GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

Factors affecting the working pressure

The value of the coolant pressure in high-rise buildings depends on many circumstances that directly or indirectly contribute to the deviation from the nominal value prescribed by the standards.

These include:

  1. the degree of deterioration of the boiler room equipment;
  2. removal of a residential building from the boiler room;
  3. the location of the apartment, on which floor and how far from the riser it is. In an apartment that is even next to the riser, the pressure in the corner room will be lower, since the extreme point of the heating pipeline is most often located there;
  4. dimensions of pipes unauthorized by residents. For example, when a pipe with a diameter larger than that of the inlet pipe is installed in an apartment, the total pressure in the system will decrease, and when pipes of a smaller diameter are installed, it will increase;
  5. the degree of wear of heating batteries.

Methods for measuring water pressure in a pipeline

Often, the pressure in the water supply in the apartment does not give the necessary pressure to the water and it is difficult for a person to even wash the dishes. Household appliances also suffer from this. Regulations are designed to resolve the issue.

The owner of the apartment is required to follow a step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Study the legislation and know what pressure should be for a normal flow of water.
  2. Protect household appliances from damage. For example, a washing machine will not be able to start if the pressure is insufficient. Moreover, the device may break.
  3. Detect the time when the pressure is unstable, fix the indicators on a photo or video medium.
  4. Try to find the cause of the problem.
  5. Introduce special instruments for measuring and if the defect is in poor supply, then file a complaint.

Before filing a complaint, you need to find out the reason, and there can be many of them:

  1. The pipeline is clogged and therefore the pipe does not allow water to pass under normal pressure.
  2. The pressure may jump due to a network outage or the level of water supply.
  3. The weak flow is caused by a breakdown at the station.
  4. Stagnation in the stand.
  5. If one side of the pipeline is functioning and the other is not, then there may be a leak or blockage somewhere.

Checking in buildings is faster and does not require additional manipulations, because during the construction of houses, pressure gauges initially crash. This is especially true for the private sector. To make accurate measurements, it is enough to record the indicators that the device gives out during the day.

In the old panel MKD with a large number of storeys, such devices are not provided if the person has not made a sidebar for himself. If the situation has not changed during the day, then it is worth eliminating the emergency situation at the station and trying to take measurements.

Special devices for measuring water pressure in an apartment

The jet must flow without interruption, and the pressure must comply with the approved standard. If the flow is unstable and the range of drops is regular, you should make sure that the problem is insufficient pressure.

Consider the main methods of this event with the help of improvised and special devices. There are several variations of pressure gauges: domestic and industrial. For self-measurement, the consumer can easily purchase a device that is used at home.

This device crashes into the pipe and the process is quite laborious. Moreover, separate devices are installed for hot water and cold water. In modern buildings, such units are prescribed by GOST and should be in every home. One measurement will not be enough. The procedure must be carried out several times in 24 hours and the readings recorded. Record data in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Water pressure measurement without pressure gauge

If the residential property was built a long time ago and the device was not installed during construction, there is an easier method for performing calculations. To do this, take a jar (3 l) and put it under running water.

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment buildingGOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment buildingTable for measuring pressure in the water supply using a 3-liter jar

While the liquid will fill the container and with the help of a stopwatch, you need to set the time. If a three-liter jar filled up in exactly 10 seconds, then the pressure in the water supply is normal. When the indicator is less than 3-4 seconds, this indicates an excess of the standard, which is fraught with negative consequences.


The force of water pressure is necessary for the normal functioning of the plumbing system. For the equipment to function normally, the following minimum values ​​​​are required:

  • Dishwasher and washing machine - from 1.5 to 2 atm. units
  • Faucet with mixer, bathroom - 0.2 atm. units
  • Shower, bath - 0.3 atm. units

Basically, the water flow is supplied to city apartments under a pressure of 2-4 atmospheres. Insufficient pressure can create situations where the use of water by neighbors causes a pressure drop in other apartments. Low blood pressure can be affected by:

  1. Blockages in water pipes.
  2. Shutting down pumps to save money.
  3. Weak power of the central pumps.
  4. Incorrect installation of pipes, etc.

