Current requirements for sewerage in a private house
Before you start self-wiring a sewer in a private house, you need to study the requirements and norms for its arrangement:
- The sewage receiver (septic tank) is located in the lower part of the site, no closer than 5 m to a country house and other residential building.
- Sewerage must be removed from the garden / vegetable garden by at least 10 m.
- From wells and other sources of water, the reservoir is located at a distance of at least 20 m.
- The inner and outer pipes of the collector are laid with a slope. It varies depending on the diameter of the communication. The smaller the cross section of the tube, the greater the slope. For pipes of 110 mm, it is necessary to adhere to the value of 5-7 mm per 1 running meter of the collector. The inner tubes are laid with a minimum slope of 2.5 cm per m of system length. Ideally 3.5 cm per meter.
- The external pipeline is deepened below the freezing level of the soil. If this is not possible, it is well insulated. Otherwise, sewage will freeze in the system.
- It is advisable to avoid sharp turns/lifts/bends of the collector.
- For laying internal sewage, pipes with a cross section of 50 mm are used. The installation of tubes with a diameter of 110 mm is brought to the toilet. The cross section of the external pipeline varies depending on the expected volume of wastewater. For a family of 3-5 people, a diameter of 110-160 mm is sufficient. If the sewer system serves several objects, then external pipes are taken with a diameter of 200 mm or more.
How to make a sewer and what you need for this
To begin with, a diagram is drawn up. For a simpler sewer system, it is not necessary to be a professional, it is enough to know the norms of SNiP "Water supply and sewerage" and the basic provisions that are used in construction.
In order to draw up a diagram quickly and correctly, you need to consider a few basic rules:
- if sewerage is planned in a 1-storey house, then the kitchen and toilet must be side by side, while being as close as possible to the place where the waste will be discharged;
- sewerage in a 2-storey house is built according to the scheme, where the bathrooms are located one above the other. This is done in order to connect the necessary pipes to the riser.
- in modern cottages, according to the rules of SNiP, sewerage and water supply provides for a very complex scheme, according to which it is necessary to install several risers, and in some cases even a pumping station
Internal sewerage is built depending on the size of the room. All water consumers must be connected to it. With the help they are connected to the riser. As a rule, metal-plastic pipes are mounted, less often - steel and copper. If plumbing fixtures are located below the sewer outlet level, then pressure sewage is used, SNiP also provides for this option. Waste water is moved using special pumps. Unlike such a concept as a pressure sewer, SNiP offers another option - a non-pressure pipeline through which effluents move with a free surface along the entire length of the flow.
According to the rules of SNiP, external water supply and sewerage are mounted from different types of pipes (ceramic, cast iron, reinforced concrete, polymer). The most profitable option is polymer pipes.
In the house, the plumbing scheme provides for the wastewater to drain into the cesspool. You can also use a septic tank. To do this, they dig a trench in which the sewer is laid.
The house is provided (in accordance with SNiP) sewer security zone. It is created in order to prevent the source of water from being polluted, as well as to improve the quality of water. Following the rules of SNiP, the sewer security zone should be at a distance of at least 5 meters from the sewer pipe.
Sewerage in a country house and the law
Federal Law No. 52-FZ.
“State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as sanitary rules) are regulatory legal acts that establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements (including criteria for the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans, hygienic and other standards), non-compliance with which poses a threat to human life or health, as well as the threat of the emergence and spread of diseases”
“Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities”
“For violation of sanitary legislation, disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established”
What is sewerage. Does the dear reader know that sewerage is often called any system of channels that serve to lay or transport something. For example, there are such concepts: telephone sewerage, low-current sewerage, cable sewerage, etc. Among these concepts, there is also the concept of sewage, as an integral part of the water supply and sanitation system, designed to remove human waste products, household and rainwater.
We will focus on this type of sewage in this series of articles.
