Smart House

How smart heating works

The heating system of an apartment or a country house includes not only radiators, but also various kinds of convectors, heated floors, heated towel rails. Recently, the option of warm walls has been relevant, heating the air in the room in winter and cooling it in summer.

All this set, and in a country house of devices responsible in one way or another for heating, can be controlled separately or in combination.

The control system can be a single computer unit that controls appliances in the house and temperature sensors in the rooms and outside.

Smart House

The system analyzes the indicators of the sensors, and if the temperature differs from that set in the program, it gives a command to work. The temperature regime that is comfortable for staying in the house is set individually by the owner.

Smart heating can be economical, but subject to a number of conditions. So, the temperature in the house is affected not only by the weather outside the window, but also by other factors that affect the climate in the house, namely:

  • thermal conductivity of walls and ceilings;
  • the quality of the windows installed in the house;
  • quality and sufficient protection of the front door;
  • method of heat supply;
  • type of heating system in the house;
  • the presence of dampness, drafts and so on.

And even the smartest system will not work with due efficiency if the causes leading to heat loss are not eliminated to the maximum. If the walls are not sufficiently protected, the system heats the air, and you lose the money spent on its operation.

Of course, in this case, the comfortable temperature that you set will be maintained, but this will require more energy to complete the task.

How is smart heating controlled?

It all depends on whether you buy a ready-made system, or try to implement it yourself.

Making a smart heating system in a house on your own is realistic, but it involves a lot of nuances. For each device and heating unit, you can put controllers that will be connected to temperature sensors in the house.

Next, you set the desired temperature and the option when the device stops working: when a certain air temperature is reached, or by the time it turns on and off.

The implementation of the system in this way has a number of significant drawbacks: the devices installed in the house are configured separately and are not connected to each other, that is, they cannot “finish” their work. At the same time, the devices installed in the house will not respond to cold snaps outside the window, since they will not receive information about that.

Smart House

Centralized control of smart heating is also possible. Instruments are remotely controlled by a single system, with each group of instruments given its own setting.

Such a system works in a complex and does not require individual settings for each individual device. Due to the fact that all devices in the system communicate information to each other, they are able to work in combination, which allows solving the task of achieving a comfortable temperature more efficiently and economically.

Again, purchasing a ready-made smart heating package with a particular task is much easier than doing it yourself.

In order for the heating process to be more efficient, a rational solution would be to distribute the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house into specific temperature zones and already set a program for the operation of the devices for them.

For example, a residential area will receive heat more actively, a garage, corridor or vestibule will be heated at a lower intensity. This is another way to reduce the cost of operating the system.

An important condition for the effective operation of the system is the presence of temperature sensors not only inside the house, but also outside it.Due to the fact that the heating system can correlate the temperature inside and outside, it can set the optimal pace of work on its own, without the intervention of the owner.

Smart home heating with weather-dependent controller and regulator

Under the concept of "smart home" that has become familiar, one must understand not only a country house, a house outside the city limits, or a house outside the city. An apartment in the city, an office, and many other types of premises fit perfectly into this awareness. If we consider the heating system from this point of view, then with a similar approach to it, several basic principles must be implemented. When we talk about a smart home, heat supply in this case should provide comfortable living conditions or save on own maintenance costs.

Smart House

Smart House

  • What can be the heat supply?
  • How is it organized

It has long been known that comfort is not free. Any attempt to provide ancillary amenities or get rid of unnecessary worries through the use of automation will mean an increase in costs. However, regardless of our desire, for a smart home, heat supply plays an almost important role in the development of comfortable conditions, and in most cases, the cost of its maintenance depends on its organization.

In the event that the equipment used, automation and control means are selected and applied correctly, then the heating system - a smart home, a living space or a car garage, it will heat - does not matter, it will be able to, in addition to maintaining the specified conditions, also provide fuel economy.

At first, this can be achieved by the mutual action of the heating boiler with the guiding center. In addition to the availability of personal security equipment, a boiler of this type has a communication interface, thanks to which it can be possible to carry out smart heat supply to a country house. In the most primitive form, this should be understood as that the smart home performs heat supply control depending on the temperature reached in the room according to signals from sensors.

Smart House

Elements of a heat supply control system in a smart home

A good option for a similar control is the temperature control of the heat carrier. But with all the advantages of such a construction of heat supply, there are other, much better approaches to organizing the work of heating. At present, weather-compensated heat management is considered promising.

