What to consider when choosing a stove
Choosing a hob, you should focus on your own needs and capabilities. What dishes are planned to be prepared in the summer kitchen? To what extent and with what frequency? For some chefs, a miniature assistant is enough, while for others, a full-fledged oven complex is needed. There are plenty to choose from today!
Fuel is the main determining factor
The presence on the site of the opportunity to conduct main gas into the summer kitchen is a huge advantage that allows you to install a functional gas stove and not worry about the constant search for fuel. If the gas pipeline runs far, you can purchase equipment that runs on bottled gas. The advantages of gas are the quick readiness of the stove for work, the simple adjustment of the intensity of the flame and the temperature of the oven.
Electric stoves can also act as a stove for a kitchen placed in a gazebo or a separate room. Their advantage is simplicity and ease of use. On sale you can find compact mobile stoves that can be easily taken to urban housing for the winter.
A solid fuel stove for the kitchen does not depend on the availability of communications and can be installed even on a site in a dense forest. Available firewood and inexpensive coal are suitable as fuel. The aroma of dishes cooked on fire and coals will excite the appetite of not only the household, but also the closest neighbors.
Combined kitchen stoves are very convenient, combining the ability to use wood and gas or coal and electricity. Having at your disposal such equipment, you can choose the most suitable method of cooking and save time.
Buy or build
A huge selection of factory models inclines in favor of buying a finished plate. On sale you can find stoves for the summer kitchen of any size and type. As a material for their production, steel, cast iron, refractory mixtures are used. In factory products, the design of the furnace is carefully thought out, flue gas leaks and fire cases are excluded.
When installing factory equipment, installation difficulties rarely arise. Metal appliances are relatively light, they can be installed without additional foundation. Hearths made of refractory mixtures are not afraid of moisture and easily spend the winter in an unheated house and on the street.
Brick and stone hearths look solid and are equally suitable for both open arbors and closed pavilions. Laying the furnace complex on order or with your own hands allows you not to be limited to strict frames, but to choose a multifunctional design that combines all the necessary modules.
Self-construction of a miniature stove will be cheaper than buying a finished model with similar functions. The brick structure will last longer than metal, it is not afraid of moisture and does not burn out during operation.
Options for stoves for the summer kitchen
A kitchen stove with an oven is a convenient stove, ideal for both a gazebo and a separate house. For a summer kitchen, you can choose a budget two-burner stove with an oven or an option with four burners and a grill. On sale there are compact desktop and standard floor models powered by gas and electricity, and it is easy to build a simple wood-fired kitchen stove from bricks with your own hands.
If a separate kitchen is operated not only in summer, but also during cold weather, it makes sense to pay attention to the heating and cooking stove. These devices are usually equipped with two fireboxes and operate in two modes: winter and summer.
In winter, the hearth will not only heat the stove, but also heat the room, and in summer it will not emit strong heat, as from a standard heating stove.
A barbecue oven is most often installed in open-type summer kitchens. Classic barbecues allow you to cook dishes on the grill. Models with extended equipment, called barbecue complexes, in addition to the grill, include oven modules for cooking shish kebab, pilaf, pies, smoked meats. The complex includes pizza modules, hobs, Russian stoves, ovens.
A gas grill, complemented by an oven and side burners, is a great choice not only for personal use, but also for a small cafe. On the basis of this modern equipment, functional modules of summer kitchens equipped with sinks and cabinets are produced. In the same series there are compact portable and built-in gas grills. Gas grills can be installed in open and closed kitchens.
About children - moms, dads, children
Riddles about delicious-2
I was green, small, Then I became scarlet. I turned black in the sun, And now I'm ripe.
Answer: cherry
* * *
The green house is cramped: Narrow, long, smooth. Round children sit side by side in the house.
Answer: Peas
* * *
In the hot sun, it dries up and bursts from the pods ...
Answer: Peas
* * *
The cramped house split into two halves, And pellets fell in the palm of your hand.
Answer: Peas
* * *
In the green tent. Koloboks sleep sweetly. Lots of round crumbs! What is this?
Answer: Peas
* * *
Small stove With red coals.
Answer: Pomegranate
* * *
The taste of the berry is good, But go ahead and pick it: A bush with thorns is like a hedgehog, - That's what it's called ...
Answer: Blackberry
* * *
It is shaking on the table, And it is called ....
Answer: Jelly
* * *
There are a lot of thin stems on the stumps. Each thin stem Holds a scarlet light. We unbend the stems - We collect lights.
Answer: Strawberries
* * *
Tatyanka flaunts in a forest clearing - Scarlet sundress, White specks.
Answer: Strawberries
* * *
I am a drop of summer on a thin leg, They weave boxes and baskets for me.
Answer: strawberries
* * *
Red, juicy, fragrant, Grows low, close to the ground.
