What to consider when choosing
The main selection criterion is the thermal power of the device.
A correctly selected parameter will not only help to optimally heat the room, while rationally using electrical energy, but will also keep the gun working for a long time.
Calculation of thermal electric guns can be made according to the formula:
Р=VхТхК, kW
where V is the volume of the room; T - temperature difference outside and inside the room; K is the coefficient of thermal insulation of the walls.
- K=3…4 - walls made of boards or steel corrugated boards;
- K \u003d 2 ... 2.9 - brick walls in one layer, a roof without insulation, simple windows;
- K = 1 ... 1.9 - standard wall, roof and insulated windows;
- K = 0.6 ... 0.9 - walls made of two layers of bricks, there is additional thermal insulation, high-quality plastic windows, additional thermal insulation of the roof.
The final result calculated by this formula is measured in kcal / hour.
To convert to watts, you need to multiply the resulting number by 1.16.
For rooms with an area of 5-6 m², 0.5 kW of the device is suitable.
For every 2 additional m², add 0.25 kW to 0.5.
In this way, the required power of the heat gun is determined.
The market for electric heat guns offers mobile and stationary options, so before buying, you should decide which one is more appropriate in your case.
If you intend to use the device constantly in the same room, for example, to give, then you can purchase a stationary gun.
If it is planned to use it as an additional source of heat or the frequency of use is not too high, then it is wiser to take a mobile variety.
Pay attention to the device of the heating element. In rooms where people are often enough, you should choose models with a closed thermocouple
In rooms where people are often enough, you should choose models with a closed thermocouple.
Otherwise, the products of combustion of garbage particles that fall on the heating element can adversely affect human health.
A wide range of products allows you to choose the version of the case that best fits into the situation.
You should also pay attention to the material from which it is made - choose the most resistant to thermal effects.
The noise level produced by the gun is of no small importance when it is installed in rooms with people. To avoid discomfort, we recommend models with a noise level not exceeding 40 dB
To avoid discomfort, models with a noise level not exceeding 40 dB are recommended.
If the determining factor is the power of the device, for example, installed on a construction site, then in this case efficiency will be much more important than sound influence.
And, of course, an important factor is the cost of an electric heat gun.
It would be irrational to buy an expensive powerful device for a ten-meter room.
And for large areas, such as construction sites, warehouses, industrial premises, powerful industrial thermal electric guns are needed, the cost of which can be 30-40 thousand rubles.
Taking into account the combination of all these factors, you can choose the most optimal option for an electric heat gun.
Line of communications
It must be taken into account that the heating main must provide the required cross section (the diameter must meet the technical requirements). And yet, the necessary flow of coolant through the fan heater must be provided. If the diameter of the pipes and the temperature of the coolant are sufficient, but the speed of movement (flow) is very weak, this will adversely affect the thermal output of the device!
Also, consider how to supply power, control circuits. Calculate the necessary distances for the purchase of the required footage of electrical wire.
And one moment. Make sure that the wall (or ceiling) on which the fan heater will be fixed is strong enough to withstand the load.
Characteristics of the electric heat gun
This powerful device simultaneously performs several functions: it heats the room, ventilates the air and dries it. That's probably why thermal electric gun is so popular and in demand.
It is used not only at construction sites for heating and drying walls, but also in any garage when repairing a car, in a basement, in warehouses, in shops and country houses. Rectangular cannons are well attached to the wall, cylindrical ones are ideal for spot heating.
The principle of its operation is quite simple: with the help of a powerful fan, air is driven through the heating element and distributed throughout the room. The air in the room is heated very quickly, so this type of air heater is most often used in winter.
Scheme of the device of a gas heat gun.
The use of an electric heat gun is convenient because there is no need to coordinate its installation with numerous regulatory authorities. These devices are reliable and durable.
Those devices that operate on a voltage of 380 V have a power of up to 25 kW. The temperature is controlled by a stepwise start, there are all the necessary functions of protection against overheating. The weight of these devices reaches 30 kg. In high-quality devices from well-known manufacturers, heating elements are installed that do not burn oxygen.
Tips for Choosing an Electric Heat Gun
When buying any device, everyone wants it to work not only with high quality, but also for as long as possible. Therefore, we choose a thermal electric gun only from well-known manufacturers.
The body of the device must be made of metal; if a diffuser grating is installed, it must also be made of metal. This is guaranteed to protect the device from deformation during temperature changes and in the event of a power outage, when the fan stops and the heaters do not have time to cool down, nothing will happen to the heat gun.
An electric heat gun must have a stable, durable design.
It is necessary to choose such a device, on the body of which there is a marking: 24/2 or 24/1. This means that this heat gun can work around the clock, with a break in work for 1 or 2 hours.
Pay attention to the presence of overheating protection, a heating level regulator, an air consumption switch (fan speed switching). A huge plus is the presence of a service center in your area
A huge plus is the presence of a service center in your area.
Types of heating elements
Scheme of operation of a diesel heat gun.
An electric heat gun can have two types of heating elements located in it: a heating element in the form of a spiral or a heating element.
When using heating elements, the device heats up more slowly and the heating temperature is not as high as when using a spiral. But such a heat gun is much safer and more durable than a spiral one. This happens because dust and debris do not collect on the heaters, so accidental ignition is minimized. It is the choice of a heat gun using heating elements that is recommended for use in residential premises.
An electric heat gun using a spiral heating element is characterized by almost instant heating, the atmosphere in the room quickly becomes comfortable for further work, but part of the oxygen is burned.Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in residential enclosed spaces; it is better to use such a device in a garage, outbuildings, etc.
These air heaters can operate at 220 V and 380 V.
Device and principle of operation
Using a heat gun is one way of electric heating.
To choose the right heat gun, you need to at least roughly understand how it works.
An electric gun consists of several basic elements.
- The case, which can have a different shape (most often cylindrical) and is made of different materials: metal, plastic, ceramics.
- Heating elements (heating elements) located inside the housing may have a different design. Their number varies depending on the device model. When the electric heater reaches the maximum temperature, the thermostat activates and the device automatically turns off.
- A fan connected to an electric motor blows heated air into the room. The intensity of the air flow is changed by reducing the diameter of the outlet or by changing the fan speed.
- The controller is available in two versions. The heating level can be changed by turning on/off groups of heating elements or by means of a relay.