HOTROCK insulation: types and applications

Products brand HOTROK

The manufacturer positions its products as a heater for those who care about their loved ones.

In the product range of the plant there are more than 30 commodity items with different characteristics and purposes:

Universal stoves for domestic use. The group is particularly lightweight and flexible and includes four types of insulation:

  1. Light
  2. Light compression
  3. Light Eco
  4. Block

The dimensions of the plates in the group are 1200*600 mm, 800*600 mm with a thickness of 50-200 mm. Density within 30-50 kg/m³, thermal conductivity coefficient from λ=0.037 W/m*K to λ=0.039 W/m*K. Light compression is delivered in a compressed form, when the packaging film is removed, the plate acquires the declared thickness, thus saving space in the truck during transportation and in the warehouse during storage.

HOTROCK insulation: types and applications

These materials are used in pitched roofs according to the "cold attic" system, insulated pitched roofs, floor insulation in the inter-lag space, prefabricated sandwich panels on profiled sheets, ventilated facades for siding, layered masonry, frame walls and partitions, insulation of loggias and balconies. It is used as an internal thermal insulation layer in hinged facade systems.

The group of soundproof boards is represented by a single sample - Hotrock Acoustic. Lightweight material with a density of 40 kg / m³ perfectly performs the function of a sound insulator in interior and office frame partitions, as well as in floors. It is used as a sound insulator of sandwich panels. Dimensions 1210 * 610 mm with a thickness of 50-150 mm.

Plates for noise and thermal insulation of the floor. There is also one sample in the group - Hotrock Floor with a density of 120 kg / m³. It is used when installing different types of floors, including on the ground, acoustic floating floors with a cement screed, floors with a prefabricated screed made of gypsum-fiber sheets or cement-bonded panels. The dimensions of the plates are 1200*600 with a thickness of 25-180 mm. The coefficient of thermal conductivity λ=0.041 W/m*K, which is somewhat higher than the universal group due to the increase in density.

Boards for ventilated facades:

  • Vent
  • Vent Light
  • Vent PRO

Samples of this group are used when making ventilated facades of any complexity - for siding, prefabricated sandwich panels on a profiled sheet. The density of materials is from 60 kg/m³ to 90 kg/m³, the coefficient of thermal conductivity for the entire line is λ=0.034 W/m*K. Plate dimensions 1200*600 mm, thickness 50-180 mm.

Group of materials for the "wet facade":

  • facade light
  • Facade PRO
  • Facade

They are used for external wall insulation with subsequent application of thin-layer decorative plaster or multi-layer with reinforcing mesh. The density of materials ranges from 125 kg/m³ to 160 kg/m³, thermal conductivity coefficient from λ=0.035 W/m*K to λ=0.038 W/m*K. Plate dimensions 1200*600 mm, thickness 40-150 mm.

Heat and sound insulating boards for flat loaded roofs:

  • Ruf N
  • Ruf C
  • Ruf B
  • Roof PRO

They are used for one-, two- and multi-layer flat roof insulation systems with a base made of reinforced concrete and a polymer membrane, bituminous waterproofing, and a metal profile sheet. The high density of 110 kg/m³ - 180 kg/m³ is due to increased strength requirements. Dimensions 1200*600 mm, thickness 40-150 mm. Thermal conductivity coefficient from λ=0.039 W/m*K to λ=0.041 W/m*K.

HOTROCK insulation: types and applications

Structural boards for sandwich panels:

  • Sandwich C. The plate is designed for the production of wall sandwich panels. Used as a middle layer between sheets of metal. The dimensions of the product can be specified when ordering with a standard thickness of 50-122 mm, material density - 110 kg / m³.
  • Sandwich K. Used in sandwich panels of the same type, intended for roofing. Density 140 kg/m³, dimensions and thickness on request.
  • Sandwich B. It is used as a middle layer in concrete sandwich wall panels. Density 90 kg/m³, customized dimensions with standard thickness 50-150 mm.

The line of HOTROK mineral wool insulation can satisfy even the most exotic needs of the buyer. In the product range, the vast majority of commodity items are intended for civil engineering and can be used when doing do-it-yourself work.

Mineral wool HOTROK has a flammability class NG, that is, it is a non-combustible material. The maximum allowable operating temperature is +1000°C, which is an indisputable competitive advantage in the mineral wool insulation market.

HOTROK mineral wool production technology

Hotrock basalt thermal insulation materials are manufactured using the advanced Elastic Fiber technology. In short, its essence is that the production of fibers, of which mineral wool consists, occurs with a high degree of homogenization of the melt of several raw materials. The output is a fiber of any given length and diameter, as well as parameters of flexibility and elasticity.

The components obtained using "Elastic Fiber" have the following properties:

They have reduced brittleness.

The value of this property lies in the fact that the logistics operations performed with the finished product do not violate the structural integrity of the material. Another important plus is that when cutting the slab, it is enough to use a special knife instead of a toothed saw. At the same time, there is no formation of basalt dust during installation, which makes working with Hotrock safe for the human respiratory tract.

Long fiber requires fewer organic binders.

Therefore, Hotrock mineral wool is considered a non-combustible building material. Compliance of insulation with fire safety requirements is one of the main factors influencing the choice of the end user. Also, due to the high content, organic binders can release substances harmful to human health into the surrounding air, however, Hotrock does not belong to such materials due to the use of environmentally friendly raw materials.

Thermal insulation brand HOTROK

The plant "ZSK" for the production of basalt mineral wool insulation is located in the city of Vyazma in the Smolensk region and is capable of producing up to 36,000 tons of products per year. The enterprise is equipped with the latest equipment and advanced technologies from leading European manufacturers in Italy, Germany, Slovenia and Sweden.

An innovative approach in terms of engineering solutions made it possible to achieve the highest quality indicators already at the stage of launching production lines. The environmental friendliness of the production of basalt insulation is due to the use of natural gas as a fuel, which replaced coking coal.

HOTROCK insulation: types and applications

The gas unit allows you to accurately maintain the technologically specified melting temperature of the raw material. The enterprise has implemented a three-level quality control system for finished products, the almost complete automation of the production process completely eliminates the influence of the human factor.

For the consumer, the HOTROK trademark is located in the middle price segment and fully satisfies the price-quality parameter.

The logistics center of the enterprise is located in Moscow, which makes delivery convenient throughout the central region of Russia.


