We insulate the ceiling of the cellar
Before starting work on insulation, we check the entire surface of the ceiling in the basement for cracks, potholes, etc. We carefully clean all these defects and repair them with mortar or gently blow them out with foam. After that, we treat the entire surface of the ceiling with antifungal solutions (quicklime or blue vitriol).
There are a lot of options for insulating the basement ceiling in the garage - from polystyrene foam to reflective thermal insulation
You can insulate the ceiling with any of the materials described above, for insulation with mineral wool or glass wool you will need a special frame, which is then sheathed with sheets of HA, plastic, plywood, etc. Installation of polystyrene or expanded polystyrene can be carried out on parachutes with a preliminary application of a special solution, then the mesh is applied to plaster surface and paint, you can also use facing material (decorative tiles, panels, etc.). For reflective thermal insulation, you can also use decorative facing material.
How to insulate the basement of the house with your own hands
Basement insulation can be done in different ways. But the most successful option is when the heat-insulating materials are located outside. Thanks to the external placement of the insulation, the basement walls can be protected from freezing. There is no danger of condensation and mold growth. At the same time, one should not forget that the walls of the basement must also be protected from moisture. It is better to use a material that is not afraid of contact with water. The well-known mineral wool and foam plastic can deteriorate if wet during operation.
The most successful is such insulation, which is carried out even during the construction of the building itself. At the initial stage of construction, it is possible to lay waterproofing and equip drainage without much difficulty. Be that as it may, it is necessary to determine the materials used in advance. When choosing a heater, you need to take into account the practical characteristics that it has, as well as the complexity of installation. Great importance is attached to the moisture resistance of the insulation and its flammability.
Preparatory work
In order to lay heat-insulating materials with especially high quality, it is necessary to first level the walls. They must also be qualitatively waterproofed, and, if necessary, covered with antiseptic substances. After the insulation is carried out, the humidity in the basement may increase. Therefore, it is also necessary to think about ventilation. Otherwise, you can not avoid the appearance of mold on the walls and floors.
The simplest method of arranging ventilation is the one in which holes are prepared on opposite walls of the basement. It should be noted that with a decrease in air temperature, these openings must be closed. To prevent atmospheric moisture and melt water from damaging the foundation of the house, a blind area must be made around the building. Thanks to it, rain moisture will be effectively eliminated.
Basement ceiling insulation from the inside
In general, thermal insulation measures in relation to the basement involve three related processes. So, the walls, floor and ceiling should be insulated. It's better to start with the last one. When insulating the ceiling in the basement, it is possible to reduce the heat loss of the room that is located above it.
First, the joints and all the cracks that are present in the floor are removed. Next, the insulation is laid on the ceiling. As a result of such work, the floor in the house will be much warmer.
But it is important that the used thermal insulation material can repel water. If this quality is not observed, the insulation should be covered with a vapor barrier.
After that, finishing is carried out.For the purpose of its implementation, PVC panels, plaster and other materials can be used.
Insulation of the basement floor from the inside
It is also necessary to carry out thermal insulation of the floor. The fact is that moisture constantly gets into the basement from the ground, and heat, on the contrary, leaves. The most comfortable conditions in the basement will be if you install a "warm floor"
But before installing such a communication, it is important to perform waterproofing and level the base. To increase thermal insulation, foam is laid, which is poured with a concrete base.
Roofing material can be used as a waterproofing material. It fits on the walls and partially comes on them. Thanks to reliable waterproofing, you can protect yourself from high humidity. It will be especially good to notice the benefits of a waterproofing layer during those periods when groundwater rises high.
Insulation of basement walls from the inside
The cheapest way to insulate basement walls is to use foam. Its density should be about 25 g / m2. The first layer on the walls is waterproofing. It will be possible to fix the insulation with the help of dowels in the form of fungi. The layer of heat-insulating coating can be sheathed with plastic panels, clapboard or covered with plaster.
