Purification of water of any complexity. 495755-64-37, 495979-84-31 infoetch.ruMaximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in the water of water bodies for drinking and domestic water use

Permissible indicators of effluent impurities

Purification of water of any complexity. 495755-64-37, 495979-84-31 infoetch.ruMaximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in the water of water bodies for drinking and domestic water use

The sewerage of an enterprise or city system is checked for the amount of impurities in the liquid. Their maximum allowable rate in stock is measured in millimeters per liter. So, MPC indicators have the following values:

  • The number of announced substances - 500;
  • BOD - 500;
  • COD - 800;
  • The remainder of dense matter - 2000;
  • Ether-containing impurities - 20.

In addition, there are rules and regulations for the physical state of water. So, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, and the acid level - 8.5 pH. Control over the state of sewage discharges should monitor the amount of suspended elements, the MPC of hydrogen sulfide substances.

MPC of harmful substances

The maximum allowable concentrations of MPC is a sanitary and hygienic standard established by law. The maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances and their compounds in water are certain concentrations, under the daily influence of which for a long period of time in the human body there are no pathological changes or diseases controlled by modern research methods in any period of human life and subsequent generations.

Table 1. Regional MPCs for wastewater in the Russian Federation and the European Union

Water quality indicators, chemicals Maximum permissible concentrations of MPC wastewater from industrial enterprises:
   EU    Moscow Saint Petersburg Yaroslavl Tula Kursk Izhevsk Yekaterinburg MPC RH
pH 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5
Iron (Fe), mg/l 2-20   1 0,4         0,1
Copper (Cu, total), mg/l 0,1-4   0,02 0,004         0,001
Zinc (Zn2+), mg/l 0,5-7   0,1 0,03         0,01
Cadmium (Cd, total), mg/l 0,01-0,6   0,005 0,003         0,005
Nickel (Ni2+), mg/l 0,5-3   0,1           0,01
Chromium (Cr6+), mg/l 0,1-0,5   0,1 0,07         0,02
Chromium (Cr3+), mg/l 0,5-5   0,1 0,4         0,07
Aluminum (Al3+), mg/l 1-10               0,04
Lead (Pb, total), mg/l 0,2-1     0,06         0,006
Silicon (SiO32-), mg/l                 1
Tin (Sn, total), mg/l 2-10                
Manganese (Mn), mg/l     0,2            
Calcium (Ca2+), mg/l     150         180
Hardness, mg-eq/l                
Sulphates (SO42-), mg/l   250 100          
Chlorides (Cl-), mg/l   170 300          
Nitrates (NO3-), mg/l   23,5 40          
Phosphates (PO43-), mg/l   1,5 1,6          
Ammonia and ammonium salts, mg/l   23,1 3          
Oil products, mg/l 0,1-5   0,5 0,3         0,05
Surfactant, mg/l     2,5 0,9          
Superfloc A-100 Flocculant: anionic polyacrylamide amine — 95% d.w. moisture — 4.5%, impurities — 0.5%, mg/l                 0,25
COD, mg/l 150-400   270 176          
Suspended solids, mg/l 50-60   150 103          
Dry residue, mg/l   500            

An article by specialists from the Russian Chemical Technical University named after D.I. Mendeleev: Validity and invalidity of the application of various lists of MPC for wastewater from galvanic production

Table 2. Maximum permissible concentrations of wastewater in the EU

   Belgium  France1 Germany England and Wales2  Italy3  Holland  Spain  Portugal
Discharge into the city sewerage (GC) or into the fishery reservoir (RH)   RHV   GC RHV      
Silver (Ag), mg/l 0,1   0,1 0,1   0,1    
Luminium (Al), mg/l 10 5 3   1   1-2 5
Cadmium (Cd), mg/l 0,6 0,2 0,2 0,01 0,02 0,2 0,1-0,5 0,2
Cyanide (CN free), mg/l   0,1 0,2 0,2 0,5 0,2 0,5-1 0,1
Chromium hexavalent (Cr VI), mg/l 0,5 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,2-0,5 0,1
Chromium total (Cr), mg/l 5 3 0,5 1 2 0,5 Cr(III) 2-4 Cr(III)3
Copper (Cu), mg/l 4 2 0,5 2 0,1 0,5 0,2-10 2
Fluorine (F), mg/l 10 15 50   6   6-12 15
Iron (Fe), mg/l 20 5 3   2   2-10 5
Mercury (Hg), mg/l   0,1     0,005 0,05 0,05-0,1 0,05
Nickel (Ni), mg/l 3 5 0,5 1 2 0,5 2-10 5
Nitrites (NO2), mg/l   1     0,6     1
Phosphorus (P), mg/l 2 10 2   10 15 10-20 10
Lead (Pb), mg/l 1 1 0,5   0,2   0,2-0,5 1
Tin (Sn), mg/l 2 2 2   10 2 10 2
Zinc (Zn), mg/l 7 5 2   0,5 0,5 3-20 5
COD 300 150 400   160     150
EDTA, mg/l            
Oil products, mg/l   5 0,1 0,1 5 0,1 20-40  
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)     1 0,1   0,1    
Suspended solids, mg/l       50       60
Total salt content, mg/l   no sulfate restrictions no limits     no limits    
Total content of heavy metal ions (ITM)   15 no limits     50kg/year/total
3 E metals
15–20 mg/l
1. France: Water consumption: 8 liters per 1 m2 of treated surface for each washing stage.
2. Environment Agency for England and Wales.
3. Reduced MPCs for hazardous substances have been adopted by law in some areas (eg the catchment area of ​​the Venetian Lagoon).
4. MPC RH - maximum allowable concentrations of MPC for fishery reservoirs