At the same time, having given some information on sewerage in general, I would like to pay special attention to autonomous sewage, because. she, her type, technical parameters, performance, price, quality, performance, etc.
First of all, they depend on the correctness of your choice and, consequently, the degree of preparedness in this matter.
So, sewerage is a set of networks, structures, equipment, devices and services designed to provide sanitary and hygienic conditions, environmental requirements and comfort in a person's place of residence. I emphasize, in any place of permanent and temporary residence of a person. Alas, to my great regret in my country in Russia, the situation with sewage is very bad. Look at least at our reservoirs. Water in the basins of rivers and reservoirs is polluted due to the discharge of domestic and industrial waste, forests and parks are littered and polluted, the effluents of many cities are discharged into rivers and seas without treatment, many enterprises do not sufficiently purify or do not purify wastewater, etc. As for the sewerage systems of country houses, only 5% have at least some treatment facilities.
Nature can't handle this amount of waste. Exit? There is an exit:
What threatens neighbors as a result of your complaint
As a result of the inspection by employees of regulatory bodies:
- neighbors will be required to pay a fine for illegal wastewater discharge;
- issue an order for the elimination of deficiencies;
- be made to pay damages.
The last point requires the understanding that the damage will have to be documented. Simply saying that the seedlings died due to draining drains will not work. But if a family falls ill as a result of sewage getting into groundwater, documents on treatment will come in handy. In this case, the perpetrators will have to pay not only compensation, but also reimburse the costs of treatment.
Starting the fight against violators of regulations, it is necessary to enlist the support of a lawyer. After winning the case, the applicant will be able to file a claim for reimbursement of all costs. If the court takes the side of the plaintiff, the perpetrators will be forced to pay all costs.
Sewerage in a private house do-it-yourself practical recommendations
Anyone who has his own home on earth will one day be sure to face the issue of the improvement of his life. Those who decide to save and save not only money, but also time, we advise you to think about such an issue as sewerage in a private house with your own hands and without the help of not always conscientious workers.
In order to make an autonomous system yourself, first of all you need to decide which type of sewerage system suits you best.
What to prefer - cheap simplicity or comfort that requires investment
Overflow sewer well system
Known since time immemorial, a cesspool is the simplest and most common “convenience” that is still often found in summer cottages and private homes. If you already have one, then you understand all the "charms" of using it. If not, we do not advise you to acquire it, since the constant unpleasant smell from the sewer is not the biggest difficulty that you will encounter.
This kind of sewerage in a village house requires regular cleaning, on its own or with the help of a sewer machine. It's hard enough, and not cheap.
And the tower itself, which stands above it, is unlikely to protect you from the cold and bad weather, and few people want to have amenities in the yard now, because we are all used to modern comfortable conditions. Even for someone who rarely visits a country house, such a village life will be extremely inconvenient.
A more convenient and solid sewer system is a drain well in the yard, and a bathroom in the house. It is already much more convenient and modern, and for a long time. But even here there are some disadvantages, although there are more pluses.
Note! The fact is that such a well will have to be built using brick, concrete or concrete rings. The case is quite laborious, and here you can not do without freight transport and a crane
And, accordingly, without the invited workers, the work will not be done. This means that you will have to pay not only for their work, but also for the operation of heavy equipment. By the way, it will not always be possible to ensure its access to its destination due to lack of space, interfering trees or power wires.
The third option is the installation of sewage in a private house with your own hands and using the most modern tools and devices.
That is - a septic tank or an autonomous station for deep cleaning. The latter requires a mandatory power supply, so the septic tank can be considered the easiest option for an independent sewage device.
Where is waste allowed?
Human waste can be discharged into water bodies, soil only after thorough preliminary cleaning. It is permissible to drain only drains, the indicators of which do not violate the physico-chemical standards established by the sanitary and hygienic rules.
