How and which boiler to choose for a house of 100 150 200 sq.m


A complete electric heating device consists of several important elements:

  1. The electric boiler is the heart of the entire heating system, where the coolant is heated.
  2. Expansion tank. The heated water is distributed throughout the heating system. The expansion tank is an element of the safety system that takes on excess water, thereby preventing the system from overloading.
  3. The circulation pump provides the entire heating system of the house with a constant circulation of the coolant and the necessary ionization in the boiler body.
  4. A pipe system with thermoregulation sensors allows you to regulate the operation of the heating system with an electric boiler and save electricity consumption.
  5. Radiators are a necessary element of the system for heating a private house.
  6. Shut-off valves with valves provide a series connection of the system elements.
  7. Fuses are used to protect against power surges. When it is turned off, the voltage decreases gradually, which protects the safety of the entire structure.

Features of gas heating

Gas heating is an environmentally friendly option for space heating, since when burned, gas causes the least harm to the environment compared to other types of fuel. Such a system is characterized by the availability and inexpensive cost of equipment, easy and quick installation, efficiency and simple maintenance.

The only negative is the increased fire and explosion hazard. Therefore, only professional craftsmen should install gas equipment! In addition, a regular check of the system operation by the gas service employees is necessary!

To organize gas heating, you need a gas boiler. Today there are many models and types of gas boilers.

It is important to choose the right equipment, because the durability, reliability and safety of the heating system depend on the quality. Let's look at what types of gas boilers exist, and which model is better to choose

How and which boiler to choose for a house of 100 150 200 sq.m

Is it worth buying too powerful a boiler

Modern heating equipment is equipped with automatic systems that allow you to adjust the gas flow. This is very convenient because it eliminates unnecessary expenses. It may seem that the exact calculation of the power of the heating boiler is not so important, because you can just buy a boiler with high power ratings. But everything is not so simple.

How and which boiler to choose for a house of 100 150 200 sq.m Proper selection of heating equipment will extend its life

Unreasonable excess of the thermal power of the equipment can lead to:

  • increased costs for the acquisition of system elements;
  • decrease in the efficiency of the boiler;
  • failures in the operation of automatic equipment;
  • rapid wear of components;
  • formation of condensate in the chimney, etc.

Thus, you need to try to "hit" exactly the power that suits your home.

Features of the use of electric boilers in the heating system of the house

How and which boiler to choose for a house of 100 150 200 sq.m

How and which boiler to choose for a house of 100 150 200 sq.m

The disadvantages of electric heating are as follows:

  • boilers do not have enough power to heat large private houses;
  • for uninterrupted operation, a constant source of electricity is needed;
  • new wiring is needed, which will allow the installed electrical equipment for heating to be used at full capacity.

The advantages of using electric boilers are presented by the following list:

  1. a standard heating electric boiler is easy to mount and connect to the circuit;
  2. installation does not require permits from utilities;
  3. the presence of a chimney is not a critical requirement;
  4. silent and waste-free operation of the device;
  5. the possibility of connecting parallel circuits (hot water supply system, underfloor heating, etc.).

What quantities are used in the calculations

The simplest calculation of the boiler power by area looks like this: you need to take 1 kW of power for every 10 square meters. m. However, it is worth considering that these standards were drawn up under the Soviet Union. They do not take into account modern building technologies, in addition, they may be untenable in areas whose climate differs markedly from the conditions of Moscow and the Moscow region. Such calculations may be suitable for a small building with an insulated attic, low ceilings, excellent thermal insulation, windows with double-glazed windows, etc. Alas, only a few buildings meet these requirements. To make a more detailed calculation of the boiler power, you need to take into account a number of factors, such as:

  • climatic conditions in the region;
  • dimensions of the dwelling;
  • the degree of insulation of the house;
  • possible heat loss of the building;
  • the amount of heat required to heat water.

In addition, in houses with forced ventilation, the calculation of the boiler for heating must take into account the amount of energy needed to heat the air. As a rule, for calculations it is necessary to use special software:

When calculating the power of a gas boiler, about 20% more should be added in case of unforeseen situations, such as severe cooling or a decrease in gas pressure in the system.

