How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

It's cold in the apartment looking for a solution to the problem

The natural reaction of a normal person to cold is to find a way to keep warm. Even under the condition that we live in apartment buildings and sometimes we do not have the technical capabilities to fully express our imagination in this matter, we have plenty of strength and means at our disposal. Don't panic. The accumulated practical experience will tell you how to solve the problem. In addition, today there is a fairly wide choice of technical means for heating residential premises.

The most acceptable heating options in the apartment are as follows:

Of these options, the first two are the simplest and quickly give results. It is enough to show a little ingenuity, skills and invest a certain amount of money. The last third option, which involves the installation of a gas boiler for autonomous heating, is associated with formal difficulties. Getting permission to install a gas boiler in an apartment when the house is connected to a centralized heating system is quite difficult. The problem is being solved for a long time, so with the onset of winter, such an undertaking will have to be postponed until later.

When the situation with the rapid cooling of the apartment due to a decrease in the temperature of the atmospheric air is repeated from year to year, zealous owners should think about how to increase the thermal efficiency of their homes. In order for the apartment not to cool down so quickly, to keep the heat accumulated over the summer longer, it is necessary to take care of the insulation of the apartment.

Having enough funds, you can think about radical warming of the apartment. Sealing and insulating interpanel seams, creating foam or mineral wool fur coats on the outside of the panels of your apartment will provide a tangible effect.

How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

Measures for warming the apartment will provide you with reliable protection in the cold season from hypothermia in residential premises. The money invested will pay off, both morally and psychologically, already at the first frost on the street.

There is electricity in the house - this is already a real way to salvation. Many of us, if not the majority, in the off-season, when the batteries are still cold and it takes a long time to wait for the official onset of the heating season, resort to the help of electric household heaters.

How to warm up at home without heat supply

Cold weather is approaching, and you still do not have heat supply at home? Maybe they have already given heat supply, but it does not make it possible to fully heat the ventilated living space. In this publication, we will give you a couple of tips that can help you feel comfortable during the winter, even in severe frosts. Read what you need to do if the house is cool or how to warm up without a heater.

Cool at home. What to do?

Close windows and balconies first. If you have old window frames, then it can blow quite strongly from the cracks. To make it warmer, you will need to insert foam rubber into all the cracks, and glue construction adhesive tape on top. Scotch tape contributes quite well, but it is better to use it for example, if you do not mind spoiling the window frame.

If shower curtains or polymeric ethylene are hung on the windows, then cool air will be less able to penetrate into the space of the room. Plus, these curtains perfectly attract the light of the sun, thanks to which the room will become noticeably warmer. Heavy textile curtains also block cold air from entering the living area. When the sun is shining outside, do not forget to open the curtains.

Watch the video: If it's cool at home: how to warm up without heat supply

It is necessary to check whether it is blowing from the entrance doors. If the cold enters the living area not from the windows, but from the doors, do not forget to seal the doors. This can be created using a specialized compactor. You can also put towels or blankets under the door.

Close the rooms you don't use. In this case, you will be able to make less circulation and heat loss. Do not forget about the carpet-coverings, they also make less heat loss and at the same time make walking very comfortable.

If it's cold at home: how to keep warm without heating

4 ways to warm up when the apartment is cool

Cook and bake! The more often you turn on the oven, the warmer it will be in your apartment. At the same time, try to cook dishes that release a lot of steam during cooking or frying. It is best to reduce the humidity in the room during winter, rather than increase it.

It turns out that an ordinary wax candle can make too much heat. If you lay out several candles in a room, do not forget about them and do not leave them unattended.

Turn on traditional filament bulbs because they emit more than half of their energy as heat, not light. Fluorescent lamps and light emitting diodes do not have this property.

Dress warmly and drink warm drinks. If you are completely cold, try to burn your legs with a hair dryer. To keep your bed warmer, fill bottles of hot water and put them in your bed before you go to bed. You can also use a heating pad.

Recommendations. How to warm up when it's cold

  1. If you go to bed and the air is extremely cold, then cover yourself at the same time as your head so that your breath warms.
  2. After taking a hot shower or bath, apply a layer of cosmetic oil to your body to help conserve body heat.
  3. Sleep in socks and a hat.
  4. Try warming up the air with heaters. If you ever decide to use a stove, be careful, as carbon monoxide can accumulate in the room, inhaling which can cost you your life.

We hope that our good advice can help you survive the winter and warm up quickly in a cold apartment.

