Types of devices for carrying GKL: handle and belt, trolley, mounting support

Everyone is good at the popular finishing material drywall, easy to use, practical and versatile, suitable for walls, ceilings, various structures and partitions, if not for one “but”. Produced in the form of heavy large-sized sheets, it is inconvenient in delivery and transportation. Yes, and mounting or raising such panels to the desired height alone is not an easy task. Simplify the use of drywall will help a device for carrying drywall, the choice of which depends on the characteristics of the work being done.

We transfer GKL alone


Types of devices for transporting plasterboard sheets

Based on the need, complexity and scale of the repair, you can choose one of the following types of devices for working with drywall:

  1. Carry handle.
  2. Carrying strap.
  3. Cart.
  4. Mounting support.
  5. Frame lift on wheels.

The list of devices is quite wide - from complex professional to simple ones that you can quickly make with your own hands. Let's consider all the presented types in more detail.

carrying handle

Handles for carrying sheet materials are of two types:

  1. To move the GKL alone.
  2. Model for two people.

The first modification allows you to manage the transfer of drywall without helpers. The durable plastic housing ensures that the plate is securely fixed in the desired position, and the comfortable grip allows you to gently move the bulky sheet, holding it with your free hand.

The second, two-handed model, usually sold as a set of two, allows you to carry 1 or 2 sheets. The plate is vertically located between a pair of "rogulins" at a convenient height, the free part of the GKL is supported by the hand.

Carrying handles

Making your own transfer

The simplest device for moving GKL alone can be made from improvised materials. A small master class - convenient home-made carrying in 5 minutes:

  • Four trimming of metal-profile guides are selected, which always remain during the installation of drywall structures.
  • The elements are fastened together with self-tapping screws in the form of a square. For rigidity, it is recommended to mount 2 pieces in each corner.
  • In order for the GKL plate to be freely installed, one of the corners of the profile is unbent.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Types of drywall profiles and their purpose

Everything, the pen for self-transfer is ready. Details are on the video.

Note! The length of the bottom rail on which the sheet is placed must be at least 40 cm in order to withstand the heavy weight of drywall.

Carrying strap

You can move the GKL with the help of a belt together. A pair of belts (it is convenient to use wedge belts, 1500 mm long) capture the lower corners of the panel, the weight is distributed on the shoulders of the craftsmen, the sheet is maintained in a comfortable position with the free hand.

You can also make a device for self-transportation. To do this, a wooden plate is attached to the belt (approximately 175 cm long) with two reliable hooks / hangers made, for example, from aluminum gutters. This design lies on the shoulder and facilitates the movement of several sheets.

Note! The models shown are used when carrying a limited amount of material, 1-2 slabs at a time. With a large amount of work or installation of ceiling elements, it is worth using professional devices.


As an alternative to carrying by hand, a three-wheel cart is used. It can carry several plates installed obliquely at a small angle.

Note! The larger the diameter of the wheel, the easier it is to drive a loaded cart over a floor covered with construction debris.

With a high volume of repair work, it is advisable to use cart tables that can withstand the movement of up to 12 standard drywall boards at a time. Also, such models are convenient to use when cutting and cutting finishing material.


Mounting support

A suitable device for working with GKL layers is a mounting support. It is a metal lever on a stand, equipped with a movable stop-lock. The device is indispensable when creating walls, niches, partitions and similar surfaces, as it allows you to raise the plate to the required height (50-80 cm) and keep it in a vertical position. With its help, a drywall sheet is securely fixed on the profile and fastened with self-tapping screws.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Is drywall harmful? The composition and environmental friendliness of the material

Mounting support arm

The design of the support can be equipped with a pedal for lifting material, which facilitates height adjustment, but limits the movement of the master, which means that you cannot do without a partner.

Frame lift on wheels

For complex work, such as the installation of ceiling elements or ventilation ducts, a mobile frame lift is used. Such a device allows you to move heavy and bulky gypsum boards both vertically and horizontally, as well as securely fix them on the frame for subsequent fastening. The upper holder of some modifications is equipped with a tilt angle regulator for the sheet being held.

Technical parameters and characteristics of lifts may vary depending on the manufacturer. The load capacity, as a rule, is 50–60 kg, the lifting height is 3–4.5 m. Such devices are made of steel or aluminum.


You can read more about the characteristics and use of the device, as well as its self-production. here.

What to choose?

Summing up, we can draw the following conclusion:

  • for professional installation, it is worth choosing reliable and lifting devices - a trolley on wheels, a frame lift;
  • for home repairs, a carrying handle, belt, mounting support are suitable.

Some of these devices can be made independently from improvised materials, saving money and improving your skills as a craftsman.


