Advantages and disadvantages
IR systems "warm floor", no doubt, have a lot of advantages, which do not forget to mention any manufacturer. The advantages of film models are identical to the rod ones:
- Simple, and therefore cheap installation work. According to most manufacturers, the owner will need no more than 2 hours to lay and connect the film floor.
- IR heating elements do not need a screed. This statement also applies to core models in the case of optional self-regulation.
- These designs do not reduce the volume of the room.
- Cost-effectiveness is the main argument for purchasing this product. Again, according to manufacturers, IR film heaters, with the same amount of thermal energy, consume up to 20% less electricity than cable systems.
- Therapeutic effect. In addition to heat, infrared heating elements ionize the air in the room. Saturation of air masses with negative ions significantly increases human performance, contributes to the destruction of viruses and pathogenic microbes in a heated room.
- Low level of electromagnetic radiation, in comparison with cable heat-insulated floors.
As for the minuses, the manufacturers, as a rule, do not remember them.
The opinion of professionals is not as optimistic as that of the creators of these heating elements.
- Installation really will not cause difficulties even for a housewife. But this statement concerns only the process of cutting and stacking the film. The main difficulty lies in preparing the subfloor and connecting this device to the mains. If you follow all the recommendations of the manufacturers, then this process (with the participation of professionals) took 6 hours per room of 18 squares.
- Regarding the ceiling height that does not change: to level the surface, manufacturers recommend using chipboard or plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm. In practice: chipboard - 16 mm; substrate-heat insulator - 3 mm; film thickness 1 mm, core floor thickness -3 mm; A layer of waterproofing and flooring should also be added here: laminate - 5 mm; linoleum - 4 mm. Total: in fact, even when using a film underfloor heating, the height of the ceilings will decrease, on average, by 25-30 mm.
- As for savings, the declared value is really present, but only when this heating element is operating in the temperature range - 19 - 21 ° С.
- 100% safety against electric shock takes place only if all installation recommendations from the manufacturer are followed.
Despite a lot of inconsistencies between the advertising slogans of manufacturers and sales managers of this product, the beneficial effects of IR radiation on the human body have been fully proven.
- Ionized air has fewer pathogenic bacteria. As a result, a decrease in allergies in people prone to this disease. The only condition is regular wet cleaning, which reduces the amount of household dust - this is the most powerful allergen.
- In rooms with IR heated floors, unpleasant odors practically do not spread and do not “live” for a long time.
And as a conclusion: Infrared underfloor heating: cons for health have not been proven. As a rule, people who are vitally interested in promoting “warm floors” of other varieties and designs to the Russian market are shouting at all corners about the dangers of these heating elements.
Tip: IR underfloor heating systems are easy to install. However, to avoid damage to the insulation and ensure safety when using this product, we strongly recommend that you use the services of professionals.
Advantages of IR heaters, recommendations
Advantages of infrared heating:
High speed distribution of beams.
Based on the principle of operation, the rapid distribution of radiation over the surface is a rapid warm-up in general.
Save oxygen.
Conventional systems burn the gas in the air necessary for breathing.
Retain moisture.
The absence of combustion of particles in air masses leads to the conservation of oxygen and water vapor. Humidity remains constant in the room
Important in production, in places of temporary residence (hospitals, sanatoriums), living rooms (nurseries, bedrooms)
Possibility of local heating.
The convention is carried out with all the air in space. Infrared heating is zonal, extending only to the "illuminated" space.
Lack of sounds.
The heater does not crackle, does not create discomfort with extraneous sounds, and maintains good audibility. In a heated room, you can make music, relax in silence, install stereo systems.
Fiction or real harm
The harm and benefits of underfloor heating - this is what you should understand before installing it in your home. Which accusations against this heating system are fiction, and which ones are really true?
The following negative characteristics are attributed to this heating system:
- Emission of toxic substances when heated flooring. This assumption can be immediately refuted. Even if you lay linoleum or PVC tiles on the floor, no toxic substances will be released into the air. To harm a person from fumes from the surface of low-quality materials, you need to decently heat the floor. Does anyone walk around their home like hot coals? The temperature of the coolant is 45C, and the floor is usually heated to 28C, which is quite safe.
- Harmfulness of electromagnetic radiation. Warm floors are made not only from pipes that cut into the heating system. The design of this heating system can be of several more types: heating mats, infrared thermal film, electrical cables. All of these options involve connecting to the mains, and like any household appliances that run on electricity, such warm floors emit electromagnetic waves. However, no matter what cable is used for the floor construction, single-core or twin-core, the radiation intensity will be negligible. Nevertheless, doctors do not recommend increasing the level of electromagnetic radiation in your home. Many consumers think about the dangers of infrared underfloor heating. In fact, this radiation is harmless to humans.