The foam sheets are fastened with dowels. For each sheet you need 4-5 fasteners. When the foam is laid, all the remaining joints between the sheets are filled with mounting foam or mortar. Then cold bridges will not appear.
Basement walls can also be insulated with mineral wool. But the owner must immediately take into account that such a heater cannot be left without waterproofing and protection from physical influences. To insulate the walls with mineral wool, you must first lay the vertical guides. They are placed in such a way that the mineral wool slabs fit tightly and are held by a similar frame.
Do I need to insulate the basement under the house
Very often, home owners consider the basement only as such a room where vegetables can be stored. But the basement can play other roles as well. For example, it is well suited for placing a gym, a wine cellar, an ordinary rest room. True, if you want to arrange something like this, you can’t do without insulation.
A big plus of the basement is that the air temperature in it is stable almost all year round. But that doesn't mean conditions are just perfect. In fact, without high-quality thermal insulation, it will not be possible to successfully use this part of a country house. But insulation can reduce heat loss by about 20%. If you also carry out the insulation of the basement, then the walls of the basement will not be exposed to moisture.
Without basement insulation, you may encounter such a problem as condensation on the floor of the first floor. The floor in the house will remain cold, which will cause serious inconvenience to the owners. Expanded polystyrene, polystyrene foam, mineral wool and other materials can be used to insulate the basement.
It is only important to fully evaluate the capabilities of the insulation so that the results of its use are of the highest quality.
How to insulate the foundation of the cellar
Thermal insulation of the basement. Click to enlarge.
Before you start warming the cellar in the garage, you should do the foundation. Concrete walls are constantly in contact with the ground. Concrete only seems monolithic.
There are small channels and cracks in the thickness of the concrete base. Moisture can easily saturate a concrete slab.
In addition, concrete has a high thermal conductivity. In winter, it cools down and through the concrete structures, the cold penetrates into the basement. Therefore, it is necessary to build a structure that will limit the concrete foundation from moisture.
The foundation walls are insulated from the outside. First you need to remove the soil at the base of the wall.Then the wall is plastered. A layer of plaster will protect the concrete structure from frozen ground.
It is also better to lay concrete slabs with sheets of roofing material. This material does not allow moisture to pass through and will protect the concrete base from getting wet. Now you can fill the structure with soil.
How to insulate a cellar floor
When drawing up a work plan for insulating the cellar of the garage, do not forget about the floors. For their insulation, you can build an effective design:
- first, we deepen the floor a little, remove about 30 centimeters of soil, level the space;
- pour a layer of rubble up to ten centimeters on the floor;
- the next layer is a pillow of sand up to five centimeters;
- warming cake carefully rammed;
- pour a layer of hot bitumen over the structure;
- now you can make a screed of concrete.
How to insulate cellar walls
It is clear that the walls of the cellar will have to be insulated from the inside. We will need wooden bars, insulation boards and polyurethane foam. Work sequence:
- we fasten wooden logs to the walls with a drill;
- between the bars we insert insulation plates;
- foam can simply be glued to the wall or screwed with plastic dowels;
- all voids and cracks are carefully sealed with adhesive tape, you can blow it out with building foam;
- before plastering, a mounting mesh is glued to the insulation structure.
What material to choose
The coefficient of thermal conductivity of various heaters
The basement level is constantly exposed to lateral and vertical pressure, dampness, acids, insects and rodents. These factors must be considered when choosing a heater. A wide range of materials is on sale, differing in price, performance characteristics and installation features. When making a choice, each property of the product should be evaluated.
Expanded clay
Expanded clay is balls or sharp porous granules obtained by vulcanization of natural clay. The material is more often used in the arrangement of roofs in residential buildings and outbuildings.
Scheme of floor insulation with expanded clay
The product has the following advantages:
- affordable cost;
- low density;
- ease of handling;
- environmental Safety;
- low thermal conductivity.
Foam is easy to process and highly waterproof
Styrofoam is a time-tested material that is used in private and industrial construction, in preparation for the winter of country and garage cooperatives.
