MDS 41-4.2000 Methodology for determining the amount of thermal energy and heat carrier in water systems of public heat supply, a practical guide to the Recommendations for the organization of accounting for thermal energy and heat carriers at enterprises, institutions and organizations

V. The procedure for the distribution of losses of thermal energy, coolant between heating networks in the absence of metering devices at the boundaries of adjacent heating networks

128. The distribution of losses of thermal energy, coolant, as well as the amount of thermal energy, coolant transferred between the heat networks of heat supply organizations and heat network organizations in the absence of metering devices at the borders of adjacent parts of heat networks, is calculated as follows:

a) in relation to heat energy transferred (received) at the border of the balance sheet belonging of adjacent heat networks, the calculation is based on the balance of the amount of heat released into the heat network and consumed by heat-consuming installations of consumers (for all owner organizations and (or) other legal owners of adjacent heating networks) for all sections of pipelines at the boundary (boundaries) of the balance belonging of adjacent sections of the heating network, taking into account the losses of thermal energy associated with emergency leaks and technological losses (pressure testing, testing), losses through damaged thermal insulation in adjacent heating networks, which are formalized by acts , norms of technological losses during the transmission of thermal energy and losses exceeding the approved values ​​(excess losses);
b) in relation to the heat carrier transferred at the border of the balance belonging of adjacent heat networks, the calculation is based on the balance of the amount of heat carrier released into the heat network and consumed by heat-consuming installations of consumers, taking into account the losses of the heat carrier associated with emergency leaks of the heat carrier, executed acts, standards for technological losses at transfer of thermal energy, approved in the prescribed manner, and losses exceeding the approved values ​​(excess).

129. The distribution of excess losses of thermal energy, heat carrier between adjacent heat networks is carried out in quantities proportional to the values ​​​​of the approved standards of technological losses and losses of thermal energy, taking into account emergency leaks of the heat carrier through damaged thermal insulation.

130. In case of transfer of heat energy, heat carrier through a section of the heat network owned by the consumer, when distributing losses of heat energy, heat carrier and excess losses of heat energy, heat carrier, these heat networks are considered as adjacent heat networks.

Methodology for accounting for thermal energy

The method of commercial metering of thermal energy is carried out in all areas of supply and reception of the resource, namely in:

  • the boundaries of the balance sheet between the generator and communications or a consumer connected to the source;
  • within the property between adjacent highways;
  • zones of ownership between the boiler house and energy recipients;
  • borders of balance real estate between the central energy point and the consumer.

The rules for accounting for the coolant resource recommend the use of several methods of analysis.

The document is expressed in the following ways:

  • instrumental, when the studied values ​​of all indices are obtained by measuring the coolant itself and the source of resource generation by metering devices;
  • calculated, when the analyzed values ​​of all indices are taken according to basic standards or average coefficients of the previous period;
  • instrumental-calculative - if the lack of measured indicators is compensated by the symbols of the methodology.

The name of the method for calculating the thermal resource is fixed by counterparties in the agreement on the supply and service for the movement of energy through heat communications. When using the first and last methods, the agreement or its supplement specifies the sources from which the data necessary for commercial measurement by the parties to the agreement are taken.

Rules for the provision of economic services

  • residential premises - not less than +18 ° C, corner - 20;
  • regions with the coldest temperature during a five-day working week - a security factor of 0.92 - -31 ° C and below, living rooms - at least 20 degrees, corner rooms - 22;
  • normal excess of standards is not more than 4 °;
  • the accepted decrease in the mode at night - 00.00-05.00 hours no more than 3;
  • decrease in temperature during the day in living rooms - 05.00-24.00 is not allowed;
  • for each degree of decrease in one hour - the amount of payment falls by 0.15%;
  • the level is calculated in the largest room at a height of 100 cm, at a distance of half a meter from the heating device;

A security factor of 0.92 says that the ambient air temperature of 92% will not be lower.

Watch the video: "Basics of heat energy accounting."