- Furniture can not be placed on a warm floor. But this is just the opposite. If you do not provide for the installation of heating elements in areas with furniture, then what to do when you want to update the room and make a rearrangement? It turns out that sofas and cabinets will move to the heated areas of the room, and you will have to walk on the cold floor. This is not rational. If you look at this issue from the point of view that the temperature of the coating can affect the durability of furniture, then you definitely should not be afraid of this. After all, the floor is not hot, and under the influence of 28C nothing will happen to the furniture.
- Walking on a warm floor is harmful. Why should this fear be true, if on the hottest days of summer everyone is happy to walk barefoot on hot sand? Yes, and children love to take off their shoes and run barefoot on warm ground, because adults themselves say that this is useful.
- Underfloor heating dries out the air in the room. Of course, if you place the heating elements too close to each other, then the room will be too hot, and this threatens that the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose will dry out. There is nothing left but to ensure the humidification of the room by regularly using a humidifier. However, if the floor design is thought out correctly, then this will not reduce the level of humidity in the apartment.
- Because of the warm floor, the room is very dusty.The idea of this heating system is not to dilute cold air with warm air, but to radiate heat, i.e. it does not lift air masses from the floor covering. If a person is allergic to house dust, then there is nothing left but to clean more often, and it doesn’t matter if the house has a warm floor. It is harmful to breathe dust, nevertheless, the wind raises whole clouds of dust on the street and few people think about its harm.
Underfloor heating dries the air
Again, if you install a warm floor correctly, then the temperature of the hot coolant will not exceed 45 degrees, and the temperature of the floor surface will not exceed 28 degrees. With such characteristics, overdrying of air does not threaten you.
So we examined the main points that relate to the harm of a warm floor. As you understand, some of them belong to the category of myths, while others to the wrong installation technology.
Underfloor heating is the most economical heating system today and you should think about installing it if you want to provide warmth and comfort in your home for the next 50 years.
Even in ancient times, a person, creating a living place for himself, tried to protect it as much as possible from enemies, predators and weather conditions, and make it cozy and comfortable. This is how it happens today: in countries where there are snowy and frosty winters, heating the home and work premises plays a very important role in terms of convenience and comfort.
Multi-storey buildings and buildings of the private sector, which were built during the Soviet Union, were equipped. Such a system was easy to install and repair, at any time the owners could increase the number of sections in the battery. The owners of private housing could regulate the heat by changing the parameters in the gas boiler. Residents of high-rise buildings depended on centralized heating, often freezing in the cold or opening windows on warmer days, suffocating in the apartments from the heat. Thermal comfort during construction was not in the foreground. Since winter in Russia is still a very cold season, modern construction methods suggest the installation of floors with a heating function. And the house is warmer, and the children can safely play on the floor without fear of a cold, and it’s nice to walk on a warm surface, like on a summer sand. A lot is written and said about warm floors. This is a whole system that allows you to heat a home, in which heat is evenly distributed throughout the room. The heat carrier is located in the floor
. If the water base, then these are pipes, if the electric, then the cable. Water heated to forty-five degrees makes regular movement in the pipe, the cable connected to the network performs the same heating function. Electric heat is regulated by a thermostat, water heat is regulated by sensors on the boiler.
If you have not settled on any option yet, let's look at the positive and negative aspects of such coverage together.
- Save money on heating bills (up to 30 percent). The warmer the room, the less heat is spent on heating it. If the feet are warm, we perceive even a low temperature as comfortable. Heat, according to the laws of physics, rises. That is, without warm floors, the warmest place in the apartment is under the ceiling. With warm floors - the temperature is even everywhere.
- Installation does not require special equipment, faults are easily fixed.
- With proper installation, such a floor can last up to fifty years.
- The appearance of the warm floor does not differ from the usual one, it does not attract attention, like batteries.
- Warm air rising from the floor creates an obstacle to the formation of drafts.
- Ideal conditions for children's games. You can play wherever you want without the risk of catching a cold.
- Pleasure is expensive. The cost and installation, of course, someday will pay off, but the money is needed now.
- This is not a simple current repair, you will have to raise the floors a few centimeters, this is not always realistic.Now, if your construction has just begun - this is your option!