MPC of harmful substances

For water, maximum allowable concentrations of more than 960 chemical compounds have been established, which are grouped into three groups according to the following indicators of harmfulness (LPV - limiting indicator of harmfulness): sanitary - toxicological (s.-t.), general sanitary (gen.), organoleptic (org. ). MPCs for some harmful substances in water bodies are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. MPC of harmful substances in water bodies of domestic drinking and cultural water use, mg/l







Ammonia (for nitrogen)






























diethyl ether









Acetic acid



Synthetic fatty acids C5 - WITH20





















carbon disulfide









Phosphorus elemental


















ethylene glycol



MPCs for harmful substances for fishery reservoirs and watercourses were established for 521 ingredients grouped into groups according to the following HPS: toxicological, organoleptic, fishery and general sanitary. Water for drinking animals, according to the standards, should not be inferior to the quality of drinking water, however, the requirements for organoleptic properties can be somewhat reduced. Only in exceptional cases, in areas with a shortage of fresh water, in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service and veterinary supervision, it is allowed to use water with increased mineralization for washing and watering animals, preparing feed and cleaning premises. The most stringent requirements must be imposed on the condition of water used in animal husbandry, since infection of animals through water and the development of epizootics cause enormous damage to the national economy.

It should be noted that the currently used methods for assessing water quality using the MPC system for pollutants do not give a complete picture of the state of natural waters and are not a sufficient guarantee of their protection from pollution. The conditions under which it is possible to discharge domestic and industrial wastewater into water bodies and watercourses are determined by the “Rules for the Protection of Surface Waters from Pollution by Wastewaters” and the “Rules for the Sanitary Protection of Coastal Waters of the Seas”, approved in 1974. But these rules are designed to ensure the purity of the reservoir only in the alignments of points of drinking, cultural and household or fishery water use. This approach has already led to the fact that many rivers in our country are polluted locally or continuously almost throughout. In non-flowing and low-flowing reservoirs, self-purification processes proceed even more slowly and emergency situations often occur. Such phenomena arose in Lake Ladoga, one of the sources of St. Petersburg's water supply, in many large reservoirs. All modern sewage treatment plants are built using destructive treatment methods, which boil down to the destruction of water pollutants by their oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, decomposition, etc., and the decomposition products are partially removed from the water in the form of gases or sediments, and partially remain in it in the form of soluble mineral salts. As a result, the so-called non-toxic mineral salts enter natural waters in amounts corresponding to MPC, but many times higher than their natural concentrations in the aquatic environment. Therefore, the discharge into rivers and water bodies of wastewater that has undergone deep purification from organic compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and other elements, however, increases the content of soluble sulfates, phosphates, nitrates and other mineral salts in water, causing eutrophication of water bodies, their "blooming » due to the rapid development of blue-green algae; the latter, dying, absorb a lot of oxygen and deprive water of the ability to self-purify.

Modern industry annually synthesizes many new substances; the establishment of their MPC inevitably lags, especially since, getting into the water, these substances can create new, unexplored combinations of compounds with unknown properties.

Thus, the existing MPCs developed by the Sanitary and Hygiene Service do not fully reflect the impact of alien substances on aquatic ecosystems.

MPC classification

Purification of water of any complexity. 495755-64-37, 495979-84-31 infoetch.ruMaximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in the water of water bodies for drinking and domestic water use

Wastewater sampling at the enterprise is carried out by special environmental organizations. Peculiarities of their analysis consist in the identification of MPC for various indicators. If there is any excess of the norm, then GOST provides for the punishment of the person who caused harm to the natural environment.

Hygienic MPCs combine substances that, if exceeded, can cause harm to human health or lead to deterioration in water quality. The norm regulates the amount of content of toxic elements in reservoirs and water storage sites.

