How to insulate sliding windows

The first stage of warming the loggia glazing

Therefore, such an important matter as glazing must be taken seriously. There are several options, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

cold glazing

How to insulate sliding windows

It is intended solely to protect the loggia space from snow, rain and wind. But it will not provide protection from the cold. In addition, this type of glazing does not have a decent tightness of structures, since in the vast majority of cases they are made of aluminum profiles. Among these systems there is a more comfortable option - conditionally warm glazing. But it will not give a significant advantage in heat saving. Its main difference from cold aluminum systems is that they are equipped with rubber seals and thin insulating gaskets at the points of fixation of double-glazed windows. The advantages of aluminum glazing are as follows:

  1. Installation of sliding aluminum systems will cost much less.
  2. The speed of work will please every owner: you can “dress” the loggia in modern double-glazed windows in a few hours.
  3. Cold glazing can be done with wooden windows with single 4 mm glass. These designs are also inexpensive, but attract the consumer with the beautiful texture of the material from which they are made.

Warm glazing

This is the best solution if, with the help of loggia insulation, you need to solve the issue of heat saving in the apartment and joining this space to the total living area. If you do not plan to use it in the cold season, then the room will undoubtedly not be superfluous: it will be useful for keeping pets or arranging a winter garden. Advantages of warm glazing:

  1. It can be done using two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows with plastic or wooden frames. This allows you to protect the apartment from the penetration of cold air.
  2. Warm glazing implies a complete sealing of the room space.
  3. Complete protection against wind, dust and noise is provided.
  4. Simultaneously with warm glazing, work can be done to insulate and seal the walls under the frames.

Panoramic glazing

This type of landscaping of the loggia is often called "windows to the floor." Its main advantage is that a large amount of sunlight enters the apartment. The space of the loggia visually increases, and a special attitude is created on it, since the line between the inner and outer worlds becomes illusory. For panoramic glazing, it is not advisable to use sliding aluminum structures, since it involves the complete replacement of a concrete wall with glass, and frames are not needed here. This type of landscaping of the loggia is the most expensive, but the apartment with panoramic windows also greatly increases in price.

Prices for any type of glazing depend on the following factors:

  1. number of storeys
  2. building series
  3. The number of chambers in double-glazed windows
  4. Frame manufacturer
  5. The material from which the frames are made
  6. From which sash opening mechanism is installed
  7. Hardware quality

Is it worth it to insulate the balcony

Completing the renovation, we wondered if it was necessary to insulate the balcony. We are not sure that even PVC glass packages will be able to help us keep warm and create a real additional room if we do not plan to equip it with heat supply, and the cladding will be made with tiles and decorative stone. Catherine P.

Ekaterina, the insulation of the structure requires specific costs: not only time, but also cash. Actually, therefore, it is necessary to think about whether it is necessary to insulate the balcony. The answer to this question depends on what kind of premises will be created here and what its practical purpose is.

Naturally, the loggia can be used as a spacious pantry with a properly organized full-fledged storage system. However, if the owner of residential real estate has other plans for this room and he wants to organize a children's playroom here, a continuation of the kitchen or an office where the computer will stand, then insulation is needed.

The implementation of these works makes sense, especially when the housing is located in a house made of panels. In such a case, the outer slab of the room is transformed into a continuous cold bridge. Glazing a room, especially a cold one, will not be a salvation.

You need to worry about installing PVC glass bags that provide warm-type glazing. Otherwise, condensation will appear on the windows of the room. Dampness is the basis for the occurrence of mold and fungus development. In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to carry out balcony insulation.

Specifics of insulation

Now manufacturers provide the market with a very large variety of materials created for the thermal insulation of these structures. Extruded polystyrene can be called the most popular material, it does not cause difficulties in installation, does not require unnecessary material costs, and guarantees good insulation.

The balcony, thermally insulated with extruded polystyrene, is transformed into a real additional room. There is no need to equip heat supply and more than enough one or two (depending on the area of ​​​​the balcony) heaters. For details of balcony insulation with your own hands, see this video:

Mineral wool requires the creation of a good metal or wood frame. The walls of the balcony, thermally insulated with mineral wool, do not let the cold in and retain heat very well.

