Oil is a thick, dark, oily liquid with a pungent odor (Fig. 26).
Rice. 26. Oil (Source)
She is fiery. Getting into the water, oil spreads as a thin film over its surface. Scientists believe that oil was formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived many millions of years ago. This is a very valuable mineral. Fuel (gasoline, kerosene), fuel oil, lubricating oils, various varnishes, paints, plastics and much more are obtained from oil. For oil production, special drilling rigs are built and deep wells are drilled (Fig. 27).
Rice. 27. Oil production (Source)
According to them, oil first rises from the ground itself, and then it has to be helped. To do this, it is pumped out by powerful pumps. The extracted oil is used not only on the territory of our country. Russia is one of the largest oil exporters in the world. Oil is delivered to various regions of Russia and abroad through oil pipelines - these are long underground pipelines made of pipes. In addition, oil is transported by rail in tanks and special marine vessels - oil tankers (Fig. 28).
Rice. 28. Oil tanker (Source)
Granite is one of the most famous minerals (Fig. 1).
Rice. 1. Granite (Source)
It is very durable and heavy, found not only in mountainous areas, but also on the plains. Granite can be gray, dark red, smoky colors. Often there are white or black blotches. Consists of quartz, mica, feldspar. It is used in construction as a facing material. It has low water absorption and high resistance to frost and pollution, therefore it is optimal for paving both indoors and outdoors. In the interior, granite is also used to finish walls, stairs, to create countertops and columns (Fig. 2-4).
Rice. 2. Granite stairs (Source)
Rice. 3. Floor and wall cladding with granite (Source)
Rice. 4. Granite column (Source)
Grade 4 presentation on the topic Coal The work was done by Gordeev Nikita, a student of grade 4 A, MOU gymnasium 18 .. Download for free and without registration. transcript
Coal The work was carried out by Gordeev Nikita, student 4 "A" class MOU gymnasium 18.
Coal, like oil and gas, is organic matter that has been slowly decomposed by biological and geological processes. The basis of coal formation is plant residues!
About 350 million years ago, the land was covered with dense tropical forests, consisting of giant tree ferns and horsetails. The climate of that era was warm and humid. Old fallen trees gave way to new ones. Huge layers of obsolete trees accumulated in shallow water bodies, turning into thick layers of coal. More than 30% of the world's coal reserves were formed in this way.
Coal was the first fossil fuel used by man. The combustible properties of coal were known to our distant ancestors. "Flaming stones" slowly heated up in the fire, but then they gave off heat for a very long time. In Russia, Peter I first got acquainted with coal in 1696, returning from the first Azov campaign in the area of the present city of Shakhty. During the rest, the king was shown a piece of black, well-burning mineral. “This mineral, if not for us, then for our descendants, will be very useful,” said Peter I.
Anthracite is the oldest fossil coal, the coal of the highest degree of coalification. It is characterized by high density and gloss. Contains 95% carbon.It is applied as solid high-quality fuel.
Brown coal is a solid fossil coal formed from peat, contains 6570% carbon, has a brown color, the youngest of fossil coals. It is used as a local fuel, as well as a chemical raw material.
Peat is “loose” and light coal. Brown coal and peat are less valuable in terms of energy, but ignite faster.
Fossil coal deposits are not uncommon on our planet, they are found on every continent and many islands. Antarctica is no exception: it is assumed that coal deposits lie under the huge thicknesses of glaciers. 5.5% of the world's coal reserves are concentrated in Russia, which is more than 200 billion tons. Of these, 70% are lignite reserves.
Coal mining methods depend on the depth of its occurrence. The development is carried out by an open method in coal mines, if the depth of the coal seam does not exceed 100 meters. Mines are used to extract coal from great depths. The deepest mines in the Russian Federation extract coal from a level of just over 1200 meters.
The use of coal is varied. It is used as a domestic, energy fuel, raw material for the metallurgical and chemical industries, as well as for extracting rare and trace elements from it. Artificial graphite is obtained from coal.
Thank you for your attention !
Peat is a combustible mineral formed by the accumulation of plant remains that have undergone incomplete decomposition in swamp conditions (Fig. 16).
