Adjustment of results
In order to get a more accurate calculation, you need to take into account as many factors as possible that reduce or increase heat loss. This is what the walls are made of and how well they are insulated, how big the windows are, and what kind of glazing they have, how many walls in the room face the street, etc. To do this, there are coefficients by which you need to multiply the found values \u200b\u200bof the heat loss of the room.
The number of radiators depends on the amount of heat loss
Windows account for 15% to 35% of heat loss. The specific figure depends on the size of the window and how well it is insulated. Therefore, there are two corresponding coefficients:
- ratio of window area to floor area:
- 10% — 0,8
- 20% — 0,9
- 30% — 1,0
- 40% — 1,1
- 50% — 1,2
- glazing:
- three-chamber double-glazed window or argon in a two-chamber double-glazed window - 0.85
- ordinary two-chamber double-glazed window - 1.0
- conventional double frames - 1.27.
Walls and roof
To account for losses, the material of the walls, the degree of thermal insulation, the number of walls facing the street are important. Here are the coefficients for these factors.
- brick walls with a thickness of two bricks are considered the norm - 1.0
- insufficient (absent) - 1.27
- good - 0.8
The presence of external walls:
- indoors - no loss, factor 1.0
- one - 1.1
- two - 1.2
- three - 1.3
The amount of heat loss is influenced by whether the room is heated or not located on top. If there is a habitable heated room above (the second floor of the house, another apartment, etc.), the reducing factor is 0.7, if the heated attic is 0.9. It is generally accepted that an unheated attic does not affect the temperature in and (factor 1.0).
It is necessary to take into account the features of the premises and climate in order to correctly calculate the number of radiator sections
If the calculation was carried out by area, and the height of the ceilings is non-standard (a height of 2.7 m is taken as the standard), then a proportional increase / decrease using a coefficient is used. It is considered easy. To do this, divide the actual height of the ceilings in the room by the standard 2.7 m. Get the required coefficient.
Let's calculate for example: let the height of the ceilings be 3.0 m. We get: 3.0m / 2.7m = 1.1. This means that the number of radiator sections, which was calculated by the area for a given room, must be multiplied by 1.1.
All these norms and coefficients were determined for apartments. To take into account the heat loss of the house through the roof and basement / foundation, you need to increase the result by 50%, that is, the coefficient for a private house is 1.5.
climatic factors
You can make adjustments depending on the average temperatures in winter:
Having made all the required adjustments, you will get a more accurate number of radiators required for heating the room, taking into account the parameters of the premises. But these are not all the criteria that affect the power of thermal radiation. There are other technical details, which we will discuss below.
The most accurate calculation option
From the above calculations, we have seen that none of them is perfectly accurate, since even for the same rooms, the results, albeit slightly, are still different.
If you need maximum calculation accuracy, use the following method. It takes into account many factors that can affect the heating efficiency and other significant indicators.
In general, the calculation formula has the following form:
T \u003d 100 W / m 2 * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * S,
- where T is the total amount of heat required to heat the room in question;
- S is the area of the heated room.
The rest of the coefficients need more detailed study. So, coefficient A takes into account the features of the glazing of the room.
Features of the glazing of the room
- 1.27 for rooms whose windows are glazed with just two glasses;
- 1.0 - for rooms with windows equipped with double-glazed windows;
- 0.85 - if the windows have triple glazing.
Coefficient B takes into account the features of the insulation of the walls of the room.
Features of the insulation of the walls of the room
- if the insulation is inefficient. the coefficient is assumed to be 1.27;
- with good insulation (for example, if the walls are laid out in 2 bricks or purposefully insulated with a high-quality heat insulator). a coefficient equal to 1.0 is used;
- with a high level of insulation - 0.85.
The coefficient C indicates the ratio of the total area of window openings and the floor surface in the room.
The ratio of the total area of window openings and the floor surface in the room
The dependency looks like this:
- at a ratio of 50%, the coefficient C is taken as 1.2;
- if the ratio is 40%, use a factor of 1.1;
- at a ratio of 30%, the coefficient value is reduced to 1.0;
- in the case of an even smaller percentage, coefficients of 0.9 (for 20%) and 0.8 (for 10%) are used.
The D coefficient indicates the average temperature in the coldest period of the year.
Heat distribution in the room when using radiators
The dependency looks like this:
- if the temperature is -35 and below, the coefficient is taken equal to 1.5;
- at temperatures up to -25 degrees, a value of 1.3 is used;
- if the temperature does not fall below -20 degrees, the calculation is carried out with a coefficient equal to 1.1;
- residents of regions where the temperature does not fall below -15 should use a coefficient of 0.9;
- if the temperature in winter does not fall below -10, count with a factor of 0.7.
