Infrared heater for a dog kennel


Those dogs that live in an apartment with their owners throughout the year often do not have their own house, they only need a specific place, a rug or soft bedding for sleeping and relaxing. Due to the long stay at home in dogs, the coat becomes not so thick and the undercoat completely disappears, therefore, in winter, it is not very comfortable for animals to be outside.

Infrared heater for a dog kennelInfrared heater for a dog kennelInfrared heater for a dog kennelInfrared heater for a dog kennel

Good owners try to help their pet and insulate his house as much as possible during the cold season. A warm booth for a dog will make it possible to go through the entire cold season without health problems for your pet. For those who are going to insulate a house for a four-legged friend for the winter, you need to find out what materials and technologies may be required for this.

Infrared heater for a dog kennel

Pros and cons of an insulated dog house

But back to our topic and see what happened to our booth during the winter season, we will analyze all its pros and cons

The first thing we noticed was that we got a good “thermos”, the heat losses of which turned out to be minimal. And these insignificant losses were excellently compensated by the dog with the warmth of his body (well, the puppies also helped a little)

Then no one thought about installing heating in a doghouse. Moreover, they did it in the fall in relative haste, so they didn’t even sheathe foam from the inside. Anything could be used for this: plywood, boards, osb or mdf boards, other materials. And here is the result.

We see that the insulation in places of intense contact and constant friction of the animals crumbled. And the puppies did their bit when they bit off or scratched out pieces during their games. Therefore, to ensure durability, even such a dense insulation as penoplex should be hidden from dog claws and teeth. And in those places where the contact of dogs with the material was absent or was minimal (for example, on the ceiling), the penoplex looks like new.

But in the summer we learned that our wonderful booth has a significant disadvantage. This summer, Pepsi littered again. And in this litter there were already six beautiful puppies.

The sultry heat turned the warm booth into a real sauna. After all, in addition to the entrance, it turned out to be absolutely hermetic, it did not even have slots for the influx of fresh air. The situation was saved by the fact that the design of the booth provided for a roof that could be raised. This allowed for a slight draft, but it was still hot enough throughout the summer.

The conclusion suggests itself that when designing an all-weather booth, it is imperative to provide for a removable insulation. The same penoplex can be removed from the walls, and the roof can be raised for ventilation. Alternatively, you can make a booth in an aviary for your pets or a booth with an open, uninsulated veranda and an opening roof (as in the picture below).

Such a booth will perfectly protect from the sun and provide a draft.

In our case, too, everything ended well. The puppies, like Pepsi, escaped the heat in the coolness under the garage, practically without going into the booth. They have grown up well and today all six have fallen into the good hands of the new owners.

Mounting methods for panel and film heaters

Infrared heater for a dog kennelFactory-made heaters can be installed inside the frame of the dog house. A layer of mineral wool is attached to the outer skin, and then a reflective screen. A film or panel heater is attached to it for the dog in the booth with a working surface towards the inner lining, and then the lining itself is nailed.

The panel heater can be installed on the wall of the booth. For such an installation, ordinary self-tapping screws are needed, with which the device is attached directly to the wall.

To reduce the cost of energy consumed and to easily control the temperature of the heating in the booth, it is advisable to buy a thermostat. To protect the device from the dog's teeth, you need to install a protective metal box with holes.

Warm floor for booth

Infrared heater for a dog kennelIt is better to do such a heating system during the construction of the booth itself. If the booth is spacious and high, a warm floor can be made after the dog has settled there. It is necessary to knock down a box of plywood sheets and beams according to the size of the base of the booth. The bars determine the height of the box. A thermostat and a heating wire with a power of 80 W are installed inside the box. To do this, holes are drilled in the base, through which the wire is threaded and filled with mounting foam. A heating wire is laid on the mounds and a mount for the thermostat is installed.

A special hole is made on the side for the supply wire. The lead wire is soldered to the thermostat and the heating element. The thermostat is adjusted to 60 degrees. After the connection is made, all cracks and joints must be carefully sealed. The box is filled with dry fine sand and closed with plywood on top. It is necessary to carry out preliminary testing before installing a warm floor in a booth. If after turning on the heating system, the box becomes warm, in winter your reliable friend will be warm.

Choosing space heaters

Film heaters, due to their excellent efficiency, are now widely used on the market. They are economical and consume a minimum of electricity. At the same time, thanks to the use of modern technologies, they perfectly heat the room without leading to the appearance of dry air. The use of such film heaters does not present any difficulty. It is only necessary to turn on the device in the network, after which it will immediately begin to heat the room.

Here you can choose various models of such film heaters, which differ in their power indicators. With the same success, we can choose models designed for booths with an area of ​​​​a few square meters, and for rooms of 10-20 square meters. We offer quality heaters at low cost.

Many happy dog ​​owners are concerned about protecting their pet from the cold. How to make the temperature in the booth comfortable at sub-zero air temperatures outside? We offer a unique solution to this problem - a panel heater for a booth!

Infrared heater for a dog kennelInfrared heater for a dog kennel

The doghouse heater works on the principle of thermal radiation, in which, first of all, it is not the air that is heated, as with other heaters, but objects and animals directly.

Not unimportant factor is safety: the heater for the booth has a high degree of fire and explosion hazard, as well as a high degree of moisture resistance (degree of protection - IP66)

Having a low surface heating temperature (about 50 °C), such a heater does not burn air, which is very important when used in a small room. And of course, the aesthetic appearance of the heaters will delight you with its thinness, only 2 cm! Mounting is done with 4 screws

We also offer a service for installing a heater inside an existing booth - installing a heater in a booth

And of course, the aesthetic appearance of the heaters will delight you with its thinness, only 2 cm! Mounting is done with 4 screws. We also offer a service for installing a heater inside an existing booth - installing a heater in a booth.

Heaters are available in several sizes:

Heater dimensions, cm:
59x59x2 96x52x2 62x37x2
Infrared heater for a dog kennel Infrared heater for a dog kennel Infrared heater for a dog kennel
Power, W:
250 250 200
Weight, kg:
5 6 4
Price, rub:
8000 9000 7500

Temperature controllers

If you want to set the desired temperature in the booth, we bring to your attention a thermostat for a mechanical type heater.It will not only create and maintain a comfortable temperature, but also reduce energy consumption.

Infrared heater for a dog kennelInfrared heater for a dog kennel

To protect the thermostat from curious dogs, a metal protective box with a lock is provided.


