How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter

Chicken coop roof insulation

In the case of planning a building, it is recommended to think about the attic and make a structure with a reliable black ceiling. Subsequently, material for bedding and feed can be stored there.

In relation to the finished building, almost the same materials are used (additional waterproofing and vapor barrier are used to insulate the roof), only the fastening methods change:

  1. Vapor barrier (vapor barrier films, membranes) is the protection of the insulation from moisture, which is produced inside the building.
  2. Waterproofing (roofing material) serves the same purpose, but is laid outside to protect the insulation from precipitation and condensate resulting from temperature changes.

Step by step instructions for warming the chicken coop

Based on the cost, the most convenient type of insulation is polystyrene and mineral wool. Before starting insulation, the following tools are needed:How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter

  • electric drill;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • mounting knife for cutting foam;
  • construction stapler;
  • hacksaw.

Next, calculate the material for the entire room. List of materials:

  • timber for the manufacture of the frame (4/4cm);
  • sheets of foam or foam;
  • self-tapping screws (for installation in wooden walls), dowels (for hard surfaces);
  • mineral or basalt wool;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • any available panel material (drywall, plywood, reinforcing mesh).

The walls are insulated first. The procedure is as follows:

  1. A beam is vertically strengthened over the entire surface of the walls at a distance of 60 cm (the width of the insulation). To do this, the timber of the required length is mounted with fasteners (self-tapping screws, dowels) to the wall, thereby creating a frame for laying insulation material.
  2. The vapor barrier is fixed with the rough side to the wall. The film is fastened with double-sided tape or a construction stapler.
  3. The heater is installed next. It can be a foam sheet, mineral wool, or both, depending on the thickness of the walls and climatic conditions. The material is installed on top of the film and tightly joined to the beam. Foam fasteners are carried out using dowels-umbrellas (large-diameter cap).
  4. At the final stage, the foam sheet is sheathed with panels or a reinforced mesh is attached. Next, the walls are plastered with a cement mortar.

To insulate the roof from the inside, use the same sequence of actions as for the walls. Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to check the condition of the roof to prevent it from leaking. After the work done on the insulation of the room, the walls outside can be insulated in the same way, but plastered well enough.

Quality control of insulation

It is impossible to visually assess the quality of insulation, because possible imperfections are inside. Usually, for these purposes, they resort to using a thermal imager, but in the case of a chicken coop, this is not advisable. Therefore, quality control is carried out at the stages of material selection and proper installation. Possible errors can lead to the following:

  • with the wrong choice of material, cracks appear due to shrinkage;
  • if the installation rules are not followed, vapor barrier tightness is violated, the lack of ventilation leads to wetting and freezing of the walls.

To be sure of the quality of the purchased material, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • proven, well-known brand of the manufacturer;
  • selection of material with suitable characteristics;
  • product integrity.

High-quality installation of heaters will guarantee their long-term service and keep the heat in the room throughout the winter.

What are the signs that a hen cannot lay an egg? Details about this, as well as what to do in this case, are written here.

How to grow Linda geese at home? We talked about this in our article.

The cost of heaters

Depending on the size and manufacturer, the price of the package varies:How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter

  1. Styrofoam - from 2000-2500r.
  2. Mineral wool from 400-1000 rub.
  3. Basalt wool from 400-1200 rub.
  4. Foil penofol - from 300-1700 rubles.
  5. Waterproofing - from 250-400 rubles.
  6. Penoplex - from 100-400 rubles.
  7. Vapor barrier - from 200-2000 rubles.

Chicken coop warming is a necessary measure for wintering chickens, which guarantees the preservation of livestock and egg production for the entire period. Properly organized insulation allows you to create optimal conditions for birds at different times of the year.

Calculation of chicken coop parameters

You can very easily calculate the dimensions of the chicken coop using a simple formula: one square meter for four individuals. In addition, it is necessary to think about the foundation for the future bird dwelling.

The most important thing for the foundation of a chicken coop is strength. As a rule, the foundation is made of ordinary concrete. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Prevent board rot. If they are isolated from the destructive effects of wet soil, then the building itself will be much stronger and more durable.
  2. Undermining prevention. It's no secret that foxes and other wild animals, and often domestic dogs, are not averse to eating chicken. If they stumble on a concrete base, they will not be able to dig a hole into the chicken coop and cause damage to you.

If you do not want to make a concrete foundation, then just carefully cover the entire bottom of the chicken coop with iron sheets.