13 ways to warm an apartment without a heater

Insulate windows and doors

It is important that they are airtight and without gaps;
If the heat is turned on, but the room is still cold, install foil sheets or panels between the wall and the radiator. The foil will reflect the heat back into the room, preventing it from escaping through the wall;
If the batteries are cold, try to stay in the smallest room most of the time, and close unused rooms;
Put thick and soft carpets on the floor, hang on the walls

They prevent heat loss. And it is much more pleasant to stand on a warm fluffy carpet than on a cold floor. In addition, it absorbs sound and reduces the noise level in the apartment by 20-30%;
Get ready. When the stove or oven is turned on, the air becomes dry and warm. If you are baking something, leave the oven open when finished. But it is not advisable to make dishes that generate a large amount of steam. Steam will greatly humidify the air. And in winter, moist air feels colder than dry air;
In some cases, residents leave the burners on the stove turned on. This will also heat the room, but it is important to constantly monitor that they do not go out. Otherwise, you can get poisoned with carbon monoxide or even provoke an explosion;

We insulate windows and doors

20-30% of heat escapes through cracks in doors and windows, up to 15% of heat is lost directly through the glass and the entrance opening. Therefore, first of all, insulate window and door openings. They must be airtight and tightly closed. If necessary, use special putty, insulation and various means. You can use cotton wool or even ordinary newspapers. For more information on how and how to seal windows so as not to blow, read here.

You can additionally hang polyethylene sheets or bath curtains on the windows. Such materials let in sunlight, but do not let in cold air from the street. And the sun's rays will fill the apartment with warmth and heat the room.

Sunlight and natural heat are a suitable solution for heating a cold room.Open the curtains during the day and in the morning when the sun is actively shining. As soon as it starts to get dark, close the curtains tightly. Well, if they are heavy and dark. They block the flow of air and keep the heat in the room.

Close the gaps in the doorways, do not forget about the front door. You can lay thermal insulation around the perimeter of the door frame and in the door leaf itself. Less costly and more affordable will be the installation of a second door. It will reduce heat loss in the apartment, significantly reduce the noise level and, among other things, increase the safety of the apartment.

Another option is to insulate the balcony. This will give double protection from drafts and cold. For arrangement, choose double frames. And it is desirable to sheathe the floor, ceiling and walls with wooden panels. The tree perfectly retains heat and is pleasant to the touch, it is distinguished by its aesthetic appearance and easy installation. You can install special panels based on frames on the balcony, where insulation is laid inside.

How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

Physical exercise

We act on the principle: movement is life. If you constantly sit, then there is a shiver. Thus, the body tries to generate additional heat with the help of movements. A few minutes of exercise will help improve blood circulation. This is especially true if the limbs are cold. Remember that everything is good in moderation: excessive activity will lead to loss of glucose.

When there is still or no heating in the apartment, and it is cold outside, the tenants come up with various ways to heat the house. Sometimes there is not enough heat even when the heating is on, especially when it is very cold outside. The easiest way to solve this problem is with the help of mobile heaters. But this method is not for everyone. In the article we will look at how to warm a room without a heater and heating.

Insulate windows and doors

It is important that they are airtight and without gaps;
If the heat is turned on, but the room is still cold, install foil sheets or panels between the wall and the radiator. The foil will reflect the heat back into the room, preventing it from escaping through the wall;
If the batteries are cold, try to stay in the smallest room most of the time, and close unused rooms;
Put thick and soft carpets on the floor, hang on the walls

They prevent heat loss. And it is much more pleasant to stand on a warm fluffy carpet than on a cold floor. In addition, it absorbs sound and reduces the noise level in the apartment by 20-30%;
Get ready. When the stove or oven is turned on, the air becomes dry and warm. If you are baking something, leave the oven open when finished. But it is not advisable to make dishes that generate a large amount of steam. Steam will greatly humidify the air. And in winter, moist air feels colder than dry air;
In some cases, residents leave the burners on the stove turned on. This will also heat the room, but it is important to constantly monitor that they do not go out. Otherwise, you can get poisoned with carbon monoxide or even provoke an explosion;

