Adhesive for porcelain stoneware under warm floors

Tile adhesive for underfloor heating

If you have made a warm floor, then you can enjoy pleasant comfort and coziness in winter. However, in addition to the manufacture of a warm floor, it is necessary to think about some more important details, namely, the choice and installation of the finish coating. Very often, ceramic tiles are laid on the floor, which are glued with special tile adhesive. This combination of building technologies allows you to achieve the highest quality result. However, this case has its own nuances. Considering that the floors will be warm, it is necessary to choose the right tile adhesive. In this article, we will just cover this issue in great detail and widely. We will also list several well-known manufacturers of adhesive mixtures that can be found on the domestic market. So, you can know exactly which tile adhesive for underfloor heating is best to choose.


Tile adhesive for underfloor heating today is represented by different types. It differs from each other in the available components from which tile adhesive is made. So, today there is a one-component adhesive. In another way, it is also known as dispersive. Its distinguishing feature is that the adhesive has a high elasticity. On sale it is presented in the form of an acrylic mixture. Artificial resins of various types of modifiers are added to the composition of this tile adhesive under the tile. This composition has good adhesion. But there is one minus - a long hardening period. However, this drawback allows for twenty minutes to adjust the tiles. Therefore, this minus is relative.

Another type of tile adhesive for underfloor heating is also known - reactive or two-component. It contains polyurethane. Epoxy resin is also added. It is sold in the form of two components. Immediately before laying the tiles, the two mixtures are thoroughly mixed with each other. Be sure to add water according to the specified proportion from the manufacturer. This type of adhesive mixture has excellent adhesion. It also copes well with sudden changes in temperature.

Cement-based tile adhesives are no less popular. Portland cement or ordinary cement is taken as the basis. To achieve the required viscosity, river sand is also added to the mixture. Additionally, various modifying components are included in the composition. This type of adhesive mixture for floor heating can rightfully be called universal. It is sold in the form of a dry powder. Before laying the tiles, it must be mixed with a construction mixer with water. This type of adhesive is strong, elastic and has excellent adhesion properties. And all this thanks to the presence of special additives.

What to look for when choosing

So, we should understand, tile adhesive for underfloor heating, which is better

However, first of all, we should understand which factors and properties to pay attention to. So, when choosing glue for tiles, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

Coated tile adhesive compatibility

You can find out about this simply if you pay attention to the packaging with glue.
Foundation type. If the laying of tiles on a warm floor will be carried out on a concrete coating, then a primer must be additionally purchased.
The selected tile adhesive must be resistant to sudden changes in temperature.
The composition must be characterized by high adhesion to the tile.
Easy to use

In this case, one-component formulations have more advantages over two-component ones, because the mixture is sold immediately ready for use.
Drying period.This is also an important factor, because very often there can be little time for waiting, so glue is selected that dries quickly.
Price. In this matter, balance is needed so as not to buy too cheap and expensive.
Resistant to temperature changes. So, the operating range should be from -30 to +90 degrees Celsius.
Brand fame. This is no less important factor. If you have found a glue at a reasonable price, but the brand name only gives you doubts, then it is better not to risk it. Below we present you a list of well-known tile adhesive manufacturers.
The presence of a mark for a combination with a warm floor.
It is desirable that aluminate cement be included in the tile adhesive for underfloor heating. Thanks to this, the composition will be resistant to strong mechanical loads and guarantee high strength.

Notable Manufacturers

Now we invite you to consider a table of well-known manufacturers of tile adhesive for underfloor heating. We will consider only those manufacturers that are very popular in our country:

Foundation preparation

The better the base is prepared, the longer the floor covering will last.

This aspect should be given due attention. The base is cleaned of dirt, primed and allowed to dry.

The concrete base is poured, leveled with a screed (a self-leveling mixture is ideal for this purpose), which is an ideal accumulator of thermal energy. The stage of preparing the foundation is quite responsible, because. Porcelain stoneware places high demands on it. Laying is done on a dry base, because. porcelain tile does not absorb moisture.

Before proceeding with the installation of porcelain stoneware, the floor must be heated and turned off. Warming up the coating after work is possible only after the adhesive solution has completely dried (10-14 days).

Tile adhesive for underfloor heating for reliable fastening of tiles to the floor in Smolensk

Ceramic tile is a coating that has a large number of advantages. One of these can be called the fact that it can be mounted on a "warm floor".

But, in order for such a coating to turn out to be reliable, some nuances should be taken into account when installing it. First of all, you need to choose the right adhesive composition.

Do you need a special composition

The "warm floor" system periodically heats the entire floor during use. It constantly experiences significant temperature fluctuations. Therefore, the composition on which the tile is applied shrinks and expands from time to time.

Therefore, a special composition is needed that has good elasticity. If you ignore this rule and use ordinary tile adhesive, then as a result of a temperature difference, the coating may move away from the base, and air will accumulate in the cracks that appear, which will lead to a decrease in thermal conductivity.

What are the compositions

  1. One-component. This elastic composition is an acrylic mixture to which resins and modifiers are added. It goes on sale in the form of a special paste, which is ready for use. It has excellent adhesion qualities, does not harden too quickly, which allows you to correct the applied elements within 20 minutes.
  2. A two-component, fast curing compound. It is a mixture of polyurethane and epoxy resins. It is produced in the form of two components, which should be mixed and dissolved in water. Such a composition is resistant to significant temperature fluctuations, has good adhesion.
  3. Universal. Considered the most common. It is a mixture of cement, sand and various modifiers, which make this composition more elastic. It must be diluted with water.

How to apply the composition to the surface

  • First of all, the surface must be cleaned of grease and paint residues.Then it is necessary to apply the adhesive composition on a small area so that it does not have time to harden before the installation of the coating,
  • then the composition must be "combed" with a notched comb. The best tooth shape is square. The tooth size should be selected according to the gauge of the material. Namely: the larger the tile, the larger the teeth. With their help, grooves are made that enhance the hitch,
  • the formation of technological seams is a prerequisite for laying tiles. They are needed so that during the expansion that can occur with an increase in temperature, the floor does not lose its shape. To do this, use special plastic crosses,
  • grouting should be carried out 24 hours after installation. And the system can be launched into operation only after complete hardening. The time required for this is usually indicated on the instructions for the adhesive composition.

Features of adhesive mixtures from different manufacturers

All modern adhesive brands designed for laying tiles in underfloor heating systems meet the requirements listed at the beginning of the article.

However, manufacturers, in order to compete successfully in the building products market, often create adhesive compositions with improved properties.

Can be used on any substrate and on most types of tiles. It has high frost resistance and a fairly long adjustment time, up to 25 minutes. There is a "Stop Dust" option with reduced dust generation.

It has one of the highest pot life of any brand and tile adjustment.


