Algorithm of work on the design of boiler plants
TK The project of a gas boiler house begins with the development / approval of the terms of reference. The terms of reference are an integral part of the contract for the design of boilers. |
Document: building permit The main document of the initial permit documentation for the construction and design of a boiler house is a permit for the construction of a boiler house or the entire facility as a whole, issued by the administrative authorities at the location of the facility. |
Document: specifications The working draft of the boiler house is developed on the basis of technical conditions (technical conditions, "limits" for gas). |
Thermal engineering calculation Before starting the procedure for issuing technical specifications, it is necessary to perform a thermal engineering calculation of heat and fuel for this facility, in which, based on the initial data, the necessary loads, the required annual fuel consumption are determined and the main equipment of the boiler house is selected. Further, this calculation is used to prepare the technical assignment for the design of boiler houses and to obtain appropriate permits from organizations issuing technical conditions. |
TURBOPAR Group specialists will provide the following services:
- development of technical specifications for the design of boiler plants;
- selection of the main and auxiliary equipment of the boiler room;
- determination of thermal loads of consumers;
- determination of the dimensions of the boiler house building;
- selection of the construction site, location of the boiler house;
- calculation of the chimney, determination of the required height of the chimney from the conditions of dispersion of harmful emissions;
- determination of the total cost of building a boiler house (supply of equipment, installation work, commissioning, commissioning).
The main regulatory documents used for the design of gas boilers:
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content;
- SNiP II-35-76 "Boiler plants";
- PB 10-574-03 "Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers";
- SNiP 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems";
- PB 12-529-03 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems";
- SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings";
- SNiP 41-03-2003 "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines";
- "Rules for accounting for thermal energy and coolant". GU Gosenergonadzor of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 1995 Reg. MJ No. 954 dated 09/25/1996.
architectural supervision during the installation of boiler room equipment; | |
adaptation of project documentation of foreign manufacturers to the requirements of Russian GOST, SNiP and Rules; | |
perform the function of a general designer. |
Drawings of boiler houses. Some examples:
- Boiler house project 8MW, water heating boilers Buderus, download in PDF format (316Kb)
- 16MW boiler house project, Buderus boiler equipment, download in PDF format (299 Kb)
Boiler room design references | Working project of the boiler house | Questionnaire for ordering a project | About the Design Institute | Sample Design Drawings |
Standard design 903-1-158 Boiler room with 4 boilers KE-6.5-14C, heating and production with centralized hot water supply from the boiler room. Fuel stone and brown coals
Album I | Architectural and construction solutions, reinforced concrete and metal structures |
Album II. | Drawings of industrial building structures and boiler room products (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album III. | Fuel supply facilities (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album IV. | Drawings of industrial building structures (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album V | Boiler equipment location. General boiler connecting pipelines |
Album VI. | Boiler unit (fuel - coal) |
Album VII. | Boiler unit (fuel - brown coal) |
Album VIII. | Water treatment plant |
Album IX. | Warehouse of reagents (all parts) (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album X. | Power electrical equipment and electric lighting of the boiler room |
Album XI. | Panels of control stations of the boiler room, assignment to the manufacturer |
Album XII. | Boiler house electric motor control schemes (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XIII. | Power electrical equipment and electric lighting for fuel supply (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XIV. | Shields of the fuel supply control station, a task for the manufacturer (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XV. | Schemes of functional and external wiring. Location plans. Blocks of local devices (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XVI. | General views |
Album XVII. | Electrical circuit diagrams (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XVIII. | Heating and ventilation. Water supply and sewerage |
Album XIX. Part 1. | Mechanization of fuel supply and slag removal. Plumbing (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XIX. Part 2. | Mechanization of fuel supply and slag removal. Plumbing (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XX. | Thermal mechanical, sanitary and technical parts. Custom specifications for thermal mechanical and sanitary equipment |
Album XXI. | Custom specifications. Mechanization of fuel supply and slag and ash removal (all parts) (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XXII. | Custom specifications for equipment, products and materials. Complete transformer substation, power electrical equipment, electric lighting |
Album XXIII. | Automation, specification for devices, products and materials. Questionnaires (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XXIV. | Warehouse of reagents (all parts) (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XXV. | Technical and economic part |
Album XXVI. | Summary of costs and estimates for construction work |
Album XXVII. Part 1. | Estimates for thermal mechanical, electrical, sanitary and technical parts, automation of the boiler room |
Album XXVII. Part 2. | Estimates for thermal mechanical, electrical, sanitary and technical parts, automation of the boiler room |
Album XXVIII. | Fuel supply (from TP 903-1-153) |
Album XXIX. | Warehouse of reagents (from TP 903-1-153) |
The choice of the main equipment of a gas boiler house of medium power.
