What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon


Izolon is made on the basis of polyethylene raw materials. The porous structure makes the product one of the best types of heat and sound insulating material. As for the coefficient of thermal conductivity, it is significantly higher than that of other insulating materials. The operating temperature of the isolon is from -60 to +100 degrees Celsius. Due to the dense cellular surface, the insulation practically does not absorb water, which is especially good for warming rooms with high humidity.

Isolon can be used for any type of surface:

  • wood boards;
  • Concrete;
  • Brick;
  • Metal.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon@Isolon

You can use insulation in rooms with a high degree of humidity, which also adds advantages to the material. Insulation material is produced in rolls and plates, which allows you to choose the perfect solution. The low weight of the product and its elasticity make installation work simple and fast. Installed soundproofing isolon can not only protect a house or car from cold and noise, but also save money on calling a master, because everything can be done independently without the involvement of specialists.

Mounting methods

Some similarity of foam with non-woven wallpaper allows you to stick it on the walls in the same way as the wallpaper itself. The process is simple, so everyone can glue the insulating layer without involving craftsmen and additional costs.

Despite all the simplicity, it is still worth adhering to certain rules. Consistent execution of operations will allow you to get the maximum effect from isolation.

  • Finishing work begins in different ways, depending on what needs to be done. So, during the secondary finishing, that is, during the repair, the old wallpaper is first removed, the panels are removed or the paint is washed off (depending on what was applied to the walls earlier). After the walls are exposed, the operations are the same as during the primary pasting.
  • First, a visual inspection of vertical surfaces is performed. For walls made of bricks or blocks, plastering will be required. It will not do without additional processing even if the house is log. And only smooth reinforced concrete slabs are almost ready for final finishing. Minor flaws can not be eliminated, they will be hidden by foam laid under the wallpaper. And large ones should be patched up: growths - cut down, chips, depressions and potholes - puttied.
  • When the putty dries, dust is swept off the walls and a deep penetration primer is applied. This intermediate operation can significantly improve adhesion. The process of penetration into the wall material lasts a day. Penolon can not be glued within 24 hours. But it can be marked out without haste and cut into the required number of pieces.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or IzolonWhat is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon

  • To install insulation under the wallpaper, the wall must be lubricated with ordinary wallpaper glue. On a damp wall, foam sheets are glued end-to-end to each other. Smoothing for a tighter fit can be done either with a roller or simply by hand. Movement in this case should be done only in the vertical direction from top to bottom and from bottom to top. It is not worth smoothing the canvases to the sides, as this may form gaps between the sheets, which is undesirable.
  • If the sticker is made using PVA, the glue will have to be applied to both the wall and the insulating material. PVA dries pretty quickly, which means you have to speed up. With glue, work is best done with four hands. That part of the foam that is on the inside of the roll should adjoin the wall.
  • It will take three days for the glue to dry completely and for good adhesion of the substrate to the wall. After 72 hours, it's time for the final stage. First, the joints of adjacent sheets are glued with paper tape, and then wallpaper is applied.

If you adapt the foam to the ceiling, the permeability of noise from the upper floor will be significantly reduced. Particularly relevant is the processing of ceilings in cheap new buildings, where insulating materials are completely absent.

Thin porous material has proven itself as a substrate for finishing floor coverings. It is laid under linoleum, laminate, parquet. On the one hand, the cold floor is insulated, on the other hand, it becomes quieter in the apartment, since the substrate does not allow you to hear what is happening at the lower neighbors. According to the manufacturer, sound absorption is 25 dB, and dispersion reaches 70%.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or IzolonWhat is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon

Laying foam on the floor is a little different from wall stickers.

  • The base must be free of dirt and dust. Any small particles can damage the thin substrate.
  • The floor slab is primed, lubricated with adhesive.
  • Sheets are stacked as close to each other as possible. Gluing is performed not with paper, but with ordinary adhesive tape. The paper may break during the laying of the topcoat, and ordinary tape will withstand the load and prevent the sheets from dispersing. If a five-millimeter thickness is not enough, you need to take a thicker type of foam of 8-10 mm. Two layers of laying can not be done!

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or IzolonWhat is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon

For information on how to glue foam, see the video below.

Scope of application

Best of all, penolon copes with impact noise. Polyethylene foam soundproofing is installed on various objects. These are private houses and apartments in high-rise buildings, office space and social and cultural facilities.