One of the most dangerous impurities can be the chemical type. There can be a large number of substances of this nature, therefore their MPCs are divided into the following groups:

  • Excessively dangerous concentrations;
  • Impurities with a high level of danger;
  • Dangerous elements;
  • Substances of moderate danger.

The analysis of enterprises includes special formulas and methods for calculating the presence of deviations from the norms. Diagnostics should be characterized by the frequency chosen by the organization conducting the audit.

MPC standards for pollutants in wastewater discharged into sewerage in cities.



Permissible concentration

Biochemical consumption

suspended solids

Nitrogen ammonium salts


nitrogen nitrate

Oil products

Chrome common

Phosphorus total

and methods for determining the content
pollutants in wastewater:

oxygen consumption - measured
device BOD - tester.

substances - determined by filtration
through a membrane filter. Glass,
quartz or porcelain, paper
recommended due to hygroscopicity.

ammonium salts - the method is based on
interaction of an ammonium ion with a reagent
Nessler, as a result,
merkur iodide - yellow ammonium:

NH 3 +2
(HgI 2
+ 2 K) + 3 OH=3 HgI 2
+ 7KI + 3H2O.

– the method is based on interaction
sulfate-oynes with barium chloride, in
resulting in the formation of an insoluble
sediment, which is then weighed.

– the method is based on interaction
nitrates with sulfasalicylic acid
with the formation at pH = 9.5-10.5 complex
yellow compounds. measurements
carried out at 440 nm.

Oil products
determined by the weight method,
pre-processing the research
water with chloroform.

– the method is based on interaction
chromate ions with diphenylcarbazide. V
the result of the reaction is a compound
purple. Measurements are carried out
at λ=540 nm.

– the method is based on the interaction of ions
Cu 2+ with sodium diethyldithiocarbonate
in a weakly ammonia solution with the formation
copper diethyldithiocarbonate, dyed
in yellow-brown.

— the method is based on the formation of a complex
compounds of nickel ions with dimethylglyoxin,
dyed brownish red
color. Measurements are carried out at λ=440 nm.

– the method is based (at pH = 7.0 – 7.3) on
the combination of zinc with sulfarsazene,
dyed yellow-orange.
Measurements are carried out at λ = 490 nm.

- the method is based on the combination of lead with
sulfarsazene, stained with
yellow-orange color. Measurements are carried out
at λ=490 nm.

– the method is based on interaction
ammonium molybdate with phosphates.
Used as an indicator
stannous chloride solution. measurements
carried out on CPK - 2 at λ=690-720 nm.

— the method is based on interaction
nitrites with Griess reagent to form
yellow complex compound.
Measurements are carried out at λ=440 nm.

– the method is based on sulfasalicylic acid
acid or its salts (sodium) form
complex compounds with iron salts,
moreover, in a slightly acidic medium, sulfasalicylic acid
acid reacts only with Fe +3 salts
(staining red), and slightly alkaline
- with salts Fe +3 and Fe +2 (yellow


For surface water bodies, the following maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants in the waters of water bodies are used:

Analyzed indicators Hazard class (Order of the Federal Agency for Fishery of January 18, 2010 No. 20 and SanPiN MPC of water bodies of fishery significance (Order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries dated August 4, 2009 N 695 On the approval of guidelines for the development of water quality standards in water bodies of fish farm significance, including MPC standards for harmful substances in the waters of water bodies of fish farm significance MPC of water objects of fishery importance (Order of the Federal Agency for Fishery dated 18.01.2010 No. 20) MPC of water bodies for drinking, household and recreational water use
(GN with amendments GN and SanPiN
water use category water use category
highest and first second For drinking and household water use, as well as for water supply of food enterprises (first category) For recreational water use, as well as within the boundaries of populated areas (second category)
1 Transparency, cm at least 20
2 Suspended substances, mg/dm3 the content of suspended solids in the control section (point) should not increase in comparison with natural conditions by more than: Within the boundaries of populated areas, when discharging sewage, performing work at a water body and in the coastal zone, the content of suspended solids in the control site (point) should not increase by more than 0.75 mg / cubic meter compared to natural conditions. dm
0.25 mg/dm3 0.75 mg/dm3
3 Mineralization of water, mg/l no more than 1000 (in the control section)
4 Hydrogen index (pH) 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5
5 BOD total, mg O2/l (at 20 °C should not exceed in water of water bodies) 3,0 3,0
6 BOD5, mgO2/l (should not exceed at 20°C) 2 (in the control range) 4 (in the control range)
7 COD, mgO/l 30 (in the control range)
8 Dissolved oxygen О2, mg/dm3 In the winter (under-ice) period, there should be at least At least 4
6 4
In the summer (open) period, all water bodies should have at least 6
9 Chloride anion Cl-, mg/l 300 350
10 Sulphate anion, SO4, mg/l 100 500
11 Phosphates (polyphosphates) Men(PO3)n, Men+2PnO3n+1, MenH2PnO3n+1, mg/l 0.05 (oligotrophic water bodies) for phosphorus
0.15 (mesotrophic water bodies) for phosphorus
0.2 (for eutrophic water bodies) for phosphorus
(1.14 for phosphorus)
12 Ammonium ion NH4+, mg/l 0.5 (0.4 nitrogen) m 1.93 (1.5 nitrogen)
13 Nitrite anion NO2-, mg/l 0.08 (0.02 nitrogen) 3.3 (1 for nitrogen)
14 Nitrate anion NO3-, mg/l 40 (9 on nitrogen) 45 (10.16 nitrogen)
15 Iron Fe, mg/l 0,1 0,3
16 Divalent manganese Mn2+, mg/l 0,01 0,1
17 Copper Cu, mg/l 3 0,001 1
18 Zinc Zn, mg/l 3 0,01 1
19 Lead Pb, mg/l 2 0,006 0,01
20 Chrome3+ Cr, mg/l 3 0,07
21 Chrome6+ Cr, mg/l 3 0,02 0,05
22 Chromium total Cr, mg/l 0,05
23 Aluminum Al, mg/l 4 0,04 0,2
24 Nickel Ni, mg/l 3 0,01 0,02
25 Cadmium Cd, mg/l 2 0,005 0,001
26 Cobalt Co, mg/l 3 0,01 0,1
27 Sulfides, mg/l 0,005
For oligotrophic water bodies 0.0005
28 Surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate), mg/l 4 0,5
29 Oil products, mg/l 3 0,05 0,3
30 Phenol (another name is hydroxybenzene or carbolic acid) C6H5OH, mg/l 3 0,001 0,001*
31 Formaldehyde, mg/l 4 0,1 0,05
32 Arsenic 0,05 0,01
33 Calcium 4 180
34 Magnesium 4 40 50
35 Potassium 4 50
(10 for reservoirs with salinity up to 100 mg/l)
36 Selenium 2 0,002 0,01
37 Fluoride anion 3 0.05 (in addition to the background content of fluorides, but not more than their total content of 0.75 mg/l)
38 Sodium 4 120 200
39 Molybdenum 2 0,001 0,07
* from GN MPC of phenol - 0.001 mg/l - indicated for the amount of volatile phenols that give water a chlorophenol smell during chlorination (trial chlorination method). This MPC applies to water bodies for domestic and drinking water use, subject to the use of chlorine for water disinfection in the process of its purification at waterworks or when determining the conditions for the discharge of wastewater subjected to disinfection with chlorine. In other cases, the content of the amount of volatile phenols in the water of water bodies at concentrations of 0.1 mg/l is allowed.

Legal regulation of MPC

Purification of water of any complexity. 495755-64-37, 495979-84-31 infoetch.ruMaximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in the water of water bodies for drinking and domestic water use

The federal law of the Russian Federation regulates the rules for prohibiting, suspending and limiting the functioning of natural water sources that may adversely affect the environment and human health. This requirement is set out in Art. 18 of Law No. 52. Control over the implementation of the MPC rules should be carried out by such organizations:

  • executive authorities;
  • Local authorities;
  • All companies and organizations of legal form;
  • Individual entrepreneurial activities.

The main document containing the rules for the operation of wastewater is called SanPiN In most cases, making their control, all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the owners of industrial facilities or private houses. So, if the analysis determines the excess of the MPC or low-quality water, then a penalty fee is charged from a legal or natural person.

GOST and clause 3.2 SanPiN control the state of water bodies and effluents, if the indicators deteriorate after the analysis of the sample, then environmentalists are looking for the culprits of the problem. It is worth noting that it is quite simple to calculate this violation: wastewater samples are taken from all facilities that produce wastewater. Microbial substances such as helminths are also diagnosed in the fluid.

Enterprises that discharge runoff into water bodies must carry out the process of post-treatment of water. The methodology for this action includes the mandatory installation of treatment stations. It should be borne in mind that control over the MPC of wastewater should be carried out not only by users, but also by all subscribers of the system. Plus, sewage and liquid should have a drain disposal frequency.

As a result of the functioning of sewage water, emissions can be generated. To avoid such problems, GOST and SanPiN regulate the organization of sanitary protection zones by enterprises. In addition, it is necessary to maintain distances between systems that perform wastewater treatment. Violation of hygienic requirements in relation to sediment can cause serious environmental pollution, exceeding the MPC and the death of the reservoir.

The analysis of wastewater after treatment is carried out strictly according to the plan of Rospotrebnadzor. This process is characterized by the frequency of diagnostics and an individual schedule. The organization plan contains accounting for the production technologies of the facility, the methodology for performing control, as well as checking the quality of the reservoir that receives the runoff.