The coefficient E indicates the number of external walls.
Number of external walls
If there is only one external wall, use a factor of 1.1. With two walls, increase it to 1.2; with three - up to 1.3; if there are 4 external walls, use a factor of 1.4.
The F coefficient takes into account the features of the room above. The dependency is:
- if there is an unheated attic space above, the coefficient is assumed to be 1.0;
- if the attic is heated - 0.9;
- if the upstairs neighbor is a heated living room, the coefficient can be reduced to 0.8.
And the last coefficient of the formula - G - takes into account the height of the room.
- in rooms with ceilings 2.5 m high, the calculation is carried out using a coefficient equal to 1.0;
- if the room has a 3-meter ceiling, the coefficient is increased to 1.05;
- with a ceiling height of 3.5 m, count with a factor of 1.1;
- rooms with a 4-meter ceiling are calculated with a coefficient of 1.15;
- when calculating the number of battery sections for heating a room with a height of 4.5 m, increase the coefficient to 1.2.
This calculation takes into account almost all existing nuances and allows you to determine the required number of sections of the heating unit with the smallest error. In conclusion, you will only have to divide the calculated indicator by the heat transfer of one section of the battery (check in the attached passport) and, of course, round the found number up to the nearest integer value.
Heating Radiator Calculator
For convenience, all these parameters are included in a special calculator for calculating heating radiators. It is enough to specify all the requested parameters - and clicking on the "CALCULATE" button will immediately give the desired result:
Energy Saving Tips
Determination of the number of radiators for one-pipe systems
There is one more very important point: all of the above is true for a two-pipe heating system. when a coolant with the same temperature enters the inlet of each of the radiators. A single-pipe system is considered much more complicated: there, colder water enters each subsequent heater. And if you want to calculate the number of radiators for a one-pipe system, you need to recalculate the temperature every time, and this is difficult and time consuming. Which exit? One of the possibilities is to determine the power of the radiators as for a two-pipe system, and then add sections in proportion to the drop in thermal power to increase the heat transfer of the battery as a whole.
In a single-pipe system, the water for each radiator is getting colder and colder.
Let's explain with an example. The diagram shows a single-pipe heating system with six radiators. The number of batteries was determined for two-pipe wiring. Now you need to make an adjustment. For the first heater, everything remains the same. The second one receives a coolant with a lower temperature.We determine the % power drop and increase the number of sections by the corresponding value. In the picture it turns out like this: 15kW-3kW = 12kW. We find the percentage: the temperature drop is 20%. Accordingly, to compensate, we increase the number of radiators: if you needed 8 pieces, it will be 20% more - 9 or 10 pieces. This is where knowledge of the room comes in handy: if it is a bedroom or a nursery, round it up, if it is a living room or other similar room, round it down
You also take into account the location relative to the cardinal points: in the north you round up, in the south - down
In single-pipe systems, you need to add sections to the radiators located further along the branch
This method is clearly not ideal: after all, it turns out that the last battery in the branch will have to be simply huge: judging by the scheme, a coolant with a specific heat capacity equal to its power is supplied to its input, and it is unrealistic to remove all 100% in practice. Therefore, when determining the power of a boiler for single-pipe systems, they usually take some margin, put shutoff valves and connect radiators through a bypass so that heat transfer can be adjusted, and thus compensate for the drop in coolant temperature. One thing follows from all this: the number and / or dimensions of radiators in a single-pipe system must be increased, and as you move away from the beginning of the branch, more and more sections should be installed.
An approximate calculation of the number of sections of heating radiators is a simple and quick matter. But clarification, depending on all the features of the premises, size, type of connection and location, requires attention and time. But you can definitely decide on the number of heaters to create a comfortable atmosphere in winter.
How to calculate radiator sections by room volume
This calculation takes into account not only the area, but also the height of the ceilings, because you need to heat all the air in the room. So this approach is justified. And in this case, the procedure is similar. We determine the volume of the room, and then, according to the norms, we find out how much heat is needed to heat it:
- in a panel house, 41W is required to heat a cubic meter of air;
- in a brick house on m 3 - 34W.
You need to heat the entire volume of air in the room, therefore it is more correct to count the number of radiators by volume
Let's calculate everything for the same room with an area of 16m 2 and compare the results. Let the ceiling height be 2.7m. Volume: 16 * 2.7 \u003d 43.2m 3.