Expanded polystyrene has the following advantages:
- excellent insulating properties;
- water resistance;
- low specific gravity;
- ease of processing and installation;
- small price.
The disadvantages include brittleness and toxicity during combustion.
Due to the spongy structure, foam is easy to cut
The decision to insulate the basement from the inside with foam will create high-quality and reliable protection of the premises from dampness, temperature changes, insects and rodents.
The polymer material has the following advantages:
- dense structure, excluding crumbling and breaking during installation;
- low thermal conductivity;
- almost zero hygroscopicity;
- long service life;
- ecological cleanliness;
- deterrent effect on living beings;
- wide temperature range;
- resistance to alkalis and acids.
mineral wool
Mineral wool is a good thermal insulator
The industry produces mineral wool from cullet, steel slag and natural stone. Finished products are fibers randomly fastened in space. Mineral wool is produced in the form of mats and rolls, the thickness of which is 100-400 mm.
Material advantages:
- ease;
- low thermal conductivity;
- elasticity;
- flexibility;
- durability.
The disadvantage is its hygroscopicity and the release of many volatile particles harmful to health during installation.
Thermal insulation with foam
Basement insulation in a private house is often carried out with ordinary foam. A more modern alternative to it is polystyrene foam. It has all the characteristics of foam, but is more durable. This material is often used in the production of outdoor work. It is also used for warming non-residential premises from the inside.
The popularity of thermal protection with foam plastic is due to the following advantages of the material:
- excellent thermal insulation properties;
- relatively low weight, due to which there is no additional load on the foundation and walls;
- affordable price;
- resistance to mold, rot;
- low hygroscopicity.
But this heater has certain disadvantages:
- when heated, it can emit an unpleasant odor, so it should not be used for interior decoration of residential premises;
- on contact with fire, ignition occurs quite quickly;
- insufficient environmental friendliness.
To insulate the cellar with foam plastic, experts recommend using sheets of the PSB-25 brand 5 centimeters thick. Their installation does not involve the construction of a crate, but is carried out by gluing insulation on brick or concrete walls using frost-resistant glue. Dowels with a wide cap can additionally fix the sheets at the junction.
To prevent the appearance of condensate during basement insulation from the inside, a vapor barrier film is mounted on top of the insulation. Its joints should be glued with reinforced masking tape.
Choosing a heater
We decided to insulate the cellar, but we don’t know how to do it, and most importantly, what material to use.
Let's look at how to insulate a cellar in a garage using modern materials that experts use to insulate basements:
- polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam;
- mineral wool;
- "warm" plaster;
- glass wool;
- reflective insulation.
Warming the cellar in the garage with the materials described above allows you to achieve good thermal insulation properties and eliminate the appearance of fungus in the room, but each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Extruded polystyrene or foam
- simple installation;
- environmental friendliness;
- you can use extruded polystyrene foam for floor insulation;
- service life up to 40 years or more;
- excellent water resistance;
- low cost;
- tolerates sudden changes in temperature.
- has flammability;
- does not let air through.
Helpful information! Extruded polystyrene foam differs from polystyrene in increased density and strength. Thus, the thermal conductivity coefficient of extruded polystyrene foam will be higher than that of polystyrene foam with the same thickness of the material. In addition, only extruded polystyrene foam is used to insulate the floor covering.
Important! When using polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam as thermal insulation, it will be necessary to treat all surfaces with a primer before starting work and, upon completion, additionally plaster the walls using reinforced, and make a cement and sand screed on the floor
Mineral wool
- passes air, allows the room to "breathe";
- excellent sound insulation;
- excellent thermal insulation;
- affordable cost;
- long service life of 30 years or more.
- passes moisture;
- work is performed in special clothing and gloves.
Important! If mineral wool is chosen as a heater, then it will be necessary to additionally make a vapor barrier in the basement in order to prevent the absorption of moisture by the wool itself and the deterioration of its thermal insulation properties
"Warm" plaster
- excellent thermal insulation;
- affordable cost;
- excellent soundproofing.