When sticking sheets of cellular polyethylene on the walls in the room, of course, living conditions improve. In cool summers and in the off-season, when the central heating is not working, the material contributes to the preservation of heat in apartments and offices. Penolon is also advised because it is able to speed up repair work. If there are minor irregularities on the walls, the foam acts as a leveling material. The walls can not be puttied, a soft base will hide the flaws.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or IzolonWhat is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon

Penolon is used as a substrate for wallpaper and various floor coverings, including it is laid under laminate and parquet. Foamed polyethylene under the trademark "Acoustic" solves the problem that has prevented the creation of a sound barrier between floors for years. If earlier it was necessary to make a lot of efforts to ensure silence, up to the creation of expensive engineering structures, now the issue is solved very simply. Neighbors below will not hear a sound if there is a foam padding in the apartment above them.

The material is sold in rolls. Anyone can lift and carry it by hand, it is very light. As a rule, the width of the roll is one and a half meters. The thickness is different: the thicker the layer, the smaller the footage of the roll. For example, with a material thickness of 5 mm, the length will be 100 m. If a thicker layer is required, for example, 10 mm, then the length will be halved and will be only 50 m.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or IzolonWhat is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon

How to DIY

Soundproofing installation technologies are highly dependent on which material is chosen. So, drywall sheets are desirable to be placed on even, crack-free walls, covered with a layer of plaster. If the wall is a stable source of noise, it is impossible to put gypsum boards close to it, only attach it to neighboring walls and windows. Then the mounts will still conduct external sounds. To fill the gaps separating the plates from each other, polyurethane foam will help.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon

To put ZIPS, you will have to make auxiliary holes. If you supplement the panels with ecowool manually, it will also provide thermal insulation. Roll materials based on absorbent films are attached to smooth and leveled walls, bustilat is used for attachment.

Before starting work on soundproofing, all sockets are turned off and removed, and the holes that appear are filled with non-combustible materials, covered with a rapidly drying mixture.Next comes the turn of laying soundproofing in places where the pipes touch the wall.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon

How to strengthen

Correctly improving the existing sound insulation is a rather complicated matter. It is not at all necessary, as they did for most of the 20th century, to hang carpets. To increase the effectiveness of noise protection, care should be taken to install reliable windows and doors. There is no point in isolating the floor, walls and ceiling, leaving the old wooden window. But designs with multilayer double-glazed windows will come in handy.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon

It is recommended to choose those options in which the inner glass is shifted relative to the geometric center. Increasing the thickness of the frame, thereby improving the overall protection

When choosing windows, you should pay attention to the tightness of the rubber seal. If it immediately or after some time is covered with cracks, dried out, then such a product needs to be changed.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon

Types and scope

To date, the manufacturer provides the following types of products:

  • Isonol 100 - non-crosslinked polypropylene;
  • Iisonol 300 - chemically cross-linked;
  • Isonol 500 - physically crosslinked;
  • Isolontape - the material has one or two adhesive sides;
  • Ecoheat - insulation personalized for indoor work.

Izolon brand 300 and 500 are used in most cases to work as an insulator. It is used in construction, automotive, light food industry, household and medicine.

One of the features of the material is that it can be operated at low temperatures and not lose its properties. Due to this quality, isolon is often used in the automotive industry.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon@Isolon

Due to the high resistance to moisture, it is used for metal surfaces, protecting them from corrosion. According to experts, isolon is a heater that is reliably and durable in operation without loss of quality. When using isolon, no care is needed for the material. The material is not combustible, since when interacting with an open fire, it breaks up into two components, water and carbon dioxide.

When insulating floors, often before pouring a liquid solution, the surface is covered with an isolon of small thickness. Such a substrate is needed not in order to protect the lower floors from leakage, but solely because of the thermal insulation properties. The structure of the material does not absorb moisture, so a kind of air cushion is formed under the self-leveling floor, which guarantees effective heat and sound insulation.

The difference between crosslinked and non-crosslinked isolon

There are two types of isolon: stitched and embroidered. The peculiarity of the second option is that the material has an unbound molecular structure. The polymer molecules do not have a chemical bond, while the cross-linked isolone does not change its structure. When the crosslinking process occurs, an improved molecule is formed, cross-linked or reticulated.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon@Isolon

In simple terms, cross-linked isolon has a higher quality and, accordingly, characteristics. The cross-linking process improves the thermal insulation properties of the material, as well as resistance to aggressive compositions of substances, ultraviolet radiation and precipitation.

What is better for soundproofing - TermoZvukoIzol or Izolon@Isolon


