activated charcoal at home
Most often, black tablets are used to eliminate unpleasant odors. Unlike deodorants, it does not mask it, but absorbs it. More precisely, it absorbs elements of a strongly smelling substance.
- Activated charcoal tablets can be placed in the refrigerator, car interior, in the washing machine drum when it is not in use, in the closet if there is an unpleasant odor. A mixture of charcoal tablets and brown bread slices will be more effective.
- To prevent the appearance of mold and eliminate it, charcoal tablets should be placed in the bathroom, the refrigerator turned off, in the greenhouse and other places where humidity is high and air circulation is insufficient.
- If the tablets are first immersed in any essential oil with a pleasant smell, and then transferred to cloth bags and placed in a house or car, you get an air freshener.
- If there is no water filter at hand, you can immerse a napkin in the funnel, put charcoal tablets on it and let the water flow in a thin stream.
- If you doubt the quality of the purchased alcohol, pass it through the same filter or simply dissolve the tablets in a bottle. They block toxins.
- The compost pit in the country house began to exude an unpleasant smell - it could be a fungus. And the smell of ammonia speaks of the fermentation process. Activated charcoal will help eliminate it, but in large enough quantities.
- Charcoal also absorbs moisture. If, after watering, charcoal tablets are poured into pots with indoor plants, then you can safely leave for at least two weeks. Moisture will be retained by coal.
- In the same way, you can save moisture for shrubs and trees by scattering tablets around the trunk. But they need a lot. You can also get rid of weeds.
- In flower pots, charcoal can replace drainage. Pills should be poured into the bottom of the pot, and earth should be poured on top.
There are not many charcoal tablets, and they will not cause any harm. It is enough just to scatter them throughout the house, and they will save us from many problems.
Manufacturing methods
In industrial production, the drug is obtained by chemical and physical methods. At home, it is realistic to apply only the physical method.
physical method
The physical method includes three stages:
- Obtaining a coal substrate with a low supply of oxygen (imitation of industrial pyrolysis).
- Activation of charcoal with water vapor.
- Drying.
They take finely chopped wood raw materials (chips of 2–3 cm), without bark, core and without rotten areas.
Wood raw materials are slowly burned. They use a tin can (for example, from under coffee), a cast pan, a frying pan, a fire or a pit.
Principle of operation: the container must be closed from above to limit the access of oxygen to the combusted raw materials. A layer of sand is poured over a pit or fire. In a tin, holes are made only from below (for the release of combustible gases).
Trees of various species
Coal fuel (for example, for barbecues) is obtained from any trees, shrubs. Firewood with the remaining bark, areas of rot, shavings will be used.
If the goal is to create activated carbon, only hardwood is taken as a raw material. The second condition is the absence of resins (in large quantities). Suitable options are beech or oak, but valuable trees are not commonly used for charring. The traditional raw material for activated carbon is birch.
Expert answers
Lexa Doig:
Yes, it is when steam is passed at a temperature of more than 150C that activated carbon will not only be cleaned of fusel oils, but will also retain its adsorption capacity.If you just heat it, without steam, then the active surface of the coal will sharply decrease, the pores will clog.
I think calcination is the best method!
Ivan Chyonkin:
From the instructions for the Rodnik-M filter 8. ORDER OF ACTIVE CARBON REGENERATION 8.2 ... pour into an enameled dish (aluminum is not allowed). Rinse the charcoal 2-3 times with tap water while stirring. Let the water settle, then drain it and drain the charcoal on gauze. 8.3 Place the washed charcoal in an enamel bowl. Pour three liters of a 3% solution of bicarbonate of soda (three tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Heat to a boil and boil for 20-30 minutes. 8.4 Drain the hot solution, wash the coal 4-5 times with tap water, then drain on gauze. 8.5 The number of possible regenerations of coal is 3-4, after which it must be replaced with fresh.
Activated carbon.