Recommendations when choosing radiators

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

One of the main problems with heating is the leakage of heating radiators. There are several components to highlight here:

  • Steel radiators and convectors are most often not intended for installation in a working environment of more than 8-10 atm. Check with the seller or look in the passport for the parameters of the maximum allowable pressure and operating conditions in which the manufacturer recommends installing their heaters. Even if your pressure gauge in the basement of your apartment building shows a pressure of 5 atm. this does not mean that during the season the pressure will not be raised to 12-13 atm. Unfortunately, the deterioration of main pipelines can reach more than 100%, and the only way to check the integrity of the pipes and guarantee the trouble-free operation of the heating system is to carry out pressure tests. In these cases, the heating plant can supply peak pressures of both 13 and 15 atm. which will lead to the destruction of steel batteries. Measurements are made every hour, and the pressure drop should not exceed 0.06 atm. All the while, your radiators will be under dangerously high pressure.
  • Long battery life can lead to corrosion, and if in a private house, at a pressure of 1.5-3 atm. the radiator can be quickly blocked, then in an apartment building as a result of such an accident, you can flood your neighbors while you wait for the arrival of a plumber or an emergency team. In this regard, in apartment buildings, it is mandatory to install shut-off valves, shut-off valves or taps.

If you want to control the pressure parameters, you can install special thermomanometers that allow you to evaluate the operating parameters of the heating in real time.

In case of a drop in temperature, pressure, detection of leaks or damage to the heating system, you must immediately contact the operator serving your heating network. Otherwise, you run the risk of aggravating the situation, which will lead to more serious consequences than a few degrees drop in battery temperature.

Pressure and other characteristics of steel radiators

Scheme of connection of a steel radiator.

In new multi-storey buildings with two-pipe heating systems, the pressure in which is up to 10 atmospheres, steel radiators are most often installed. They look very attractive and are characterized by high heat dissipation.

By their design, such batteries represent a system with horizontal and vertical water channels and an additional U-shaped surface. The elements of such batteries are made of stamped steel sheets and connected by welding. The ribs of steel batteries are connected to each other using perpendicular panels, so dust does not collect in the corners of such radiators. The standard depth of such batteries is 63, 100 and 155 mm, the height varies from 300 to 900 mm, and the width is from 400 to 3000 mm.

Steel radiators are tubular and panel. Panel - these are devices that are used mainly in private homes or in rooms where there is a low operating pressure. They are convenient in that they are produced in various sizes and thermal power, which makes it possible to choose the battery required specifically for a particular room and ready-made sizes of mounting niches. Steel radiators are produced throughout Europe and are of good build and paint quality.

Steel tubular radiators are widespread heating devices with an elegant appearance that fits well into any interior. As a rule, tubular batteries are used in individual heating systems. Such devices are characterized by a small thermal inertia, which makes it possible to easily regulate the temperature in a heated room. Tubular models have an elegant design, a wide variety of sizes and a wide color palette.

Steel batteries weigh less than cast iron ones, the metal in them is thinner, as a result of which they heat up faster. In addition, such batteries are characterized by a high degree of heat transfer due to design features and a large heating area.

Such heating batteries are designed for temperatures up to 150 degrees and pressures up to 10 bar. They can be installed in houses with a small number of storeys (up to 3 floors), apartments and office premises.

Central heating


  1. At the outlet of the CHPP, the pressure on the supply line of the heating main reaches 7-8 kgf / cm2, on the return - about 3 kgf / cm2. Due to hydraulic losses and a large number of consumers connected between the lines, when measuring at the end houses, the supply pressure will decrease to 5.5 - 6 kgf / cm2, and on the return line it will rise to 4 kgf / cm2;

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

  1. During the heating season, heat supply engineers carry out periodic pressure measurements in thermal wells. For this purpose, vents with diameters DN15 - DN25 are installed in them;
  2. Pressure gauges in thermal wells are not installed permanently, but are screwed in at each measurement. This eliminates the theft of instruments and the "sticking" of their arrows with unchanged readings for a long time;

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

  1. Once a year, after the end of the heating season, the route is tested for density. In this case, the pressure in both threads rises to 10–12 kgf/cm2. Thus, all the weak points of the route that need to be replaced or repaired are revealed: a pipe that does not hold the appropriate pressure simply breaks. To avoid accidents and to reduce costs, the track is filled with cold water during testing.