How is it organized

With a similar approach Plus, an external temperature sensor is also applied to the home temperature sensor. As a rule, a weather-dependent heat supply regulator will work with one external sensor, but the use of 2 sensors makes it possible to achieve more accurate mode maintenance and even implement self-adaptation of the system.

Smart House

Weather-compensated controller with thermal converter

The weather-compensated controller of the heating system does not stop working based on the programmed curve for matching the temperature of the heat carrier to external conditions. In its most primitive form, it looks like this - if it gets colder outside, then the temperature of the water in the system increases, if it is warmer, then it decreases.

One of the base points, the weather control of heat supply can apply a temperature of plus twenty degrees - at it, the temperature of the heat carrier is taken equal to that located around, while the heating is practically turned off.

A similar approach to the organization of heat supply should also provide for zonal management, i.e. in individual places, the temperature must be additionally adjusted in relation to a specific external sensor. If, for example, a lot of people gathered in one of the rooms, due to which it became hotter, the system detects a local increase in temperature relative to the one set by the atmospheric heat supply regulator, and performs a correction in this zone.

The use of 2 sensors - outdoor and indoor, in addition to saving fuel, reduces the inertia of the system, which increases its effectiveness and will also provide an additional reduction in maintenance costs.

Very often, the most appropriate choice for organizational heating work will be the use of heating technologies that are characteristic of a smart home. In this case, it is possible to achieve both an increase in the level of comfort in the house, and savings in the cost of its heat supply.

GSM heating control scheme smart home

Usually the system can be installed independently. This requires checking the status and analyzing the capabilities of existing equipment.

It is also important to correctly select the missing components. Usually, a set of control devices is built from a single block, which is the link between all components of heat supply.

Smart House

It must be installed under the following conditions:

  1. The control unit must be located at a distance of no more than 300 meters from the user. To increase the distance, radio-controlled modifications are purchased, coordination is connected via the Internet or a cell phone.
  2. The use of a controller based on heat supply management boards allows the installation of additional functions.
  3. A careful selection of the location in the house for the installation of the control unit is carried out.

Heating system in a smart home smart boiler and not only

The air temperature in the house depends on the efficient operation of heating devices, the heat transfer of which must compensate for the heat losses of the building, the level may vary depending on weather conditions: wind speed, humidity, time of day.

A simple relationship arises: the higher the heat loss (or the worse the weather), the greater the heat transfer should be provided by heating devices and the more heat the heating boiler should produce.

Smart House

The operation of the boiler can be controlled manually by increasing or decreasing the fuel supply to the combustion chamber. But, you see, it is better if the heating boiler can determine for itself how much heat it needs to generate and how much fuel it needs to burn.

Automatic control system - the first step towards a smart boiler

Modern heating boilers in smart homes are equipped with automatic control systems that can adjust the intensity of fuel combustion depending on the actual need for thermal energy.

Smart House

However, the response to changing weather conditions of a conventional boiler may be delayed by several hours, depending on the degree of inertia of the heating system. The fact is that the automatic control system for heating boilers (let's call them ordinary, in contrast to “smart” heating boilers) is overwhelmingly tuned to change the temperature of the water in the return pipe: the water in the return pipe has cooled down more, the fuel supply to the combustion chamber increases, the temperature the return flow is higher, the fuel supply to the combustion chamber is reduced.

In turn, the coolant cools down the faster, the lower the air temperature in the heated room.

Another important detail: the quick response of the boiler to changes in air temperature is possible only when using heating devices with a small internal volume, for example, aluminum or bimetallic radiators.

Video - Bitherm boiler with a movable grate and a smart control unit

Smart heating boiler

The operation of the smart boiler is controlled by a thermostat with a temperature sensor installed in one of the rooms. The principle of operation is extremely simple: using a thermostat, the desired temperature is set, upon reaching which the boiler turns off. When the temperature drops, the boiler is switched on and the process is repeated again.

Smart House

By placing the temperature sensor on the street, you can set the operation of the boiler "ahead of the curve": the outside temperature has dropped, the boiler is operating in a more intensive mode.

The timer in the operation of a smart boiler is designed to select modes of intensive and moderate operation. So, for example, at night, a slightly lower temperature is more comfortable, by about 2-3 degrees compared to the daytime temperature. At the same time, you can turn off the water heating in the boiler at night. The mode of moderate operation of the boiler can be programmed during the daytime, when all the inhabitants of the house are at work. The operating modes of the boiler can be set during the day, during the week, month and even year.

To do this, the smart boiler is equipped with a self-diagnosis system.

