Silence law from January 1, 2019
The problem of noisy neighbors has remained relevant for a long time.
Of course, there is nothing pleasant when late at night in a neighboring apartment they start doing repairs, rearranging sofas or listening to rock. The law on silence from January 1, 2019, is designed to calm too active neighbors.
It sets a number of rules regarding the permissible noise level and the time of day, after which you have to behave quietly.
Silence law from 1 January 2019: official text
The government of the Russian Federation first thought about introducing such a bill a couple of decades ago. As a result, at the end of the second millennium, the first version of the document was adopted.
For a long time, it was constantly supplemented and changed, and amendments were made both at the federal and regional levels.
Most of the improvements were related to the maximum noise level and the time allowed to forget about the silence.
A kind of impetus for the creation of this draft law was the regular complaints of the owners and residents of apartment buildings. The main problem was the noise coming from the neighbors and not allowing a normal rest.
It took a lot of time to consider each individual claim, as a result of which it was decided to limit the level of permissible noise by introducing an appropriate bill.
According to it, the noise level can be as follows:
- Daytime - 40 dB;
- Night - 30 dB.
In the daytime, it is allowed to exceed the allowable indicator, but not more than 15 dB. As for noise sources, this included the operation of electrical appliances, the noise emitted by repairs and construction, barking dogs, people screaming and other sounds.
How much noise can you make in an apartment in 2019
The current version of the document allows you to "ignore" the limits only on the night of December 31 to January 1. The rest of the time, residents are required to adhere to these standards.
In accordance with the document, the night restriction is valid from 9 pm to 8 am. During this time it is impossible to produce sounds whose volume exceeds 30 dB. It should also be noted that individual restrictions apply in a number of Russian regions. Let's consider them in more detail.
Neighbors are noisy after 23:00: what to do according to the law in 2019
If your neighbors broke the law for the first time by playing music loudly late at night or making a grandiose scandal with shouting and fighting dishes, then it is likely that the problem can be resolved peacefully. To do this, you need to ask the violators to calm down and stop breaking the silence with their actions.
Of course, there are situations when neighbors ignore such requests. This is a good reason to contact the police. Call "02" and call the outfit. You should not wait until morning and go to law enforcement officers on your own, wasting precious time and effort.
Arriving at the scene, the police must form a report. Subsequently, the document is sent to the district police officer to take explanatory measures with restless neighbors. If the law on silence from January 1, 2019 is regularly violated by the same citizens, then the case may end with the imposition of a fine.
Fine and punishment for noise after 23:00 in 2019
Those who violate the law will have to pay a fine. In each separate region, the amount of the penalty is set individually. For instance:
- Moscow - 1-2 thousand rubles. for citizens, 40-80 thousand rubles. for companies;
- St. Petersburg - 0.5-5 thousand rubles. for individuals, up to 200 thousand rubles. for organizations;
- Altai Territory - 0.5-3 thousand rubles. for ordinary citizens, up to 10 thousand rubles. for legal entities.
As practice shows, tariffs set in large metropolitan areas can reach exorbitant heights, especially when it comes to companies that violate the law on silence from January 1, 2019. The legislation treats natural persons more loyally.