery. Many bimetallic radiators are washed extremely rarely, so a large amount of solid particles and debris accumulate inside. In addition, plaque and rust may appear;
  • When cleaning yourself, be careful, because you can easily get burned due to the hot coolant. It is better to entrust the work to specialists. If you want to do the procedure yourself, you will find useful tips and tricks in the article “How to clean the heating battery”.

The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system

New bimetal radiators have a cold bottom while the top is hot possible causes

As already noted, for all models, the heating of the lower region is weaker than that of the upper region. This is due to the high heat transfer of the bimetal - the water has time to thoroughly cool down during the passage. Hence the temperature difference, which worries the owners so much.

The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system

When not to worry

But with such insignificant differences, there should be no reason for excitement - this is a normal situation, given the features of this type of device:

  • The only vertical channel in each section (for example, cast iron products have two).
  • Small channel diameter (little coolant), but efficient heat transfer due to the special configuration of the fins.
  • Profiled convection channels between the ribs of the sections contribute to enhanced heat transfer, regardless of which battery manufacturer is Italian or Russian.
  • The thin walls of the sections heat up quickly, but cool down just as quickly. Therefore, if you have bimetallic radiators at home and the bottom is cold, and the top is hot at the appliances, this property must be taken into account.

Possible causes of uneven heat transfer

Despite similar trends, each case must be considered individually.

If we discard three important factors: incorrect calculation of the power of the boiler, pump and number of batteries, then the likelihood of the following problems should be taken into account:

  • Air locks are an inevitable consequence of measures to fill the structure with coolant. An additional symptom is gurgling or hissing sounds. The solution is the installation of the Mayevsky crane.
  • Clogged heating appliances are the result of neglecting regular flushing of the system, especially in apartments with a central heating system.
  • Unsatisfactory coolant circulation - if distant heating units do not heat up well, then this reason should be considered, in particular in systems with natural circulation. To solve the problem when bimetallic radiators are hot at the top and too cold at the bottom, the installation of a circulation pump will help.
  • Incorrect operation of the heating structure is a fairly common factor when the bypass is not adjusted.Even experienced home craftsmen who know how to properly install a battery with their own handsmake mistakes when commissioning.
  • Shutoff valves malfunctions - the competent installation of these units does not guarantee that over time the mechanism or electronic filling will not fail.

The heating is turned on, and the batteries are cold practical advice on restoring the operation of the heating system