- You will have to think about floor coverings, because, for example, laying a warm dense carpet on such a floor will bring all your efforts to nothing, there will be no benefit from the floor.
- Almost always there are difficulties with the repair. The floor heating system in the rooms is common, sometimes it is difficult to determine the place where the breakdown occurred. But if you do not spare money for installation and invite real professionals for this, you will follow the rules of operation - there should be no problems.
- All furniture should be raised above the floor for free circulation of heat, if it is not made of natural materials, there is the possibility of the release of small but constant concentrations of harmful substances from it when heated.
- Slow heating of the decking (three to five hours) may occur, first the concrete in which it is embedded will be heated, and then the coating and air. But when the system is off, cooling is just as slow.
- With a long stay in a room with warm floor heating, exacerbations of diseases of the lower extremities are possible (for example, varicose veins - a vascular disease of the veins).
- Installing water in city apartments has technical difficulties and requires special permits.
Myth 4
Dust in the living room is always present, even with the most thorough general cleaning. When the heating system is turned on, hot air flows from the radiators. He rises up. Cooling, it descends, approaches again to the heating devices from the side of the floor. There is constant air circulation in the room.
A person does not feel it, but the flows are able to raise light dust into the air. Often it accumulates in radiators. Devices are recommended to be cleaned of dirt daily. They attract dust.
With underfloor heating, warm air currents rise from a large area upwards. In this case, cold air descends along the walls of the room.
Air circulation occurs, but it is gentle. For allergy sufferers and asthma patients, an optimal air exchange regime is created. To reduce dust, it is necessary to clean it regularly. For cleaning use antistatic agents.
Conditions for installation and use of infrared floor heating
In many ways, the disadvantages of infrared film depend on how the installation and operation of this warm floor will be carried out. There are certain rules that must be followed.
The distance between the wall and the film is made at least 10 cm, and not more than 40 cm. It is strictly forbidden to lay out an overlap, and the thermostat should be located at a distance of about 10-15 cm from the floor.
When arranging an infrared floor, it should be noted that the length of the infrared film strip can be no more than 8 m. The longer it is, the fewer connection contacts are needed. For the harmless use of a warm infrared floor, the strips should be laid out at a distance of at least 0.5 cm.
Infrared warm floor is laid out only on a dried and clean base in open areas where there is no overall furniture. The coverage space must be at least 70% of the total area of the room in case it is the main heat source. In order to provide additional heating, the film should occupy approximately 40% of the space.
When calculating the power consumption, the level of consumer power when connected to the electrical network is taken into account. On average, this is 210 W per m2.
During the installation process, one part of the contact clamps is made on the current-carrying outer zone, and the other is inside. All clamps are fixed with pliers or special tools. Often, manufacturers of such a floor do not allow the use of clips from other brands to ensure safe operation.
In those places where there are cuts of the contact bars, isolation is performed with a bituminous mixture, which is included in the infrared floor package.
Infrared floor installation
It is highly not advised to do installation at increased humidity and sub-zero temperatures. The bending angle must not exceed 90°C. Do not use nails/screws for fastening
An important recommendation is that it is impossible to lay out warm infrared floors near heating equipment, such as stoves and a fireplace.
The most reliable connection of the thermostat is a stationary one, however, it can be installed as a standard device using a socket. When arranging the thermostat, it should be done so that for the most part the wires connecting it and the thermal film are under the plinth.
Myths about infrared underfloor heating
Many sellers of cable floors convey to buyers a horror story that the premises are ionized by negative particles from film floors. Some radiation does come from the film itself, but the laminate, tile or linoleum covering it from above does not let it through further. You can even make a mobile system when the heating film with the substrate is laid under the carpet, and the removal of the wires and the thermostat to a safe corner allows you to use it in the cold season, removing it for the summer.
Most often, the installation of underfloor heating is not carried out independently, but certain specialists are invited for this. In order to control the quality of performance, it is necessary to have minimally critical knowledge in this area.
What do you need to know?
First of all, decide on the type of underfloor heating. They can be of two types:
Is the electromagnetic field of infrared floors dangerous?
Again, you need to remember a little school physics lessons, this knowledge will help us objectively consider the question posed.
infrared floor
Electromagnetic fields are of natural and artificial origin. They surround our planet and protect all living things from deadly solar radiation, turn the compass needle, point the way to migratory birds, etc. The human body has become accustomed to their effects over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. The strength of the magnetic field is measured in maxwells.