Next, we calculate for options in a panel and brick house:
- In a panel house. The heat required for heating is 43.2m 3 * 41V = 1771.2W. If we take all the same sections with a power of 170W, we get: 1771W / 170W = 10.418pcs (11pcs).
- In a brick house. Heat is needed 43.2m 3 * 34W = 1468.8W. We consider radiators: 1468.8W / 170W = 8.64pcs (9pcs).
As you can see, the difference is quite large: 11pcs and 9pcs. Moreover, when calculating by area, we got the average value (if rounded in the same direction) - 10pcs.
Very accurate calculation of heating radiators
Above, we gave as an example a very simple calculation of the number of heating radiators per area. It does not take into account many factors, such as the quality of the thermal insulation of the walls, the type of glazing, the minimum outside temperature, and many others. Using simplified calculations, we can make mistakes, as a result of which some rooms turn out to be cold, and some too hot. The temperature can be corrected using stopcocks, but it is best to foresee everything in advance - if only for the sake of saving materials.
If during the construction of your house you paid due attention to its insulation, then in the future you will save a lot on heating. How is the exact calculation of the number of heating radiators in a private house made? We will take into account the decreasing and increasing coefficients
Let's start with glazing. If single windows are installed in the house, we use a coefficient of 1.27. For double glazing, the coefficient does not apply (in fact, it is 1.0).If the house has triple glazing, we apply a reduction factor of 0.85
How is the exact calculation of the number of heating radiators in a private house made? We will take into account the decreasing and increasing coefficients. Let's start with glazing. If single windows are installed in the house, we use a coefficient of 1.27. For double glazing, the coefficient does not apply (in fact, it is 1.0). If the house has triple glazing, we apply a reduction factor of 0.85.
Are the walls in the house lined with two bricks or is insulation provided in their design? Then we apply the coefficient 1.0. If you provide additional thermal insulation, you can safely use a reduction factor of 0.85 - heating costs will decrease. If there is no thermal insulation, we apply a multiplying factor of 1.27.
Note that heating a home with single windows and poor thermal insulation results in large heat (and money) losses. When calculating the number of heating batteries per area, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bfloors and windows
Ideally, this ratio is 30% - in this case, we use a coefficient of 1.0. If you like large windows, and the ratio is 40%, you should apply a factor of 1.1, and at a ratio of 50% you need to multiply the power by a factor of 1.2. If the ratio is 10% or 20%, apply reduction factors 0.8 or 0.9
When calculating the number of heating batteries per area, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bfloors and windows. Ideally, this ratio is 30% - in this case, we use a coefficient of 1.0. If you like large windows, and the ratio is 40%, you should apply a factor of 1.1, and at a ratio of 50% you need to multiply the power by a factor of 1.2. If the ratio is 10% or 20%, we apply reduction factors of 0.8 or 0.9.
Ceiling height is an equally important parameter. Here we use the following coefficients:
Table for calculating the number of heating radiator sections depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the height of the ceilings.
Is there an attic behind the ceiling or another living room? And here we apply additional coefficients. If there is a heated attic upstairs (or with insulation), we multiply the power by 0.9, and if the dwelling is by 0.8. Is there an ordinary unheated attic behind the ceiling? We apply a coefficient of 1.0 (or simply do not take it into account).
After the ceilings, let's take up the walls - here are the coefficients:
- one outer wall - 1.1;
- two outer walls (corner room) - 1.2;
- three outer walls (the last room in an elongated house, hut) - 1.3;
- four outer walls (one-room house, outbuilding) - 1.4.
Also, the average air temperature in the coldest winter period is taken into account (the same regional coefficient):
- cold to -35 ° C - 1.5 (a very large margin that allows you not to freeze);
- frosts down to -25 ° C - 1.3 (suitable for Siberia);
- temperature up to -20 ° C - 1.1 (central Russia);
- temperature up to -15 ° C - 0.9;
- temperature down to -10 °C - 0.7.
The last two coefficients are used in hot southern regions. But even here it is customary to leave a solid supply in case of cold weather or especially for heat-loving people.
Having received the final thermal power necessary for heating the selected room, it should be divided by the heat transfer of one section. As a result, we will get the required number of sections and will be able to go to the store
Please note that these calculations assume a base heating power of 100 W per 1 sq. m
If you are afraid of making mistakes in the calculations, seek help from specialized specialists. They will perform the most accurate calculations and calculate the heat output required for heating.