- it is necessary to apply a thick layer for good thermal insulation;
- difficulty in installation.
glass wool
- low cost;
- good thermal insulation properties;
- good soundproofing properties.
- work is performed in special clothing and gloves;
- additional frame required for mounting;
- passes moisture;
- May produce an unpleasant odor if exposed to moisture.
Important! If mineral wool is chosen as a heater, then it will be necessary to additionally make a vapor barrier in the basement in order to prevent the absorption of moisture by the wool itself and the deterioration of its thermal insulation properties. In addition to the vapor barrier material, it is necessary to use a film or foil to insulate the glass wool
Reflective thermal insulation
- high thermal insulation properties;
- material thickness is only 2 to 5 mm;
- simple installation;
- the ability to use facing material.
- price;
- possible heat loss
Important! Reflective heat insulation is quite thin and, like a mirror, will reflect infrared heat when reflected. As a result, it is not effective enough at convection or induction of reflected heat, which leads to its loss.
How to insulate the ceiling correctly
Knowing how to insulate a cellar with maximum efficiency means understanding the principle of work, starting from the ceiling. It is its surface that is isolated first. For the ceiling, foamed polyurethane foam is suitable, resistant to mold and fungus. Insulation with this insulation will prevent heat loss through the ceiling and prevent cold from entering from the outside.
You can insulate the ceiling from two sides: from above - from the side of the living quarters of a private house and from below - in the basement itself. The essence of the work practically does not depend on the choice of insulation method. They begin with surface preparation, after which thermal insulation is mounted with an additional layer of hydro- and vapor barrier for heaters that exhibit insufficient resistance to moisture. Finishing stage - rough or decorative finish.
They work in this sequence, insulating the ceiling both from the side of the living quarters of a private house and from the basement.
How to drain and drain water
Eliminating the penetration of water into the basement from the ground is either difficult or impossible. More often you need to equip a drainage system around the house or repair an existing one.
In this case, it is necessary to tear off the foundation from the outside. In this case, talking about internal insulation loses all meaning, since the foundation walls become free for external insulation and additional waterproofing.
There may be other drying options. Sometimes the issue is resolved comprehensively for a group of houses or a whole village, by digging a drainage ditch.
Sometimes the basement can be drained only by equipping a well with a pump in it. Although pumping out a spring under the house is an extremely thankless task, but what to do? This source of water can serve for the purpose of water supply at home, so not all pump work will be "downwind".
Thus, for a wet basement, one method of insulation remains - external with preliminary drainage of the soil.
Basement insulation materials
First, the owner of the house must decide how to insulate the basement. There are many types of thermal insulation materials with a variety of characteristics on the construction market.
Consider the most popular heaters in terms of the appropriateness of using for basement thermal insulation:
expanded polystyrene. A more modern analogue of foam. It has all the properties that are inherent in polystyrene, but is distinguished by a higher density (and therefore stronger), the presence of the "groove-comb" system.
At the same time, expanded polystyrene is characterized by ease of machining (the sheet does not crumble when cut), resistance to stress and a higher price.Basement insulation with polystyrene foam is actively practiced, because. this material is best suited for insulating the basement from the outside and from the inside;
polyurethane foam. Sprayed thermal insulation material. The peculiarity of PPU is the ability to fill the smallest gaps. Polyurethane foam does not pass moisture, does not rot, does not burn, provides complete tightness of the room. Basement insulation with polyurethane foam allows you to create a durable outer layer of insulation. The disadvantages include the high cost and the inability to do the work yourself;
mineral wool. Basement insulation from the inside allows the use of soft insulation and only if there is no moisture. Mineral wool is hygroscopic and loses its thermal insulation properties when wet;
expanded clay. Despite the fact that it is a loose insulation, it has good thermal insulation properties. However, basement insulation with expanded clay is justified only for insulating the floor in the basement and for protecting the foundation from the outside, since expanded clay gravel (crushed stone) provides good drainage.