The heart of any boiler room is the boiler and the burner. And the choice of equipment must be approached very responsibly.
Why is it worth buying a boiler of a well-known brand, which is significantly more expensive than a boiler of another brand - after all, the power is the same, and the efficiency is approximately the same?
The answer to this question is simple - look ahead! A modern high-quality boiler will serve faithfully for up to 15-20 years.
Boiler choice: water tube or fire tube.
Our opinion is, of course, fire-tube, i.e. a boiler in which the flue gases pass through the flame tubes, and the water is heated in a large drum. These include the majority of imported boilers, as well as the leaders of the domestic market.
With good quality steel, welded joints and proper operation, fire-tube boilers will serve for a long time without causing problems.
The peculiarity of these boilers is that they are non-repairable: they cannot be “welded” like old Soviet boilers, when a fistula appears, a bundle of pipes cannot be replaced, etc.
The choice of water tube boilers, i.e. boilers in which heated water passes through thin tubes, and flue gases through a large pipe in the medium power segment is very small. Water tube boilers are cheaper and often have higher declared efficiency.
In fact, such boilers are very sensitive to water quality and thin tubes in them are quickly overgrown with scale deposits, while the efficiency is significantly reduced, local overheating and, accordingly, fistulas appear.
Two pass or three pass boiler?
On this score, the specialists of the "TGV-Project" do not have a final opinion, it all depends on the context.
A two-pass boiler is a boiler in which the flue gases are turned 2 times before entering the chimney.
A three-pass boiler is a boiler in which the flue gases are respectively turned 3 times before entering the chimney.
The main criterion for the reliability and durability of the boiler is the heat density of the furnace.This indicator is somewhat better for three-way boilers. They also have higher efficiency and, accordingly, higher price.
The main advantage of three-way boilers, in addition to increased service life, is the power control range:
- for two-pass boilers 60-100% of the rated power (you can set it even lower, for example 30%, but then, due to the peculiarities of the development of the torch in the furnace of such boilers, the operating conditions will be more stringent, and the service life may be significantly reduced);
- for three-way boilers - 30-100% of the rated power.
We recommend three-pass boilers in the following cases:
— If you plan to operate the boiler house for at least 10 years;
– For roof boilers (the most reliable boiler should be installed on the roof boiler, because changing the boiler on the roof will be problematic and costly);
- If you need smooth power control from minimum to maximum in a wide range (30-100%);
- If you want to have the best in life.
In other cases, it is quite justified to choose a good quality two-way boiler.
Burner selection.
As experienced “operators” say: “A boiler is a barrel of water, everything is decided by a burner!” These are far from empty words, because the burner is a much more technically complex device, consisting of hundreds of small parts.
Burners by type are: single-stage, two-stage, sliding two-stage and modulating. They can also be gas, liquid fuel or combined.
So which burner should you choose?
First of all, it is worth deciding on the type of fuel:
- single-fuel: gas or liquid fuel (usually diesel fuel);
- combined: gas-diesel, gas-fuel oil (a convenient option if you need backup fuel).
Most importantly, choose a reliable burner that has proven itself in similar operating conditions.
We recommend installing two-stage or sliding two-stage burners on medium-sized two-pass boilers. Modulating burners should not be installed - due to the small range of regulation of the operation of the two-way boiler itself, they simply will not pay for themselves.
On three-pass boilers, it is still worth installing smoothly two-stage or modulating burners, then it will be possible to fully use the potential of a three-pass boiler.
When choosing the main equipment, you should take into account the availability of a spare parts warehouse in your city or region, because few people want to stop the boiler due to a small problem and wait two weeks for spare parts at the height of the heating season.
Standard project 903-1-217.85 Boiler block with 4 boilers Universal-6M on solid fuel.
Boiler block with 4 boilers "Universal-6M" on solid fuel.
This project has
Documentation in electronic form
What is a project passport?
The project passport is a brief description of a typical project presented on several sheets of A4 format. The number of sheets varies from 1 to 15 (usually 2-4.)
Attention ! The project passport is not a typical project. The purchase of a standard project passport is necessary to familiarize yourself with the summary of the project. Almost 95% of projects are calculated in 1984 prices
An approximate translation by coefficients is possible. To calculate, you need to buy a project passport and recalculate to current prices
Almost 95% of projects are calculated in 1984 prices. An approximate translation by coefficients is possible. To calculate, you need to buy a project passport and recalculate to current prices
We provide calculation "Information on the estimated cost of the capital construction object"
The cost of this service is 1200 rub.
for the provision of a certificate of the estimated cost of a capital construction object
*Fields are required
To complete the procedure for purchasing a standard project passport, you must click on the button “Download Passport” and save the PDF file in any place convenient for you.