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building


  1. The pressure drop that circulates in the heating system of an apartment building is only 0.1 - 0.2 kgf / cm, which corresponds to a head of 1 - 2 meters. A difference of 2-3 atmospheres at the inlet only ensures the operation of the water-jet elevator: the nozzle injects hot water with a higher pressure into the water from the return, involving part of its volume in the repeated circulation cycle.

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

This ensures minimum temperature spread between the first and last radiators along the coolant

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

  1. By adjusting the nozzle diameter, it is possible to change the pressure of the mixture (heat carrier entering the heating circuit) and, accordingly, the return temperature.Traditionally, adjustment is done by boring or reaming the nozzle; if necessary, it is pre-welded to reduce the working diameter.

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

In recent years, elevators with adjustable nozzles have been used, which make it possible to do without dismantling the elevator and stopping the circulation. Alas, I have not seen them in action and cannot describe their capabilities first hand;

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

  1. You can reduce the return temperature when it deviates from the temperature graph upwards with your own hands, using shut-off and control valves. For this it is enough partially close the inlet gate valve on the return line with pressure drop control

In this case, the valve first closes completely, and then opens until the desired differential value is obtained. If you just close it, the cheeks can later slide down the stem and completely stop the circulation. The price of such an error is guaranteed defrosting of driveway heating;

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

  1. You can increase the temperature in the house by completely removing the nozzle and damping the suction of the elevator with a steel pancake installed between the flanges. This is practiced in severe cold with a large number of complaints about the cold in apartments;

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

  1. On the flanges of elevator units with DHW circulation tie-ins (at least two tie-ins on the supply and return), retaining washers are placed between the tie-ins to ensure circulation when DHW is supplied from one thread. The diameter of such a washer is usually 1 mm larger than the diameter of the nozzle. The washer creates a difference within half a meter (0.05 atmospheres).

Intra-apartment wiring

  1. The pressure in the risers, pipes and radiators on the lower floor of the house, for obvious reasons, is equal to the pressure of the mixture or return and is 3-4 kgf / cm. With each floor, it decreases by about 0.3 atmospheres (an excess pressure of 1 atmosphere raises the water column by 10 meters).

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

Water hammer

  1. Water hammer is a short-term increase in pressure at the water front when the flow stops abruptly. It is a practical consequence of the fact that water is almost incompressible and has a certain inertia. Water hammer can occur when a discharged circuit is quickly filled with a small amount of air in it, or when shut-off valves are suddenly closed during circulation.
    The pressure during water hammer can reach values ​​​​of 25 - 30 atmospheres. It is on these values ​​that it is better to focus on when designing systems connected to central heating.

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

Norms and requirements

Modern apartment buildings can have several types of heating:

  • have a central connection from utilities;
  • have their own boiler room and heat source, which further leads to its distribution to the consumer;
  • the apartment can be installed its own, independent source of heating - gas, electric boiler.

If we are talking about the basic indicator of pressure in the house, such as "Khrushchev", then often the pressure level is under ideal conditions in the range of 6-9 atm. Practice shows that when the resource is depleted, the efficiency of the heating system drops sharply. At the moment, despite the fact that intervention in the operation of the heating system is strictly prohibited, independent work, repair or replacement of radiators and pipelines, a decrease in the nominal passage of pipes due to rust and deposits - the pressure can drop up to 1-3 Atm. Of course, this can be seen from the temperature of the heating devices, which drops to 30-40 degrees.