Chicken coop insulation

Our conditions are such that if you do not take care of the question of how to properly insulate the chicken coop for the coming winter, then the bird will simply die from hypothermia. How to do it?

First of all, during construction, in front of the entrance to the chicken coop, it is necessary to build a vestibule. This will stop the flow of icy air directly into the room. Bypassing the vestibule, he will have at least a little time to warm up.

How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter

To save more heat in the chicken coop, you need to make a vestibule. Click to enlarge.

They are good because they can be regularly replaced with new ones, which means that the chicken coop will always be clean. It is customary to upholster the inner part of the roof and walls with felt.

In especially frosty seasons, care should be taken to connect heating devices. They can be different - both incandescent lamps and a heater. The most important thing is that the heating devices cannot be reached by the chickens.

If desired, special films or heating panels made of metal can be found on the market or in a store. They will emit heat into the room using infrared radiation.

This method of heating is convenient and economical, because with its help your birds will be able to survive even the most severe cold perfectly and without any losses, while the power consumption will not increase, which means it will not hit your pocket.

It is worth approaching this matter with all care, because it will depend on the work you have done how the birds will feel and how well they rush.

Some Tips

How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter

Following our advice, your chicken coop will be a reliable home for birds. Click to enlarge.

So, in the chicken coop, it is necessary to equip a convenient place where the chicken can calmly lay eggs. To do this, in a secluded corner you need to install a box filled with sawdust.

Also, the bird's dwelling requires constant cleaning, so during construction it is best to take this circumstance into account immediately and make the floor slightly inclined towards the door.

Barriers for bird walks should be dug into the ground. This is done for greater reliability and so that predators cannot get to the chickens.

It is not necessary to purchase a protective net in a large cell, since in this case the chickens can escape from the aviary.

We looked at how to build and insulate a chicken coop. As you can see, everyone can do it.

Best Answers

Galina M:

It is not necessary in the refrigerator, if it is not possible to insulate the entire barn, insulate, at least part of it. In the villages, chickens overwinter normally, but only insulated in sheds and agree you can buy an infrared lamp (special for farm animals).

keep at home


Either way, it will be warmer in the fridge.

Alena Bykova:

Try to insulate the barn

Alex U:

Can you insulate the shed? lay straws... upholster the walls with something suitable ...

Ali Baba:

better in a new and already cut - so that the pieces do not freeze and each leg in a separate bag)))))))


in a normal barn, chickens never freeze


Insulate the shed with foam plastic and screw in the blue lamp ... it will be warmer for them))))))))

Andrew ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒:

If there is no heating, then it is useless to insulate. Where does heat come from? 4 frozen chickens will not heat the room. Either some kind of heat to conduct, or chickens in the house.

Sergey Igorevich:

Insulate the barn and put perches for chickens on the ground, it's cold, they need something to sit on ...




Buy them a rooster, he will warm them alive)))

Liza Halanay:

You don’t need to lay straws in the barn, but throw a haystack there - the chickens in the hay will not freeze. And why a refrigerator? Make a small pen in the house, and let them live until spring. In warmth and even in artificial light, chickens rush well in winter.

Doberman Crystal:

I now have three elite chickens imported from China sitting in an apartment in a large exhibition dog cage. If a bird is freezing, then be sure to bring it to heat, no straws and hay will help. For a couple of months you will live under a cheerful cluck)))) For domestic chickens, a favorable winter temperature is +10 degrees. Below is dangerous.

How to insulate windows and doors with your own hands

Heat escapes from the chicken coop due to drafts, through ill-fitting doors and windows. In order not to freeze the chickens, before a cold snap, work is carried out to seal the cracks, restore the integrity of the door and window frames.

During construction, a double frame is provided for the window. The opening itself is best done from the south or east side in order to increase the flow of light. When cold weather sets in, a sheet of dense polyethylene is attached to the frame, filling the gaps with foam rubber or felt.

The door frame is insulated around the perimeter with felt or dense fabric tape, the threshold is raised so that it does not blow on the floor. The door is upholstered on both sides with insulation - an old carpet, carpet, felt.

Expert answers

Vera Semyonova:

You think about insulation, but don't think about rats and ferrets. And isovere this rubbish quietly makes nests. If the foam is not the one that crumbles, but polystyrene foam. And it would be nice to make a small chain-link, just a box. Why am I writing like this, because we lost both young chickens and quails, they generally hung on the wall in cages.


this is youth, this is what I understand. she cares more about chickens than tatsulki. Well done

Alexey Kochetkov:

isover :), and the door too, and a film.