Boiler self-diagnosis system

The boiler self-diagnosis system allows you to determine from 10 to 40 (depending on the boiler model) malfunctions, some of which can be eliminated automatically. Information about detected faults is displayed on the display and stored in the device's memory.

All this makes the operation of smart boilers not only convenient, but also safe, excluding the possibility of emergency situations, such as a decrease in the temperature of the coolant below a critical level, a decrease in thrust, a drop in pressure in the gas pipeline network and a number of other equally dangerous situations that are not excluded during the operation of the boiler. .

"Smart home" - smart heating

Smart House

No matter how efficiently the boiler works, to ensure truly comfortable conditions in the house, controlled heating devices are needed that can respond to changes in the temperature in the room. To do this, radiators are installed in the heating system, equipped with thermostats and servo drives that change the flow rate of the coolant depending on the ambient temperature.

Summing up

The heating system of a smart home can be based on a heating boiler equipped with a self-diagnosis system and weather-dependent automation, the operation of which is effective only with radiators equipped with thermostats and servo drives.

Smart home heating scheme and control systems, photo and video

A smart building under itself implies a resource-efficient office or retail building, which practically and correctly consumes all the sources of life improvement used. Smart home - heat supply, electrical energy and more, as well as a moderate impact on the external environment.

In other words, a building of this type is distinguished by the ideal production, storage and management of energy in a domestic project. Today, resource-efficient houses can be not only country houses, houses outside the city or equipped summer cottages, but also traditional apartments.

Smart House

Type of smart home system

In conditions of sharp temperature changes throughout the year, the issue of heat supply to residential premises is quite important. Most residents complain that during cold weather, heating batteries provide very little heat, and when the heat comes, they heat to the fullest. In the end, what happens is that people overpay for what they do not need. If your heating system is in order, but you are not familiar with this not very pleasant phenomenon from hearsay, then it will not be out of place for you to learn about how the heating system in a smart home can be equipped.

Specifics of smart heat supply

The very concept of a smart home in relation to heat supply implies a comfortable living of a person in a consistently warm room with low price costs. This means that the heating system should also be designed so that there is no need to pay again for something that you do not use. However, for any arrangement, especially profitable heat supply and resource-efficient, it is just necessary to invest materially - but still it is necessary not to forget that such a decision will very soon be justified in full!

So, the use of automation for the operation of a smart home heating system is the basic principle for creating comfortable living conditions, and also for saving fuel, provided that the automation itself, along with the control components, is correctly selected and used.The same can exist in the case of joint productive activity of a heating boiler with a control center: with the help of a communication interface and boiler safety tools, heat supply is realized.

Smart House

Heating circuit for a smart home

The system itself changes the temperature of the heat supply, looking at the indicators from specialized sensors in the room.

In particular, this option is suitable for a country house. The optimal solution here is the temperature adjustment of the heating heat carrier.

A promising direction in the organization

On the other hand, there are many other ways to organize heat supply in a smart home. For example, the system may be dependent on the weather outside the window. This approach assumes the presence of not only a sensor designed to measure the temperature specifically in the room, but also a sensor focused on external temperature indicators. To accurately maintain the operation of such heating, it is best to use two external meters.

Smart House

Control management scheme

The operating principle of the respective controller is considered to be the curve of heat carrier temperature versus weather. In other words, when cold comes outside, the water in the system heats up, and when it is hot from the outside, it freezes. The mark of +20 on the Celsius scale can be taken as a base point for the heat carrier, so that at it the temperature of the system, figuratively speaking, is equal to the outside temperature, and the excess heat output and space heating ends.

To approximate the level of comfortable heat supply in a smart home, it is possible to adjust the heating so that the temperature of the apartment has local characteristics. In other words, in individual places it can be corrected in relation to that set by an external sensor. If there are many people in one of the rooms who, for real reasons, heat the room, the system can calculate the increase in temperature in this zone, compare it with the one set on the weather controller, and then divide the heat around the apartment in relation to adjusting the indicators in this room.

In a similar way, the provided arrangement of the heating system in a smart building can definitely be called a promising direction for creating comfort in your home and also reducing the monetary costs of paying for heat supply.

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Heating control devices

Programmers and thermostats

The key parts of a heating control system are thermostats and programmers. They are electronic devices, in some modifications equipped with a control panel, which helps to control the operation of the boiler. In addition, such a device allows you to synchronously change the indicators in two connected components.

In addition, an additional function of the programmers is adjustment using SMS from a cell phone or commands transmitted via the Internet.

