How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

How to cover up building foam on windows how to achieve optimal results

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

In view of all of the above, since everyone wants to maximize the life of window blocks, the question of how to hide mounting foam on PVC windows becomes very relevant, so that neither moisture, nor sunlight, nor frost or heat can damage it. Moreover, in fact, there may be several answers, and everyone is free to choose exactly the option that he likes the most, and also seems simpler and more affordable to implement. The only thing that is indisputable is that all this will have to be done quickly, so as not to change the entire structure later, which will cost much more.

Before you start to figure out how to close the foam around the window from the street, you should definitely think about using a special PSUL tape, in more detail about the properties and qualities of which you can read on our website.

  • The most popular method of sealing a mounting joint with protruding foam is ordinary, cement-sand plaster. Such a seal will be cheap, but it cannot be called the best either, since freezing, leakage are possible, therefore, condensation may occur, which in turn can cause fungus or black mold to appear on the walls.
  • There is also the option of sealing mounting foam using special sealing compounds, for example, based on polyurethane. But then the surfaces will have to be finished with something additional.
  • Demanded and relevant means are the finishing of slopes, and, consequently, the sealing of foam, is sheathing with plastic, sandwich panels, drywall or even wood.
  • A good way to cover up the mounting foam on the window will also be a special plaster mixture, which is designed for temperatures well below zero, when it comes to the outer wall of the building.
  • Acrylic paint or also liquid plastic is another fairly popular and not too expensive tool that will help you cope with the task.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

Indeed, there are just a huge number of methods and methods for putting up a mounting joint, that is, in fact, protecting the foam from external influences, and one of them can be called the most banal window putty. The main thing here is not to make a mistake, and to choose the right material, depending on the final goals, as well as the operating conditions of the structure. From the outside of the window opening, it is worth using only frost-resistant mixtures that are not afraid of moisture and ultraviolet radiation, always remember about the hydro-barrier and vapor barrier, and from the inside, always remember about temperature changes.

It is clear that if you have absolutely no idea how and with what to cover up the foam after installing plastic windows, it may be better to entrust this task to real professionals. They can give you a guarantee for the work done. If the foam crumbles or loses its properties, it is not at all excluded that even the PVC profile of the frame can be deformed, and then the entire window unit will have to be changed, and this is a huge waste. So if there is no certainty, then it is better not to do the work yourself, although it is not particularly difficult.

Protection of the structure from the outside

It is necessary to protect the used foam from destruction in order for it to retain its properties. In a different situation, you will often have to spend finances on new repairs. Before sealing the base with sealant or putty, you should try to cope with the situation with a universal sealing tape. This product is actively used by professionals to hide various irregularities in the window opening, which are difficult to avoid when installing new structures.To work with old products, a tape with waterproofing parameters is more suitable.

The coating can be safely performed with other materials:

  • polyurethane sealant.
  • Putty / plaster. The master needs to make sure that the material resists the negative effects of low temperatures well.
  • Acrylic based paint.
  • Quality mortar made from durable cement, river sand.
  • Special putty for sealing defects.

Before you start puttying the foam, you need to prepare a small bucket for mixing the components, a sharp knife, gloves and a trowel.

Proven recommendations from experts can be found in the video:

When is it recommended to use heated windows?

If the window openings have a large area, then it is definitely better to immediately install heated windows, since the flows emanating from the radiator are not able to create an effective thermal curtain. Also these models are recommended when rooms are heated:

  • underfloor heating system;
  • infrared heaters installed outside window openings;
  • warm air through ventilation ducts;
  • fireplaces, etc.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

In all these cases, there are no full-fledged thermal curtains opposite the window openings, which can provoke a whole list of negative consequences:

  • rapid decrease in temperature in the rooms;
  • abundant condensation;
  • the appearance of fungus and mold on various elements of window structures.

Heated aluminum, wooden and plastic windows do not have such problems. In addition, they not only contribute to the creation of comfortable conditions for living and working, but also allow you to significantly reduce heating bills.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

Work progress

It should be noted right away that if you insulate plastic windows for the winter with your own hands, the guarantee for them will automatically disappear.

If the owner nevertheless decides to carry out the work on his own, it is necessary to find a place for a draft. Sometimes it happens that it occurs due to depressurization of double-glazed windows. Unfortunately, in this case, it will not be possible to carry out high-quality insulation on our own. In most other cases, this is quite real.