Lydia S.:

Look at your winters. We had brick walls in one shed, with adobe, and the other brick and cement walls. In one half there were cattle (two cows), and in the other, through a wicker net, there were chickens. Nothing, everything was ok. When it was very cold, red lamps were turned on. But the lowest temperature was -25°C.

andromeda andromedovna:

Start from the floor


Vera is right. . cover the walls and the floor with a metal mesh .. and then lay the plank floor .. insulate the floor with sawdust 20-30 cm .. A ferret can crush all chickens and rats for nothing in the winter .. I’m strong enough for both a duck and a young goose .. You will have to insulate the door and cracks .. T * in winter indoors b. not lower than + 10 * .. and necessarily lighting and heating with lamps .. Without light, chickens will not rush .. Dry brooms from any grass. . one for 1 winter day is an average of 5 hens.. (vitamin supplement).. Good luck..

Spark of God (gender male):

You wanted to write: so that chickens lay in the winter? Then insulate the door, at least with an isover, and the roof and hang a light bulb so that there is light.And the chickens will survive anyway, the main thing is to have a perch!

Natalie Mur):

In our wooden shed, which was not particularly insulated, chickens lived and wintered, in the very frosts they turned on a heater (stove-tram) and light is definitely needed! Khorei was not in our village.

Phil Casidi:

The decision on how to heat the barn is best taken at the stage of its design and construction. But, if you plan to insulate a building that is already in operation, then you can do it in two ways: finish the walls and roof with heat-insulating materials or install a stove. You can also combine these two methods. To insulate the barn, a clay-saw mixture is often used, applied to walls that are pre-lined with shingles (willow twigs can be used instead). It is attached at a 45 degree angle, starting at the corner of the wall. Clay is mixed with water and sawdust until a creamy consistency is obtained. After that, you can begin to apply the solution with a large spatula. The layer of such plaster should be at least 3-5 centimeters. This method is considered popular and quite effective, but modern materials can also be used. Details: ogodom /uteplit-saray-obshit-postroit-obogret

Elena Nikolaeva (Schepkova):

Styrofoam, roll insulation (can be foil), etc. And it should not blow from anywhere. Sawdust is better for bedding. They will also absorb excess moisture. Water in a nipple cup drinker: less evaporation and contamination. It is quite affordable. Ceilings of more than 1.8 m are not desirable. In a well-insulated and draft-protected room, a 75-watt light bulb is enough to maintain an acceptable temperature.

Vladimir Bulanov:

Well, it depends where. cold triggers die quickly.


The chicken coop can be insulated with polystyrene foam, felt, sawdust, straw: The barn must be equipped with a vestibule at the entrance. It will serve as a barrier when the winter air rushes into the room. The next step is to insulate the floor, roof and walls of the chicken coop using the right material. In severe frosts, the chicken coop can be equipped with heating appliances. The main condition is that they must be located in places inaccessible to chickens. The market sells special panels for heating in the winter. They are made of metal and film insulation and emit heat inside the chicken coop using infrared radiation. Such heating does not require an increased use of electricity, so it will not affect your costs.

Natural insulation of the chicken coop with your own hands

All the above efforts to organize the heating of the poultry house can go to waste if the heat is not kept in the room. Therefore, it is necessary to insulate the floor, walls, ceiling, doors and windows.

To insulate the floor, peat, sawdust, small chips or straw are used, which are covered with a continuous layer 8–10 cm thick. How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winterSawdust is a great option for floor insulation. But before that, you need to cover the floor with slaked lime to prevent the appearance of ticks and fleas. The bedding itself can serve as a source of heat. How to properly organize such natural heating is shown above, in the "Without the use of electricity" subsection.

The materials for the interior lining of the chicken coop can be very different: board, plywood, drywall, OSB boards (OSB), whitewashed plaster. As a heater, mineral wool or polystyrene is most often used - these are the most practical options.

The same technology can be applied when using polystyrene foam as a heater. The joints between the foam sheets can be sealed with mounting foam. Since chickens quickly peck at the foam, it is sheathed on the outside with any suitable material. When insulating walls with this material, you can do without crates. How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winterTo do this, perform the following actions:

  1. Styrofoam sheets laid on the floor are primed and plastered (cement plaster).
  2. Three days later, the foam is attached to the walls using "fungi" for this - fasteners with a wide plastic cap. The gaps between the sheets are sealed with mounting foam.
  3. The foam is again covered with plaster, then the plaster is whitewashed with lime.

