§ 39. Conditional images of construction drawings
Separate elements of buildings (window and door openings, stairwells) and details of internal equipment (sanitary and heating devices, etc.) are shown in the drawings using conventional graphic symbols.
39.1. Window and door openings. Figure 263 shows conventional graphic symbols and visual images of window and door openings on sections and building plans. As you can see, the walls are depicted on the sections with solid main lines, window openings - with solid thin lines. In place of doorways, lines are not drawn in the plan, but the door leaf and the direction in which the door opens are shown. On vertical cuts in the places of doorways, thin lines are applied. Thin wavy lines show the breakage of the walls.
Rice. 263. Conditional graphic images of window and door openings
39.2. Staircases. Figure 264 shows the designation of the stairs: a flight of stairs in section (Fig. 264, a), a lower march in terms of (Fig. 264, b), an intermediate march (Fig. 264, c), an upper march (Fig. 264. d) .
Rice. 264. Conditional graphic designations of stairs
A line with an arrow at the end shows the direction of the flight of stairs. It begins with a circle located on the image of the floor area.
39.3. Heating devices, sanitary equipment. Figure 265 contains explanatory inscriptions and the corresponding symbols for heating devices, sanitary equipment.
Rice. 265. Heating and sanitary installations
Chimneys are depicted on the plan as rectangles, half of which are blackened diagonally. For ventilation ducts, this half is not blackened (only a diagonal is drawn).
A solid fuel stove is depicted as a rectangle. The dash shows the firebox. The gas stove is depicted as a rectangle with a diagonal. The plate is also depicted as a rectangle, but with two circles.
All conditional images are outlined with thin lines. Perform them in the scale adopted for this drawing.
39.4. Designation of materials in sections. Figure 266 shows some of the graphic designations of materials in sections established by the standard.
Rice. 266. Graphic designations of materials in sections
In construction drawings, it is allowed to designate any material as metal on sections of a small area or not to use the designation at all, giving an explanatory inscription in the field of the drawing.