Slope insulation

If voids appear under the slope lining, this means that it is necessary to repair it. Finding them is quite simple: this is done by tapping on the surface. Where the sound will be more sonorous, there is an empty space.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow The old insulation under the slope lining must be replaced

In this case, it is necessary to remove the facing material. Under it will be a heater. In most cases, foam serves as a heater. If the problems are not too serious, it is enough to simply add material to the places where the voids form. When the insulation has already served its purpose, it must be replaced. The material can be very diverse: basalt wool, polystyrene foam, foam, etc.

After replacing the insulation, it is necessary to check the facing material. If the sheet has cracks or other serious damage, it must be replaced. It is better to use PVC or a plastic panel as a cladding. Such materials not only look good, but also provide excellent thermal insulation.

Insulation of street slopes is carried out in the same way. However, if the apartment is located above the second floor, you need to turn to professionals. It will not be possible to carry out work without special equipment.

Replacing seals

In plastic windows, one of the most quickly worn parts is a rubber seal. After several years of operation, it loses its properties and ceases to perform its functions. To increase the life of the seals, you can use a special silicone grease (this is done twice a year). However, if the material is already worn out, it must be replaced.

To replace it, you need to pry off the glazing bead that holds the double-glazed window. After that, it must be removed.Now the rubber is easily pulled out of its groove.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow Replacing the sealing tape will increase the thermal insulation of the window

New material should be cut off (it is better to leave a margin of 5-6 cm and cut it to the desired length after installation). Before assembly, make sure that there is no dirt on the site. If necessary, the seal can be fixed with glue.

Pressure setting

In modern plastic windows, the window sash pressure can be adjusted. This is done by rotating the eccentrics (located at the end of the sash). A 4mm hex wrench is used for adjustment. On the eccentric itself there is a risk that helps determine the adjustment. If it is on the side of the street, then the pressure will be weaker.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow Modern windows allow you to set the summer and winter mode of pressing the shutters

Setting the position of the sash relative to the frame

In the sash hinges there is another mechanism with which you can adjust the sash. Adjustment is carried out by tightening the screws.

How does window heating work?

Heated double-glazed windows for most Russian buyers are a rather incomprehensible design, it is worth considering in more detail the features of this product. In fact, this is an ordinary double-glazed window, equipped with special glass, which has a heating system. Such an element combines two functions: heating air flows and allowing natural light into the room.

Heating helps to get rid of frost, condensate, even out temperatures, getting rid of their differences. In addition, heat often escapes through the glass, and windows with heated glass will help get rid of this problem. The function will not only keep the heat in the room, which appears from the heating devices: it can be an effective tool for heating rooms, regardless of their area. Glass is heated by electricity. To do this, power should be supplied to the window structure; you can hide it in a special box or wall it up in the wall.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

The principle of operation of heated glass in the window

How to fix window problems

Problems with window blocks are very diverse. In some cases, it will be enough to do the simplest adjustment of the plastic window with your own hands by tightening the adjusting screws, while in others you will have to change the broken fittings. Here, in many ways, as with heating - most often you can achieve comfortable temperatures in the room simply by adjusting the room thermostats for gas boilers. But in a number of situations, it will be necessary to rebuild the existing heating system with the replacement of some of its elements.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

Ways to adjust the window system

Among the main problems are:

  1. The sash touches the frame profile from below - height adjustment is required by tightening the end screw on the top hinge and the internal one on the bottom.
  2. Clinging frame sash on the side - you need to adjust the bolt under the bottom hinge.
  3. Loose fit of the sashes - this is regulated by trunnions.
  4. Wear or breakage of strikers - change, and then re-adjust the entire window.
  5. Jamming of the handle - first you should lubricate the swing-out assembly from above and both hinges with oil, but if it does not help, then completely replace it.
  6. Breakage of the window handle - only to change.

The handle can also jam due to improper operation of the lock. There is no need to tighten or unscrew anything here. It is only required to move the lever of the locking mechanism at the end of the sash to its original position. Jammed fittings must be released.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

Recommendations for adjusting the plastic door of the balcony block

Flexible window heating system

Infrared elements and thermal curtains are generally effective, but have some drawbacks. For example, they require a place for installation, sometimes they create noise and in some cases have a negative impact on the interior.European engineers have figured out how to make a quiet and inconspicuous device that keeps windows cool. His work is based on thin heating elements, which are a flexible tape, which is carried out along the perimeter of the double-glazed window. Such a system consumes little energy and increases the temperature of the double-glazed window, eliminating cold bridges from both deaf and active leaves.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

In addition to being economical and compact, this system is suitable for windows that are already in use. Due to the minimum thickness and flexibility of the heating elements, it is possible to remove the double-glazed window from the frame, wrap it in tape and insert it back, and then connect it to the control unit. Such a device prevents condensation from forming and slows down the heat transfer process. Its integration guarantees no frost on the windows even at very low temperatures.