In recent decades, civilization has abruptly “bursted” into our lives in the form of numerous household appliances, radios, telephones and other technology that is now familiar to us. All of them emit electromagnetic fields, the total intensity of which significantly exceeds the usual natural background. Radiates such waves and infrared floor, after its installation, the field strength in the room increases. But can they harm the body?
Infrared heating - good or bad?
The fields have a certain length and frequency, they are created by quanta (not fully explored particles). Quanta with a high vibration frequency have a lot of energy that can break intermolecular bonds, such fields are emitted by the sun or powerful man-made aggregates. The most famous of them are X-ray equipment. Energy-intensive fields are definitely dangerous for human health.
Fortunately, the vast majority of household appliances, including infrared floors, emit fields with low oscillation frequencies and cannot destroy the molecular bonds of living cells. But don't rejoice. The influence of fields on the human brain is a big mystery for scientists. From time to time there are statements from some about the harmfulness of electromagnetic radiation, in particular, and the insecurity of using mobile phones. Others, with the same frequency, write substantiated treatises that domestic fields are completely safe.
Infrared floor design
The method of operation of the "warm floor" system
What is the negative impact of underfloor heating on human health
Now we should talk about more significant problems that may arise during the operation of a warm floor:
- Uncomfortable temperature conditions for sleep. There really is such a problem, since at the height at which the sleeping place is located, the air temperature reaches 23C. It is too hot and not everyone can sleep peacefully under such conditions. Somnologists say that the most comfortable temperature for sleeping is 18-20C, so heating at night will have to be turned off, and this is not economically viable. However, there is a way out: you need to install a thermostat and connect it to the heating system. With it, you can easily adjust the temperature and set the most comfortable sleep mode.
. In addition, in the bedrooms it is better to have heating elements with a large step. - Warm floors are harmful to the health of people with vascular diseases. This is true, because it is harmful for a person who suffers from varicose veins or swelling of the lower extremities to keep their feet warm. In this case, again, you will need a thermostat that will allow you to choose the most appropriate mode.
- Most of all, housewives suffer from such a heating system. This opinion came because women, standing at a hot stove on a warm surface, risk earning a gynecological disease and varicose veins. To avoid such an outcome, it is recommended to cover the floor with a parquet board, and not with artificial material, and, if possible, install an adjustable system.
What you should pay attention to when installing a warm floor:
- compliance with the technological process when installing a heating system;
- arrangement of heating elements with a large step in the bedrooms;
- provide the ability to set different temperature conditions;
- choose a high-quality natural coating, for example, a special parquet board that will not dry out and will be safe for health
There is no need to talk about some incredible harm of a warm floor for human health. This is a modern heating system that allows you to heat the room well and at the same time save money.
The article shows 4 main advantages and 4 main disadvantages of using the "Warm floor" system
O "Heat floor" system
much has been written and said. Let's try now briefly and without going into technical details to show its main pros and cons. Let's make a reservation right away that we are talking about warm water floors, and not about an electric heating system. There is a special conversation about her.
So let's talk about the benefits first. There are many of them, but we will highlight 4 main ones.
1. The most significant in the use of underfloor heating is a significant (up to 30%) savings on heating
. Due to what it is formed? At first glance, it may seem that the choice of heating method is not so important. Heating only compensates for the heat loss of the building. The heat loss of the building in the first place, of course, is determined by the quality of the thermal insulation of walls and ceilings.
However, the second, important factor is the average air temperature in the room. The higher it is, the greater the heat consumption. And here lies the secret of application: we feel quite comfortable at a much lower average room temperature!
Water heated floor
Infrared Protection Methods
Infrared Harm Protection:
- Exclusion of the use of open-type heaters emitting short waves. Short waves are the reason for the non-normalized rate of surface heating.
- Use of clothing to protect against magnetic rays. Information about the throughput of the fabric is indicated on the labels.
- Competent installation, taking into account the necessary distances, height, installation of a protective screen on the heater.
- Rationing of the time spent in the heated zone.
- Installation of a heater with good characteristics. The seller must provide invoices, warranty card, instructions, fact-finding booklets. It is necessary to check the components of the device.
- Avoid installation in the bedroom, nursery, play-type rooms for children. Use of low power models.
The impact of underfloor heating on household appliances
For example, warm water floors in the bedroom can only be installed directly in front of the bed, bedside tables, wardrobes, etc. but not under them.
As practice shows, household appliances installed on the floor heated by a water floor system quickly fail due to oxidation of the contacts. Condensation and dampness can also accumulate, as, for example, under a refrigerator. This must be taken into account at the planning stage of the heating system.