Answer: strawberry
* * *
Yegorka is standing In a red yarmulke, Whoever passes, Everyone bends over.
Answer: Strawberries
* * *
I am a drop of summer on a thin leg. They weave baskets and baskets for me. Whoever loves me is glad to bow. And the name was given to me by my native land.
Answer: Strawberries
* * *
In haymaking - bitter, And in frost - sweet, What kind of berry?
Answer: Kalina
* * *
What kind of trotter is this? He fell on a barrel? He himself is plump, lettuce. That's right, kids ...
Answer: Zucchini
* * *
The green fat woman Put on a lot of skirts. She stands like a ballerina, From the leaves of a cape.
Answer: cabbage
* * *
The lady is scattered in the garden, Dressed in noisy silks. We are preparing tubs for her And half a bag of coarse salt.
Answer: cabbage
* * *
What's a fiddle? What kind of crunch? What kind of bush is this? How can I be without a crunch, If I ...
Answer: cabbage
* * *
Not sewn, not cut, But all in scars. Seventy clothes, And all without fasteners.
Answer: cabbage
* * *
eighth month |
Riddles for children
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- Riddles about delicious
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Poems for children
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- Riddles in verse
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- Happy Birthday Poems
- funny poems
- Agniya Barto. Children's poems.
- Korney Chukovsky. Children's poems
- K. Avdeenko. Children's poems
The procedure for laying the furnace
Territory preparation
The selected place is cleaned and carefully rammed. But if the soil is soft, and even more so, something has grown on it before, then it is advisable to equip a small pit. What for?
After compaction of the bottom, material of small (and solid) fractions is poured onto it - pebbles, gravel, expanded clay. The layer is leveled and rammed.
Often in articles on this topic you can find tips on laying roofing material. Say, the cheapest material. The author strongly discourages its use. The fact is that even under the most comfortable conditions, the service life of roofing material is no more than 4 years. Of course, it’s not a pity to replace - the price is low. But what about the brick oven? After all, you can't move her!
Its purpose is to compensate for probable soil movements. It is enough to pour, level and compact the sand with a layer of 100 - 150 mm.
Everything is well shown on the ordering scheme, so only separate explanations for the rows.
1 (pos. 1). The first row determines the correctness of the geometry of the entire structure
Therefore, the main attention is its alignment (by level). This fixture must be mounted on a rail long enough to be able to check any of the sides + diagonals
At this stage, a blower (its door) is installed. Temporarily it can be fixed with wire.
2 - the same red brick is used for it.
3 - masonry is carried out with fireclay samples. A grate is laid on top.
4 - bricks are placed on the edge. The peculiarity is that on the back wall the bricks are not “planted” on the mortar (therefore they are called “knock-out”). In addition, they should protrude slightly beyond the perimeter (so that you can grab it with your fingers). Inside - 1 more brick, which serves as a chimney wall (see picture below).
The firebox door is immediately attached. It can be supported, for example, with bricks. They are stacked on top of each other.
5 - bricks are laid flat.
6 - again on the edge.
7 - flat. Back wall - from 2 pieces, on the edge.
8 - with proper laying, the row is located above the firebox door. Feature - to deflect the flame of the hearth to the center, it is laid out with an offset (in the lower left figure, section A - A). This is necessary to ensure maximum heating of the burner and efficient use of fuel.
9 - in fact, for the furnace itself, it is the last one. To seal the junction of the hotplate to the brick, a cord (asbestos) is laid. First, it must be slightly moistened.
10 - the formation of the pipe begins with it.
As can be seen in the figure, the pipe goes up with expansion, while its center of gravity is shifted. This must be taken into account. As an option - lay out a couple more rows and put the knee of their iron.
11 - the valve is installed.
Further - according to the scheme.
After finishing work, it is necessary to clean the chimney, since during the construction of the pipe, clay residues will accumulate at the bottom, which will fall when the bricks are coated with mortar. To gain access inside, it is enough to remove the “knock-out” bricks from the installation site.
Dear reader has already understood all the advantages of such a model. You do not need to prepare a place for storing building / materials and invite professional stove-makers. Everything can be done with your own hands, with minimal financial costs and without assistants. Moreover, even without experience, with such construction it is quite possible to meet within 1 day.
Helpful Hints
- In the first time after the start of operation of the furnace, it is desirable to heat it less intensively. This is due to the fact that in some places the solution may not completely dry out. If you immediately warm up to the maximum, then there is a risk of cracks in the masonry.Therefore, in the early days it is desirable to use wood chips, tree branches, dead wood, and so on as fuel.
- If the finish of the furnace is limited to its whitewashing, then blue and milk should be added to the solution.
