Is it possible to put carpet on a warm floor

What type of device to choose

All manipulations are carried out in stages. Varieties of electric underfloor heating can be divided into three groups:

  1. Thermomats. It is a mounting grid, on the surface of which heating elements are fixed. The cable is used both single-core and two-core. For laying you will need a layer of tile adhesive or screed.
  2. Resistive. The package includes a heating cable (self-regulating), which is laid on the surface of the rough coating. Placed in a layer of screed.
  3. Carbon (infrared) floor. It is a thin film, on the surface of which heating elements made of carbon are placed (they emit infrared rays). To achieve greater strength, the material is laminated. In this case, the screed is not needed.

Is it possible to put carpet on a warm floor

Carpet installation scheme

Most masters agree and recommend mounting infrared film devices. The use is due to a number of advantages:

  • high level of fire safety;
  • space saving. The height of the room will remain the same, since the height of the mats used does not reach even a centimeter;
  • installation work is carried out by hand, without involving third parties. If necessary, the material is divided into several fragments, while the screed is not needed;
  • the device allows you to partially heat the room;
  • mats can be used in combination with any type of flooring;
  • if necessary, the device is dismantled and placed in another place;
  • environmental friendliness. Heat accumulates under the floor. Heat is distributed evenly, but not above the level of human growth.

Is it possible to put carpet on a warm floor

Methods for fixing carpet

Before starting work on carpet flooring, you need to choose one of the ways to attach it to the base, which for this type of coating can be as follows:

  • fixing the whole web with glue and without glue;
  • gluing fragments;
  • stretching the canvas on rails with nails using a special tool (stretching), in which the coating is not fastened to the base at all, but is held most securely.

Depending on the chosen method of fastening, the installation of the carpet is also carried out. The canvas purchased in the store must be spread on the floor of the room so that it smoothes and evens out for a couple of days at room temperature.

Stretching method

To fix the coating during stretching, you will need to use grippers - rails into which two rows of nails are driven at an angle of 45 degrees. To stretch the material, you will need a special device - a kicker or a stretcher. In small rooms, you can get by with a knee kicker, while larger ones will require a more powerful tool.

With this method of laying carpet, the following steps can be distinguished:

  1. Foundation preparation.
  2. Fastening grippers along walls with nails oriented away from the center of the room.

Is it possible to put carpet on a warm floor

  1. Laying the substrate and fastening it through 200 mm with staples.
  2. The smooth factory edge of the material is laid along the wall.
  3. The material is fastened with a kicker on the gripper: having fixed the teeth of the tool about a couple of centimeters from the rail, you need to strike a blow on the pillow, which fixes the carpet on the nails.
  4. The canvas is stretched with a powerful stretcher, starting from the corners.
  5. After inserting the stretcher teeth into the material about 150 mm from the edge, they should be fixed, and then pull the ends onto the grippers with a kicker sequentially in all directions.

Is it possible to put carpet on a warm floor

  1. The resulting excess material can be cut off or simply bent.
  2. Then mount skirting boards around the perimeter of the room.

If you choose the most suitable way of laying carpet for a particular room, then this flooring will remain comfortable and neat for many years.

When decorating the premises of country houses or city apartments, carpet is increasingly used.This cozy floor covering is very practical, it is a good insulation and it is pleasant to walk on it even…

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Infrared floor heating installation

Similar structures can be installed independently. To do this, just study the step-by-step instructions attached by the manufacturer. But first you need to purchase the necessary components, such as:

  • thermostat sensor;
  • additional set of wires;
  • a set of infrared film, which is sold in rolls;
  • in order to avoid possible heat loss, you will need a material for a heat-insulating gasket.

