Construction of diesel boiler houses

Characteristic features of diesel boilers

Diesel boiler systems have some differences regarding the design of the boilers. The nozzles are available in single stage, two stage and three stage.

  • Single-stage atomizers use forced fuel supply, which allows you to get a high efficient operation of the unit, which is even higher for gas indicators. But the downside is creating a noise effect.
  • Two- and three-stage atomizers of the burner use fuel much more economically, increasing the life of the unit, and the possibility of settings is also expanded. The burner element is built into the housing. The cost of such boilers is much higher, but it will pay off with durability in use.

Creation of modern designs of diesel units in terms of parameters no worse than gas analogues. Many devices are endowed with additions: flow-through fuel heaters (installed in front of the nozzle), circulation pump for coolant, diagnostic system (monitors the correct mode, provides diagnostics of the boiler system).

The purchase of an additional power plant will allow you to get the autonomy of the unit. The circulation pump and fuel will always be supplied with electricity.

List of industrial equipment subject to registration Permits of Rostechnadzor for use

  • Steam boilers;
  • Heating water boilers;
  • Waste heat boilers and energy technology;
  • Power trains and mobile units;
  • pipelines;
  • nozzles;
  • Ignition-protective devices;
  • General purpose gas burners;
  • Other power equipment.

Equipment and devices for heating and hot water supply:

  • Heating boilers with thermal power up to 100 kW and more;
  • Transportable boiler installations;
  • Water-heating columns for baths (flow-through water heaters on solid fuel);
  • Steam heaters;
  • Capacitive water heaters;
  • Household heat generators (in particular, gas, steel fireplaces);
  • Heating radiators and convectors.

Household gas equipment:

  • Apparatuses (furnaces) heating on gaseous, liquid and solid fuels;
  • Apparatuses (furnaces) for heating and cooking on gaseous, liquid, solid and combined fuels;
  • Cookers gas household;
  • Water-heating columns for baths (flow-through water heaters on gaseous fuel);
  • Water heaters on gaseous fuel (capacitive automatic);
  • Plates and tagans gas portable and tourist;
  • Grills, shish kebabs, braziers;
  • Fixtures gas household;
  • Burners gas infrared radiation;
  • Burners gas injection for heating gas furnaces;
  • Devices for shut-off cylinders for liquefied hydrocarbon gases on Ru up to 1.6 MPa;
  • Pressure regulators for liquefied hydrocarbon gases on Ru up to 1.6 MPa.

Industrial gas consuming equipment:

  • General purpose gas burners;
  • Burners gas infrared radiation;
  • Gas burners for special purposes;
  • Oil-gas burners;
  • Radiation emitters;
  • Gas air heaters, recuperators;
  • Thermal gas generators and generators of controlled gas environments;
  • Special devices and installations for gas combustion control;
  • Other gas-consuming industrial equipment.

Technological equipment for elevator and storage facilities:

  • Machines and mechanisms for loading and unloading grain, flour, animal feed and their ingredients
  • Dispensing and distributing devices for grain and products of its processing
  • Grain precleaners
  • Dryers and devices, stationary and mobile, for active aeration and ventilation of grain
  • Other equipment for elevator and storage facilities.

Industrial pipeline and gas fittings:

  • Gate valves, gates, valves (gates), cranes, check valves, lifting, receiving and shut-off, gates (valves) rotary check valves, control and safety valves, steam traps, level indicators, frames, etc.;
  • Drives, actuators and signaling devices for industrial pipeline fittings;
  • Valves for liquefied gas cylinders;
  • Cryogenic fittings;
  • Regulators operating without an external source of energy;
  • Gas control and shut-off safety fittings.

Vessels and capacitive devices.

  • Boilers stationary peevrochnye;
  • Cookers;
  • Apparatuses for cooking and frying heat;
  • Tilting pans, braziers and fryers;
  • Boilers of continuous action;
  • Equipment for boiling and heating liquids;
  • Food warmers for first and second courses;
  • Other thermal equipment.
  • Cranes on automobile, pneumowheel and caterpillar to the course;
  • Tower cranes;
  • Overhead cranes;
  • Gantry cranes.

The feasibility of using diesel fuel boilers

In a number of cases, the use of diesel-fuelled boiler equipment is not only justified, but is also one of the few possible options. Here are some of those cases:

  • This choice is optimal when there is no technical feasibility or economic feasibility of connecting to gas networks, and the use of electricity in large volumes is unprofitable or also impossible.
  • It is a good solution for a limited budget
  • Modular diesel boilers are optimal with limited space, as they take up very little space.
  • This solution is relevant in seismically hazardous areas, where the laying and operation of fuel pipelines is a very risky event, as well as in extreme climatic conditions, where pipeline installation is difficult due to these conditions.

Diesel and other oil-fired boilers have a wide range of uses. Let's name the main options for their use:

  • To supply heat to economic entities (including production, storage buildings, administrative and amenity complexes), where the most cost-effective type of fuel is the use of diesel fuel
  • For heating cottages in the absence of main gas
  • Modular diesel boiler houses are widely used for heat supply of objects remote from the main routes and highways. They are also optimal for organizing temporary heating, for example, during the construction of buildings.
  • In addition, the modular solution of a diesel-powered boiler house or its modification on a chassis is optimal for use in the event of an accident or failure of the main heating system. And also in other emergencies for use as a temporary replacement.
  • Mobile boilers are used on drilling rigs in remote areas where there is no permanent production infrastructure and there are no plans to create it.