If the construction of a chicken coop is only planned, then it is advisable to build it already insulated. Here is a well-established version of the insulated design:

  • inside 3 mm plywood, painted with oil paint;
  • then 10 mm foam sheets;
  • the next layer is from a 20 mm board;
  • outside the chicken coop is upholstered with galvanized iron.

Ceiling insulation

The ceiling is usually insulated with mineral wool or foam. The process of laying insulation is the same as described above for walls: creating a sheathing, laying a vapor barrier film, laying insulation, installing finishing material (plywood, lining, OSB boards, etc.). If there are floor beams on the ceiling, then these beams can be used instead of the crate.

Doors and windows

How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winterThe windows in the chicken coop are made with double glazing and do not open, as they do not serve for ventilation, but only for natural light.

In winter, the window can be additionally insulated by tightening the window opening with a transparent plastic film. Doors - both large and small, for the release of birds - should close tightly. They can be insulated with felt.

So, it is necessary to prepare the chicken coop for the winter. Without insulation of the floor, ceiling, walls, windows and doors, proper organization of heating and ventilation, the living conditions for chickens will be uncomfortable. At best, they will survive in the cold, but fresh eggs can be forgotten for the entire winter period. Therefore, it is better not to save money and equip the house with everything necessary, especially since the results of these works will last at least several years.

Insulation of the ceiling and roof of the chicken coop

The ceiling covering is insulated by analogy with the walls. A rough board is used as the first layer, then a waterproofing material, usually garden polyethylene, is installed. Then a crate is created, only the width between the bars should be slightly less than the heat insulator.

Thus, the ceiling crate goes in increments of 0.57 - 0.58 m. The distance decreases purposefully in order to be able to lay the insulation more tightly on the ceiling so that the sheets do not fall out.

Next, a heat insulator is laid - polystyrene foam or mineral wool, which is covered with a vapor barrier fabric.

Moisture-resistant plywood, OSB sheets or moisture-proof chipboard are used as the final finishing of the ceiling covering.

Warming the walls of the chicken coop

Wall insulation is carried out both outside and inside. It depends on the materials of which the poultry house is made. If you plan to keep chickens year-round, then the construction of a chicken coop is taken seriously. The walls are erected from solid building materials (brick, foam block). The surface of the walls must be plastered and whitewashed with slaked lime.

In regions with harsh climatic conditions, the walls are additionally insulated with sheets of foam or foam plastic. Consider the characteristics of these materials.


Styrofoam is polystyrene granules, foamed and compressed to the required thickness. The main volume of the material is occupied by air, which gives high thermal insulation and lightness to the product. Styrofoam from different manufacturers has different strengths and densities.

It is worth giving preference to polystyrene foam, which includes a fire retardant - an important component that protects the insulation from fire.

It is used as a thermal insulation material, widely used in construction:

  • for the foundation (protection from soil pressure, the influence of cold);
  • for the floor (laying on the floor before the screed);
  • for walls (fastening from the outside and inside);
  • for the roof (it is laid in two ways - a warm roof of 70 mm foam sheet combined with bitumen and a cold one);
  • for the facade (a sheet 50-60 mm thick is used, glued to even walls with special glue, fixed, plastered).

When buying foam, you should know in advance certain nuances - the higher the density (stability), the lower the thermal insulation of the material. A low degree of strength and density implies protection against mechanical damage. The latter characteristics are used for warming frame and other premises.

A big plus when choosing foam as a heater is:How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter

  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • its availability;
  • relatively low price;
  • durability;
  • does not require additional waterproofing, resistant to moisture;
  • light weight;
  • ease of installation.

The disadvantages include:

  • low strength of the material;
  • does not pass air;
  • release of gases during fire, hazardous to health.


Penoplex - heat-insulating plates of a new generation. It is a dense slab with a fine-mesh structure, measuring 120 by 60 cm. The basis of the foam is also polystyrene. A feature of the foam is the presence of a solid L-shaped edge, which allows the joining of plates without gaps.

In addition to the same purposes as the use of foam, it is suitable for pipe insulation. It also has some properties:

  • high thermal protection;
  • does not emit fumes and harmful odors;
  • extended temperature range (from -50 to +75 degrees Celsius) makes penoplex suitable for different climatic zones;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • long service life (about 50 years);
  • withstands freezing temperatures.

