How and when can you get
You can start receiving money as soon as you become eligible for old age benefits. To do this, you need to collect the necessary documents and contact the fund in which the savings are located to apply. The application must include the following information:
- Name of the organization;
- surname, name, patronymic;
- citizenship;
- home address;
- digital number indicated in the insurance certificate;
- series and number of the passport;
- data on the insurance pension;
- a list of documents to be submitted to the PF along with the application;
- date and signature.
If the application is written by relatives of the deceased, then it is necessary to indicate the data of the person who was entitled to a pension and the person submitting the application.
An application must be submitted to the fund in which the savings were formed. This can be done no earlier than a month before reaching retirement age. The Pension Fund considers the application within 10 days, and the first charge is made 30 days after the application is submitted.
What does it mean if the payment is frozen?
In 2014, due to the unstable economic situation, a moratorium was introduced on this type of benefits. In other words, a restriction was introduced on the formation and payment of savings. At the moment, funds will be frozen until the end of 2020.
Pensioners' funds are now used by the state to form insurance benefits. After the defrosting, the state will return the money to the accounts of citizens, and it will be possible to cash them out. Funds accumulated during the moratorium will also be returned. However, to this day it is not known when the payments of funded savings will resume.
Why do you need a boiler
There are many boilers and all have their own purpose. Consider the most common types and their purpose. So, a steam boiler that runs on electricity is used to produce steam in appropriate turbines. An industrial steam boiler is needed to meet technical production needs. By generating steam from steam generators, products are formed, the building is heated, and more. A steam boiler with a waste heat function is used to obtain steam for secondary energy resources and use it in the production cycle. It uses the heat of the exhaust vapors of a gas turbine plant.
The boiler, which has two heat exchangers, primary and secondary, is used for heating and water heating. The same function is performed by a double-circuit gas boiler.
The scope of the boiler is the heating of small rooms where there is no central heating, etc.
Where is the boiler used?
The boiler is used in steam engine engines (for example, in turbines of power stations or propulsion systems of steam locomotives), in a factory for heating (for example, in a textile or metallurgical plant), in agriculture for heating and obtaining hot water, for heating and water supply of residential buildings . The boiler is also used in public institutions that are equipped with a central main gas pipeline and water supply. In addition, it is used where liquefied gas in special cylinders is used to power the heating system.
The scope of the boiler is not limited to the areas listed above. It is used in the wood processing industry, the production of feed, in the food industry for cooking and packaging of finished products, in the oil refinery and its processing, in the manufacture of furniture.
Often the boiler is used in poultry and livestock farms, in a medical factory for sterilizing clothes and packaging medicines, in the light industry for dyeing and processing fabrics, in a factory for the production of building materials, at construction sites, for example, to heat bitumen or remove ice from fittings.
Important! In addition, the boiler is used in the fuel industry, for example, to unload fuel mixtures.