Advantages and disadvantages of these devices
Expert opinion
Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich
Zoologist, hydrobiologist. I am a professional fisherman.
The first camping stove powered by liquefied gas appeared almost immediately after the end of the Second World War.
It was during the hostilities in winter conditions that the need for such structures began to be felt. Other methods of heating appeared, but the gas burner rightfully excelled here. A number of advantages of burners for heating tents immediately became clear, which today is well known to fishermen, tourists, and the same military:
compactness and relatively light weight - in conditions of frequent transitions, this is important, and the fisherman already has to carry many other devices with him, including an ice screw; the flame in the burners usually does not give a torch, this eliminates the possibility of an unexpected fire; The burner can be used for both heating and cooking. However, experienced fishermen also note the obvious disadvantages of such structures:
However, experienced fishermen also note the obvious disadvantages of such structures:
- already in the cold with a temperature of minus 10 degrees, many of them, especially those made in China, may cease to function, additional heating of the cylinders is required, but it is dangerous to do this on an open fire;
- cylinders are forbidden to be transported on airplanes - winter fishing, of course, is extremely rare, but there are enthusiasts. capable of going fishing almost to the Antarctic, and there is nowhere to buy fuel there;
- used cylinders that cannot be refueled are not disposed of by themselves in natural conditions, you can earn a fine for leaving them anywhere, but carrying them with you to the first trash can is also not a pleasant experience.
Expert opinion
Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich
Zoologist, hydrobiologist
I am a professional fisherman.
Modern manufacturers of burners unanimously talk about their absolute safety, but, unfortunately, accidents on ice due to their careless use continue to be recorded. So be careful and careful.
Still, a burner is much safer than a fire in a tent. It remains only to choose a reliable design that suits you according to the method of work and cost.
Precautions for use
Much depends on the types of fuel, but there are general rules:
- do not leave a burning burner in a tent unattended;
- it is impossible to warm up cylinders on open fire;
- containers with fuel, especially with gasoline, try to put as far as possible from the fire and the working burner;
- when using gas, carefully check the reliability of all connections;
- in the event that the burner constantly goes out, it is necessary to clean the holes only after the complete cessation of the fuel supply and the absence of fire.
Alternatives to burners for fishing
In general, there are not so many of them:
- you can build a small fire in the tent, but it is both smoky and unsafe;
- even our grandfathers put buckets of hot coals in tents on the ice - it was warm, but carbon monoxide was formed;
- you can heat bricks in a fire in the open air, and then put them in a tent - it will be warm, but not for long;
- burning cubes of dry alcohol in the tent;
- put household candles on a metal surface.
You can think of something else, but the burners are still more reliable and insulate the tent for the entire period of their work. Yes, and the hole will not freeze, you do not need to wave the scoop once again, scaring away the fish. A good burner today is a full-fledged part of winter fishing, many anglers don’t even go out on the ice without it.
- When using dry alcohol for heating in winter fishing, every 15-20 minutes you have to kindle a new tablet if you need to constantly maintain a high temperature in the tent.On the one hand, it does not take much time, on the other hand, it distracts from fishing, which can be inconvenient, especially if there is zhor. You can independently make a kind of stove for dry alcohol, which will hold several tablets at once. The outlet must be made adjustable so that the thrust can be changed. In this case, an oven loaded with several tablets can be made to burn for a long time.
- Gas and petrol burners should be carefully packed before transportation. It’s good if the kit comes with a suitcase or a case in which you can put the device, isolating it from other things. If a mote falls into the heater unsuccessfully, heating may end before it has even begun.
- For transporting gasoline or other liquid fuels, it is better to buy a reliable canister, although it is not cheap. Pouring a combustible mixture into one and a half or five-liter bottles is not a very reliable option, in which there is a risk of leakage. It will work as a temporary solution.
- The less propane and more other gases in the mixture in the cylinder, the more likely it is that its contents will freeze and it will not work to use a gas heater. Therefore, choosing a heater for winter fishing that runs on gas, it is advisable to select cans with the correct composition for it - with the highest propane content. On some cylinders, the composition of the contents is not written at all; they are not so rare on sale. It is better to refuse to buy such a pig in a poke. If you nevertheless purchased such a cylinder, be prepared for the fact that the heater can work poorly from it in the cold.