  1. The pressure that a polypropylene pipe can withstand is always indicated by the manufacturer in its marking. Marking PN20 (typical for pipes without reinforcement) indicates a working pressure of 20 atmospheres, PN25 (the norm for pipes reinforced with fiber and aluminum) - 25 kgf / cm2;

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

  1. The pressure of the polypropylene pipes is influenced by the temperature of the coolant. Manufacturers always indicate working pressure at 20C.When heated to a maximum of 90 - 95C, the maximum working pressure decreases to 7 - 9 atmospheres. The service life is also reduced: already at 80 degrees, polypropylene will last not more than 50, but not more than 25 years;

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

  1. All polypropylene fittings are devoid of reinforcement and are designed for a working pressure of 25 atmospheres;
  2. What pressure can a metal-plastic pipe withstand (with sheaths made of cross-linked polyethylene and an aluminum core)? Manufacturers guarantee 10 - 16 atmospheres. The breaking pressure is usually not less than 25. From a practical point of view, metal-plastic can be installed in central heating systems only on connections to radiators after shut-off valves that allow shutting off water in case of leaks;

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

  1. The pressure at which a polyethylene pipe can operate is determined by the ratio of its diameter to wall thickness (this parameter is called SDR) and the type of polyethylene. Low-pressure polyethylene PE100 is noticeably stronger than high-pressure polyethylene PE32: for example, with the same diameter and wall thickness (SDR21), the first pipe can operate at a pressure of 8 kgf / cm2, and the second - only 2.5;

SDR is the ratio of outer diameter to wall thickness.

  1. The lower the SDR, the higher the tensile strength
  2. There is an inverse relationship between pressure and pipe diameter at a constant wall thickness. The larger the diameter, the larger the area of ​​​​its inner surface, and if so, the greater the force with which the internal environment presses on them. Accordingly, at a constant working pressure, the wall thickness decreases or increases depending on the diameter of the pipe;
  3. The most reliable and easy-to-install material for central heating systems is corrugated stainless steel pipe. Due to corrugation, it dampens water hammer and transfers water freezing in it without destruction. With a declared working pressure of 10 - 15 atmospheres, the breaking pressure, according to Lavita, is 210 kgf / cm2;

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

Corrugated stainless steel is an ideal material for central heating systems.

  1. For steel pipes on welded joints, the strength calculation takes into account the strength factor of the weld. It is taken equal to 0.6 - 0.8. If the VGP pipe can withstand a pressure of 200 atmospheres without destruction, a maximum of 120 - 160 is laid in the project for the finished circuit;
  2. All water and gas pipes are electrically welded. Accordingly, during defrosting and the accompanying increase in pressure, they tear along the longitudinal seam. After welding the seam by electric arc welding, the strength of the pipe almost does not decrease;

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

  1. Central heating systems should be equipped with steel registers or bimetallic radiators. The strength of any system is equal to the strength of its weakest link: does it make sense to use pipes that can withstand 150 atmospheres if the radiator collapses already at 16?
  2. The champion in strength among bimetallic ones is Rifar Monolith of domestic production. For him, a working pressure of 50 atmospheres and a destructive pressure of 100 are declared.

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

Pressure standards in the water supply in apartments

You need to understand that high pressure is dangerous for people living in a particular property, and low pressure interferes with the normal life of citizens. The minimum indicator directly depends on whether it is a multi-apartment and multi-storey building or a land plot.


If for a low structure the water column cannot be at a level below 10 m, then in the MKD for each floor an additional indicator of another 4 m is determined. Accordingly, at the 2nd floor. the pressure in the riser should raise the water to a height of 14 meters, and on the third - 18.

If consumption is at a minimum, then a value of 3 m is allowed. When it comes to individual devices, then in the pipe that is connected:

  • to a washstand with a tap and a mixer - 2 m;
  • in the bathroom - 3 m;
  • in the toilet flush barrel - more than 4 meters.

Hot water supply (DHW)

Optimum figures for water supply are important, as space heating is also involved.SNiP established that for the GVD the parameter should be in the range of 0.3-4.5 atmospheres, but a decrease is allowed at night.

You can determine the pressure yourself, but if it is completely absent, then an immediate appeal to the Criminal Code is required, especially when the water flow is strong and the pressure begins to squeeze the system.