The disadvantages include:

  • not used without lining (plaster);
  • toxic when burned;
  • poor barrier against rodents.

Penofol foil

A relatively new type of insulation. It is a material characterized by high thermal protection qualities, consists of a layer of polyethylene foam and reflective foil. The thickness of the base varies from 2 to 40 mm. Foamed polyethylene blocks direct heat transfer. It can be installed in combination with other thermal insulation materials.

If the walls of the chicken coop are thin (barn type of building), there will be much more work on insulation. Warming is achieved by combining different types of materials. Mineral and basalt wool serve as additional materials - they are used for thermal insulation of walls and ceilings. These heaters perfectly tolerate temperature changes, are hygroscopic, have fire-fighting properties and are easy to use.

Are chickens afraid of frost and can they winter in a greenhouse

Important! With minus indicators, the productivity of chickens will drop sharply, but at the same time they will not die and will be able to survive. If the birds have been acclimatized to the environment, then the lowest temperature they can tolerate is -7 °C

If the birds have been acclimatized to the environment, then the lowest temperature they can tolerate is -7 °C.

At the same time, the chicken coop should be well ventilated and not have drafts. Some summer residents use a greenhouse as a home for chickens. This is the most suitable place for birds, where they will get enough light and be able to dig in the ground all day.

How and what to insulate the walls

A warm barn for chickens is unthinkable without good thermal insulation of the walls. Plank walls are insulated in several layers - inside and out. Inside, a vapor-tight layer is needed, and on the outside, a more “breathable” material. If there is no additional layer of heat insulator on the inside of the walls, straw can be used.

Outside, vertical bars are installed every 60 cm, the thickness of the bar should be 12 cm.

How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter

These bars act as a crate, which is then filled with natural insulation mixed with cement. The top layer is facing and serves for decorative purposes.You should definitely think about the water resistance of the walls, so it would be good to treat the facade with a water-repellent solution.

If foam is used to insulate the walls, it is necessary to seal the gaps between the plates well.

How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter

Foam boards are attached to the walls with glue, and then additionally covered with plywood sheets. If desired, the walls can be painted in any color or varnished. It is best to use foam no thinner than 10 cm.

How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter

Insulation of windows and doors of the chicken coop

Windows and doors significantly cool the room. To prevent drafts from entering, it is imperative to insulate the openings. If the frames in the chicken coop are made of wood, then the glazing should be double.

At the same time, as an additional insulation, it is recommended to apply a sealant along the perimeter of the frame at the place where the glazing bead passes. If the room is cold enough, then from the outside the window is closed with plastic wrap.

Do not forget about the ventilation system. The window must be equipped with a window.

The door is also insulated with heat-insulating material. Pre-treated with a protective coating against moisture. Felt is used as insulation.

A rubber seal is glued along the perimeter of the box, in the place where the canvas fits. As an alternative to wooden windows and doors, metal-plastic structures can be installed.

Insulation of windows and doors

Most of the heat is vented out of the chicken coop through cracks in window and door openings. Therefore, all holes are sealed with foam rubber, cloth, cotton wool and other improvised materials.

How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winterThe insulated door should fit snugly against the walls to prevent drafts.

To reduce heat loss, one small window is installed in the room, from which there will be enough lighting. The window is located on the south side or east.


  1. Window. The window structure is equipped with two frames. In the summer, the frame is removed, and a mesh is installed instead, thanks to which the room is well ventilated. In winter, the window is covered with transparent polyethylene foam and trimmed around with felt material or other insulation.
  2. Doors. The door is removed from the hinges and insulated from the outside and inside. The inside of the door is upholstered with dense material; for upholstery on the outside, film, foam rubber and felt are used. Such insulation will qualitatively protect the poultry house from drafts.

Chicken coop floor insulation

Birds spend a lot of time on the floor, so floor insulation must be carried out carefully. Before the distribution of the litter, the floor is inspected, the existing gaps are covered. In winter, they use a deep type of litter (mound 20-30 cm high).

How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winterTo date, non-replaceable fermentation deep litters ("Biogerm" Germany, "Netto Plast" China) have proven themselves. The cost varies from 2000-2500 rubles per 0.5 kg (for an area of ​​10m²). They are a powdered product of a mixture of bacteria and other microorganisms that are harmless to animals. The principle of operation lies in the biochemical processing of bird droppings inside the litter. The vital activity of bacteria generates heat (25-35 degrees), playing the role of a heater, and also eliminates the smells of vital activity.