Use candles. Arrange the products in small groups throughout the apartment. Grouped lit candles give a lot of warmth and light, look elegant and refined. They will make your home more comfortable. Classic high white candles are suitable for grouping. They fit into every interior and look spectacular;
Close the hoods, as cold air can enter through these openings. However, with closed and idle hoods, air exchange is disturbed. An unpleasant smell, mold or fungus may appear in the apartment. Therefore, use this method only for a short time;
Turn on incandescent lamps. However, only classic light bulbs will help here, which release up to 95% of energy in the form of heat. LED and fluorescent light bulbs will not be able to warm the room;
Fill the tub with hot water and leave the door to the room open. Change water as it cools.In addition, the pipes in the bathroom are always hot, even when there is no heating, except when the hot water is turned off. So always keep the bathroom door open. This method will increase the temperature in a cold apartment by one to two degrees;
Since warm air accumulates under the ceiling, install a ceiling fan. It will disperse the air, as a result, warm streams will go down and mix with cold ones;
Air conditioners are a modern solution to how to warm a room quickly and easily. Today, many models include not only cooling, but also heating functions. They are safe, practical, rational and economical.
Use fan heaters. They consume a minimum of electricity, take up little space and are functional. But at the same time, they reduce the amount of oxygen, which worsens air quality.

Therefore, it is important to maintain a comfortable level of humidity in the apartment.

How to keep warm in a cold apartment

Warm drinks and food, especially soups and broths, increase body temperature;
In order to keep warm and not freeze in a cold apartment without heating, it is important to dress properly. Experts advise using multiple layers of clothing

Down it is optimal to wear cotton products, and on top - from fleece or wool or from artificial materials. Loose pants and a sweatshirt or a thick and long dressing gown are well suited;
Be sure to wear warm socks and slippers. If your feet are constantly cold, use warm black tights, leotards, leggings or leggings. Wear under your main clothing. They are able to retain heat;
Go in for sports. Twenty minutes of vigorous exercise will improve blood circulation, help you warm up and keep you warm after exercise. In addition, sports activities will strengthen the immune system and make the body more adapted to the cold;
You can warm up cold shoes, bedding and even your body with a hair dryer. But do not cover the device, otherwise it may overheat and catch fire!
When sitting in a chair, use warm blankets or a shawl. For sleep, you can use a special electric blanket. It is more efficient and cheaper than the old classic heaters. Such a blanket maintains the desired temperature for the required time;

How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

  • A heating pad has been helping to keep you warm in the cold for many years. If you don't have one, use a plastic bottle filled with hot water. However, it will quickly cool down and you will have to change the contents;
  • Alternatively, take a sleeping bag. It warms perfectly, especially products designed for zero temperature. You can wrap yourself in a bag, like in a blanket, or sleep, like under a blanket;
  • Take a second blanket for sleep, a warm blanket or bedspread and sleep in socks. Wear thin cotton socks so that the skin breathes and your feet do not sweat or get even colder;
  • Take a hot bath or shower, or periodically use hot foot and hand baths. After water procedures, apply lotion or oil to the skin. Such compounds act like another layer of thin clothing.

If you have periodic heating cuts or have small children who should not be cold, it is better to buy at least one heater. Choose from oil coolers, wall or floor heating convectors. If you buy only one product, it is better to choose a portable or mobile model to easily move from room to room.

The off-season is the most inconvenient and uncomfortable period for us. Until recently, the sun was warming on the street, and with great pleasure we hurried to hide in the coolness of our apartments. With the onset of autumn, the situation changes radically. I don't want to rush home anymore. Despite the fact that it is dank and slushy outside, there is no particular desire to return to a cold, uncomfortable apartment. Until the heating is turned on, we, residents of city apartments, have only to dream of comfort.How to heat your own apartment without heating becomes a fixed idea, with which we rush about until hot water burbles in home batteries.

How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

As the heating season approaches, most of us can endure the situation by trying to find different ways to keep warm in our own home. Another thing is when there is a small child in the house and it is critically impossible to allow a sharp drop in temperature in the apartment during the off-season. The saddest situation is for those apartment owners who do not have heating in the house for technical reasons, and the imminent onset of winter does not bode well. But you should not despair. We live in an age of modern technology and great opportunities. Today, there are many options to heat your cold home in the absence of heating. Everyone can solve such a problem if they show ingenuity and desire.

Apartment insulation

It is a well-known fact that man himself gives off heat. After all, it is hard not to notice that with our presence in the house it becomes warmer. People are wonderful bastards! But to keep this warm, you need to take care of the insulation in advance. First of all, you should take care of the windows - close up all the cracks, adjust the shutters, set them to winter mode. If the wall freezes through, it is better to treat it with heat-insulating liquid paste or heat-insulating boards. Such a mini-repair will take one day, and it will heat for many years. If it is not possible to carry out repair work, then you can use carpets in places where walls or on the floor are especially frozen through. This is the easiest and least expensive way.