The flexible system is best suited for openings with relatively small dimensions, since it slightly heats these products only around the perimeter. If significant heat losses are expected through the windows, then it is better to use a device that is able to heat the glass over its entire area.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow


  • Keep in mind that if you purchase mounting foam that is released directly from the cylinder, then you will not be able to use it twice. We need to use the entire volume, so look where else you can apply it to use up the rest. The locking mechanism must be lubricated every two years to prolong its trouble-free service life.
  • Lubricate the locking mechanism and fittings on your windows once or twice a year to prolong their life. Proper care will extend its trouble-free operation up to 12-15 years.
  • Twice a year, you need to wash the sealing rubber, wiping it after drying with glycerin. The service life of rubber is from 4 to 5 years, so its periodic replacement is necessary.
  • Do not use aggressive detergents. Soap and warm water are the best cleaners for plastic windows.
  • Regularly clean the rubber, the inner space of the sash, lubricate the mechanisms of the plastic window.

The main reason for poor sealing of plastic windows is the aging and wear of sealing rubber. It is in adverse conditions and, over time, loses elasticity and begins to crumble. It needs to be changed periodically. When adjusting the pressure of the sash to the frame, do not make the pressure too tight. This contributes to the rapid wear of rubber.

Keep in mind that on your own, without at least minimal experience, you need to adjust very carefully! If, after replacing the seals, “grazing” suddenly begins, which does not disappear after a week or two, then in no case start adjusting! Be sure to first check the quality of the one (gluing, being in regular places, etc.) that has been replaced! Otherwise, you can “take the sash skewed”, and this is fraught!

I advise you to pay attention to the space under the windowsill, most often cold air comes from there. Unscrupulous installers, when installing windows and, in particular, a window sill, in order to save an extra bottle of foam, just for the sake of appearance, foam the space between the concrete and the window sill, and poke this foam with your finger and it will fall a good five centimeters

For two winters in a row I couldn’t understand in my apartment where it was blowing from, then I just guessed, I thought plastic windows, which one was blowing, it seemed, probably, but in fact the air blew through the entire space under the windowsill! To eliminate this, you will need two cans of foam (one may be enough). Remove the old foam, foam the new one. Everything is quite simple. Comfort and warmth are now with you again.

How to seal mounting foam

Various materials are used for inexpensive and high-quality external finishing of facades. We have analyzed for you the most inexpensive and effective. They will allow you to close the mounting foam and preserve the style of the building.

Slopes. For the design of pvc structures, plastic ones are most suitable, metal ones are less commonly used. They hide the foam, make the seams airtight, increase the service life of the structure.

A financially affordable, but time-consuming option is plaster. Before plastering, you will have to prepare the wall and use materials suitable for outdoor use, cutting the mounting foam as evenly as possible and applying a thick layer of sealant on top of it.

Apply putty after the sealant dries. Do this with a special spatula or a wide flat knife. We recommend applying the solution with a layer of at least 3 mm. A thinner layer after drying, most likely, will crack. To enhance the protective effect, use water-based paints. They will not only prevent cracking and make the appearance of windows more attractive.

To close the mounting foam, various varnishes with an acrylate composition are used. If you apply them directly to the putty, the life of the sealant will be significantly extended.

The cheapest and most unaesthetic method is to use mounting tape. Even if you manage to pick up an adhesive tape that matches the color of the frame, you will not be able to paint over it from above: this will lead to peeling.

What are the benefits of heated windows?