In a private house

The norm for a house that stands on a land plot is 2 atmospheres. Water must also be supplied to private areas in accordance with the norms, including the number of storeys, if the building consists of several levels. A pressure drop or poor pressure can cause negative consequences for the system as a whole and household appliances.

That is why the staff of the management company must constantly check and measure the data in the pipeline. The organization forms a working department responsible for maintaining statistics on water pressure. In addition, his duties include responding to urgent calls.

Causes of pressure deterioration

  • Illegal spontaneous work to replace pipelines - in apartment buildings, the so-called "top heating supply" is often used, which means the supply of coolant through the main pipeline to the very last floor and its further distribution through vertical heating risers. If one of your neighbors from below or from above, as a result of inept, but in fact - criminal actions, narrowed the diameter of the pipeline, from 25 mm to 16 mm, then the entire staircase suffers from a sharp drop in the volume of the coolant, which cannot circulate as it should. was before.
  • An accident, malfunction or outdated heating system equipment - unfortunately, this remains one of the most common causes of low quality heat supply to apartments. Heat loss also depends on how high the pressure in the heating system of an apartment building is, how stable it is. Stable high pressure, good circulation, allow you to supply the temperature of the coolant almost the same that was obtained at the outlet of the heating manifold. If, on the way of hot water, there is a broken valve, a destroyed pipe, or faulty fittings, this immediately entails a deterioration in heat supply in apartments.
  • In apartment buildings, a closed heating system is used. It is much more efficient than gravity, does not require large expenses for its maintenance, however, a drop in pressure in the system instantly stops the circulation of the coolant. This makes it necessary to pump water in case of leaks, to control the formation of air pockets, which are released using air vents or special valves at the top of the heating system. If, as a result of an accident, improper operation of the equipment, or due to intervention in the heating system, a large amount of air is formed in the pipes, the circulation decreases or stops altogether.

Battery Performance

The abundance of various heating radiators that have flooded the modern plumbing market literally provokes consumers to replace obsolete morally cast-iron heating equipment.

The criteria for their selection are primarily:

  • material,
  • operating pressure,
  • passport thermal power,
  • appearance.

At the same time, the possible difficulties of operating the purchased heating device as part of an unpredictable domestic central heating system are not taken into account at all. Foreign manufacturers of beautiful radiators made of aluminum or steel are not at all safe from water hammer when the pressure in the heating batteries jumps to 20-30 atm. corrosion of internal cavities with water released for half a year, from gas formation in aluminum radiators during the flow of a coolant with copper impurities and sudden changes in temperature. They simply do not have these problems, which cannot be said about the heating systems of our high-rise buildings.

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

Characteristics of cast iron radiators

  • inertia to the poor quality of the coolant;
  • working pressure - 9 atm. crimping - 15 atm.;
  • withstand coolant temperature of 120 0 С;
  • disadvantages - afraid of water hammer.

Characteristics of steel radiators

  • working - up to 10 atm.;
  • coolant temperature - up to 120 0 С;
  • well regulated by a thermal valve;
  • disadvantage - corrosion resistant.

Characteristics of aluminum radiators

  • working - up to 6 atm. but for reinforced structures - up to 10 atm.;
  • well regulated by a thermal valve;
  • the disadvantage is the susceptibility to electrochemical corrosion and gas formation, which leads to the formation of air pockets.

Characteristics of bimetallic radiators

  • working - up to 20 atm. for reinforced structures - up to 35 atm.;
  • good corrosion resistance;
  • coolant temperature - over 120 0 С.

It is important! If you are going to purchase new radiators, do not hesitate to contact your housing and communal services organization to find out exactly the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the working and test pressures in your home. Once a year, it is submitted, higher than the working one, to clarify weaknesses in the system

It may be higher than allowed for your new radiator.

  • Tired of barrel water heaters? Buy a flat boiler!
  • A brief overview of some models of water heated towel rails
  • Manufacturers of tubular radiators
  • A little about aluminum radiators

157. Force of pressure on the bottom of a vessel

Let's take
a cylindrical vessel with a horizontal bottom and vertical walls,
filled with liquid to a height (Fig. 248).