How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

It is also important to insulate the door that leads to the landing. Do not leave doors open in rooms that you rarely use.

If possible, then for this period it is better to move to the smallest room in terms of area, because. it is easier and faster to heat up.

Expert answers


Fill the cracks with cotton wool and glue with masking tape. Check if there is any wind under the windowsill. Hot water bottles already posted. Climb under the blanket with your head, then you will quickly warm up under the blanket with your breath. In extreme cold, we covered ourselves with fur coats. Layering - Several thin blankets or pieces of clothing will keep you as warm as one thick one.

From the long run, why do you think the castles had such heavy curtains and canopies over the beds? And the shutters on the windows? All this was done to keep warm. And carpets on the walls, too, are the fastest way to increase heat and sound insulation.

Ira Ivanova:

hot bottled water. And double-glazed windows - without them in any way.

Ψευδαίσθηση Νυχτερινή:

I grab a bottle of hot water and put it under the covers at my feet. Sleep much warmer.


I'm in a hot bath, then I'll dress warmly and under a duvet, if there is no heater, but I have air conditioning with heating. Today, apparently, for the first time I will turn it on

Polina Karavaeva:

Is there a dog? It is always warmer to sleep with her in an embrace. Bottles of hot water or bricks heated on the stove wrap in a towel and - to the heels and between the legs, where the lower vena cava - you will warm up faster. On the neck - a scarf (it warms very well even in the absence of other outerwear) and mittens on the hands. Before going to bed, hot tea (you can even coffee or 50 grams of vodka), steam your legs and immediately put on warm socks - and under the covers. Sleep 2 people , back to back. Breathe harder under the blanket. My husband is a fisherman, he advises to cover the top of the blanket with a dense packing plastic film (which is covered with furniture during repairs), leaving only a hole for breathing. inside on the windowsill. Collect about five to ten five-liter plastic bottles, fill with hot (not boiling, otherwise they will melt!) Water and arrange around the bed.

Nikita Mercer:

What good fellows! How many tips! ! Where do you guys live? Is it already that cold?


Take a hot shower or bath before bed.


Put up a tent in the room, put a potbelly stove in it and heat parquet, furniture, books. It will be hot!


There is no heating! I'm warming up! I'm cold and sick =(((

The sun is clear:

Samsung air conditioner

Alexey Buslaev:

Oil cooler. You won't get burned about him, but I have a child.


No, they didn't. We warm ourselves with a conventional heater.

Svetlana Teplova:

no, they didn't. warm up with heaters. mohair dressing gown and woolen socks.

good girl:

There is no heating. Cold of course. I come straight to the bathroom. I'll warm up there, dress warmly and be fine.

Alena Chistanova:

Have us gave today, on the evening already.


not given yet, so the whole family is trembling intensely

Regina Pozdnyakova:

we also haven’t flooded yet (I drink hot tea, turn on the stove, though it’s not very economical, but it’s warm)


Snuggle up to my darling and warm up doing something

Nadezhda Golikova icq 483979635:

Gas or heater.

Zoya Lemzyakova:



I'm at the cottage. we have gas heating regardless of the season. Yesterday I was in a Moscow apartment, the cold is terrible, although there are enough radiators there, if you wish, you could turn it on.

Julia Gusyatnikova:

heater is good

Ekaterina Dmitrieva:

The heater and gas burners burn all day long. Many already have warm batteries, so they will soon remember about us too.

Appliances in the house

Very often, an air conditioner is used for heating, because it works both for cooling and for heating. The only negative is that they are not recommended for use at temperatures below +5°C.

How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

A stove in the kitchen is an effective option, but you should remember that using such a heat source is fraught with unpleasant consequences. And in this case, only the kitchen can be heated. You can heat several large pots of water and place them in the room. As it cools, the walls of the containers will give off heat like a battery. For local use, for example, to heat the bed, you can use a hair dryer or iron.

Best Answers

♆ 54:

depending on what square the room has, patch up all the holes, take a woolen casing and breathe in the air, you can still warm it with a hairdryer

In S҉EGM҉S҉P҉A҉/҉V҉С҉Е҉ S҉V҉О:



push up, sit down

Mila Ati:

window insulation

Mikhail Levin:

put a potbelly stove, drip oil heater. A pipe - through the window, firefighters will be happy.

There are gas heaters. And the firefighters will be happy too.

a friend was so locked up - he put up a tent in the room, warmed himself with a primus stove.

