Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats

Varieties of home temperature sensors for a heating boiler

Temperature regulators for a heating boiler (temperature regulators) come in several varieties:

Wired. The key to correct operation is the correct installation of conductors. This is necessary for uninterrupted communication of the equipment with the boiler.

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats

mechanical model

Wireless. With the help of a radio signal, information is supplied about changes in the temperature regime in the apartment. The device consists of two blocks, one of which is mounted in the room, the other on the boiler itself. The controller unit has a liquid crystal display and a keyboard.

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats

Remote type of sensor

We will analyze each option in more detail, with an approximate cost and an overview of several models.

Mechanical (wired) thermostat

The thermostat for a mechanical heating boiler has its own characteristics, the price for the models is different as well as the characteristics. Such a device must be pre-configured in order to achieve the optimum room temperature. This is a complex process, so it is better to contact a specialist.

small mechanical model

The package of any model includes two parts: a thermal head and a valve. The operation of the device is affected by:

  • frequent ventilation;
  • bright sunlight that enters through the windows;
  • sudden change in weather.

Installation must be carried out only in a horizontal position, while choosing a place where there are no objects blocking the device and direct sunlight. Modern models provide for small dimensions that can be installed in a small niche.

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats

Installation option close to gas equipment

The installation itself won't take long. If you turn off the heating, then you need to turn the thermostat knob. This will protect the device from the formation of sediment.

Here is an example of two popular mechanical thermostat models:

Model name Specifications Price in rub.
BALLU BMT-2 Power 2 200 W 840
Control Mechanical
Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats Temperature regime +5 to +30 ⁰С
Mounting type Open installation
Model name Specifications Price in rub.
ELECTROLUX Thermotronic Basic ETB-16 Power 4 W 2500
Control Mechanical
Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats Temperature regime +5 to +40 ⁰С
Mounting type Concealed installation

Mechanical room thermostats for a gas boiler are popular, have a low cost and can be self-installed.

Remote equipment options

The thermostat for the heating boiler (temperature controller) can be operated remotely.

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats

Comfortable temperature control throughout the room

There are several types of such a device:

  • simple;
  • software rooms.

The first option is designed to maintain the desired temperature in the room. And when installing the second option, the owner of the premises receives the following benefits:

  • remote control;
  • you can set the mode depending on the time of day;
  • speed of mode change;
  • you can schedule changes for a week;
  • quick response of the boiler to changes;
  • low fuel consumption;
  • battery is used.

Remote program temperature sensors (room) for gas boilers are designed for people who love the maximum level of comfort and new technology. Here are some popular options for such a device:

Model name Specifications Price in rub.
Bosch TRZ 12-2 Device type Electronic 9800
Mounting type Overhead
Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats Temperature regime +5 to +39 ⁰С
Block sizes 91*113*33mm
Timer Weekly
Model name Specifications Price in rub.
Siemens REV13 Device type Software 6900
Mounting type Overhead
Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats Temperature regime +3 to +35 ⁰С
Block dimensions 130*94*30mm
Timer there is

Software temperature sensors for a heating boiler are different in cost and function. At the same time, all models do an excellent job of controlling the temperature in the room, and the convenience of adjustment allows you to add heat to the house without getting out of bed.

Homemade external thermostat for the boiler instruction

Below is a diagram of a home-made thermostat for a boiler, which is assembled on Atmega-8 and 566 series microcircuits, a liquid crystal display, a photocell and several temperature sensors. The programmable Atmega-8 chip is responsible for compliance with the set parameters of the thermostat settings.

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostatsScheme of a homemade external thermostat for the boiler

In fact, this circuit turns the boiler on or off when the outside temperature drops (rises) (sensor U2), and also performs these actions when the temperature in the room changes (sensor U1). Adjustment of the work of two timers is provided, which allow you to adjust the time of these processes. A piece of circuit with a photoresistor affects the process of turning on the boiler according to the time of day.

Sensor U1 is located directly in the room, and sensor U2 is outside. It is connected to the boiler and installed next to it. If necessary, you can add the electrical part of the circuit, which allows you to turn on and off high-power units:

The electrical part of the circuit, which allows you to turn on and off high power units

Another thermostat circuit with one control parameter based on the K561LA7 chip:

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostatsScheme of a thermostat with one control parameter based on the K561LA7 microcircuit

The assembled thermostat based on the K651LA7 chip is simple and easy to adjust. Our thermostat is a special thermistor that significantly reduces resistance when heated. This resistor is connected to the electricity voltage divider network. This circuit also has a resistor R2, with which we can set the required temperature. Based on such a scheme, you can make a thermostat for any boiler: Baksi, Ariston, Evp, Don.