Thinking about whether it is worth thermally insulating a balcony if there is warm glazing, it is worth agreeing with the need for work. It must be remembered that if there is an aluminum profile, balcony insulation becomes a necessity.

Under any circumstances, a floor heating system or radiators are first of all necessary if a wall has been dismantled between the living space and the balcony. Basically, the owners of any living space need to add not only coziness, but also comfort, and a heat-insulated balcony is an auxiliary meter of free space.

Advantages and disadvantages of a profiled sheet

Before considering the question of how to sheathe a balcony with corrugated board and whether a professional sheet is needed on the balcony at all, you need to understand the terms. There are 3 well-known building terms:

In fact, all three materials are corrugated board, but with one nuance: the corrugated sheet has fewer stiffeners, it will have to be sheathed with the use of a crate, but it is not needed for corrugated board. Metal tiles have more stiffening ribs, on the contrary. In general, a profiled sheet can be completely freely called corrugated board.

Among the advantages of this material are the following:

How to insulate sliding windowsThe profiled sheet can have dozens of color variations

  • reliability, high mechanical strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to fading under the influence of ultraviolet sunlight;
  • resistance to wind (therefore, the balcony is sheathed with corrugated board from the outside);
  • ease of installation;
  • lightness (the outer lining of the balcony with a profiled sheet from the outside allows you not to load the balcony railing);
  • fire safety (metal is metal);
  • the absence of an unpleasant odor and non-toxicity (but if the balcony is sheathed with plastic from the outside, then the smell will most likely be present);
  • Another advantage of the metal profile placed outside the balcony is that the latter will be completely sealed.

However, the material also has its drawbacks:

  • metal profile sheets are resistant to high temperatures, but they get very hot in the sun (you can easily even get burned if you touch it);
  • on the cut of corrugated sheets located outside the loggia, corrosion often forms (you can buy galvanized sheets, but the expediency of sheathing will then be called into question due to the high price);
  • corrugated board - very sonorous, the rain will "drum" on the whole apartment, bless you.

How to insulate sliding windowsThe main types of profiled sheet by size and purpose

Inattention to detail

Any ill-conceived trifle in advance can reduce the work done to zero. Therefore, consider and do not forget:

  • Do not use gypsum putty for sealing joints during insulation.
  • The gaps between the floor slabs and the glazing plane must be filled before the start of insulation.
  • Even before glazing, consider the height of the handles on the hinged window sashes.
  • The width and design of the window sills (if they are to be installed) should be thought out right away.
  • The feasibility and number of installed mosquito nets are thought out in advance.
  • If wood elements are used for insulation, then they must be treated to protect against moisture and decay.

How to insulate sliding windows

If you managed to avoid all of the above mistakes, then you took the warming of the loggia as collected and serious as possible. In this case, you got what you wanted with the highest possible quality, and the result of your improvement efforts will delight you and your loved ones for a long time.

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands from a refrigerator to a warm island

How to insulate sliding windows

To begin with, it is worth saying that there are two ways to insulate a balcony - from the inside and outside. External insulation, of course, is more convenient - precious centimeters of the area are not “eaten up”, and the cladding of the balcony facade becomes more pleasant. But this is a laborious process that requires the involvement of a construction team and industrial climbers. Therefore, in the article we will focus on how to properly insulate a balcony in an apartment from the inside - this can be done independently.

For insulation inside the balcony, first of all, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. They include several important steps:

How to start warming a loggia or balcony? Free up space from everything superfluous. It is best if the balcony is completely empty: it is much easier to work this way. Also, get rid of the old finish in advance.
Seal all the cracks - a lot of heat escapes through them

For small gaps, a weather-resistant sealant is suitable; fill larger gaps with mounting foam - it will not only fill the voids, but also serve as an additional heat insulator.
To make it easier for you to carry out work on insulation, it is important to even out cracks and irregularities on the walls and ceiling with cement mortar.
If you plan to place light bulbs or lighting fixtures on the balcony, you should take care of the wiring in advance. To hide unpresentable cables, place them in plastic boxes.
Before starting work, cover the opening between the balcony and the adjacent room with a film so that building dust and other pollutants do not get into the apartment.