To complete the procedure for purchasing a set of a typical project, you must click on the button “Download kit” and save the PDF file in any place convenient for you.
VTsIS fund, 2000-2018
Design of biomass boiler houses
The scope of the Institute's activities includes the design of biomass boiler houses developed using the latest energy saving technologies.
The main advantages of using biofuels: Economic efficiency (the cost of biomass as a fuel in terms of energy unit (Gcal) is significantly less than the cost of natural gas) Improvement of the ecological situation Low cost of received thermal and electric energy Renewable energy production based on waste recycling Depending on the individual characteristics of the facility, biomass boilers can use the following types of raw materials as fuel: wood chips, peat, straw, pellets, oilseed husks, sawdust, as well as waste products of domestic animals and the person himself. The use of biomass for thermal energy is environmentally friendly and cost-effective, because biomass can replace the most commonly used fuels for heat production, such as gas, oil products, and coal. When converting a boiler house from natural gas to biofuel, the return on investment is 2-3 years. |
Our projects:
Water-heating gas boiler house in the microdistrict "Solntsevo Park"
Design work for the construction of a boiler house with a total heat output of 88.2 MW. |
Hot water boiler house for the territorially isolated innovation center "Innopolis", Kazan
Pre-project work and feasibility study of the project for a hot water boiler house with a capacity of 32 MW. |
Boiler room of a multifunctional administrative-trading and industrial-warehouse complex
Development of design and estimate documentation for the construction of a 7.0 MW boiler house (MO, Leninsky district, near the village of Rumyantsevo, now the territory of the "New Moscow"). |
Autonomous source of heat supply for the low-rise residential complex "Shemyakinsky Dvorik"
Design of an autonomous hot water boiler house 2.1 MW. |
Hot water boiler house CJSC "House of creativity Maleevka"
Development of design and working documentation for a 2.6 MW hot water boiler house. |
Autonomous source of heat supply for the rehabilitation building of the National Healthcare Institution “Central Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after N.A. Semashko of JSC Russian Railways”
Design work for the construction of an autonomous heat source with a capacity of 4.2 MW for backup heat supply of the rehabilitation building with supply networks. |
Boiler room, MO, Podolsk, st. Pleshcheevskaya, 15A
Design of a boiler house with a total heat output of 4.1 MW. |
Typical projects of boiler houses
Typical designs of boiler houses are the basic configurations of block-modular boiler houses produced at the production site of BMK Stroytekhkomplekt LLC. In this section, you can get acquainted with the configurations and prices of block-modular boiler houses of the following series:
Boiler rooms of the Economy series are gas-fired boiler houses based on domestic-made boilers with atmospheric burners. Despite the minimum configuration, the Econom series boilers do not require additional equipment to start it. All that is necessary for its operation is the construction of the foundation and the summing up of external engineering networks. These boiler rooms are the most budgetary series produced by BMK Stroytekhkomplekt LLC.
Boiler rooms of the "Diesel" series - this series of boiler rooms provides for the operation of a boiler house on diesel fuel. These boiler houses are mainly used for temporary heat and water supply of residential, small industrial premises, construction sites, storage areas, etc.Such boiler houses, if they serve as a temporary boiler house, do not require thorough preparation of the foundation for the boiler room and chimney. The chimney can be placed on the frame of the boiler room itself, and the boiler room itself can also be placed on a conventional road slab.
Boiler rooms of the Diesel-M series - the fundamental difference from the previous series is the presence of a semi-trailer in the configuration, on which the boiler room is located. Such boiler houses mainly serve as a source of emergency heat and water supply and are used mainly when the main source of heat and water supply is out of order for one reason or another. There is no installation of such boiler houses as such, it is enough to connect the boiler house to a source of fuel and electricity, connect the boiler house to the existing heating network through flexible pipelines, install a chimney, and then start it up. These boiler rooms can be moved to any facility where there was a failure in the supply of hot water and heating.
Boiler rooms of the "Universal" series - this series of boiler rooms provides for the operation of a boiler house on a combined type of fuel (gas / diesel). These boiler houses are especially in demand where even a short-term shutdown of the boiler house is not allowed (manufacturing enterprises, social facilities). In cases of an unplanned shutdown of the fuel supply, it will not be difficult to switch the boiler room to the reserve type of fuel and take no more than 30 minutes.
Boiler rooms of the "Comfort" series are gas boiler rooms, the equipment, unlike the "Economy" series, provides for the installation of imported boiler equipment (ICI Caldaie), equipped with Cibital Unigas burners. The boiler rooms of the Comfort series are equipped with a dispatching system with an output to a central observation point, an automation system, and gas metering units.