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

  1. The glass is heated without visible heating elements that could block the view. Your guests will not suspect that there is an unusual double-glazed window in the window frame. No threads or spirals. Your secret will remain undiscovered.
  2. Surface heating occurs evenly over the entire area. Therefore, thermal patterns will not form on the window.
  3. The protective coating returns 30% of the escaping heat back into the room. This means that for the same heating costs, you can afford to add another third to your window. This will not only improve the view from the window, but also enhance the natural light in your home.
  4. The specific power of heated glass reaches up to 3 kW per square meter. At the same time, the operating temperature is reached in a matter of minutes. Therefore, even if there is no traditional radiator under the window, condensate will not have time to form on the glass.
  5. Warm glass is also compatible with heated glass units. A special glass surface that contains a liquid crystal layer, when connected to the mains, can make your window frosted or darkened. When the invisibility function is turned off, it becomes normal transparent glass again. This is quite convenient for panoramic glazing. Such a window will take care of protecting your privacy and at the same time let in streams of light into the room and allow you to admire the surrounding landscape. At the same time, it blocks 99.5% of ultraviolet radiation.
  6. When it’s still too early to turn on the heating, and there is some chilliness in the house, warm windows will help create comfort in your home. Even with frost, the window surface will remain dry and clean. But with ordinary glass, you would have already turned on the heating, and condensation would have appeared on the windows.
  7. Warm windows also help to cope with snow and ice crust on skylights. It is enough to turn on the heating function, and you can again admire the sky.
  8. When using conventional windows, constant air flows circulate in the room. From the windows it breathes cold, flowing from the windowsills. With warm windows you will not feel it. Heated glass instead of cold will give you warmth and comfort. And the rooms will be evenly heated.
  9. Screens and panels made of warm glass can serve as a local heater.
  10. The Smart Home system can use heated double-glazed windows in its own way. Glass heating is connected to sensors that respond to changes in air temperature inside and outside the house, as well as to photocells that regulate the degree of transparency of smart glass.
  11. Among other things, heated windows can also serve as security sensors.After all, when the glass breaks, the contacts open, and the security unit receives an alarm signal. In order to use this function, there is even no need to spoil the design with all kinds of tapes or conductors. It is enough just to install a double-glazed window, and turn it on to the power supply.
  12. In order to break a heated double-glazed window, you need to make a lot of effort. It withstands vandalism and can even protect against bullets fired from handguns.

In the post-Soviet expanses, heated windows are represented by Saint-Gobain Glass.

There are plenty of positive characteristics for electrically heated glass. All these qualities combined make it possible to produce even entire walls from this material, creating airy and transparent structures. Glass greatly expands the possibilities of design and architecture. Projects that previously could not be realized in our climate can now be built for you.

And now the most interesting thing, the price of a heated window starts from $ 220 per square meter and this is only a double-glazed window. We still need to add automation here.

"Warm windows" is a modern technological solution that allows not only to get rid of condensate and "frosty patterns" in the winter season, but also has a number of useful functions.

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

Rice. 1. Heated window

Causes and consequences of how to fix foam after installing plastic windows

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

Photo from website:

Everyone knows that when installing any plastic structure, and at the moment, similar technologies are used when installing wooden window frames, such material as polyurethane foam is used. It is quite comfortable, sold in a special package, from which, by means of introducing a special gun, through a narrow spout, it is fed to the surface where it is required. But the question of how to putty the foam around the window sometimes confuses many, because it tends to expand and crawl out far beyond the limits that are set for it. But in fact, this is not a problem at all, since even a child will be able to cope with the task.

When thinking about how to close the mounting foam outside the window, as well as from the inside of the structure, it is worth knowing that, in fact, mounting foam is also a sealant from the polyurethane foam subgroup. But it also contains stabilizers, blowing agents, and other additives, such as catalysts, which give it unique characteristics. The main indicators by which the mounting foam is evaluated are its viscosity, primary, as well as secondary expansion, viscosity, adhesion, in other words adhesion to surfaces, as well as the final output volume.

It turns out that in order to figure out how to seal the foam outside the window, you will first have to figure out what exactly this foam is, and most importantly, what dangers and dangers can be unsafe for its functionality. In this case, the foam can be in the form of a consistency with one component, and two-component formulations also take place on the market.

For the best understanding, it is also worth saying that mounting foam can also be summer and winter, professional and household, etc. only decorative purposes or it needs to be done for some other reason

How to fix plastic windows so as not to blow

Photo from website:

  • It is clear that nothing perfect has yet been invented by the population of the earth, so mounting foam needs to be protected from environmental influences. It does not tolerate constant and unchanging exposure to water very well, and from ultraviolet radiation, in other words, direct sunlight, it can generally crumble into dust and debris.
  • If you need to understand how to close the mounting foam on the windows, especially from the outside, you should think about ensuring that precipitation does not fall on it.Flowing into the large pores of the frozen foam, under the influence of frost, the water will inevitably freeze, and, as it should, expand, tearing your insulator. Therefore, it is purposeful to use waterproofing.
  • It is also important to protect the foam from the penetration of water from the inside into it, which is especially unsafe in winter, in the form of condensate. In other words, it is definitely worth installing a vapor barrier from inside the window, since the market is full of a variety of materials.

The appearance of the window, with a mounting seam open to all winds, also simply does not look aesthetically pleasing, the window will be sloppy and unkempt, and the whole design will go to hell with all this, and this is another reason to find and figure out how to seal the mounting foam on the windows from the inside and outside.

For those who have just installed new window, Either is going to do it. WATCH OTHER stTV CHANNELS: stTV CUT.

Foam UV Protection

Protection foam from ultraviolet (sun). Under the influence of ultraviolet (sun) foam transforms over time.


