Calculator for calculating insulation for walls, roofs, foundations
The calculator allows you to determine the type of thermal insulation materials for the foundation, calculate the amount of materials needed and get the final cost, including fasteners for slabs.
Calculator for calculating and choosing insulation for siding
With the help of this service, you will be able to determine the types of thermal insulation and waterproofing that are suitable for insulating walls for siding. Moreover, the calculator will allow you to determine the cost and calculate the amount of materials needed.
Calculator for calculating thermal insulation for a ventilated facade
In order to choose the right materials for the insulation of a ventilated facade, choose waterproofing and fasteners, use this service. By entering the area of the walls and the thickness of the slabs, you will calculate the required volume of materials and find out their cost.
Online calculator for calculating the cost of a plaster facade
The service allows you to determine the types of materials, cost and volume. Based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe facade and the thickness of the insulation, it is possible to calculate the approximate cost of a plaster facade.
Calculation of materials for insulation of frame walls
If you are faced with the task of isolating frame walls, then this calculator is for you. Knowing the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls and the thickness of the insulation, you can easily calculate the necessary materials.
Online calculation of insulation for the floor under the screed
For a floor that is planned to be made using cement or any other, special, durable insulating materials are required.
Online calculation of floor insulation by joists
To choose the right insulation materials for the floor, which is laid on wooden logs, use this calculator. He will determine the required density of materials, their quantity and approximate cost.
Calculation of thermal insulation for interior partitions
Choose insulation for interior partitions. You will be able to calculate the amount and type of insulation, its cost, as well as immediately make an application.
Calculation of insulation for a pitched roof (attic)
Pitched roof insulation requires, in addition to insulation, a vapor barrier and wind and moisture protection membrane, using this online calculator, you can easily determine the materials you need and their estimated cost.
Flat roof insulation calculation
To calculate the materials for a flat roof, we suggest using this calculator. The calculation also includes a waterproofing membrane and telescopic fasteners.
Gutter Calculator
The calculator will allow you to make a preliminary calculation of the necessary materials for the installation of the drainage system. Determine cost in advance
Calculator for calculating ceiling insulation in a house with a cold attic
Significant heat losses in the room occur through ceilings that do not have special insulation.
Air from heaters and other heating devices rises, but when it comes into contact with a cold surface, it gives it most of the heat.
As a result, it is very difficult to create a comfortable microclimate in the room, since in this case a huge heat consumption is required for heating structures.
Therefore, the ceiling, which is in contact with rooms without heating from above, needs additional insulation. A full-fledged ceiling covering must meet certain criteria.
In this case, different materials are used, which have their own specific characteristics. This affects the required thickness of the insulation.
In order to plan the structure according to all the rules, it is worth using a special calculator for calculating the ceiling insulation in a building where there is a cold attic.
For correct calculations, below are some explanations.
Roof insulation with different materials
Calculation features
When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the fact that each design, in its parameters, must correspond to certain values \u200b\u200bthat are established by SNiP for different regions and their weather conditions.
Materials are able to give off heat, which has its own coefficient of thermal conductivity. And the smaller it is, the higher the quality of thermal insulation will be. This coefficient can be found in special reference books. This value is already present in the calculation program.
The heat transfer resistance is given by:
R=h(thickness)/ λ(thermal conductivity)
It is on this formula that the algorithm of the program is based:
- first you need to select the material from the provided list;
- indicates the standard value of heat transfer resistance, which is set for a particular region. This indicator can be found on the map - diagram. In this case, you need to look for a parameter for overlaps;
Determination of the required value of thermal resistance according to a special map-scheme
coverage parameters are important. In this case, the options may be different. In some cases, instead of overlapping, there is only an attic floor and ceiling trim.
When carrying out calculations, you need to have a diagram at hand, which shows all the layers of the structure;
in the program, you need to select the finish for the ceiling surface, which also affects the thermal insulation parameters;
it is important to decide on the flooring for the attic floor. It is taken into account if used as a continuous coating;
the result is displayed in millimeters and can be adjusted to the standard parameters for the thickness of insulation materials.
In order to carry out high-quality insulation of the floor under an unheated attic, there is not enough information about the thickness of the material with thermal insulation properties. All thermal insulation work should be carried out correctly.
Related article:
Insulation of the ceiling in a house with a cold roof on its own. In the article we will consider what can be insulated, the advantages and disadvantages of existing materials, the technology of insulation from the side of the house and the attic.
What determines the thickness
The calculation of the thickness of the insulation for walls should begin with the determination of the main indicators of construction technology. Such indicators include the thickness of existing walls and the material from which they are made, the material of the heat insulator, as well as the climatic conditions of your region, the design and wear of the walls of the building, the internal dimensions of the room and other current indicators.
Let us consider in more detail the calculation elements for a wall heat insulator.
The thickness of the walls, as well as the materials from which they are built, are indicated in the technical passport of your housing, which can be found in the housing office or in the management company. These indicators are important, since each climatic zone has its own indicators of building standards and subsequent heat resistance.
The insulation material is important, since it is on it that the subsequent reduction in heat loss from your apartment depends. Each material has its own coefficient of thermal conductivity, as a result of which the minimum allowable thickness of the insulation will also differ.
Wall wear and construction also affect the insulation process, because depending on the side (exterior or interior), the insulation process may need to be coordinated with the utilities, which will tell you how badly the wall is damaged. If the building has not undergone cosmetic repairs for a long time, then in addition to a thicker layer of insulation, during the installation process, puttying joints, cracks and strengthening floors will take a lot of time.
It should be noted that the thickness of the insulation for external walls is not calculated with such scrupulousness as for internal ones. The reason for this neglect is the inability to predict the weather. If inside the apartment you can determine the temperature level in the winter period of time according to annual indicators during the heating season, then it is impossible to predict the weather conditions outside. Therefore, for external insulation, a thickness is taken that exceeds the minimum minimum by 1.5 times. Thus, you will not spend money on extra materials and insulate your walls.