Protective screen material
Today it is no longer customary to make protective screens, as was done in the old days, when the main material, especially among people who were not very wealthy, when they asked for a lot of money for a piece of good iron, and basically raw wood was used to protect against sparks, which had to be periodically replaced.
Today, the following materials can be used for protective screens:
- fine-mesh metal mesh - it is resistant to temperature extremes and heat, due to this it can be in close proximity to the hearth;
(See also: How to make an automatic fireplace)
The glass screen for the fireplace is especially popular in modern interior design, it will fit into almost any interior and will look great against the background of a fire or an extinct fireplace.
You can also make a screen for a fireplace with your own hands from a non-combustible fabric stretched over a frame, but this method is extremely impractical and unreliable.
fire is not to be feared
Such a detail is also necessary for electric fireplaces. Despite the fact that there is no flame in them, heating to high temperatures sometimes causes burns to young children. After all, they do not feel threatened and can touch a hot surface.
Thus, people who want to protect their home and its inhabitants should definitely take care to limit access to the fireplace space. In addition to the fact that the protective element allows you to make the hearth safe, it increases its effectiveness.
This element helps to create heat and distribute it in the room. To do this, you should install a fireplace screen, which you can buy or do it yourself.
To prevent sparks or hot coals from falling on the floor and to speed up the heating of the air in the room, you can use special grates. They are also excellent decorative elements that give the hearth an aesthetic look. This is clearly visible in the photo.
Shapes and sizes
variant "accordion"
Fences can differ in appearance, size, shape, and be made of various materials. For example, products made of brass and bronze look great. They have a sophisticated appearance and complement the interior of the house well, as in the photo. For connoisseurs of sophisticated style, the screen design option in the style of antique brass is suitable. Several types of materials can be combined in one product.
For example, fences, in the design of which there are copper, iron and steel, look original, as in the photo. Also, depending on the need, you can choose a two-, three- or multi-leaf protective screen. An excellent solution would be to purchase a screen in the form of the thinnest mesh made of brass or steel, fixed in a frame.
The presence of such a modern material as heat-resistant ceramic glass made it possible to create a screen that does not hide the view of the fire and allows you to freely admire the flame. If the product is designed as a stained-glass window, then unsurpassed optical effects will appear in the room, as in the photo. The only disadvantage of such a screen is its inability to ensure the rapid penetration of warm air into the room.
How to do it yourself
"paired with a fireplace"
You can make beautiful and reliable protection for the fireplace with your own hands, even without special skills and abilities. To do this, you need to buy chains with any weaving and small links. Then cut a metal strip or corner to match the size of the firebox and attach it to the top of the inlet.
This must be done so that the links of the chains touch the bottom of the hearth.Wire hooks must be attached to the sides of the firebox, with which you can pick up chains when the fire is small, or does not burn at all.
In order to make a gate valve with your own hands, you must have elementary welding skills. Such skills will be needed in order to make a damper frame from a metal corner. It is necessary to drill holes for the axle in it and weld bushings, which can be used as pipe cuts with a diameter of 15 mm.
glass screen
The bushings must be welded in such a way that they are at the same level and do not interfere with the rotation of the axle. The damper can be cut from a steel sheet. Then it must be put into the frame and welded to the axis. A limiter is also welded to the frame, which will fix the gate in the closed position.
The damper must be turned using the handle. It can be attached to the protruding end of the axle by threading or welding, which will be appropriate if the product is steel. Also, the handle can be brass or made from another non-ferrous alloy.
Such a homemade screen will have a great view and is suitable for both wall and corner fireplaces. It is not difficult to install and allows you to save the heat accumulated in the furnace.
The protective screen for a fireplace is made of the most different materials. For many years, ordinary iron sheets were installed to protect against fire. True, only very rich people could take advantage of such a “luxury”.
An ordinary person adapted a raw tree for this. There is a huge range of screen protectors on the market today. The cost of these products fluctuates greatly. Beautiful forged products are very expensive. They are considered a work of art. To become the owner of an individual design, you can try to make it yourself.
Fireplace screens are divided into several types, where the main criterion is the material. The most popular are:
- brass;
- bronze;
- copper;
- aluminum;
- thermal glass.
There is an opinion that a screen made of thermal glass does not let warm air into the room. True, for many, such a disadvantage is not fundamental. This design allows you to see unique optical effects.
Connoisseurs of vintage products with a refined taste can be advised to purchase antique brass, decorated with forged details. The color palette of such products is simply huge, from metallic silver to black. In recent years, the interior, designed in a fashionable "high-tech" style, has become very popular. Fireplace nets made of brass or very thin steel are suitable for it.
The design may be different, it all depends on the number of valves. They can have a variety of shapes and sizes. They are produced with one, two or more wings.