Grand Meyer mats
Heating mats are recommended for use as the main underfloor heating in small rooms and for additional heating of cold areas in large rooms. "Grand Meyer" produces 2 types of mats: two-core "Grand Meyer" for porcelain tiles and "Heat'n Warm" for ceramic tiles.
The basis of the Grand Meyer warm floor system is a fiberglass mesh. A two-core cable is fixed on its surface. Conductor diameter 3.7 mm. Each core is protected by a Teflon sheath. The material is heat resistant. The reflective screen is made of a special alloy of aluminum and magnesium braid. The outer insulation is made of polyolefin.
The material is heat-resistant, does not react with chemicals in tile adhesive or screed. The sheath reliably protects the cable from external influences and moisture. The lower surface of the grid has an adhesive base. It simplifies the installation of Grand Meyer underfloor heating
For full heating of the room, heating mats should occupy 70% of the floor covering. By performing simple calculations, you can determine the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which you can lay the heated floor "Heat'n Warm"; it is about 26 m2. The system is laid under tile adhesive 1-2 cm thick.
Heating mats "Grand Meyer" are made of the same material as "Heat'n Warm". A distinctive feature of the system is its high power. 180 watts are required per 1 m2. Mats are laid under a screed or adhesive solution with a depth of 2-4 cm. The minimum heating area is 0.7 m2; power set 135 watts. The maximum surface of the warm floor is 14 m2; system power 2520 W. The size of the room can be 24 m2.
The kit, in addition to mats, includes a corrugated tube and a cable for connecting to the network. For the Grand Meyer underfloor heating system, it is recommended to use temperature sensors: MST-1 with mechanical control, PST-3 with software. Initial heating can last a day.
The system needs to warm up itself, warm up the layer of screed and floor cladding. This takes time. Operating temperature of the cable is 50 0С. The maximum heating temperature is 90 0C.
Before laying a warm floor based on heating mats, it is necessary to complete the project. The drawing is recommended to be included in the product passport. This is necessary in order to know on what area the heating device is laid, where the temperature sensor is located. The heating surface is leveled and cleaned of debris.
Installation consists of the following steps:
- determine the place on the wall for the thermostat; make a hole; install a plastic cup in it; it will contain electrical wires; immediately remove electrical conductors from the network;
- from this hole, a vertical groove is made for the corrugated tube; it is taken out on the floor by 60 cm; it is designed for the temperature sensor cable;
- a plastic film and insulation 2 cm thick are laid on the base;
- carry out the installation of mats; if the tape needs to be rotated, then the mesh is cut, the cable is turned in the right direction and the laying continues; the integrity of the conductor cannot be destroyed;
- when the entire surface of the floor is covered with mats, the Grand Meyer underfloor heating is connected; wires connect the cable on the floor to the thermostat;
- a thermostat is placed on the floor surface, in the marked place; it must be between the turns of the cable; the sensor is placed in the corrugation; it is connected to a thermostat;
- testing the system;
- then it is recommended to cover the mats with a thin plastic film; it will serve as additional protection against moisture and chemicals of the solution;
- apply the solution in a thin layer, 1 cm;
- lay tiles.
Not in all rooms it is possible to lay mats. In rooms with complex geometry, it is recommended to use a heating cable for heating.It is displayed in niches, between interior items. Which section to choose for underfloor heating equipment?