Is it possible to put carpet on a warm floor

Step-by-step laying scheme (including on a wooden floor):

  1. To begin with, the surface to be used is prepared. Old material (if necessary), construction and other debris is removed. Strong irregularities are eliminated. It is necessary to level the surface if the level of difference exceeds several millimeters per meter of surface.
  2. A heat-insulating layer is recommended to be used to minimize heat loss. Use a material that does not conduct current (this will increase the overall level of safety). Construction tape is used to fasten sheets of material.
  3. A warm floor is laid under the carpet. The entire surface of the room is covered with mats, with the exception of areas where furniture will be located.
  4. Device connection. For this, a thermostat is connected, which is recommended to be mounted on the wall, half a meter from the floor. Wiring is laid, the connection to which is made in parallel. This entire layer is well insulated with sealants.
  5. The thermostat can be installed in several ways (external and internal). You can gouge the area from the floor surface to the place where it is to be installed. If the repair of the room has already been completed, you can use a plastic box in which all the wires are conveniently placed. The sensor is mounted under the film in a small recess. Once connected, the device is tested for functionality. A working system should heat the surface in five minutes. Grounding plays an important role, so all ends of the film should be glued with special tape, which is then attached to the wire.
  6. Installation of the insulating layer. When using carpet, a top layer of insulation is a must. For this, plywood is used, which is able to protect infrared mats from any mechanical damage, and carpet from overheating.
  7. Carpet installation. Before this, the material is rolled out throughout the room and left completely alone for a day. During this time, the material will straighten itself. Adhesive tape is used for fixation. You can only walk around the room the next day.

Measurements of the premises and preparation of the base

Before you properly lay the carpet, you need to study the geometry of the floor: take into account all the protrusions, niches, openings and other details when cutting. All dimensions of the room and details are applied to the sketch, which should be presented to the seller in the store. It will be easier for Tom to calculate the amount of material from it in accordance with the width of the available rolls. When choosing one or another material, you need to build on the geometry of the room and the compatibility of standard roll sizes with the dimensions of the room.

Is it possible to put carpet on a warm floor

Before laying the flooring it is necessary:

  • mark on the canvas the places of cutouts for partitions, etc .;
  • add 5 cm to the overall dimensions, so that in case of any adjustment in the position of the piece, it has a margin.

Free way.

This method of flooring is considered the most economical, as it is carried out using improvised means. It has two varieties, distinguished by the method of fixation:

  1. Along the perimeter. This mounting option is the easiest, because the carpet is attached using a plinth. To begin with, the material is spread around the entire perimeter of the room. A prerequisite is an allowance on each side, which should be about 15 cm. The carpet is leveled from the center to the edges. This process can be carried out both with a special roller and by hand. Only after careful smoothing, excess material is cut off, and the remaining carpet is attached with skirting boards around the perimeter. In the doorway, it is most often fixed with a metal rail or threshold.

Is it possible to put carpet on a warm floor

The advantages of this styling:

  • The material is easily dismantled if necessary and fixed again.
  • The whole flooring process does not require the help of professionals, and this saves a lot of money.
  • For fixing, no additional equipment and materials are required.
  • The floor does not have to be prepared before starting work.
  • After a long period of use, wrinkles or bubbles may form on the surface.
  • This method of fixation is unsuitable if the room has mobile furniture equipped with roller wheels.
  • Rearranging furniture can be more problematic, as the flooring can move.
  • Carpet care will need to be thorough, as washing vacuum cleaners are not recommended.
  • The material should be monolithic, and the room should not be too large.

Is it possible to put carpet on a warm floor

How to lay carpet on concrete and wood floors. Ways of laying on glue, adhesive tape, free fixation

Is it possible to put carpet on a warm floor

When decorating the premises of country houses or city apartments, carpet is increasingly used. This cozy floor covering is very practical, it is a good insulation and it is pleasant to walk on it even with bare feet. Therefore, you can often hear the question, how to properly lay the carpet? After all, many try to do it on their own.

  • Room and carpet preparation
  • Measurements of the premises and preparation of the base
  • Choosing a base for carpet installation
    • Carpeting on wood floor
    • Carpeting on concrete floor
    • Carpet flooring on linoleum
  • Methods for fixing carpet
  • Adhesive fixing of carpet
    • Advantages of the adhesive method
    • Disadvantages of the adhesive method
  • Fixing the carpet around the perimeter with free laying
  • Free laying carpet on adhesive tape
    • Advantages of installing carpet on adhesive tape
    • Disadvantages of gluing carpet on adhesive tape
  • Tension method (stretching)