Is it possible to insulate a balcony in winter? Yes, you can. Only when working in winter, it is necessary to choose frost-resistant materials, in particular mounting foam.

Modern ways

Insulation of windows using Swedish technology: modern methods of insulation have advanced very far. To insulate glass with their own hands, they use a heat-reflecting film, devices for electric heating of window panes and frames.

Aluminum frames are sealed with modern mounting foams and sealants that perform their function perfectly and can get into the deepest and narrowest gaps. In addition, using sealants, you can hide all traces of such insulation.

Window insulation according to Swedish technology is possible for wooden window frames.The double-glazed window is removed and put aside. In the place where the window frame is in contact with the sash, a groove is cut using a special electric cutter. Then the sealing tape is installed in this groove. After the window is put back on.

How to insulate sliding windows

Insulation of windows using Swedish technology has a rather good effect on the final quality. But a cutter can not be found in every home, and some skills will be required to use it yourself, so it is better to entrust the work to a professional. The whole installation process is quite fast, and is perfect for a sudden onset of cold weather.

When insulating the cracks with special sealants, carry out the whole process carefully, leaving no gaps. You will not save on this, and the quality of the work done will be much worse. Always insulate the joints under the window sill with foam.

Very often, it is through them that a lot of cold sweats get in, since everyone forgets about them. Aluminum frames, it is not recommended to insulate with electric thermal systems.

When insulating the seams with your own hands using foam rubber or cotton wool, try to seal them as much as possible at the joints. When securing with painter's tape, overlap the pieces of cattle to prevent air seepage.

Using the balcony as a place for a cozy pastime or as a workplace, you should take care of its warmth. A very good way to insulate a balcony is to seal the windows with your own hands. Do not forget that all insulation work should be carried out carefully and without omissions, so that there is a maximum effect from the work done. A wide range of different materials helps to choose what is necessary for you and make the insulation as high quality and efficient as possible.

Practical tips for insulating an aluminum balcony

In large cities, the capitals of regional centers and even in small settlements built on the basis of a master plan, new buildings are increasingly appearing, and more often entire microdistricts with new multi-storey buildings, balconies and loggias of which have a complex semicircular contour and glazing. Glazing made in the same style and color scheme gives an attractive appearance and relieves owners who have purchased apartments in such houses from the worries of self-glazing balconies.

How to insulate sliding windows

When designing glazing, architects proceed from the fact that a balcony (loggia) is an unheated structure. Therefore, the glazing provided by the project is always laid single, able to protect the balcony from wind, dust and precipitation, but not from low temperatures. More than 50% of Russians do not want to comprehend a simple truth - a balcony is not a sauna or a greenhouse.

How to insulate sliding windows

Having received a glazed loggia as a gift from the developer, they immediately begin to be tormented by the question of how the aluminum balcony is insulated. In the article we will consider various aspects of this problem.

What glazing is considered cold

Quite often, when purchasing an apartment, the owner is faced with the fact that she already has glazing. Often, the developer does not use expensive materials and installs cold glazing without insulating the balcony in any way. In this case, it may be relevant to replace cold glazing with warm glazing, which will significantly improve the final result, as it will help eliminate heat loss that occurs precisely through the window frames.

However, you can improve and cold glazing. Most often, it is aluminum frames. Aluminum itself has a high thermal conductivity, so the room cools down quickly. Plastic double-glazed windows can also be cold. Most often this is a problem of single-chamber structures. This type of glazing can protect against precipitation, wind, dust, but does not resist frost well. Therefore, the insulation of the cold glazing of a loggia or balcony plays a rather important role in creating a comfortable atmosphere in the house.

How to insulate a balcony what materials are better to choose

How to insulate sliding windows

To understand how to insulate a loggia or balcony, let's first figure out what properties the materials should have:

  • high strength;
  • fire safety;
  • water resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • relatively low cost;
  • ease of installation (if we want to do all the work with our own hands).