- Some warm up frozen gas cartridges over an open fire to make them work again. Naturally, this is a rather extreme method of heating, which can lead to an explosion. It is possible to solve the problem with heaters powered by disposable gas cylinders in a different way, without risk to health and life. You need to take two cans with you when fishing. While one is working, the second must be kept in the bosom so that it is warm. When the first cylinder freezes and the gas heater goes out, you need to swap the cartridges. Thus, you can maintain heating in the tent for as long as you like. The disadvantage of this option is that you have to put an ice cylinder with gas in your bosom, which is not very comfortable.
How to choose a kerosene heater
Most often, kerosene heaters are used in hiking, hunting or fishing. If you decide to install this type of heater in the country, you must consider the following:
- Compare the ratio of the area of the heated room to the fuel consumption of heaters from different manufacturers.
- Buy kerosene heaters only in those stores where you can get a replacement if a marriage is found. In many models, the tightness of the seams is low and leakage of kerosene is often observed.
- Be sure to read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. The main part of the models of devices works on lighting kerosene, which contains a minimum amount of substances that form soot. There are devices that work equally from both kerosene and diesel. Information on the use of different fuels is indicated in the technical data sheet.
Solar and kerosene heaters
Portable kerosene heaters consist of units:
- fuel tank;
- a bowl with a wick;
- handle for adjusting the wick;
- fuel volume measurement sensor;
- burner shell;
- burner.
During operation of the heater, the flame on the wick should be slightly cut by the mesh (shell) and look out. This working position can be achieved by lighting the wick and adjusting the height of the flame with a special handle. The shell gradually warms up and begins to radiate heat into the room in the infrared range.After complete heating of the shell and walls of the chamber, the combustion process itself passes from the wick to kerosene vapor for a certain distance. Such a combustion process almost completely burns the fuel, but does not allow the wick tissue to burn out. Solar and kerosene heaters are convenient to use for heating a garage or tent.
Today on the market you can buy devices that differ in control methods, the type of fuel used and the method of heat distribution.
- Heaters without electronics are autonomous and have shown themselves well in places where there is no electrical network. They are often taken on hikes to heat cars, tents.
- Electronically controlled devices are distinguished by the ability to maintain a constant temperature, set fire, fuel supply, extinguishing and other useful functions.
- Kerosene heaters.
- Diesel-kerosene appliances.
- With a converter method of heat transfer.
- With built-in fan.
- Reflector heater.
Alcohol burns without soot and odor, so you can choose heaters for winter fishing that work on this fuel. A simple homemade spirit lamp can be made from a tin can. But in order to constantly use such a heater, you need to have constant access to fuel supplies for it, which not everyone has.
A good fuel option for heating a tent on winter fishing is dry alcohol. One tablet burns for 10-15 minutes, just like liquid alcohol, without smell and soot.
Benefits of this option:
- lightness and compactness, ease of transportation;
- simplicity and ease of use.
Best for winter use
- Kovea Alpine Pot Wide KB-0703W is a compact model with a heat exchanger that prevents excessive gas consumption even in severe frosts.
- Fire-Maple Family FMS-108 - a model with piezo ignition and a large heating plane, has only one drawback - gas consumption.
- Pathfinder "Talking fire" - a domestic achievement with an external balloon.
- Fire-Maple FMS-112 Alcohol Stove - has a long burning process without the addition of fuel, despite low temperatures.
- Tatonka is a reliable, compact model popular in Russia.
- Trangia brass spirit burner B25 is a Swedish design that has been produced in various modifications for 80 years.
- Coleman Sportster - differs in overall dimensions and long (up to 8 hours) work on one gas station.
- Tramp TRG-016 - the model is made of copper-aluminum alloys, compact, has a weight of 0.5 kg, which is very convenient for active fishing.
- Motor Sich PT-2 - combines low cost with great strength and resistance to frost.
- Primus Multifuel III - designed for multi-day use in harsh climatic conditions, a high degree of reliability, it works on almost any fuel.
- Omnifuel II - a combination of lightness and reliability made the model very popular among tourists and fishermen.
- The Primus Omni Fuel ii is an option popular in Europe for its versatility and component reliability.
- ELEKONPOWER PG7B is a lightweight and simple ceramic heater.
- NEOCLIMA UK-02 is considered the best budget model for small tents.
- Pathfinder "Hearth" - not only heats the tent, but also structurally adapted for cooking hot food.
- Oil burner - can also work on coal.
- Zibro is a line of models from Germany that also run on kerosene, used as a stove.
- Shannon Mechanics - products of this line have already been mentioned.