Calculation of heating radiators by area for a private country house
If for apartments in a multi-storey building the rule is 100 W per 1 m 2 of the room, then this calculation will not work for a private house.
For the first floor, the power is 110-120 W, for the second and subsequent floors - 80-90 W. In this regard, multi-storey buildings are much more economical.
The calculation of the power of heating radiators by area in a private house is carried out according to the following formula:
In a private house, it is recommended to take sections with a small margin, this does not mean that it will make you hot, just the wider the heater, the lower the temperature must be supplied to the radiator. Accordingly, the lower the temperature of the coolant, the longer the heating system as a whole will last.
It is very difficult to take into account all the factors that have any effect on the heat transfer of the heating device.
In this case, it is very important to correctly calculate the heat losses, which depend on the size of window and door openings, vents. However, the examples discussed above make it possible to determine the required number of radiator sections as accurately as possible and at the same time ensure a comfortable temperature regime in the room.
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How to calculate the number of radiator sections
To calculate the number of radiators, there are several methods, but their essence is the same: find out the maximum heat loss of the room, and then calculate the number of heaters needed to compensate for them.
There are different methods of calculation. The simplest ones give approximate results. However, they can be used if the rooms are standard or apply coefficients that allow you to take into account the existing "non-standard" conditions of each particular room (corner room, balcony, full-wall window, etc.). There are more complex calculations using formulas. But in fact, these are the same coefficients, only collected in one formula.
There is one more method. It determines the actual losses. A special device - a thermal imager - determines the actual heat loss. And based on these data, they calculate how many radiators are needed to compensate them. Another advantage of this method is that the image of the thermal imager shows exactly where the heat is leaving the most actively. This may be a marriage in work or in building materials, a crack, etc. So at the same time you can rectify the situation.
The calculation of radiators depends on the heat loss in the room and the rated heat output of the sections
Bimetal radiators features
Bimetallic radiators are becoming more and more popular today. This is a worthy replacement for the hopelessly outdated "cast iron". The prefix "bi" means "two", i.e. two metals are used in the manufacture of radiators - steel and aluminum. Represent an aluminum framework in which there is a steel pipe.This combination is in itself optimal. Aluminum guarantees high thermal conductivity, while steel guarantees a long service life and the ability to easily withstand pressure drops in the heating network.
To combine seemingly incompatible, it became possible thanks to a special production technology. Bimetal radiators are manufactured by spot welding or injection molding.
Advantages of bimetallic heating radiators
If we talk about the advantages, then bimetallic radiators have a lot of them. Let's consider the main ones.
- long "life". High build quality and reliable "union" of two metals turns radiators into "long-livers". They are able to serve regularly up to 50 years;
- strength. The steel core is not afraid of pressure surges inherent in our heating systems;
- high heat dissipation. Due to the presence of an aluminum body, the bimetallic radiator quickly heats up the room. In some models, this figure reaches 190 watts;
- rust resistance. Only steel is in contact with the coolant, which means that the bimetallic radiator is not afraid of corrosion. This quality becomes especially valuable when carrying out seasonal cleanings and dumping water;
- pleasant appearance". The bimetallic radiator is outwardly much more attractive than its cast-iron predecessor. There is no need to hide it from prying eyes with curtains or special screens. In addition, radiators differ in color and design. You can choose what you like;
- light weight. Greatly simplifies the installation process. Now installing the battery will not require much effort and time;
- compact size. Bimetal radiators are valued for their small size. They are quite compact and easily fit into any interior.
How to make a calculation
Different climatic zones of our country for heating apartments according to standard building codes and rules have their own meanings. In the zone of the middle lane at the latitude of Moscow or the Moscow region, 100 watts of thermal power will be required to heat 1 square meter of living space with a ceiling height of up to 3 meters.
For example, to heat a room of 20 square meters, you will need to spend 20 × 100 \u003d 2000 watts of thermal energy. If one section of a cast-iron battery has a heat output of 160 watts, then the calculation of the number of sections will look like this: 2000: 160 = 12.5. So, rounding up, 12 sections or two batteries of 6 sections.
Similar calculations can be made for other types of radiators:
Disadvantages of Simplified Calculation
Calculations are based on formulas
A simplified calculation assumes ideal conditions for sealing our apartments. However, here it is necessary to take into account the specific features of the winter period, namely:
- Up to 50% of the heat supplied to the apartment can escape through window openings. Therefore, the installation of modern double-glazed windows will significantly reduce heat loss.