Underfloor heating, provided that it is used in accordance with international standards, is completely harmless and has a positive effect on the human body, which cannot be said about household appliances. Its installation on top of the water circuit is strictly prohibited.
By nature, people are thermophilic, so each owner tries to warm his home as much as possible.
. Someone uses a heater, someone insulates the facade, and someone arranges a warm floor. If all these methods of accumulating heat indoors are used together, then you definitely won’t have to worry about the fact that it will be cold in the house in winter. The harm from an electric heater is obvious - it dries out the air in the room, but is a warm floor harmful to health? This should be sorted out.
What is infrared underfloor heating, heating features
The material got its name from the base, which is the heating film. This type of heating is powered by electricity, emitting far infrared rays and negative ions. The technology did not find unequivocal approval and deserved diametrically opposed reviews, but there are actually no disadvantages of an infrared warm floor, and its advantages are very significant.
Infrared floor heating device
The fabric is based on strips made of carbon powder in accordance with Carbon NanoTube technology. In this case, the installation step is 15 mm. Wires of copper-silver composition are brought to the strips forming current conductors. The mechanical protection of the structure is lamination using a special polymer film, which becomes an effective protection against water and provides fire resistance to the material. An additional advantage of the infrared heater is the presence of an external carbon coating, which provides the system with the ability to work in continuous mode.
Infrared floor heating device, photo
At the heart of the principle of work of a carbonic heat-insulated floor radiation of infrared beams is used. It is they who heat the finishing floor covering, which subsequently releases heat into the space, heating the entire room. The key feature of infrared radiation in this case is long rays, which in their characteristics are similar to those of the sun. At the same time, deep and long-term studies have not yet been carried out about how infrared warm floor is harmful or not, but according to the results obtained to date, it does not cause harm to humans.
It is harmful to lay underfloor heating under furniture
An erroneous decision would be not to mount a warm floor under the furniture. There are several reasons for this.
Like any adequate family, you may also want to rearrange furniture. You will learn some Feng Shui and decide to close the window with a wardrobe, and rearrange the bed in the corridor))). And you will end up with cold zones, and the furniture will still be on the warm floor.
The second and most important factor. The temperature of the floor surface with proper installation of underfloor heating will be only 28 degrees. Such a temperature will in no way affect your furniture and it will not dry out in any way and, moreover, will not emit harmful substances. This applies to furniture made of chipboard, fiberboard and other things.
Benefits of underfloor heating
Before you begin to understand why a warm floor is so dangerous for a person, one cannot fail to mention its merits. Among them:
- environmental friendliness. This type of heating proved to be an order of magnitude better than an electric heater. The carrier temperature is at such a level that the operation of the system does not affect the environment in any way;
- economy. This is perhaps the most economical heating system today;
- rapid heating of the room. The convector will first heat up, and then dry out the air in the room, while the warm floor will begin to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room from the first minutes;
- heating elements are hidden from view. This allows you to implement any design idea, because you do not need to install any bulky boilers and pipes;
- durability and structural strength. When using high-quality materials and observing the installation technology, the need for preventive maintenance will not arise for many years;
- versatility. Such a heating system can be used both in residential and office premises.
Reading the above information, it is easy to understand why the warm floor is in such demand among the consumer. And yet, what is its negative impact on human health?
Selecting and installing infrared film
The market can offer products made in Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the USA, China and, of course, Russia. Increasing competition expands the choice, but at the same time, the company, presenting the quality of its product, often speaks impartially about the products of competitors. Film infrared floors are the floors of the future. Hydrocarbon fiber is much more thermally conductive than many alternatives used in heating systems. The most popular installation method is under the laminate. This material warms up literally in a matter of minutes, and can be quickly dismantled if necessary. But, covered with laminate, the film floor still cannot be the main heating system in the room, since the material that heats up quickly also cools down quickly if the system is turned off.
Harmful or harmless infrared waves
Infrared radiation on the spectrum of electromagnetic waves
Now, having a certain amount of knowledge, you can begin to consider the issue of the safety of infrared floors in comparison. But for this, one more physical characteristic of infrared radiation should be known - intensity. It is determined by the amount of energy emitted per unit area of a heated body in watts. If the radiation intensity does not cause overheating of the human body, then staying in such rooms is considered completely safe.
With this, everything is clear. But infrared floors are heated by electrical energy. This type of heating has its own characteristics that can have a negative impact on people. The fact is that electrical circuits always radiate electromagnetic waves. But their effect on our body is not fully understood. On the modern development, medical science has established the limiting norms of magnetic field indicators, which are considered to be safe. These data differ in different countries; there is no single criterion for assessing acceptable indicators yet.
