Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Location Features

When designing a kitchen, you should seriously consider how the new heating device will fit into it. It is quite possible to choose a unit that matches the color of the kitchen set or household appliances. In this case, the gas boiler will organically fit into the overall style. It can be installed between kitchen cabinets. This technique is allowed not only by manufacturers of heating appliances, but also by gas and fire services.

Installation diagram of a parapet-type gas boiler.

When installing the appliance in this way, it is worth thinking not only about how it will fit into the design of the kitchen, but also about the standards provided for installation. According to the norms, in order to ensure proper ventilation, there must be at least 3 cm of free space on each side of the boiler. In addition, in order to protect the cabinets located nearby, it will be necessary to close their side walls with non-combustible materials.

If the purchase of new heaters is not yet planned, then it is quite possible to update the old ones and give them a more modern look. The front panel of the instrument must be thoroughly cleaned and sanded. Then the surface is covered with a primer for metal. After it dries, the boiler can be painted with heat-resistant enamel for metal surfaces. The color of the enamel must match the color of the kitchen furniture. If you want to get something exclusive and not like an ordinary household appliance, then with the help of special stencils you can paint a gas boiler with a variety of patterns.

Design features of a kitchen with a column

Heating with gas is a convenient, relatively inexpensive way to heat a home. Modern technology for these purposes is not very aesthetic. Often it needs special design. When creating a kitchen design plan with a gas boiler, consider the following aspects.

  • own financial resources. With a high budget, you can afford to purchase a unit with an attractive design. Then there will be no special problems in the interior of the kitchen.

  • The location of the device. This criterion should be chosen solely on the basis of installation rules, ease of use.

  • The stylistic direction of the room. Only the method of decorating the device will depend on it.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Heating with gas is a convenient, relatively inexpensive way to heat a home.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Thinking over the design of a kitchen with a gas water heater, consider all the nuances and features of the room

We need to hide communications

In addition to the heating appliances themselves, the overall design in the kitchen can be spoiled by their communications: pipes, chimneys, hoses, taps that are used during installation and ensure the operation of the units. According to current regulations, they must be freely accessible during operation. Therefore, they cannot be hidden in the wall.

However, many manufacturers help the owners of heaters solve the problem of how to hide communications and at the same time not violate the design of their kitchen. Complete with heating devices, various panels and boxes can be purchased, which can easily be used to cover pipes and hoses and, if necessary, can be easily removed.

Using drywall or plywood, the owner can make the desired box on their own. To do this, it is necessary to cut out the details of the side and front walls of suitable sizes and connect them together. The finished structure is attached to the wall. You can fix it with self-tapping screws. In order to preserve the overall design of the room, the box must be painted in the color of furniture or household appliances, or it can be finished with the same material that was used for wall decoration.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler Heat supply systems for private houses With the development of low-rise construction, the demand for equipment necessary for the installation of heat supply systems for individual residential buildings has increased significantly. Responding to demand, the modern Russian market offers so many domestic and imported boilers on various types of energy carriers. that in order to select the optimal model, it is necessary to have at least an initial knowledge of the principles of the heating system design.

Making a gas boiler in various styles

The selection of the boiler as an original element of the interior or, conversely, its hiding, depends on the chosen style approach in the design of the kitchen.


The classical direction does not accept the presence of any household appliances in the interior. Therefore, the best way to design the boiler in this case is to disguise it. A good solution here is to create a cabinet of suitable dimensions, taking into account all the necessary safety requirements. The facade of the furniture set will reliably hide the unit and will not change the overall harmony of the room.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

So that the gas boiler does not violate the ergonomics of the kitchen, the right decision would be to place it in the very corner of the headset, while ensuring a free approach to it.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Provence or country

Rural styles are characterized by simplicity and unpretentiousness. To decorate a boiler in a Provence or country style kitchen, you need to use one of the original design techniques:

  • Hide it with printed textiles. Cotton and linen are the main components of rustic designs, so light curtains, chosen to match the napkins, sofa cushions and curtains, will be the highlight of the interior, emphasize and deepen it. The photos below will help you verify this.
  • Creation of a cloakroom. The most suitable for this style and at the same time safe is a cabinet with a lattice door. It will demonstrate the style of the interior and will not violate safety regulations. Camouflage box can be decorated with wallpaper to match the walls or paint.
  • Decoupage or simply painting the boiler in a suitable color will help solve the problem.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler


When designing a kitchen in an industrial loft style, both an outdated bulky boiler and the latest generation equipment can be an appropriate element of the interior. This direction welcomes the display of all utilities: gas and water pipes, electrical wiring and other things.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Therefore, boiler masking is not required. Moreover, its original emphasis and emphasis on its aesthetics is most inherent in this version.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

High tech

High-tech style is unimaginable without innovative kitchen equipment. When creating an interior, you will need a boiler of the latest generation with original lighting, with a chrome-plated shiny surface, reminiscent of a space unit. Cauldron disguise is not required, as is decoupage or staining.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

The most acceptable option here is the ergonomic location of this equipment next to other kitchen appliances to match it, and its neon glow will create a special mood and comfort in the room.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Original design solutions allow you to turn a gas boiler in the kitchen into a highlight of the interior or to reliably disguise it.

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

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Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

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Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

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Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler

Kitchen design ideas with individual heating boilerKitchen design ideas with individual heating boiler