Rice. 16. Peat (Source)
The swamp is characterized by the deposition of incompletely decomposed organic matter on the soil surface, which later turns into peat. The layer of peat in swamps is at least 30 cm. Peat is used in a complex way: as fuel, fertilizer, heat-insulating material. Peat should be used sparingly because it forms slowly in nature.
It is very important to protect peat deposits from fires.
Such fires are very difficult to put out, but they can arise due to an unextinguished fire, from a carelessly thrown match, and for other reasons.
Iron ore
Iron ore is the general name for several types of materials that serve as a source of iron (Figure 22).
Rice. 22. Iron ore (Source)
They are black, brown, yellowish or reddish. The most important property of iron ore is fusibility. In metallurgical plants, iron ore is smelted, and steel is made from iron (Fig. 23).
Rice. 23. Melting (Source)
Rice. 24. Cast iron heating radiator (Source)
Rice. 25. Stainless Steel Cutlery (Source)
Cast iron is very brittle, so it is used to make only some parts. Steel is of great importance for the economy. A lot is made of steel: from kitchen knives to machine mechanisms (Fig. 24, 25). Iron ore is mined in mines or quarries. Like other minerals, iron ore must be used economically. In addition to iron, iron ore contains other valuable chemical elements such as titanium, vanadium, cobalt. These are very important substances. For example, it is impossible to do without titanium when creating space rockets.
Protection of underground wealth
Unfortunately, minerals are such riches that cannot be restored. To clean up a polluted river, to plant a new forest in the place of a cut down one, to get offspring from rare or endangered species of animals, although it is not easy, it is possible. But restoring natural resources is almost impossible. Minerals have been formed in the bowels of our earth for millions of years, which is why they need to be used very economically. It often happens like this: one mineral is mined, and others come across with it, for example, other valuable metals are mined in iron ore along with iron, and associated gas is mined along with oil. They also need to be used.
When minerals are transported, they strictly monitor that solids do not crumble, and oil does not spill, does not fall into the soil, rivers, seas, because this way you can lose a lot of minerals and pollute the environment (Fig. 32).
Rice. 32. Transportation of minerals (Source)
Scrap metal can often be used instead of iron ore, and valuable materials can be replaced with cheaper ones. For example, steel is plastic.
As you know, minerals belong to inanimate nature, but it turns out that many of them were formed from the remains of living organisms. It turns out that plants and animals that lived a long time ago, when there were no people, did not disappear without a trace, their remains turned into limestone, coal, oil, natural gas, and we use these minerals now. Such a close connection exists between animate and inanimate nature, between nature and man.
Save paths
Many states have chosen three ways of developing the future at once, taking into account the overestimated consumption of natural resources. The first concerns the exploration and development of new deposits, even when this requires diving to the bottom of the world's oceans. Paradoxical as it sounds, but in order to move towards the goal in this direction, the consumption of ... the same underground resources is required.
The second method involves the replacement of most natural materials with artificial ones. This applies to many areas of life. To the question "Why do I save books?" young people answer: “To preserve history, because in the future all information will be in electronic form.” Thus, part of the forest plantations is preserved, nature is restored in its splendor.
The third way includes a combination of factors designed to protect underground wealth:
Economic consumption
In industrial conditions, great attention is paid to the development of innovative technologies that allow, with a smaller amount of natural material, to obtain the same result as before. Increasing self-awareness of the population leads to economical consumption of energy resources in each individual family
Prevention of waste of raw materials. It is not only the large number of losses during the extraction of resources that matters, but also in the enrichment process and the subsequent processing.
Compliance with the rules of transportation. Part of the bulk material simply spills out of the body in case of violation of the recommendations for transportation. You can not load the transport more than prescribed by the regulations. Top cover should also be provided if this affects the integrity of the load.
Preserving the integrity of existing resources
Of no small importance is the prevention of fires, during which a significant part of the fossils deteriorates. Changing the river bed affects the integrity of building materials (sand, clay, expanded clay)
Uncontrolled construction may disturb the existing deposits of ore materials. There are many examples of negligence that leads to the waste of fossils. If you know all the consequences of each decision made, then it will be much easier to save resources.
