Temperature controller for heating element, thermostat

Types and design, as well as on the functioning

Structurally, a heating element for heating a house is a metal tube with a wire spiral inside, made of a material with high electrical resistance. When energy is supplied from the network, the spiral heats up and gives off heat to the shell of the heating element, which in turn heats the coolant in the radiator.

The installation of the heating element is carried out in a specialized socket of the heating battery, whether it is an aluminum, metal or cast-iron version. The heating element is also used as the main heating element in electric boilers.

Most tubing uses stainless steel or carbon steel. If low-quality metal was used in production, then the heating element can quickly “burn out”. The power of the spiral and the shape of the tubes are determined by the purpose of the device, in which particular radiator or boiler it will be used.

Models are available with fins, the presence of additional plates around the tube to increase heat transfer. Ribs significantly increase the dimensions of the product, so they can not be used in all cases.

In addition to devices that heat water, space heating with an electric heating element can be carried out using an air device that heats air instead of water. But due to their low efficiency, they are rarely used.

The thermostat, which is part of the heating element, measures the temperature of the surrounding coolant in the radiator and, if necessary, supplies power to the coil. After reaching the specified temperature parameters, it breaks the circuit. And as the water cools, it reconnects the spiral to the network and heats the water. The presence of a thermostat allows you to adjust the temperature parameters, such that are most comfortable for those present in the room. In its absence, the heating element will operate at maximum power, constantly consuming electricity, which will dramatically increase bills for it.

Some models of electric heating elements for home heating are equipped with additional functions: “turbo mode” (turns on the device for a short time at maximum power) and “antifreeze” (prevents the coolant from freezing, maintaining its temperature at a minimum).

Electric heaters for heating types

TENS were invented at the end of the nineteenth century in America. A patent for this was obtained in 1896. The very first products were a spiral insulated with a ceramic material and inserted into a metal tube. Such electric heaters for heating were practical products, but unsafe to operate. Mass production of these devices began 50 years after the invention. Since that time, heating elements have been widely used and have become one of the most popular heating devices powered by an electrical network. Since then, they have changed a lot, become more perfect - you can see how they look now in the photo. Modern devices are noticeably different from the very first models, but the principle of their operation has remained unchanged.

Finned tubular electric heaters

Finned heaters also belong to the tubular type of elements, but they also have ribs that are located in planes perpendicular to the axis of the heater tube. Such ribs are made from a metal tape, and they are attached to the tube using washers and clamping nuts. The device itself is made of stainless steel or structural steel.

Temperature controller for heating element, thermostat

This type of heating element is used in heating devices that heat air or gas. Often they are found in devices such as thermal curtains or convectors (read: "Electric heating convectors: how to choose - little tricks").They are used for space heating by means of thermal air mass.

Tubular electric heaters

Tubular electric heaters for home heating are used very widely. They are also installed in many devices powered by an electrical network. The heat carrier thanks to tubular heating elements warms up by means of convection, thermal conductivity and radiation. Thus, electricity is converted into heat energy.

Temperature controller for heating element, thermostat

Such TENs have the following features:

  • the diameter of the tube is 6-18.5 millimeters;
  • element length - 20-600 centimeters;
  • the tube can be made of steel or stainless steel, there are also titanium products, but they are very expensive;
  • device configuration can be absolutely any;
  • TENA parameters such as power, performance, depend on the requirements of the consumer.

TENs are often installed in heating radiators. It is due to their functionality that they have become widespread.

How to use correctly

In addition to the banal non-compliance with operating instructions and safety regulations, heating elements can break down due to:

  • shell corrosion;
  • its rupture as a result of overheating;
  • constant drops in mains voltage;
  • and just a general depressurization of the tube.

In order for the device to heat your home for as long as possible, you must follow simple rules:

  1. When connecting the wires, one should not be too zealous and overtighten the nuts of the contacts of the output ends of the heater - they can burst.
  2. The device must be connected to the network only when it is in the water. Otherwise, by lowering the heated spiral into water, you can get a fairly strong explosion.
  3. The surface of the heating tube must be regularly descaled. It all depends on the quality of the water, but with constant operation, it is best to clean it once a quarter, preventing scale build-up of more than 2 mm.
  4. If there are problems with the quality of the power supply, you should connect an uninterruptible power supply or a stabilizer.
  5. For the coolant, it is best to pour distilled water into the system, in which the percentage of impurities is minimal. They are the reason for the appearance of scale on the shell of the heating element.
  6. Use protective power off devices (RCDs) - if the heating element breaks down, it will be immediately disconnected from the network.
  7. Be sure to make grounding.

It's important to understand. By no means any heating element can be mounted in a heating radiator

You need to select specialized models in strict accordance with the desired diameter.

Summing up

Be guided by all these simple rules and instructions. They will help you to carry out safe and efficient space heating with an electric heater, which can be used to form local heat sources or supplement them with a centralized heating system.

What are electrics

Now popular are tubular electric heaters for heating, which consist of one or several nichrome spirals in a metal sheath. Periclast is placed between the spiral and the shell - this material has excellent insulating qualities.

Temperature controller for heating element, thermostat

Modern devices have heating elements that have good strength and at the same time can change their size and shape under the influence of high temperatures. At the same time, TENs do not change their technical characteristics. These electric heating elements are used in the production of not only heating equipment for domestic purposes, but also various industrial appliances. TENY in industrial devices must have high power. Any tubular element, regardless of its type, has a long service life. Today, there are several types of heating elements that are produced by manufacturers of electric heating equipment.First of all, they differ in the way they are made, but also have other features. Manufacturers take into account the needs and interests of consumers: some heating devices are produced in large quantities, while others are produced in small quantities. Heating equipment produced in small quantities, as a rule, is used in heating systems that have certain features. Accordingly, electric heating elements in such devices are more expensive.

The use of TENs

Recently, more and more people are thinking about the possibility of autonomous heating of their homes. Every year the cost of traditional heating increases, so quite often with the help of an autonomous system there is a chance to save.

Also, sometimes it is simply not possible to connect to the central heating system - this is especially true for holiday villages. The only option to heat the house in this case is to install a heating boiler. Solid fuel and gas boilers continue to be the most popular, but their use is also not always possible - access to the main gas pipeline is not always available.

Temperature controller for heating element, thermostat

The best way out of such situations is to install electric heating equipment, since there are power grids almost everywhere. The main element of any such heating device is TEN. The efficiency of the heating system largely depends on its type. Typically, domestic heating equipment uses tubular heating elements, as well as elements with a thermostat. The latter make it possible to regulate the operation of the heating system.

Electric heating systems are very convenient in operation: they do not emit harmful substances, as they do not form combustion products, do not require installation in a separate room, are safe to use, easy to install and adjust. But still, when installing electric heating equipment, you should first check whether the electrical network can withstand a high load. You also need to prepare in advance for the fact that you will have to pay a lot of money for electricity.