Another circuit for a thermostat based on a microcontroller:

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostatsScheme for a thermostat based on a microcontroller

The device is assembled on the basis of the PIC16F84A microcontroller. The role of the sensor is performed by a digital thermometer DS18B20. A small relay controls the load. Microswitches set the temperature that is displayed on the indicators. Before assembly, you will need to program the microcontroller. First, erase everything from the chip and then reprogram, and then assemble and use it to your health. The device is not capricious and works fine.

The cost of parts is 300-400 rubles. A similar regulator model costs five times more.

A few last tips:

  • although different versions of thermostats are suitable for most models, it is still desirable that the thermostat for the boiler and the boiler itself be produced by the same manufacturer, this will greatly simplify the installation and the operation process itself;
  • before buying such equipment, you need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the required temperature in order to avoid “downtime” of equipment, and changing wiring due to the connection of devices of higher power;
  • before installing the equipment, you need to take care of the thermal insulation of the room, otherwise high heat losses will be inevitable, and this is an additional expense item;
  • if you are unsure that you need to purchase expensive equipment, then you can conduct a consumer experiment. Buy a cheaper mechanical thermostat, adjust it and see the result.

Electric boilers

A fairly common alternative to gas and solid fuel boilers. A lot of advantages, high efficiency, but a long payback period. The connection is simple, like with gas boilers, but without a cold water supply. Temperature control and overheating protection are provided.

Boiler mechanical timer

With a simple mechanical timer for an electric boiler, there are three options for starting the central heating system:

  1. The boiler is off;
  2. The boiler supplies hot water;
  3. The boiler turns on and off at the set time.

Mechanical timers usually have a large round dial with a 24-hour scale in the center. By turning the dial, you can set the desired time and then leave it at that position. The boiler will turn on at the right time. The outer part consists of a set of tabs with a 15-minute period, which are inserted for the convenience of adjusting the operation and setting modes. An emergency reconfiguration is possible, which is performed when the boiler is connected to the network.

Mechanical timers are easy to set, but the boiler always turns on and off at the same time every day, and this may not satisfy the owners if the family is large and bath procedures are performed several times a day at different times.

Principal connection diagrams

All ways to turn on the thermostat in the heating system are divided into three connection options:

  1. directly to the boiler.
  2. to the circulation pump.
  3. On the pipe supplying the coolant to the radiator.

The first two schemes exclude the deterioration of the throughput of the heating pipeline. No additional constipation is placed in it, the hydraulic resistance of the entire system does not change. The thermostat here controls the operation of only the pump or boiler, it “does not come into contact with water”.

When a thermostat is installed on a battery or a common pipe with several radiators, the hydraulic resistance, on the contrary, increases. Even in the fully open state, the thermostat valve slows down the movement of the coolant slightly.

Ideally, the boiler piping project must be carried out immediately, taking into account all thermostatic and other devices.

Embedding thermostats in existing heating pipelines should only be a last resort, maximum efficiency from their use can be achieved only when they are included in the system at the design stage

If the water heating system in the house is made according to a single-pipe scheme, then it is better to immediately refuse the third option. When the temperature sensor is triggered, the valve will immediately close the entire branch of radiators in several rooms, and then you can immediately forget about comfort in rooms far from the boiler.

Connect the thermostat to the radiator inlet through the bypass. So when triggered, it will redirect the coolant flow around the battery. In this case, the water will return uncooled back to the boiler. The latter will stop heating it, thereby reducing the consumption of gas fuel or electricity.

When installing a thermostatic air temperature sensor, certain rules must be followed, otherwise, under the influence of neighboring devices or objects, it will falsely work

The temperature sensor must be installed:

  • in a place where direct sunlight does not fall;
  • away from cold bridges, drafts and rising heat flows from radiators;
  • so that it is not covered by decorative screens or curtains;
  • at a height from the floor within 1.2–1.5 meters.

If the sensor is installed incorrectly, the thermostat will give false signals. This can lead to overheating of not only the air in the room, but also the coolant in the system. And in the second case, not for long and before problems with the boiler.

How to connect a thermostat to a boiler installation tips

It is necessary to choose the right place for installing the thermostat. The kitchen and non-residential premises (hall) are not suitable, as they will not give accurate readings of the desired temperature. Choose the room where you most often visit.

Do not mount the device in drafts. It is not recommended to install the equipment near other electronic devices.

