Euroblocks for soundproofing walls application nuances


Euroblock is fastened to surfaces in several stages:

  1. First you need to prepare the surfaces of the walls and ceiling for installation. They must be cleaned of the previous coating and thoroughly dried.
  2. Installation of the Euroblock should ensure a tight fit of the material to the surfaces. To do this, a crate is installed on the ceiling or wall, lagging behind the surface exactly by the thickness of the soundproofing plates.
  3. The euroblock is laid, filling all the space between the crate and the wall. All blocks must be laid end to end.
  4. For additional fixing, the blocks can be fixed to the surface with dowels and "fungi".
  5. To achieve the greatest sound insulation, all seams are additionally glued with adhesive tape.

Features and Benefits

Main material properties:

  • The main property of the Euroblock is the isolation of premises from extraneous noise.
  • In addition to noise suppression, Euroblock is able to provide thermal insulation.
  • The material is resistant to physical aging or decay.
  • It can be in an aggressive environment and fully perform its functions.
  • Durability. The minimum service life of the material is 20 years.
  • Euroblock laying technology does not involve the use of personal respiratory protection equipment. This is ensured by the environmental friendliness of the material.
  • Plates are well suited for installation in any room and on any surface. Due to the versatility of the Euroblock, it can be used to soundproof the entire house.
  • The standard size of the material allows you to easily lay it on any surface.

Euroblocks for soundproofing walls application nuances