We create the basis for the furnace
The stove for the summer kitchen needs a quality foundation
In this case, it does not matter what kind of stove we are talking about, even outdoor garden stoves, even indoor stoves should be installed on the foundation, especially if the weight of the stove structure is more than 750 kg. Carefully choose a place to install the stove, fence it off with cast-offs and proceed
First you need to prepare a place for the foundation. The layout of the place under the foundation must be carried out very carefully.
The foundation should be larger than the dimensions of the furnace by about 10-15 cm, at the installation site of the foundation we remove the soil, deepening by about 40-50 cm. prepare for her 6-8 bags of sifted sand (fraction 0.7 - 0.9 mm).
For your information! To ram the sand, take a small log and screw a wooden lath perpendicular to it, it is very convenient to work with such a device.
Next, you need to lay the crushed stone pillow with your own hands. It will take about 30 cm layer, but it is better to save crushed stone by first throwing a layer of 20 cm of construction waste (concrete chips, broken bricks), and then pour a layer of crushed stone (about 10 cm) on top. We pour a concrete foundation on top of the rubble. The layout of the foundation for the furnace should be carried out so that its level reaches the level of the floor, for this reason the thickness of the sand and gravel cushion may vary.
We put the oven ourselves
After waiting for the foundation to dry well and harden, we begin to lay the stove with our own hands. Before laying the first layer of bricks, it is necessary to isolate the masonry from the foundation. To do this, we lay a roofing material on the foundation, a layer of plastic film on top, after which we do the following.
- We lay the first brick row with our own hands. The row is laid dry directly on the film, on which we first pour a little sand. In this case, only the joints between the bricks can be smeared with mortar.
- Russian and any other stove will not do without a blower, so we need to install a door for it. We apply a small layer of mortar on the first row of bricks, determine the installation location of the door, wrap the door with an asbestos cord, install it and fasten it with wire so that it does not fall out.
- We lay the second and subsequent rows of bricks on the mortar as usual, but we bring the rows to the blower, not forgetting to check the angle.
- Next, lay the grates. Do not forget that the massive grate is made of cast iron, it will expand when heated, for this reason you should not wall it up in masonry, otherwise the Russian stove will be torn. The grates are placed on pre-prepared small ledges with a gap.
- The next, fifth row, we lay with our own hands on the edge, but the next row can be laid again as usual - flat.
- We put the seventh row on the edge again, while we determine the installation site and put the furnace door with our own hands. We fix it in the same way as the door for the blower.
- We lay the eighth row, starting flat with brick quarters (three quarters are needed).
- We lay the ninth row on the edge, and place the cast-iron hob on top. Then the tenth and eleventh rows will go, where we will begin to form the furnace pipe.
- On the eleventh row, we put a valve, having previously coated it well with clay and wrapped it with a cord with asbestos.
- Next, we narrow the structure by laying out a brick chimney.
- We install a mini grill and the work can be considered finished. If you are interested in not only building a stove, but also a summer kitchen as a whole, you can read a publication called How to build a summer kitchen in the country with your own hands.
Important! When laying out a brick chimney, make sure that the center of gravity of the structure does not shift to the side, use the building and laser levels more often. So, we have described in general terms how street or conventional stoves are built in the country.
The principle of laying brick ovens, at least ordinary, at least mini, is the same. The main thing is to carefully monitor the corners, masonry seams and do everything according to a pre-prepared project.
So, we have described in general terms how street or ordinary stoves are built in the country. The principle of laying brick ovens, at least ordinary, at least mini, is the same. The main thing is to carefully monitor the corners, masonry seams and do everything according to a pre-prepared project.
How to build a stove for a summer kitchen on your own
Unlike heating stove equipment, wood-fired kitchen stoves do not have smoke channels. The gases generated during the combustion of the fuel are directed under the cooking stove, and then discharged into the pipe. The scheme of simplified cooking stoves includes only a firebox and a stove with burners. More complex models are equipped with an oven and a water-heating box that provides the kitchen with hot water. The simplified design makes it much easier to work and is suitable for beginners trying their hand at the furnace business for the first time.
General recommendations and rules
You can build a small kitchen oven with your own hands in one day, using proven ordering schemes from professionals. In order not to be disappointed with the result, it is necessary to follow the general rules that are the same for all household hearths.
- The construction of a brick oven begins with a foundation - the area of \u200b\u200bthe base must exceed the size of the building so that there is a margin of at least five centimeters on each side. To fill the foundation, a dense and well-packed base of sand and gravel is prepared. This point is especially important for loose soils. In some cases, you can get by with a brick foundation.
- A layer of waterproofing is laid on the foundation - this protects the masonry from moisture and premature destruction. As a waterproofing, you can use a roofing material sheet or other rolled material.
- For the construction of a kitchen stove, it is necessary to take fire-resistant fireclay bricks. In extreme cases, it is allowed to use ordinary red brick for laying areas that are not in contact with fire, but you can not lay different bricks in one dressing - this can lead to cracks due to different temperature deformation.