The nature of the electromagnetic wave
Disadvantages of infrared floor
There are also disadvantages of a warm infrared floor. If it is incorrect to install and operate this type of heating, then the warm floor will not live up to expectations. The most important disadvantages include:
- Increased current consumption when heating rooms with a large space.
Disadvantages of underfloor heating
This figure should not be confused with total energy consumption. Large infrared film sizes require high current. However, it instantly heats up completely, therefore, in general, the number of inclusions of this type of film is quite small.Because of this, significant energy savings occur, up to 80%.
Therefore, it is necessary to have the necessary allocated power for heating rooms. Such a disadvantage is considered the main one for all electric type warm floors.
- heating furniture.
This property is found in any type of warm floor. It has a number of special conditions. When pieces of furniture are installed on the flooring with infrared film, it is best to leave a gap between them and the floor of at least 5 cm. That is, it is recommended to use furniture with legs. Otherwise, full contact will cause the heat rays to constantly heat the furniture items. And this will lead to the fact that in the future there will be a partial overheating of the film, the base of the furniture and the floor itself, which will negatively affect their condition.
Warm floor
- It is difficult to change the location of the heating zones.
Such a disadvantage is insignificant, but it can be encountered in residential premises. For example, the film is covered with 60% of the entire space of the room, and 30% will not be covered in those places where the furniture will stand. But if in the future it will be necessary to rearrange, then you will have to follow a certain rule - you cannot put dimensional furniture on the film that is completely adjacent to the floor.
There are 2 layout options. Rearrange the furniture without changing the heating zones of the film, but then this will limit the number of variations. Or change the location of the film. To do this, you need to raise the floor covering.
This feature of using the infrared floor is inherent in the electric and water type. But in their situations, it is impossible to replace the heating zones, since such technologies require a cement screed, which cannot be removed without damaging the heating elements.
- The need for electricity.
The likely difficulties in the functioning of an electric infrared warm floor include dependence on electrical energy. In such systems, electricity acts as a heat source. It is worth noting that regardless of the type of heating system, electricity is used. Therefore, if there are problems with the supply of electricity in the region, this minus will be significant.
Installation of a warm floor
Thus, the shortcomings of the infrared floor heating can be compensated for by proper operation.
If all these requirements are taken into account, then the infrared warm floor will serve uninterruptedly and for a long time, showing all its advantages.
Infrared floors and engineering systems
Only professionals are interested in this issue, consumers do not consider it necessary to delve into the topic. But in vain, the safety of operation of the entire building depends on the knowledge of the influence of the infrared floor on engineering systems.
What should consumers pay attention to?
1. The maximum power of electrical networks in an apartment or house. Standard apartments are designed for consumption of no more than 4 kW of power by all household appliances. Taking into account this indicator, the cross-section of current-carrying cables, technical indicators of protective equipment, etc. are calculated. Of course, electricians provide a certain margin during installation, but no one knows how much and always whether. In order to have a tangible effect from the use of an infrared floor as a heating system, a power per square meter of at least 200 W / m2 is needed. And this is with ideal thermal insulation of floor coverings and facade walls. If the apartment is 100 m2, then only 20 kW of free power will be required for the infrared floor. Now compare the four planned and twenty required kilowatts. There is a difference? The way out - before installing the infrared floor, you should completely redo the electrical wiring of the house and obtain permission from the owner of the electrical networks to increase the power. The network owner does not always give such permission, in most cases he does not have free capacities.The reasons for this situation are different, but the main one is the reluctance to invest profits in the development of infrastructure.
2.Safety of operation. The infrared floor is connected to a voltage of 220 V. The laying technology provides for several levels of equipment protection, but do the installers always strictly follow the instructions recommended by the manufacturer? Violations of the PUE, unfortunately, are not so rare. Yes, and during operation, various unforeseen situations may arise. To the measurement, flooding of the flooring due to a breakthrough in the water supply system
There is such a concept in science: if the probability of an event is not equal to zero, then it must always be taken into account. Therefore, electric shock to users is possible
Film infrared warm floor solid 100cm (220W/sq.m.)
Experienced builders strongly recommend to provide for the use of infrared floors for heating even during the production of design work and approval of documentation in all supervisory state organizations and owners of engineering networks.
A few words about the benefits. This is the only type of heating, the technology of which does not provide for the use of "wet" materials, which allows you to significantly expand the scope of use of infrared floors, significantly reduce installation time.