At the request of the Customer, any standard project of the presented boiler houses can be completed with additional equipment.
All presented boiler houses are certified and have a permit issued by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.
Sample projects
Sample projects
Boilers are very popular in our country and today they successfully heat both small private buildings and huge industrial facilities. These are municipal buildings, and various educational institutions - clinics, hospitals, schools, institutes and universities, kindergartens and schools, factories and plants, cafes and restaurants, shopping malls.
Typical design of a boiler house
In the construction of boiler houses, the moment of design is very important. Today there are standard projects that are allowed for construction.
Any one consists of one or more boilers, burners, a boiler, an automatic control box with sensors, pumps, a gas pipe with valves and other elements and devices that will ensure the normal operation of the boiler room.
Each of these elements is necessary and important, and their quantity and quality depends on the type of boiler house and the manufacturer.
According to the type of fuel, boiler rooms can be liquid fuel and solid fuel. In turn, these two types can be divided into many subspecies depending on the fuel used: diesel, coal, gas-oil, wood, etc.
There are even less powerful, but more functional boiler houses that operate on several types of fuel at the same time, while one of them will still be the main (dominant), and the other auxiliary.
Such boilers are called combined.
Liquid fuel plants
Liquid fuel boiler plants operate at large production facilities (for example, oil refineries), they use oil, fuel oil, diesel fuel, diesel fuel as fuel.
Solid fuel installations
Solid fuel boilers often work where it is difficult or almost impossible to use gas or liquid fuel - in remote areas of the country. As a rule, in private cottages, country houses, cottage settlements. Branches and straw, firewood, coal, wood chips and other wood waste are used as fuel.
Gas boiler plants
Gas boilers are the most common type of boilers. They operate more often on natural gas, less often on liquefied hydrocarbons and associated petroleum gas. They are used for heating municipal buildings, apartment buildings, private residences and offices, warehouses and utility rooms, industrial facilities, old and new construction projects.
According to the type of execution, boiler rooms can also be placed on the roof, autonomous, stationary and mobile, block-modular and frame.
The execution of standard projects involves the maximum assembly of structures, and ease of installation and commissioning. This ensures short terms for the execution of all necessary documentation and the commissioning of the boiler house.
Solid fuel boiler design
The project of a solid fuel boiler house is a unique opportunity to provide heat and hot water in the absence of natural and shale gas. It is relevant to install such installations in production, where a large waste of woodworking products and biological raw materials is provided: wood chips, tree bark, coke, peat. It is absurd to throw away production waste if it is possible to completely make the production process autonomous and waste-free, to warm up in cold weather.
Design features
Solid fuel boilers can be located inside the building at the planning stage and already finished construction, in an extension or a stand-alone module. When arranging this efficient and reliable source of heat and hot water, special requirements must be taken into account:
- the area of the boiler room must be at least 7 sq.m.;
- it is necessary to provide ventilation at the rate of every 8 sq. cm of the ventilation duct for each kilowatt of boiler power;
- the room must be made of non-combustible materials in accordance with fire safety standards;
- it is necessary to provide a convenient place for storing a supply of fuel for the operation of the boiler;
- it is necessary to have a chimney of any type;
- the chimney and exhaust pipe must necessarily have an exit at a distance from the doors and windows of the building, as well as at a sufficient distance from the roof in order to avoid arson from a spark;
- flue height not less than 5 m.
Solid fuel boilers are distinguished by a rather low efficiency, however, they allow for efficient and autonomous heating in the conditions of the impossibility of a stable supply of diesel fuel, fluctuations in gas supply or its complete absence. Ideal for a sawmill in the taiga, surrounded by the wild nature of Siberia.
Fuel types
Wood, chips, coke, peat are used as raw materials for the operation of the plants. Depending on the fuel used, it is planned to select the appropriate boiler model that will ensure the most efficient use of resources and efficiency on a given material.
Solid fuel boilers require a thorough examination before commissioning, as well as regular inspection during operation to detect malfunctions. The units are designed for year-round, seasonal and complex use with gas and liquid fuel boilers. With a seasonal work schedule, it is necessary to ensure the removal of the coolant from the system, as well as the complete cleaning of the boiler from combustion products. You should also remember the need to regularly clean the chimney from soot and ash in order to avoid fire and damage to the system.
Design cost
The price of a finished project of a solid fuel boiler house consists of several factors: the area of the heated building, the complexity of design, the equipment and materials used, and special instructions from the customer. The device of such a boiler room is an affordable alternative to the usual gas system.