- Corner apartments require more heat for heating, as their two walls face the street.
- During the heating season, the central heating system does not always work like clockwork. Sometimes there are fluctuations in the temperature of the coolant, extreme frosts, unplanned gusts or other technical force majeure situations. The batteries installed according to the calculation will not provide their full heat transfer capacity. Therefore, when installing radiators, their number should be 20% higher than the calculated one.
The dependence of the power of radiators on the connection and location
In addition to all the parameters described above, the heat transfer of the radiator varies depending on the type of connection. A diagonal connection with a supply from above is considered optimal, in which case there is no loss of thermal power. The biggest losses are observed with lateral connection - 22%. All the rest are average in efficiency. Approximate loss percentages are shown in the figure.
Heat loss on radiators depending on the connection
The actual power of the radiator also decreases in the presence of barrier elements. For example, if a window sill hangs from above, heat transfer drops by 7-8%, if it does not completely cover the radiator, then the loss is 3-5%. When installing a mesh screen that does not reach the floor, the losses are about the same as in the case of an overhanging window sill: 7-8%. But if the screen completely covers the entire heater, its heat transfer decreases by 20-25%.
The amount of heat depends on the installation
The amount of heat also depends on the installation location.
The principle of calculating bimetallic radiators for the room
When installing bimetallic radiators, the dimensions of the room will help determine how much power the purchased sample should have. To do this, it will be enough just to multiply the above-described calculation results by the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe equipped space.
As you know, the area of a room is calculated by multiplying its length by its width. But in the event that the shape of the room is non-standard and it is rather difficult to calculate its perimeter, then some error in the calculations can be allowed, but the result should be rounded up.
When considering equipment such as heating radiators, the bimetallic dimensions of the section also play an important role, since its height must be suitable for the installation site of these batteries (read: “Dimensions of heating radiators in height and width, how to calculate“). One of the parameters of such devices as bimetallic radiators - the power of the section - has already been considered earlier. Now we should dwell in more detail on the number of functional segments for this device. It will not be difficult to calculate the number of sections: for this you need to divide the total power required for space heating by the power of one section of the desired radiator model.
Watch a video about the advantages of bimetallic radiators:
Speaking of such a parameter as the size of heating radiators, bimetallic samples often have a fixed number of sections, especially for modern products. If the assortment is limited only to such devices, then it is necessary to choose the model in which the number of sections is as close as possible to the number obtained as a result of the calculations. But, of course, it would be more correct to focus on samples with a large number of segments, since some excess heat is still definitely better than its lack.
A quick way to calculate the number of sections
When it comes to replacing cast-iron radiators with bimetallic ones, you can do without scrupulous calculations
Taking into account several factors:
- The bimetallic section gives a ten percent increase in thermal power compared to the cast iron section.
- Over time, battery efficiency decreases. This is due to deposits that cover the walls inside the radiator.
- It's better to be warmer.
The number of elements of a bimetallic battery must be the same as that of its predecessor. However, this number increases by 1 - 2 pieces. This is done to combat a future decrease in the efficiency of the heater.
For a standard room
We already know this method of calculation. It is described at the beginning of the article. Let's analyze it in detail, referring to a specific example. We calculate the number of sections for a room of 40 square meters. m.
According to the rules of 1 sq. m requires 100 watts. Let's assume that the power of one section is 200 watts. Using the formula, from the first section we find the required heat output of the room. Multiply 40 sq. m. per 100 W, we get 4 kW.
To determine the number of sections, divide this number by 200 watts. It turns out that for a room with a given area, 20 sections will be required. The main thing to remember is that the formula is relevant for apartments where the ceiling height is less than 2.7 m.
For non-standard
Non-standard rooms include corner, end rooms, with several window openings. This category also includes dwellings with a ceiling height of more than 2.7 meters.
For the first, the calculation is carried out according to the standard formula, but the final result is multiplied by a special coefficient, 1 - 1.3. Using the data obtained above: 20 sections, let's assume that the room is corner and has 2 windows.
The final result is obtained by multiplying 20 by 1.2. This room requires 24 sections.
If we take the same room, but with a ceiling height of 3 meters, the results will change again. Let's start by calculating the volume, multiply 40 square meters. m. by 3 meters. Remembering that for 1 cu. m requires 41 W., we calculate the total thermal power. Received 120 cu. m multiply by 41 watts.
We get the number of radiators by dividing 4920 by 200 watts. But the room is corner with two windows, therefore, 25 must be multiplied by 1.2. The end result is 30 sections.