Good activated charcoal is obtained from nut shells (coconut, from the seeds of some fruit crops.) Before, activated charcoal was made from the bones of cattle (bone charcoal). The essence of the activation process is to open the pores that are in the closed state in the carbon material. This is done either thermochemically (the material is first impregnated with a solution of zinc chloride, potassium carbonate or some other compounds and heated without air access), or by treatment with superheated steam or carbon dioxide or a mixture of them at a temperature of 800-850 degrees. In the latter case, it is technically difficult to obtain a gas-vapor agent having such a temperature. It is widely used to receive a supply to the apparatus for activation of a limited amount of air simultaneously with saturated steam. Part of the coal burns out and the required temperature is reached in the reaction space. The output of activated carbon in this process variant is markedly reduced. The value of the specific pore surface of the best grades of active carbons can reach 1800-2200 m2; per 1 g of coal. There are macro-, meso- and micro-pores. Depending on the size of the molecules that need to be kept on the surface of the coal, coal with different ratios of pore sizes must be produced.
Characteristics of activated carbon. Pore size.
The starting materials for their production have a decisive influence on the pore structure of activated carbons. Activated carbons based on coconut shells are characterized by a larger proportion of micropores (up to 2 nm), while those based on coal have a greater proportion of mesopores (2-50 nm). A large proportion of macropores is typical for wood-based activated carbons (more than 50 nm).
Micropores are particularly well suited for the adsorption of small molecules, while mesopores are particularly well suited for the adsorption of larger organic molecules.
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Industrial technology for the production of activated carbon
The whole process of activated carbon production consists of two stages:
- Pyrolysis (carbonization)
- Activation
Production begins with the fact that raw materials, whether coal, peat or shells, are crushed to particles as small as a few centimeters. After that, it is loaded into special carbonization furnaces. There are several designs of furnaces used for this purpose. The most common of them:
- Mine
- Vertical rotary
- Horizontal rotary
- Multi-shelf
Despite the differences in design, they have the same principle of operation - the raw materials are subjected to heat treatment without oxygen access. The temperatures in the furnaces are extremely high - from 600 to 950 degrees Celsius. As a result, carbon-containing raw materials turn into coals, similar to those that remain from firewood after an extinct fire - they have the primary strength of coal, but they have very small pores, and they absorb substances quite poorly.
In order for activated carbon to become such, carbonized raw materials go through one more stage of production - direct activation.As a result, it receives a specific internal structure, which is responsible for the excellent adsorption properties of the finished product.
There are two ways to activate. In the first version, the carbonizate is impregnated with zinc chloride or potassium carbonate, and then heated to a temperature of about 600 degrees Celsius - again, without oxygen. Activated charcoal generally does not like open air very much - it rapidly oxidizes and absorbs third-party substances from the air, losing its properties.
The second, most common method is the legacy of the Old Russian activation method, which was mentioned earlier. Carbonized raw materials are processed without access to air with superheated steam or its mixture with carbon dioxide. Such processing requires a temperature of up to 900 degrees Celsius, which is already more difficult to achieve - and therefore an apparatus was created that uses the properties of the coal itself to activate it. In devices of this design, a strictly metered amount of air is passed into the activation zone, due to which part of the coal ignites spontaneously - and creates the temperature necessary for activation. This method, however, is used infrequently, as it significantly reduces the yield of the finished product.
Further, everything is quite simple - the finished activated carbon is cooled, sorted, if necessary, subjected to additional processing, crushed and packaged in the form in which we know it.
Best Answers
To obtain activated charcoal, it is necessary to kindle birch firewood. And then place in a container, and block the access of air to them. Once these coals have been extinguished and cooled, they will be suitable for use as a carbon filter. And the black coals of an unburned fire are not suitable, because they went out on their own with the presence of oxygen in the air and do not have these properties. Good luck
you take a baton, you go with it to the pharmacy crying out that this is a robbery, etc., you take coal))))))) and leave
To begin with, birch logs are crushed to a certain size, fired in special ovens without air access. then unloaded from the oven and cooled. To obtain activated carbon from charcoal, resinous substances must be removed. This is achieved by grinding and blowing charcoal with superheated steam. to remove moisture from the resulting activated carbon, it is dried at a certain temperature. in the production of tablets, coal powder is pressed.