You can drain waste into septic tanks, cesspools. These tanks are regularly cleaned, pumped out by vacuum trucks. It is convenient for individuals to use one-time services, it is practical for organizations and individual entrepreneurs to conclude a permanent service agreement. The regularity of cleaning is specified in the contract, you do not have to remember the deadlines for the completion of work.
List of objects where it is allowed to drain sewage:
- Cesspool pit. Simple design that needs to be emptied regularly.
- Dry closet. The design resembles a drain pit, but is supplemented with compounds with beneficial bacteria. Mixes are sold ready-made. Bacteria are responsible for the processing of harmful compounds and carry out a complete cleaning. At the exit, the owner receives water that meets the established regulatory indicators. Dry closets are produced in various shapes, designs and sizes. There are cassette devices of a sealed type. In containers, waste is processed into a safe substance. Cassettes are changed as needed, the indicator will report on the development of the cassette resource.
- Toilets are peat. You can make your own tank. Cover feces and other waste products with a layer of peat. The thickness of the layers is determined by the volume of the container, on average, each layer reaches up to 10 cm wide. After filling the tank, all contents can be transported to a cesspool, supplemented with grass, a composition with biobacteria can be poured in to speed up the decomposition process.In the compost pit, the organics will overheat and in a season the owner will receive a biologically valuable and completely safe (inexpensive) fertilizer for the garden.
The only disadvantage of peat toilets is the need for a supply of peat. It is better to take grassroots peat, it is less acidic. You also need to attach a drainage hose to the peat toilet, it will pump out excess fluid. The liquid should be collected in a separate container, neutralized and then only drained into a ditch or sewer.
There are electric, chemical toilets for sale:
Waste is burned using electric toilets. As a result, a small amount of ash remains, which can be disposed of in any convenient way. Electric toilets must be equipped with a drainage hose. If there is a deep purification station, clarified and neutralized waters are used for household needs. You can’t cook with such water, but you can wash the car, water the garden, fill the pool with water or take a shower.
Execution of work
Scheme of internal sewerage
After you have decided on the type of sewer, you can begin to purchase the necessary materials and work. Initially, you need to mount the internal system, that is, all the wiring and communications that will be located inside the house and in the basement.
Drain pipes from the bath, sink, toilet, washing machine must be brought to one common riser.
Take a pipe for a riser of a rather large diameter; pipes from 100 mm and above will also be required to remove from the toilet. It is undesirable to use corrugated pipes, garbage and waste often get stuck in them, therefore the likelihood of blockages is much higher.
For a riser, it is convenient to allocate a place in the corner of the bathroom, or make a small shaft, if space permits. After installing the internal system, firmly fixing it and carefully sealing the joints, you can bring the sewer line further, already outside.
Of course, if you have a central sewer in a private house, to which you can later connect your system, consider yourself very lucky.
But outside the city, in towns and villages, centralized systems are very rare. Therefore, you will most likely have to build your own septic tank on the site.
It is either a well or a container of several compartments, where all your household waste will merge and be processed biologically.
A pipe will come up to the drain sump, which must be dug along its entire length.
So, the next stage of work will be digging a trench under it. The depth of the trench depends on the climate in your area. The colder the winters, the greater the depth of the sewerage should be. Do not forget to make a mandatory slight slope along the entire length of the trench so that water flows freely into the receiver through future pipes.
The bottom of this groove is best filled with a concrete gutter - for the rigidity of the future structure. Or, lay a layer of sand or gravel along the bottom, compacting it tightly.
Choose the length of the main pipe from the house to the sump, taking into account the size of your site. But, you should not make a sump too far or too close to home.
Advice! A dug pit for a well or septic tank in close proximity to the foundation can spoil it or the entire structure. However, a very long distance (more than 20 meters) is fraught with frequent blockages or system breakdowns. Do not place the well also close to the fence of the neighbors (no closer than 4 meters). This distance is provided by law.
Now you can start arranging the sump. A well or a septic tank, in any case, you need a sewer pit for it in a private house, in which it will be located.