Rice. 248. In
in a vessel with vertical walls, the pressure on the bottom is equal to the weight of the whole

Rice. 249. In
all the depicted vessels, the pressure force on the bottom is the same. In the first two vessels
it is greater than the weight of the poured liquid, in the other two it is less

the pressure at each point of the bottom of the vessel will be the same:

the bottom of the vessel has an area , then the pressure force of the liquid on the bottom
i.e., equal to the weight of the liquid poured into the vessel.

now vessels that differ in shape, but with the same bottom area (Fig. 249).
If the liquid in each of them is poured to the same height, then the pressure on
bottom . in
all vessels are the same. Therefore, the pressure force on the bottom, equal to


the same in all vessels. It is equal to the weight of a liquid column with a base equal to
area of ​​the bottom of the vessel, and a height equal to the height of the poured liquid. On fig. 249 this
the pillar is shown beside each vessel with dashed lines

Please note that
that the force of pressure on the bottom does not depend on the shape of the vessel and can be as much as
and less than the weight of the poured liquid

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

Rice. 250.
Pascal's apparatus with a set of vessels. The cross sections are the same for all vessels

Rice. 251.
Experience with Pascal's barrel

the conclusion can be verified experimentally using the device proposed by Pascal (Fig.
250). Vessels of various shapes that do not have a bottom can be fixed on the stand.
Instead of the bottom from below, the vessel is tightly pressed against the scales, suspended from the balance beam.
plate. In the presence of liquid in a vessel, a pressure force acts on the plate,
which tears off the plate when the pressure force begins to exceed the weight of the weight,
standing on the other pan of the scales.

vessel with vertical walls (cylindrical vessel) the bottom opens when
the weight of the poured liquid reaches the weight of the kettlebell. Vessels of a different shape have a bottom
opens at the same height of the liquid column, although the weight of the poured water
it can be more (a vessel expanding upward), and less (a vessel narrowing)
kettlebell weight.

experience leads to the idea that with the proper shape of the vessel, it is possible with the help of
a small amount of water get a huge pressure force on the bottom. Pascal
attached to a tightly sealed barrel filled with water, a long thin
vertical tube (Fig. 251). When a tube is filled with water, the force
hydrostatic pressure on the bottom becomes equal to the weight of the water column, the area
the base of which is equal to the area of ​​the bottom of the barrel, and the height is equal to the height of the tube.
Accordingly, the pressure forces on the walls and the upper bottom of the barrel also increase.
When Pascal filled the tube to a height of several meters, which required
only a few cups of water, the resulting pressure forces broke the barrel.

explain that the force of pressure on the bottom of the vessel can be, depending on the shape
vessel, more or less than the weight of the liquid contained in the vessel? After all, the strength
acting from the side of the vessel on the liquid, must balance the weight of the liquid.
The fact is that not only the bottom, but also the walls act on the liquid in the vessel.
vessel. In a vessel expanding upwards, the forces with which the walls act on
liquid, have components directed upwards: thus, part of the weight
liquid is balanced by the pressure forces of the walls and only a part should be
balanced by pressure forces from the bottom. On the contrary, in the tapering upward
the bottom of the vessel acts on the liquid upwards, and the walls - downwards; so the pressure force
the bottom is more than the weight of the liquid. The sum of the forces acting on the fluid
from the side of the bottom of the vessel and its walls, is always equal to the weight of the liquid. Rice. 252
clearly shows the distribution of forces acting from the side of the walls on
liquid in vessels of various shapes.

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

Rice. 252.
Forces acting on the liquid from the side of the walls in vessels of various shapes

Rice. 253. When
pouring water into the funnel, the cylinder rises.

in a vessel tapering upwards, a force acts on the walls from the side of the liquid,
upward. If the walls of such a vessel are made movable, then the liquid
will lift them up. Such an experiment can be made on the following device: a piston
fixed, and a cylinder is put on it, turning into a vertical
tube (Fig. 253). When the space above the piston is filled with water, the forces
pressure on the sections and walls of the cylinder raise the cylinder

Operating pressure in the heating system of an apartment building

The page contains information about the operating pressure in the heating system of an apartment building: how to control the drop in pipes and batteries, as well as the maximum rate in an autonomous heating system.