Vadim Startsev:
A variety of firewood is suitable for obtaining activated carbon, and not just birch. I know of an enterprise that obtains activated carbon from drift wood, predominantly coniferous. And the coals of an unburned fire have the properties of an activated one, they are even used as an activated one in field conditions (and even by some animals in nature for detoxification). For the teaching of activated (charcoal) charcoal, it is necessary to heat the plant material without access (or with very limited access) to air and wait until the material is charred. It’s another matter to get “first-class” coal in artisanal conditions with undeveloped technology, so it’s better to use purchased filters at home, but in nature, in the absence of good water, you can also use a firebrand, for lack of a better one.
Reception features
For the active removal of harmful deposits, it is important to speed up the metabolism, increase the circulation of fluid in the cells. Harmful substances should “move in” and approach the excretory organs
To make it more effective to take activated charcoal to cleanse the body, an adult is advised in parallel:
- Follow a diet - exclude fatty, fried, smoked.
- Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.
- Make time for physical activity every day.
- Drink plenty of water (preferably warm and hot);
- If possible, warm up the body in a bath or sauna.
- Drink freshly squeezed juices of carrots, cabbage, radishes.
After cleansing, it is necessary to drink a course of a drug that normalizes the intestinal microflora
With caution, cleansing is carried out if necessary, regular intake of other drugs. They can be drunk 2 hours after coal
For this reason, cleansing the body of toxins with activated charcoal may be pointless with a tendency to constipation and motor disorders.
How to make activated charcoal
There are ways that are easy to reproduce at home, especially for rural residents. No financial costs are required, the technology of each process is easy, there is no need to search for any chemical components in advance.
To prepare activated charcoal yourself, strictly follow the instructions. I would like to note that such a product should not be used as a medicine. For internal use, it is better to buy pharmacy black tablets that have passed the necessary purification steps. The price of the drug is low.
Produce and apply at home material is shown to improve the performance of water filters.
physical method
The recipe for this method involves the presence of coconut shells:
- Raw materials are slowly burnt at a low temperature.
- When the hard shell turns black, transfer to a liquid medium.
- The solution is prepared from 1 part water and 1/4 food salt. This method activates the charcoal at home, causing the pores to open.
- After a day, the material is washed several times to remove residual sodium chloride.
- Dry the charcoal in the oven or in the sunlight.
Trees of various species
You can make activated charcoal by resorting to the following scheme:
- Broken birch branches are placed at the bottom of a frying pan that is already unnecessary in the household.
- Fall asleep with sand.
- The mixture is heated for 1.5–2 hours until black coals are obtained.
- The finished material is transferred to a sieve or colander, and then kept in a water bath.
- The cooled pieces are crushed and transferred to a glass container.
If this method seems complicated, it's easy to resort to a simplified one:
- Pieces of wood are placed in a tin, which is calcined over an open fire until the resin is completely removed.
- The cooled coal is tied in gauze and kept over boiling water for several minutes.
Action algorithm
To obtain high-quality material, it is necessary to observe several nuances of the production cycle.
Dry distillation of raw materials
At home, the operation is performed using:
- open fire;
- blowtorch;
- bake;
- gas stove.
Take dry wood, which is pre-crushed.
The following conditions facilitate the procedure:
- Raw materials are placed in a small tin container. It needs to make several holes in the lower part so that the smoke comes out. At the same time, the gas formed in the process is burned by a flame, which reduces the risk of poisoning by combustion products.
- The container itself is tightly closed. If this is not possible, it is advisable to make a sand cushion over the treated wood. In addition, you need to burn the branches in the absence of fresh air. In this case, uniform charring is ensured.
Charcoal activation
Usually at home they resort to a steam bath to open the pores, or to placing the product in boiling water. But the second method has several disadvantages:
- The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes.
- Coal soot is washed out, which provokes a decrease in the absorbent surface.
Therefore, it is more often recommended to keep over steam or place in a saline solution.
The stage depends on the conditions in which the process is performed. At home for final preparation apply:
- Fresh air;
- sunlight;
- oven.
In order for activated carbon not to lose its useful qualities for a long time, it is necessary to follow a number of simple rules.
If you make a cleansing product yourself, you need to keep it, adhering to the following conditions:
- Pre-crushed.
- Pour into a glass container with a tight lid.
- Placed in a cool and unlit place, for example, a refrigerator, a cellar.
In this case, the activated product retains its quality for several years. In the absence of optimal conditions, the period of use is limited to months, and sometimes weeks.