For the well, a foundation pit is dug, the bottom of which is not concreted, but covered with gravel or expanded clay.
This is done so that water is absorbed into the soil, and solid waste is settled, processed by beneficial bacteria for cesspools, turning over time into an excellent fertilizer.
The walls of the well can be filled with concrete, or can be made of concrete rings. The second option is more time consuming and will require a crane to lower these rings into the pit.
If you decide to install a septic tank, then it also needs to be dug into a previously prepared hole. Then a common drain pipe is connected to it, the compartments of the container itself are mounted together and everything is carefully sealed.
Before you finally bury the septic tank, fill it with water so that the filled soil does not deform the container.
At the bottom of the pit, first pour gravel or expanded clay for structural rigidity. Make sure the top of the septic tank is just above ground level. Otherwise, rain and melt water will often flood it, which can cause it to overflow and fill the area with a bad-smelling liquid.
Before digging, the container must be insulated with pieces of foam or expanded clay. It is best to cover the lid of the container with plastic wrap and sprinkle it with earth on top, leaving only the ventilation pipes open.
Legal requirements for the sewerage of a private house
When building a country house or even a small house on a garden plot, the developer is obliged to comply with federal legislation on the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological standards. Law No. 52-FZ determines that non-compliance with such norms can endanger the health and life of people, and lead to the emergence and spread of diseases. These norms are obligatory, both for private traders and legal entities, and their violation entails administrative and even criminal penalties.
Usually, in a summer cottage, such violations begin due to the removal and neutralization of waste products. Simply put, if the site is not equipped with a civilized toilet and sewerage. On the building site, two types of sewerage should be organized. One of them diverts storm and melt water. The device of such a sewage system is not necessary, but if the site is located in an area with high groundwater, then without their withdrawal, the owners will face many problems. Such waters will saturate the foundation of the house, no matter how waterproofing it is protected. And as a consequence - the appearance of mold and other fungi in the house. In addition, high groundwater will not allow any cultivated trees to grow on the site.
Another sewer, which must be mandatory, removes all drains from the house. Of course, there are still cases when the developer builds on his site, a toilet, such as a "toilet". It is hard to imagine what could make a person building a house in the 21st century plan such a toilet in it. But you need to know that such toilets must comply with sanitary standards. The cesspool should be made of concrete or plastic structures that do not allow sewage to leak into the soil. In addition, disinfectant solutions must be constantly poured into the pit.
For civilized people, the construction of sewerage should begin even before the construction of the house, with the laying of sewer pipes leading to the reservoir. If a cesspool can only be arranged above the level of the house itself, then it is necessary to make a pressure sewer, which requires a special project. In most cases, everything is built the other way around, and the sewer collection well is made at the lowest point of the site, where the drains go by gravity. But for the construction of any type of sewage, you need to use only those materials and pipes that meet the requirements of sanitary standards.
On a note. If you periodically, in addition to wood, need to cut metal, then you can use a good reciprocating saw. Its distinguishing feature is its versatility, as it can work with wood, and with metal, and with plastic.It should also be noted that the prices for such saws are at a very low level.
AUTONOMOUS SEWER in a private house
How to complain about neighbors
If a neighbor brought a storm drain or sewer into your garden, to the border of the site and plums get to you, you should first talk and explain the situation. Most often, adequate people react normally, and the neighbors work together to solve the problem. If a calm conversation did not work out, take tough measures.
What to do:
- To write an application. Write with a clear indication of the essence of the problem, the time of action. Make an application in 2 copies, give one to the control body, the second will be endorsed by the acceptance and given back in the applicant's hand.
- Before applying, collect signatures from the street, from other neighbors. The more signatures, the better for the applicant. Specialists will come faster, take samples, draw up an act. The act is useful for filing an application to the court if the neighbors do not want to solve the problem peacefully.