A suitable modification of this device can be selected according to a set of basic characteristics, which may include:

Smart House

  • remote communication between components using radio transmitters;
  • operation of radiators (depending on the settings) can be in a comfortable, normal or economy mode;
  • the number of connected circuits can be increased by connecting additional modules;
  • heating control by mobile phone;
  • data transmission via SMS, etc.

These functional features make the presented elements quite convenient and in demand.

Zone Devices

Such heat supply control elements are installed directly on radiators and boilers. In this case, the adjustment by the system is carried out via the Internet connection. These devices are represented by electronic thermostats.They are able to change the temperature of the water in each individual battery or the system as a whole. The differences between these thermostats are ease of installation and affordable price. At the same time, the complexity of the system device is reduced, especially since they do not require a separate control cabinet. Zone devices allow the use of several thermostats that are connected to one control unit.

Heating remote control modules

The function of remote control of the heating network can be provided by special modules included in the package with shut-off and control valves and programmers.

Smart House

Internet control

Control using the Internet block is convenient in the same way as managing SMS. It has the following features:

  • installation in a smartphone, laptop or other gadget of specific software systems;
  • simple interface that can be easily combined with Android or Windows OS;
  • unlike SMS blocks, restrictions on the number of connected users have been lifted;
  • parameters are adjusted where there is access to the Internet (you do not need to use roaming for this).

Experts advise not to use roaming functions to regulate heat supply via the GSM system when traveling abroad, as this can be fraught with large financial costs. In this case, the right decision would be to entrust the control of the heating system to acquaintances whom you trust.

How the heating system works Smart home

Smart House

Approximate scheme of the "smart home" system

The thermal conductivity of walls and ceilings, the quality of windows, the presence of drafts and air humidity, the type of heating system and the way heat is supplied all affect the indoor climate.

Modern heating systems can functionally differ: these are classic radiators, and "warm floors", and convector heating. In country houses, individual boilers are installed for heating and providing hot water, while a boiler can be used in an apartment.

All this can be controlled by a single system, which is called a "smart home". This is a control computer unit associated with home appliances, as well as with an internal and external temperature sensor system. According to the information of the sensors and the set mode, such a system is able to lower or raise the temperature in the room. In addition, it can regulate the amount of hot water ready for use in the boiler.

Heat generator

These words mean not only the heating boiler itself, but also its hydraulic piping, as well as pumping and mixing equipment.

Modern heating systems of individual residential buildings have such a feature as a rather heterogeneous and variable nature of heat consumption from the boiler house. The foregoing applies to both the temperature of the coolant and its flow rate over time. For a warm floor, a coolant with a temperature of 35-40 ° C is required, for a hot water boiler - up to 85 ° C. The flow rate of the coolant can be constant (for a warm floor) or sharply variable - for a pool heating system or a hot water boiler. On the other hand, any heating boiler has limitations on the minimum temperature of the coolant and does not react in the best way to sudden changes in its temperature over time. It is possible to solve the problem by applying a collector scheme for constructing a boiler house with separate pumping and mixing groups for various heat consumers.

Studies conducted by the National Bureau of Standards (USA) in 1988 showed that in partial load mode, the use of a multi-boiler plant with a complete shutdown of idle boilers gives an increase in efficiency. boiler room up to 25-30%. From the practical experience of our company, the use of two boilers is economically justified starting from a power of 70-100 kW.

The principle “one large boiler is worse than two small ones” is also true from the point of view of the reliability of the entire boiler plant as a whole.

In addition, up to 3-5% fuel savings is provided by a flue gas shut-off valve that shuts off the boiler chimney when the burner is not working.

How to make lazy beds basic tips

In this approach, the very preparation for future planting is very important - it is advisable to do this in the fall, when you can collect material for mulching the soil (you need to cover it with straw, sawdust, cones, etc.), which, in turn, will prevent weeds to germinate in an area with such a cover.

Smart House

Do-it-yourself lazy bed: step 1-4 We determine the height of the board of all sides, depending on the location of the bed. We connect the boards with a screwdriver, remove the clamps. We turn the bed over and outline the installation site, focusing on the lighting conditions for future seedlings

Smart House

Do-it-yourself lazy bed: step 4-8 We firmly install the bed by digging the corner bars into 12-15 cm holes. We check the sides of the beds with a building level (for the normal operation of the future irrigation system). We fasten PVC pipes to the sides from the inside (for hoops with a mesh or film against bad weather and birds). Tamp the ground and line the bottom with a metal mesh against moles (and, depending on the materials and purpose of the beds, with geotextiles)

Smart House

Do-it-yourself lazy garden: step 9-12 We fill in the soil of the desired type. We fix the hoses of the irrigation system. We plant seedlings. If necessary, install hoops for the awning. Ready!