Reuse of material. There are many ways to use recyclables. In Soviet times, the state organized points for receiving products from paper, metal products and glass containers. Unfortunately, modern people perceive most of the things around them as disposable. It is much easier to throw away an unnecessary thing than to give it a "second life".
It is important to remember that the gifts of nature may one day come to an end. Stop living for one day! It depends on each person whether the future of the new generation will be.
Sand is far from always clean, very often it is not washed or washed poorly, here it remains only to rely on the conscience of the supplier, well, do not forget to control the quality of the sand yourself, at least visually: how much debris is in the sand and whether blurred clods of clay are visible. Below is the bulk density for clean, dry sand.
Bulk density for clean dry sand:
- Quarry sand: 1500 kg.
- River sand: 1600 kg.
- Sand quartz: 1700 kg.
You can roughly check the bulk density of sand as follows. Weigh an empty bucket, then fill the bucket by pouring sand from a certain height, do not compact the sand in the bucket.Weigh the bucket, then divide 1000 by the liter of the bucket and multiply that number by the weight of the sand, excluding the weight of the bucket.
For example, a bucket of 12 liters, empty it weighs 1 kg, filled with sand 19 kg. We divide 1000:12 = 83.33 (the number of such buckets in 1 cubic meter by volume). 19-1=18 (weight of sand in a bucket). 18 x 83.33 \u003d 1499.9 kg of this sand occupies a volume of 1 cubic meter. m.
sand and clay
Sand and clay are very common rocks, they are formed in nature when granite is destroyed. Sand is used in construction, as well as in the manufacture of glass (Fig. 7–9).
Rice. 7. Sand (Source)
Rice. 8. Sand is used in construction (Source)
Rice. 9. Glass (Source)
Bricks, roof tiles, facing tiles, flower pots, dishes, beautiful vases are made of clay (Fig. 10–12).
Rice. 10. Clay (Source)
Rice. 11. Brick (Source)
Rice. 12. Tiling (Source)
Wet clay molds very well and retains the shape it is given. This property is called plasticity. Items made from clay are fired in special kilns to make them strong and hard (Fig. 13–15).
Rice. 13. Clay is plastic (Source)
Rice. 14. Clay product (Source)
Rice. 15. Ceramics (Source)
Products made of fired clay are called ceramics (Fig. 15).
The danger of the disappearance of natural resources
At its core, minerals are various formations of the earth's crust that a person can effectively use in the field of material production. This category includes fossils obtained by mineral or organic means. The study of the extraction of the necessary material is engaged in the field of science and technology, called mining.
There are the following types of fossil accumulations:
- veins;
- rods;
- layers;
- nests;
- placers;
- other deposits of a different nature (districts, provinces, basins).
According to their purpose, the extracted materials are divided into:
- Ore - varieties of ferrous, non-ferrous, as well as noble metals.
- Fuels - peat, coal, natural gas, oil shale, oil.
- Non-metallic - popular building materials (sand, clay, limestone, granite, etc.), mining and chemical raw materials (phosphates, borates, mineral salts, etc.), gemstone raw materials (agate, onyx, jasper, jade, etc.) and precious stones (diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald).
Natural wealth has been created for tens and hundreds of millions of years, and is spent within a very short period of time. Only combustible fossils appear continuously, although the rate of their formation is still incomparably low with the rate of human use. The national economy requires too many resources to fully meet the needs of the population of the entire planet.
Useful resources serve a variety of purposes:
Raw materials for the manufacture of household items.
Building materials or their main component.
The basis for the creation of important industrial products.
A source of energy for the processing of various materials (in blast furnaces, melting crucibles, etc.), space heating, cooking.
All of them are of great importance for the comfortable life of people, so the consumption of natural resources is very high. Their stocks are limited, so they must be carefully guarded. Scientists have calculated that the active consumption of resources will be enough for about 100-150 years with the same amount of use. First, the “mineral hunger” will affect hydrocarbon fuels, then other fossils. A careful attitude to natural gifts will allow you to find the right path out of the current situation.