Insulation, its type and thickness, is selected individually for each specific case. The choice of thermal insulation material can be entrusted to a professional who will calculate the required thickness, taking into account many factors. And you can do the calculation yourself. To do this, you can use the recommendations that contain:
- SNiP II-3-79 "Construction heat engineering"
- reference book on the construction of heat and sound insulation. Basement walls and foundations;
- SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings"
As well as:
Thermal requirements for basement insulation
The study of the above documents makes it possible to highlight the main heat engineering requirements:
heat transfer resistance (SNiP). For Moscow - Ro = 4.15 m2 • °C / W.
The dependence of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the insulation and its thickness for the internal insulation of the basement (table)
The dependence of the thermal conductivity of the insulation and its thickness for external insulation of the basement (table)
- load perception (SNiP -85);
- thermal stability of the building envelope. The calculation of the amplitude of temperature fluctuations is based on the provisions of SNiP;
- vapor permeability of the building envelope (SNiP).
- fire safety requirements (SNiP, GOST 30247, GOST 30403).
The selected material leaves a significant imprint on the choice of technology and determines how and how to insulate the basement in a private house correctly.
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Why you need to insulate the cellar
Insulation of the cellar will help to avoid freezing of products in winter
The storage facility is being built at a distance from buildings equipped with heating appliances and communications. This means that the internal space is less influenced from the outside and it is relatively stable. Nevertheless, temperature differences in winter and summer reach serious values, which cannot but affect the microclimate of the underground warehouse. Sometimes construction is carried out under sheds and garages in cooperatives. These structures do not have any effect on the underground space, but protect them from precipitation.
Basement insulation is carried out for the following reasons:
- In the summer heat, the earth becomes so hot that the heat penetrates deep into the earth, heating the walls of the cellar and its contents. From this, vegetables sprout, preservation explodes, pickles become moldy.
In cold, snowless winters, the ground freezes heavily. This also affects the microclimate in the underground storage. Vegetables and fruits deteriorate, jars crack, and after thawing, smoked meats quickly disappear.
- Temperature fluctuations cause condensation to form. Dampness contributes to the development of pathogens, metal corrosion and the destruction of wooden products.
- From contact with the ground, the walls of the structure are gradually destroyed. The insulation of the cellar from the outside protects it from the effects of an acidic environment and the development of a freezing-thawing resource of the material.
Ventilation and waterproofing device
Warming the basement of a private house requires the arrangement of high-quality waterproofing and ventilation. They allow you to prevent premature wear of almost any insulation.
There are many methods and materials for waterproofing a basement from the inside. The most simple and reliable can be called surface treatment with liquid rubber. This is a water-based polymer-bitumen mass. The material is quite easy to apply to the surface in any way: brush, roller or spatula.
Before starting work, it is necessary to take care of good ventilation of the room. Then a primer is applied over the entire surface, which is usually sold complete with bituminous paste. The mastic is mixed with a construction mixer and applied to the walls, floor and ceiling in any convenient way.
After drying, a homogeneous rubber layer is obtained. Despite the fact that the adhesion of the waterproofing to the surface is very strong, it is necessary to additionally press it against the walls and floor, so that even after a few years the seeping water cannot tear off the rubber layer. To do this, a screed is made on the floor, and the walls are plastered, lined with bricks or tiles.
One of the simplest ways to ensure cellar ventilation is to equip the foundation with special vents or two supply and exhaust ducts made of PVC pipes with a diameter of 1 to 5 centimeters. The operation of such a system is based on the temperature difference between the air coming from the street and the basement air.
Additional protection is provided by drainage channels dug around the foundation, forming a single system. A drainage ditch is dug outside the building, and its depth is 0.2–0.3 meters. Next, the geofabric is laid and the crushed stone is backfilled. After laying the drainage pipe, cover it with geotextile, fill it with sand or carefully compacted soil. The arrangement of the drainage system is necessary with a high level of groundwater.
A mandatory attribute of the cellar foundation is a blind area, which allows you to protect the cellar from rain and melting snow.