Most often, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene, etc. are used for insulation. Sometimes several of these materials are combined. We have reflected the pros and cons of each heat insulator in the table:

insulation Advantages Flaws
Expanded clay Low cost; Durability; fire safety; Not afraid of mold and mildew; Light weight; Easily takes any shape High moisture permeability; Suitable only for floor insulation; May be difficult to install
Mineral wool Good sound and heat insulation; Environmental friendliness; fire safety; Easily takes any shape Deterioration of properties when exposed to water; The thickness of the insulation "steals" the usable area
Styrofoam Low cost; Ease of installation; Light weight; Not afraid of mold and mildew fragility; combustibility
Extruded polystyrene boards High strength; Ease of installation; moisture resistance; Durability Relatively high cost
polyurethane foam (liquid insulation) High strength; moisture resistance; Durability; Fills cavities of any shape Relatively high cost; Mandatory availability of special equipment
Penofol (foamed polyethylene with a layer of metal foil) moisture resistance; Durability; Small thickness; Good thermal and waterproofing Rarely used as an independent heat insulator, usually only in combination with other materials

What is the best insulation for a balcony? The answer to this question depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. You can read more about the characteristics of heaters, as well as about the insulation of an apartment as a whole, in our blog.

Installation of a profiled sheet on a balcony

Lathing technology

The crate (frame) can be fixed to the balcony and without additional reinforcement directly to the metal structures. True, the latter will need to be cleaned, primed and must be treated with an anti-corrosion liquid.

For the frame, either metal or wooden slats can be used. Making it from metal is a complicated and troublesome business, so it is better to prefer wood in this case.

How to insulate sliding windowsThe structure of the profiled sheet itself is quite complex.

There are 2 options for the frame for sheathing with profiled sheets from the outside:

  1. Straight, classic. He assumes that the profiles will be fixed exactly parallel to the walls of the loggia. Its main advantage is that it can be easily filled with mineral wool as a heater, on top of which it is already easy to make a sheathing;
  2. With oblique extensions. Here the profiles are located on the sides and in front of the loggia. It is much more difficult to make such a frame, but this will significantly increase the space of the balcony, and the window sill will expand.

How to insulate sliding windowsAn example of how NOT to finish a balcony or loggia

By the way, slats, both wooden and metal, must be treated with an antiseptic without fail. This will help prevent rotting of the crate, even in regions with excessively humid climates.

To install wooden bars in a metal fence, you need to drill holes; for their fastening, you can use both screws and standard screws at the same time. Reiki in length must exactly match the length of the loggia itself.

But for the bars, the optimal size option is 40 × 20 mm. The frame elements must also be connected at the corners - this is the most difficult task (for this, the bars in the corners must be fixed with screws). The next stage is finishing the balcony with corrugated board.

How to insulate sliding windowsAn example of the layout of the loggia finishing elements

Installation of profiled sheets

Sheathing a loggia with corrugated board with your own hands is quite simple, you just need to follow the step-by-step instructions below:

How to insulate sliding windowsColored self-tapping screws with rubber washers - ideal for mounting profiled sheets

Do-it-yourself dismantling of the old coating takes place, after which cleaning and drying takes place (after cleaning the surface, it must also be well dried);
The next stage is the formation of a crate or frame. As noted above, this is easy to do with your own hands. There is no need to be afraid to do it - even in case of an error, everything can be easily and quickly redone. By the way, in order to sheathe the loggia with corrugated board with the help of specialists, you will have to spend about 15,000 rubles on a standard balcony of 4-5 m². Expensive, so it's better to sheathe the balcony with corrugated board yourself. In order to fix the rails, as already noted, you need to drill holes in the balcony railing. Usually, drills for metal with a diameter of 3.5 mm are used for these purposes.