For efficient operation of the heating system of a high-rise building, several parameters must simultaneously comply with the norm.

The water pressure in the heating system of an apartment building is the main criterion by which they are equal, and on which all other nodes of this rather complex mechanism depend.

Types and their meanings

The working pressure in the heating system of an apartment building combines 3 types:

  1. Static pressure in the heating of apartment buildings shows how strongly or weakly the coolant presses from the inside on pipes and radiators. It depends on how high the equipment is.
  2. Dynamic is the pressure with which water moves through the system.
  3. The maximum pressure in the heating system of an apartment building (also called “permissible”) indicates what pressure is considered safe for the structure.

Since almost all multi-storey buildings use closed-type heating systems, there are not so many indicators.

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment buildingThe pressure rate in the heating system of an apartment building of any type (Soviet Khrushchev, modern high-rise buildings) is equal to:

  • for buildings up to 5 floors - 3-5 atmospheres;
  • in nine-story houses - this is 5-7 atm;
  • in skyscrapers from 10 floors - 7-10 atm;

For the heating main, which stretches from the boiler house to the heat consumption systems, the normal pressure is 12 atm.

To equalize the pressure and ensure stable operation of the entire mechanism, a pressure regulator is used in the heating system of an apartment building.This balancing manual valve regulates the amount of heating medium with simple turns of the handle, each of which corresponds to a certain water flow. These data are indicated in the instructions attached to the regulator.

Working pressure in the heating system of an apartment building: how to control?

To know if the pressure in the heating pipes in an apartment building is normal, there are special pressure gauges that can not only indicate deviations, even the smallest ones, but also block the operation of the system.

Since the pressure is different in different sections of the heating main, several such devices need to be installed.

Usually they are mounted:

  • at the outlet and at the inlet of the heating boiler;
  • on both sides of the circulation pump;
  • on both sides of the filters;
  • at points of the system located at different heights (maximum and minimum);
  • close to collectors and system branches.

Pressure drops and its regulation

Jumps in the pressure of the coolant in the system are most often indicated with an increase in:

  • for severe overheating of water;
  • the cross section of the pipes does not correspond to the norm (less than required);
  • clogging of pipes and deposits in heating devices;
  • presence of air pockets;
  • pump performance is higher than required;
  • any of its nodes are blocked in the system.

On downgrade:

  • about the violation of the integrity of the system and the leakage of the coolant;
  • breakdown or malfunction of the pump;
  • may be caused by malfunctions in the operation of the safety unit or a rupture of the membrane in the expansion tank;
  • coolant outflow from the heating medium to the carrier circuit;
  • clogging of filters and pipes of the system.

Norm in an autonomous heating system

In the case when autonomous heating is installed in the apartment, the coolant is heated using a boiler, usually of low power. Since the pipeline in a separate apartment is small, it does not require numerous measuring instruments, and 1.5-2 atmospheres is considered normal pressure.

During start-up and testing of an autonomous system, it is filled with cold water, which, at a minimum pressure, gradually warms up, expands and reaches the norm. If suddenly in such a design the pressure in the batteries drops, then there is no need to panic, since the reason for this is most often their airiness. It is enough to free the circuit from excess air, fill it with coolant and the pressure itself will reach the norm.

To avoid emergency situations when the pressure in the heating batteries of an apartment building rises sharply by at least 3 atmospheres, you need to install either an expansion tank or a safety valve. If this is not done, the system may be depressurized and then it will have to be changed.

  • carry out diagnostics;
  • clean its elements;
  • check the performance of measuring devices.

GOST, SNiP and other terrible documents what pressure should be in the heating system of an apartment building

2 thousand
1.4 thousand
6 min.