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats

Schematic connection

The relay is responsible for turning the boiler on and off. All gas boilers have a connection point for a thermostat, regardless of model and type, through which the device is controlled. For connection, you can use the terminals or cable from the thermostat.Read the complete connection method in the equipment passport. Below is a video of the installation option:

Thermostat for heating boiler temperature controller how it works

The installed heating system from a gas boiler heats the room to the set temperature, regardless of the level of heat or cold inside. At the same time, a person feels well the daily changes in the weather, if he does not change the mode manually.

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats

Thermostat installation option

To eliminate this problem in a small house without a second floor, it is enough to mount one thermostat in the passage room.

The design of a simple device includes an element with high sensitivity (actuator) and a contact group with a regulator. In appearance, it is a closed bellows, inside of which a gas mixture is usually placed, sometimes a liquid. This filler reacts to temperature changes and moves the rod to close the contacts when the temperature rises, and when the temperature drops, the reverse action occurs.

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats

Schematic operation of the sensor

The thermostat performs the task of turning the heating system on and off when the set temperature is reached autonomously, without human intervention. A simple circuit includes two contacts, the wires of which are led to the boiler and connected to the valve.

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostats

Equipment connection option

When the device is turned on, the last element is in the open state. When a short circuit occurs, the fuel supply to the burner is cut off and the flame stops. In the reverse process, ignition occurs from the igniter.

This is interesting: Wall-mounted gas heating boilers

Thermostatic control valves

A thermostatic valve is a simple solution to the problem of obtaining a coolant of a given temperature by mixing colder water with warmer water. The view of the three-way valve is shown below:

Three-way valve

Scheme of including a three-way valve in the heating system:

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostatsScheme of including a three-way valve in the heating system

Piping scheme for a solid fuel boiler using a thermostatic three-way valve:

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostatsPiping scheme for a solid fuel boiler using a thermostatic three-way valve

Gas boiler piping scheme using a thermostatic three-way valve:

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostatsGas boiler piping scheme using a thermostatic three-way valve

The thermostatic radiator valve allows you to control the temperature in the room by changing the flow of hot water through the radiator. They regulate the flow of hot water through the radiator, but do not control the boiler. Such devices must be installed in order to adjust the temperature that is needed in each individual room.

This idea should be considered as an addition to a thermal control plant. Also, such devices need periodic readjustment and regular performance checks (every six months during the change of operating modes).

Main types of boilers and temperature control

There are several types of boilers: solid fuel, gas, electric and liquid fuel.

Boilers are widely used all over the world. There are domestic samples, there are boilers and imported ones. The material of manufacture is steel or cast iron. Easy to operate, economical, with the function of adjusting the temperature of the coolant. In cheaper models, this function is implemented using a special device - a thermocouple.

Structurally, a thermoelement is a metal product, the geometric dimensions of which, under the influence of temperatures, decrease or increase (depending on the degree of heating).And this, in turn, changes the position of a special lever that closes and opens the draft damper. The photo shows an example of such a regulator:

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostatsPhoto: sample thermostat

The more the damper is open, the stronger the combustion process, and vice versa. Thus, the volume of air that enters the closed-type combustion chamber is fully controlled by the thermostat, and if necessary, its supply is stopped and the combustion process dies out. In more modern models, controllers are installed that, depending on the specified thermal conditions, control the air flow, turning on (or turning off) a special fan (see photo below):

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostatsBoiler with temperature controller

Gas boilers are the most common and cheapest units to operate. Boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit. Single-circuit boilers have one heat exchanger and are intended for heating only. The switching circuit is shown in the figure below:

Scheme of switching on a single-circuit boiler

Double-circuit boilers have two heat exchangers and are designed for heating and hot water production. The boiler connection diagram is shown below:

Instructions for Protherm Thermolink series room thermostatsScheme of switching on a double-circuit boiler

Some boilers have separate controls for heating and hot water temperature.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

There should not be any particular difficulties with the installation of the thermostat. It only needs to be chosen correctly for a particular heating system. And the selected videos will definitely help you with this.

Video #1 Connecting a room thermostat to a gas boiler in all nuances:

Video #2 Overview of the wall thermostat:

Video #3 Technology for including a contact thermostat in a system with a circulation pump:

An addition to a heating boiler in the form of a thermostat is a great way to save on home heating, increase living comfort and reduce wear and tear on equipment heating the coolant. The money spent on thermostats pays off in one winter season.

In this case, you can choose both a simple mechanical version with manual control, and a more advanced device with a programmer.

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