Smart House

Soil mulching photo

Smart House

Mulch is also useful in order to fill the areas between the beds.

  1. Install your own irrigation system. It is not necessary to choose the most expensive systems available in stores. In the case of such vegetable gardens, those from which you only need to press a button are quite suitable - and there will be no need to water with your own hands. Watering will allow you to make beautiful beds: green and lush. Also worth noting: watering can be done infrequently, but plentifully, giving the plants the necessary moisture until your next visit.

  2. A gardening tool is a time saver. Therefore, it is worth choosing one inventory and for many years. It can include not only the usual shovel and buckets, but also various little things that will make your work easier. Also find a place for inventory in advance.

  3. At the beginning of the planting season, dig up the ground once, prepare it for future seedlings or seeds. Plant plants and no longer disturb the ground: mulching will do its job and keep weeds out. All that remains for you before the harvest is to water the beds in the country on time.

Smart House

Smart beds only need to be dug once. They do not need weeding - the mulch will not allow weeds to sprout

Smart House

Tomatoes on a trellis in smart beds

Smart House

The metal sides of the beds should be dug into the ground to a shallow depth.

This is an interesting and effective way that is suitable for both lazy gardeners and experienced gardeners who know their business. A bed of this type will justify the efforts made and can bring a lot of amenities.

Smart House

French vegetable garden with lazy beds

Smart House

Lazy beds (photo 2)

Smart House

Flowers in the design of a small garden

Pros and Cons of a Smart Home Heating Control System

Controlling heating with a smart home allows you to achieve the following:

  • the climate in the house or any chosen room will exactly match the feeling of comfort of the owner, in accordance with the program of operation of the heating devices chosen by him;
  • automated control of the heating system can significantly reduce energy consumption;
  • intelligent control of household subsystems at home will allow them to be controlled remotely and not worry about possible breakdowns (the computer will react to a malfunction).

The downside of such technologies is still availability due to the rather high cost of equipment and system installation.

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The heating installation has, boiler fasteners, batteries, pressure increasing pumps, thermostatic collectors, an expansion tank, pipes, air vents, a connection system. The house heating assembly has certain devices. On this page of the Internet project, we will try to help determine the necessary structural components for the mansion. Each knot has a big role

That's why it's important to plan carefully to match all parts of the system.

The term "smart home", which has become familiar, should be understood not only as a cottage, country house or cottage. City apartment, office, as well as many other types of premises are quite suitable for this understanding. If we consider the heating system from this point of view, then with this approach to it, several fundamental principles must be implemented. When we say smart home, heating in this case should provide comfortable living conditions or save costs for its maintenance.

Smart House

The fence is my highlight

Not without reason, they say that the original fence is the highlight of any suburban building. To show the taste and sense of style of the owner, to make the site bright against the background of other buildings, all this can be done by a fence, if it is designed in an original way.

Smart House

The pointed ends of a wooden fence can be turned into a set of colorful pencils. You just need to paint the tree in different colors.

Smart House

The lattice in the garden will change its appearance after applying paints and stencil drawings on it.

Smart House

Plastic bottles can be used to create a variety of animals, birds and trees. You only need to repaint them in the appropriate color.

Smart House

Do not throw away corks, because with their help you can create unthinkable patterns, paintings. At the end, the work should be painted.

Read: Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners: photos, blanks, weaving methods, secrets of successful weaving

Smart House

A log can be turned into a bird feeder.

Smart House

Do you have a lot of free space on the site? Make a pond. For this:

  • dig a hole of any size;
  • seal the surface;
  • make sure the ground does not absorb water;
  • decorate the pond with natural stones.

When choosing stones, make sure that they match the size of the reservoir. It is impractical to decorate a large pond with tiny stones. In general, the creation of a lake is not such a difficult process. The time and energy spent will not go to waste.

Nice and comfortable

The lazy bed is a completely new approach to gardening that will allow the seedlings to grow on their own and give several times more yield. It is based on a rule that says that it is impossible to dig and weed the earth, except for its preparation and planting itself. Even if constant weeding can remove weeds and fluff up the earth, sooner or later it will dry out and will not be able to provide sufficient moisture for crops.

Smart House

Stone fences are an easy way to build a base for a garden bed on uneven terrain.

Smart House

Compact beds in urban areas

Smart House

Raised beds with trellises in a gravel area