- The first row is always laid dry, without using a solution. Bricks should be pressed as tightly as possible to each other, if necessary, filing adjacent sides with a grinder.
- The subsequent rows are placed in the dressing, clearly following the scheme and not forgetting about level control of the process.
- For masonry, clay-based mortars or factory-made heat-resistant mixtures are used, diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- A metal sheet of steel is laid under the firebox - the bottom of the future ash pan.
- The grate cannot be walled up with mortar - it must lie freely on special ledges.
- The doors are fixed with steel wire, immuring its ends into brickwork.
A simple stove with an oven: an ordinal masonry scheme
To build this compact brick kitchen oven with oven, you need 175 bricks and about 50 liters of heat-resistant mortar. In addition, you need to prepare materials:
- doors: furnace 250*210 mm, blower 130*140 mm, cleaning 130*140 mm;
- steel sheets 500 * 700 (pre-furnace) mm and 1020 * 640 (for the stove);
- gate valve 130*130 mm;
- grate 250*180 mm;
- eight steel corners for strapping 30 * 30 * 4 mm;
- metal tape made of steel 25 * 15 mm;
- building felt or other material for thermal insulation;
- cast iron hob size 530 * 180 mm;
- finished oven (metal cabinet with parameters 350 * 350 * 450 mm).
For those who do not have time to build a stove for a summer kitchen with their own hands or do not have enough experience, but do not want to be content with simple options, we recommend contacting professional stove-makers. Masters will quickly calculate the parameters of the kitchen hearth and make dreams come true.
Prepare everything you need
If you want to build a specific furnace model, then you will have to select the material for it and make calculations yourself. We, within the framework of this publication, decided to give as an example the construction of a universal refractory brick oven with a barbecue, barbecue and grill. This stove will be stylized as Russian. What materials do we need for this.
- Refractory bricks - 750 pcs.
- Four hundredth cement - 12 bags of 25 kg.
- Sifted sand - 18 bags of 50 kg.
- A mixture for laying a brick oven - 26 bags of 25 kg.
- Crushed stone, brick and concrete chips - 12 bags of 50 kg.
- Cast iron blower doors - 3 pcs.
- Cast iron grates - 2 pcs.
- Cast iron furnace valve - 1 pc.
- Furnace doors - 2 pcs.
- Grill.
- Steel barbecue grill.
- Steel doors for cleaning - 2 pcs.
- Cast iron hob.
- Roll of ruberoid.
Important! You need to think in advance about the solution on which you will lay the brick. We took a simple and expensive path - we bought a ready-made masonry mix
But you can save money and prepare the solution yourself, but this is a long and laborious process.
Dealt with the materials
Please note that this is only a basic list, in the process of construction work, some other little things may be required, for example, steel wire to hold the blower doors, but you can easily figure it out yourself, we will not focus on these points. Now we give a list of tools, we need:
- Master OK;
- pick for splitting bricks;
- Bulgarian;
- trough;
- household concrete mixer;
- shovel, bucket;
- mallet;
- building and laser level;
- tape measure and construction cord.
The nuances of laying the furnace
An experienced stove-maker, having thought well, can list thousands of nuances of laying a brick oven. To begin with, a brick oven can have dozens of designs, each of which has its own nuances. The preparation of the foundation has its own nuances, in general, each stage of the construction of the furnace has a lot of features. We will not list all these features within the framework of one paragraph, but we will try to cover at least the main ones.
- If you have already had to build a garage, a house or other street buildings with your own hands from brick, remember that you need to lay the stove in a completely different way. The method of masonry, foundation preparation, mortar and much more differ.
- The foundation of the furnace must be well prepared, its thickness should not be less than 0.5 meters.
- Between the foundation and the masonry, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing material, ideally also a heat-insulating one.
- The base of the furnace is laid out from even, perfectly fitted bricks without mortar.
- All corners of the oven should be perfectly straight, use the building and laser levels more often, and also align the bricks.
- Before laying, do not forget to wash the refractory bricks, and if you lay an ordinary red brick with your own hands, then you also need to soak it for half a minute in a basin of water.
- If you decide to lay two different types of bricks in one dressing with your own hands, this may subsequently lead to the fact that the furnace will break from the temperature difference.
- If you decide to lay a brick with your own hands on a clay mortar, then carefully select clay of normal fat content, with a minimum admixture of organic matter. It is best to ask an experienced stove-maker to prepare the clay solution, since it is quite difficult to do it yourself.
- If you are laying a sawn or chipped brick, never lay it with the sawn part inside the stove, as this part is much less durable.
Note! The blower door and other cast iron elements must not be installed close to the brickwork. When heated, cast iron expands greatly, while it simply breaks the brickwork