Drainage and drainage systems
Arrangement of drainage sewerage of the site
Very often, houses are built in areas with elevated groundwater levels. If you do not protect your house from them, then in the near future there may be a lot of trouble - subsidence and erosion of the foundation, dampness, flooding of the site.
Therefore, it is very important, when landscaping, to take care of such a thing as drainage systems for the sewerage of a private house.
First of all, you should pay attention to the drainage of the house and foundation. This is a rather complex system, laid around the perimeter of the building, and, below the foundation itself, an even layer is formed, on which the drainage pipe is laid.
Turns in the corners of the house are smoothly rounded, then the pipe is wrapped with geotextile and covered with gravel.
Advice! Trench type drainage is considered simpler than this method. The trench is not only cheaper, it is no less efficient in operation and durable. Carried out along the perimeter of the house, it reliably drains the soil around the building.
Drainage from a system of perforated pipes is also effective and is mounted directly on the wall sections, forming a closed system to combat water and dampness.
If you need to drain the site itself, you can bring the system to an inspection well prepared in advance, or drain the drain into any other sump.
Minor and major flaws in the construction of your home must be eliminated over time. Of course, it is better and more reliable to do everything on your own, without outside help. After all, for ourselves, loved ones, we always do everything in good conscience. Having completed the next stage of arranging your life, you will definitely feel great moral satisfaction. Yes, and in material terms, you will only win.
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It would be nice to know what criteria wastewater must satisfy from the point of view of the law even before proceeding with the installation of sewers.
After all, ignorance of the laws does not cancel responsibility, and such responsibility can easily occur if the regulatory framework is neglected and, thereby, cause dissatisfaction with neighbors who will not fail to contact law enforcement agencies.
If we turn to the documents regulating the requirements for the quality of wastewater treatment, such as SanPiN, SNiP 2.04.03-85, TSN 40-301-97 for the Moscow region, etc., it becomes clear that the usual a septic tank for a summer residence or a country house cannot provide the required quality of cleaning.
It is also necessary to create additional facilities for filtering wastewater to the required standards in order to avoid the risk of contamination of drinking water.
If the area of your site allows you to arrange additional facilities for filtering wastewater, and you are ready to spend money on their construction, then you can buy a septic tank and safely install it.It should be borne in mind that in relation to neighboring areas, it should be located no closer than 4 meters.
Otherwise, your neighbors, on completely legal grounds, can apply to the appropriate authorities with a request to oblige you to dismantle the septic tank.
And since we have more or less decided on the regulatory framework, it's time to move on to the issue of savings. So, if you buy a septic tank, then we will have to take extra care of the post-treatment of wastewater. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a filter trench or filter fields, which will require very significant investments.
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that every 5-7 years it is necessary to change their location, since as silting occurs, such additional structures stop working. And this is again a new financial investment, and a considerable one at that. And now add to this the cost of maintaining a septic tank, because it needs periodic cleaning, which is carried out by specialized machines.
If we compare the entire amount of expenses that the homeowner will incur during the operation of the septic tank with the cost of the TopolVater biological treatment plant, created by the Czech engineer Jan Topol, then the economic benefit in the construction of the sewerage of a private house will remain with the latter.
Indeed, during the operation of Topas, treatment facilities no longer need any additional investments. For at least 50 years, Topas treatment facilities will provide high-quality and reliable wastewater treatment without the installation of any additional filtration facilities.
In addition, such sewage treatment plants of a country house do not need sewage trucks, which also makes them more profitable to operate compared to conventional septic tanks.
It should also be noted that before starting the construction of sewers, the design of sewage treatment facilities should be approved by the SES. In the case of Topas treatment facilities, this will be much easier to do than with conventional septic tanks.
Also, one should not forget that after all the approvals and construction of the sewerage of a country house, the authorities that supervise and control water bodies can come to you with an inspection to make sure that the wastewater treatment is of the proper quality.
To get acquainted with the prices for treatment facilities and buy a septic tank, go to the prices for septic tanks section.
Click on the topic title to learn more:
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