Creator God:

+ first answer. The laws of thermodynamics have not been repealed yet. If you want more warmth, take the cold to the thread. For example, you can organize a freezer)

I'm Ira!

Light all the burners of the gas stove, heat the air in the apartment. So a few hours. Once upon a time, in a communal apartment in the kitchen, neighbors dried the potato crop. It was warm in the whole apartment!!! The only thing is, it may not be very good for breathing! But then, when you heat up the apartment, turn off the gas, and everything will be fine!!!

A. Yu.:

and there are a lot of men, and as a result, they didn’t study anyone even at school, at one time I was so tormented with my mother lived to build well, don’t be silly, I’m glad that I did the right thing and how they laughed at me and then they walked in circles the Soviet government didn’t like the people, and now there’s everything they crack vodka, but they never learned to think, what are the basic requirements1. high threshold 2. the doorway from above is low3 the porches are denser with the smallest gaps4. with windows there is also a feature of glass on mastic or on sealant5 the frames are set with boxes strictly vertically without gaps in the window opening6. set the window sill correctly, it’s not all the hands are needed and for a long time BUT I’ve been living in this room for 40 years and UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU for for for shaggy granny and no whining in the garden where I don’t have electricity at all.

gaping voids:

Electricity does not turn off due to weak wiring or a meter. I'm assuming they don't burn? If not, then weak fuses (machines). Wiring must withstand 10 or even 16 A. The weakest counters were at 5 A. They will also withstand 10.Replace the fuses and use a low power electric. heater according to the principle, less power - more time of use. If this does not fit and there is no gas, then tent as advised above and more plant food.

Gas heating

Gas heating of a dacha is a complex engineering system. Before installing expensive equipment, you need to ensure good thermal insulation. The ideal system should work silently, economically, warmly, imperceptibly. Gas equipment requires constant maintenance and preparation for the winter season. Maintenance must be carried out by licensed professionals.

For gas heating, a water system is best suited. If the system will not be filled in winter, the pipes must be filled with antifreeze. This nuance will save the system from defrosting. Installation of gas equipment includes the installation of radiators that will give off their heat to the room. The installation of the heating system has its own characteristics, which the specialist must warn about.

How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

Emergency heating methods

If you are going to heat a living space in an apartment with the help of electricity, you should carefully consider the selection of heating devices.

We have already dealt with the electric underfloor heating, and this method is more suitable for a major solution to the problem. On the other hand, domestic electric heaters have to be used as a temporary source of heat for the cold period. Each electrical appliance has its own optimal power, calculated for the effective heating of a certain space. To date, the following types of heaters using electricity are used in the domestic sphere.

  • convectors;
  • infrared thermal panels;
  • oil coolers;
  • thermal fans.

In each case, the scope of use of the device is determined. Each room has its own specific type of electric heating. True, any housing can be equipped with convectors. The only condition is to correctly and competently carry out the installation of devices in the premises.

How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

Convectors have high efficiency, besides, they are quite economical in operation. Due to the circulation of air currents, the air in the room warms up faster. Most of the devices are equipped with an automation system that regulates the mode of switching on and off devices depending on the set temperature conditions inside the room.

Infrared heaters are represented by models with an average of 1.5-2 kW of power. Carbon heaters, as one of the varieties of infrared heat source, have two or three times less power, creating a similar thermal effect. Such heaters are best equipped with thermostatic sensors.

How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

Thermal fans, which are now massively on sale, are designed for the fastest possible effect. Small size and affordable cost are the main reasons for their popularity. At the same time, all the advantages are leveled by high power consumption and rather high noise.

As a successful alternative to stationary sources of electric heating, oil-filled radiators can be used. The simplicity of design and their durability captivate in terms of choosing such heat sources for heating residential premises. The only drawback that is characteristic of such heating devices is a long warm-up and a lot of weight.

Using electrical appliances and equipment to heat a residential apartment due to the lack of centralized heating, you can quickly and efficiently solve your problems. In any situation, there is always a way out.

Types of heating systems for country houses

How to keep warm at home without heating 15 simple ideas

Types of heating systems may depend on the available energy resource, design features, climatic conditions, and the budget of the dacha owner.

The main types of space heating are:

  • gas heaters;
  • electric heaters;
  • furnace equipment;
  • equipment operating on a liquid fuel resource;
  • equipment operating on a solid fuel resource;
  • universal heating systems.

The choice of each type of heating requires the preparation of a budget of expenses, taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building that needs heating. The choice of the method of heat supply will depend on the support of the positive temperature at the time of absence at the summer cottage.