It is important to note that the holes are drilled exactly in 2 rows along the carrier plate. Moreover, the distance between them can be a maximum of 1.2 meters (the best option, according to experts, is exactly 1 meter)

The lowest rail should be mounted so that later it can be reached with a screwdriver and well fixed;
During fixing, if the balcony is on the second floor and above, 2 people are required, while the one who will fix the corrugated board must have a safety cable. No one has yet canceled the Darwin Award because of stupid deaths. It should be borne in mind that the overall size of one sheet is 1.2 meters - it will completely block the frame. But the width of the profiled sheet is calculated taking into account the overlap, which is in the range of 5-15 cm;
For fasteners, self-tapping screws with colored caps are used (they are usually chosen to match the color of the base material, but you can also play in contrast - if the profiled sheet, for example, is blue, then you can take self-tapping screws with red caps). By the way, they are equipped with special rubber washers, which provide additional waterproofing at the junction. They are screwed exactly in 2 rows, over the entire area of ​​​​the piece, but only from the inside of the bend;
Between the structure and part of the wall, you need to leave a gap of 0.5 cm so that there is a place for attaching the corners;
An inner corner is installed in the gap. If it does not fit snugly against the wall, then the profiled sheet needs to be additionally strengthened (sealed) using the screws described above. The metal sheet itself, by the way, is quite thin, the screws must be screwed in carefully to avoid damage;
The outer corners are installed in the same way as the inner ones.

How to insulate sliding windowsThe scheme of fixing the corrugated board on the roof of the balcony of the last floor

The second stage is what kind of insulation material for the walls you can choose

Mineral wool

This material, as well as its derivatives: glass wool, Izover, Rockwool and others, is able to qualitatively protect the room from freezing walls and the penetration of cold air. Mineral wool can be used both in rolls and in mats. The thickness of the insulation layer depends on the climatic conditions of the region and in the southern latitudes is 5 cm, and in the northern latitudes - from 10 to 20 cm. This material is easy to install, non-flammable, and environmentally friendly. It is very convenient for them to insulate the balcony from the inside. Working with it does not require seeking help from professionals: you can do everything yourself.

But when working with mineral wool, it is important to know how to insulate the loggia correctly. The fact is that this insulation has one significant drawback: it is hygroscopic

Therefore, its installation requires the installation of a ventilation layer and reliable sealing with a facing material. This fact complicates the improvement of the loggia and affects the amount of material costs for it.


This material is designed for leveling and insulating walls indoors.Despite the fact that the GKL itself has good thermal insulation characteristics, additional insulation is still necessary. As a rule, it is made by laying insulation in the space between the vertical racks of the frame, on which the drywall is mounted. All these works can be done by yourself, without seeking help from specialists.

If the question arose about how best to insulate the loggia, then in the case of this type of improvement, it is recommended to pay attention to the foam or its denser modification - polystyrene foam


They can insulate not only the surface of the walls, but also the floor and ceiling inside the loggia. Correctly mount the foam with glue or plastic dowels. Since it is a lightweight material, it is securely attached to the plane of the walls and ceiling. The advantages of polystyrene are that it is non-combustible, easy to install, environmentally friendly, easy to cut and light in weight. But its main advantage is that this material is absolutely waterproof. It is for this reason that it is chosen for insulating the walls inside the loggia, since this space is exposed to temperature changes, which is fraught with the accumulation of condensate. Unlike mineral wool, polystyrene foam will not lose its heat-insulating properties for many years.

polyurethane foam

If the materials mentioned above are not suitable for some reason and the question of how to insulate the balcony from the inside is not closed, pay attention to polyurethane foam. This material is ideal for wall, floor and ceiling insulation.

It can be applied to them in two ways: from a can of mounting foam or using a special installation that produces such foam. The latter option is quite expensive, but it is he who will achieve complete sealing of the internal space of the loggia or balcony.

Polyurethane foam is a material with the lowest thermal conductivity among all listed. It will significantly reduce the cost of heating the room and reliably protect it from frost. For such walls, repairs will not be required for many years, since the service life of this insulation is calculated for decades. If all the work on the improvement of the loggia is done correctly, it will turn into a full-fledged living space.


Insulation of the balcony, as a rule, begins simultaneously with the work on panoramic glazing. A typical version of this type of glazing involves one glass and "cold" aluminum frames. Heat loss can be reduced by almost three times if such a design is replaced with a window system with a thermal bridge (inserts made of a material with lower thermal conductivity) in the frame. This will also significantly reduce the amount of noise penetrating into the loggia from the street.

If a significant modification of the balcony structure is planned, it is necessary to first coordinate the project with special permitting authorities.

How to insulate sliding windows

Insulation of a balcony with panoramic glazing should be carried out using "warm" window systems with PVC profiles.