A big plus of such bedding is the absence of daily cleaning of chicken manure. The only requirement when using a mixture of bacteria in floor materials is to loosen the trampled bedding 2 times a week. This is done to allow oxygen to penetrate into the inner layers. The supply of oxygen is an important element for the proper functioning of bacteria.

It is necessary to keep the litter dry in the winter season. Wet litter disrupts the work of microorganisms and the process of heat generation stops. This leads to an increase in humidity and a decrease in temperature in the coop.

It is also important to know that wet litter is a source for the favorable development of helminths, chicken mites, pathological microorganisms that cause coccidiosis and diseases of the respiratory system of birds. Moss peat, sawdust, hay, straw are suitable raw materials for bedding.

The most successful choice for winter floor insulation is peat. This natural material has a number of useful properties:

Suitable raw materials for bedding are moss peat, sawdust, hay, straw. The most successful choice for winter floor insulation is peat. This natural material has a number of useful properties:

  • absorbs moisture well;
  • eliminates odors of the end products of the life of birds;
  • has a soft texture;
  • keeps warm (the paws of chickens do not freeze);
  • non-waste material (after it is used as a fertilizer).

A combination of raw materials for floor mats is possible. For example: straw (15 cm), sawdust (5-10 cm), moss peat (up to 10 cm).

It is not recommended to cover the floor only with sawdust. The sawdust quickly becomes wet, and there is also a risk of birds eating the sawdust.

As soon as the top layer of bedding becomes dirty, it is replaced with a new one. And the bottom layer (10-15 cm) is left.

We insulate the ceiling and roof

If a farmer breeds chickens all year round, then the building is erected with an attic. This allows you to store bedding, food and much more.

But the drafts walking through the attic erode the heat from the house. To keep warm, the roof must be insulated. Insulation and execution technique are chosen depending on the structure of the roof. As a rule, the upper part of the building is insulated with mineral wool or foam.

Step-by-step description of the roof and attic insulation process

Before insulating the house, the bad parts of the wood coverings must be removed.

If the boards have areas damaged by rot or mold, these areas are replaced with new parts. Before installation, new boards are treated with an antiseptic.

Step by step description:

  1. The ceiling is usually insulated with mineral wool. It is laid on the boards, covered with a vapor barrier film on top and fixed on the underside of the frame boards with a construction stapler. For additional protection, a second layer of mineral wool is laid on top according to the same principle.
  2. The entire structure is lined with clapboard. The material is fixed with metal clamps.
  3. To protect against parasites and rodents, the material is treated with special means, then stained.

How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter

Warming the walls of the chicken coop

The material used for the walls of the chicken coop plays an important role in creating insulation. You should take into account the weather conditions in the region where you live. If you plan to build or purchase a chicken coop in the northern belt? It is better to give preference to a log house made of wood.

For temperate latitudes, structures made of boards one inch thick are suitable. In the southern climate, construction from coniferous wood is allowed. But, no matter what type of structure was chosen, it must be insulated for the winter.

Cracks appear in log cabins due to weather conditions. To eliminate cracks, you can use moss and tow. Brick buildings are also inspected for integrity, if necessary, close the gap, you can use mounting foam.

After eliminating the cracks, a crate is created over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. To do this, it is recommended to use a bar 50 by 50 mm, as well as fasteners, depending on the material of the walls. It can be wood screws or dowels - nails.

Step by step process of wall insulation.

  1. Creation of a wooden crate. Vertical buildings are mounted through 0.6 m from each other. This distance is due to the width of the insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene). For structural strength, corner posts are required. Then jumpers are attached horizontally, the height should be oriented to the size of the insulation.
  2. Waterproofing attachment.A plastic film is used, which is mounted using a construction stapler. The material must be overlapped. At the joints, it is glued with adhesive tape. This layer is necessary to protect against moisture from outside.
  3. Heat insulator installation. Mineral wool is placed in the gaps between the crate. If pruning is necessary, a clerical knife is used. When choosing foam, fastening is carried out on special "fungi".
  4. Installing a vapor barrier. A fabric is laid on top of the heat-insulating material to prevent increased evaporation from inside the chicken coop.
  5. Finishing. To give aesthetics and extend the service life, moisture-resistant drywall, slate sheet, OSB treated from moisture, are used.