How to choose the right gas boiler

To choose the right gas boiler, consider the following criteria:

  • Appointment. The boiler is needed only for heating the room or also for supplying hot water;
  • Installation method. Floor boilers are used for rooms up to 200 square meters and are hung inside the house. Wall models take up more space and are used to heat spacious cottages. Such products require a separate boiler room;
  • Manufacturing material. Wall-mounted boilers are made of copper, floor-mounted boilers are made of steel and cast iron. Latest more durable and reliable materials;
  • The presence of a chimney. Please note that chimneys are subject to strict requirements. If you do not plan to make a full-fledged chimney, it is better to choose models with a closed chamber.

For country houses of permanent residence, experts recommend choosing floor-standing gas boilers. For a small country house, bathhouse or garage - wall-mounted equipment. Next, we will take a closer look at the best brands of wall and floor boilers. The overview will help you choose the equipment that best suits your home.

How and which boiler to choose for a house of 100 150 200 sq.m

Connecting the electric boiler to the heating system of the circuit

The presence of an electric boiler alone is not enough to keep the house warm. You also need to correctly connect it to the heating system. A correctly executed piping scheme will also save on the use of equipment for controlling the water temperature in the heating system, preventing it from overheating. In addition, the piping of the electric boiler increases the efficiency of its operation.

The piping of the heating electric boiler has two circuits - small and large. First, the heated coolant passes through a small piping circuit, and then it is included in a large one, from where it is distributed over the radiators.

The wiring diagram includes:

  1. circulation pump for pumping chilled water back to the water heater;
  2. pressure gauge - connected to control the pressure in the heating system;
  3. radiators;
  4. pipes of different diameters;
  5. balancing crane;
  6. distribution valve;
  7. auxiliary elements (adapters, tees; valves of safety, air, reverse type; fastening couplings, bolts, nuts).

Of the tools needed are wrenches and a welding machine.

Heating a private house with an electric boiler can be carried out according to 4 main connection schemes:

with natural circulation, which is used as an emergency option in case of a power outage;

with forced circulation - used as the main connection scheme;

with primary and secondary rings. It is used in complex heating systems, including underfloor heating.

For heating multi-storey buildings, a cascade connection scheme for an electric boiler is used.

Watch a video about electric boilers:

Popular manufacturers

Heating electric boilers from Protherm (Slovakia) represent a line of modern models of Skat electric heating devices. The kit includes equipment for safe and economical operation of the device. The powerful circulation pump of the German company Grunafos ensures uninterrupted operation of the heating system. The membrane expansion tank accepts up to 10 liters of liquid.

For the electric heating method, the manufacturer offers models with a power of 6-28 kW, which are suitable for heating even a large house of 100 sq.m. or 150 sq.m. The system also includes a safety group - a valve for relieving excess pressure, an air valve and a pressure gauge.

The Skat boiler is equipped with an automatic operation control system, temperature and pressure sensors that are triggered in case of an emergency shutdown of the system. It is possible to connect a boiler to the electric boiler. The device has good reviews and recommendations from professionals.

The disadvantages may be:

  • the need for a separate purchase of a thermostat for heating a private house;
  • high price compared to domestic appliances for heating.

Boilers of the electric type of domestic production will be considered using the example of the VEO electric boiler. The unit has a simple design of a heating element type. The power of water heaters is 4-45 kW. The kit also includes a room thermostat, with which you can control the temperature of the heating in the house. Electric boilers have received a lot of positive feedback due to the ability to connect to radiators made of steel and cast iron. In addition, VEO boilers can be bought at a very affordable price.

However, the old type of construction is the main weak point of this type of electric boilers.

Electrode boilers are becoming increasingly popular among the population. Of the Russian brands, the most famous manufacturer of electrode electric boilers for heating is Galan. Among imported models, Bosch electric boilers (Germany) are considered the best. Galan electrode boilers are small in size - only 6 cm in diameter and 30 cm in body length. A characteristic feature is its ability to turn off when the temperature is exceeded or a leak occurs.

Of course, electric boilers are far from being the most economical option for heating a private house, but they require much less human supervision.