Basic requirements for diesel boilers.

To organize a boiler house based on a diesel boiler, it is not required to obtain a special permit, but it is necessary to strictly observe all the general rules for boiler rooms

In addition to general requirements, it is important to take into account such a feature of a diesel boiler as an increased noise level produced by a pressurized burner. It is also necessary to provide a place for the safe storage of a stock of flammable fuel.

At the same time, we should not forget about the convenience of further replenishment of fuel tanks.

Construction of diesel boiler houses

The list of requirements for the boiler room:

The diesel boiler must be installed in a separate room. If the boiler is located in one of the rooms inside the house or in an annex directly adjacent to it, it is necessary to provide additional soundproofing of the room.
If the boiler power does not exceed 60 kW, then the diesel boiler can be placed in the interior of the house. Diesel boilers up to 350 kW require a separate standing room or extension. An extension can only be placed near a blank part of the wall at a distance of at least 1 m from door and window openings.
It is necessary to provide a separate room for the installation of the fuel tank

It is important that the room is well ventilated and the temperature inside it does not fall below 5°C. Also, the storage tank for diesel fuel can be placed in the ground so that the distance from the burner to the bottom of the tank is no more than 3m.

When choosing a place for fuel tanks, one should not forget about the convenience of transporting fuel for further replenishment.
The maximum allowable volume of fuel stored in the tank, according to fire safety rules, should not exceed 900 liters.
Diesel boilers cannot be installed in rooms with a small area, since such equipment has significant dimensions. The dimensions of the boiler room are determined by the dimensions of the boiler itself, while a number of requirements must be met:
The height of the boiler room should not be less than 2.5 m.
The distance from the wall to the front surface of the boiler is at least 1 m.

The dimensions of the boiler room must ensure a constant supply of fresh air. If the door from the boiler room leads to the interior of the house, then such a door must be fireproof with a 3rd class of protection.
It is necessary to install the boiler on a leveled concrete podium or a metal frame 150-200 mm high.
The walls of the boiler room must be made of non-combustible materials such as concrete or brick. Surfaces must be covered with tiles or mineral plaster.

Main input parameters for power selection and configuration

The efficiency of the operation of any boiler room depends on the correctness of its selection specifically for the specific tasks of the Customer. Efficiency in this case means not only how fully the equipment will perform its functions, but also how low the operating costs will be.

In order to minimize the possibility of error and select the equipment as accurately as possible, it is necessary to carry out a number of complex engineering calculations. These calculations are part of the project, which is why we always recommend starting cooperation in this area with design.

If the Customer for some reason is not set to perform the design, then the selection and layout of equipment can be performed based on the experience of our engineers. But even with this approach, all the necessary engineering calculations will be carried out without fail.

Construction of diesel boiler housesCooperation begins with the preparation of the Terms of Reference. At the stage of drawing up the Terms of Reference, it is necessary to take into account all possible nuances and features of the Customer's task. Otherwise, making changes at the installation stage may lead to an increase in the cost of the product.

Here are some inputs that are required to get started on the design and installation of a diesel fuel boiler for any Property. If the Customer does not have these data, they can be calculated by our engineers.

Required power

Power is determined on the basis of data on the total volume of heated premises, their purpose, as well as the amount of thermal energy required for production needs.

In addition, when calculating the power, it is necessary to take into account the amount of heat loss. Depending on the purpose and architectural features of buildings, they can have a serious impact on the value of the required power. In turn, the amount of heat loss depends on a number of factors. Here are some of them: the thickness of walls, roofs, the thermal conductivity of the materials from which they are made, the number and configuration of gates, doors, windows, and so on.

A type

At the TOR stage, it is necessary to determine what type of boiler house is supposed to be - stationary, modular diesel boiler house or mobile. The choice of type may depend on a number of reasons. The most common of them are a specific purpose, the presence or absence of a place for installation, the intended passage of thermal routes, permission from the authorities, and more.


It is necessary to have a clear understanding of what functional tasks are required from the boiler room - heating, participation in technological processes, hot water supply, and so on.

fuel tank

It is necessary to understand what capacity a fuel tank and a storage tank are needed. As a rule, their physical dimensions are necessary for the selection of a place for placement.

Fuel consumption

Approximately, the approximate order of consumption is determined using the formula, according to which the oil burner power, measured in kW, must be divided by 10. This results in a fuel consumption, measured in liters / hour

Please note that this formula is very approximate.

In addition, when servicing power equipment operating on diesel fuel, an important task is to monitor the presence of constant fuel supplies for at least 3-5 days of continuous operation.

Automatic control system

A clear understanding of what functionality, or what dependencies in the operation of the equipment should be automated, is necessary.

Our competence is not only the rapid delivery of equipment and high-quality installation of diesel boilers, but also a detailed technical and energy AUDIT of the Facility and the development of project documentation!

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