Arduino bmp280, bmp180, bme280 pressure sensors

How to connect a pressure sensor to the water supply and power supply

The device (RD, RM) is screwed into the adapter using a union nut (American threaded connection) - this allows you to leave the body in a stationary position when connected, without rotating it around its axis. In such a device, a rubber gasket under the union nut ensures the tightness of the connection, but there are other types of devices with a fixed fitting that has an external or internal thread without gaskets. In this case, flax fiber or a special thread for waterproofing fittings of sanitary fittings is used for sealing; the option of installing a sealant from the popular FUM tape is not very effective - it is often cut through with sharp threads.

Connecting the device to an AC voltage of 220 volts does not cause any particular difficulties - two ends of one of the electric pump power wires are connected to terminals M1 and M2 and fixed with screws, if there is a ground wire in the power supply, it is connected to the block located in the lower part of the case, with a pressure plate and a screw.

Arduino bmp280, bmp180, bme280 pressure sensors

Rice. 8 Relay in the automation of a submersible pump - connection diagram through a five-way fitting

MEMS sensors

There are three types of pressure transducers that measure absolute, differential, and gauge pressure.

Absolute pressure, such as barometric pressure, is measured with an absolute pressure sensor. Pressure is measured relative to vacuum.

Differential pressure, such as differential pressure in differential flow meters, is measured with a differential pressure transmitter (fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Diagram of a differential pressure sensor.

Gauge pressure is measured relative to some reference value. An example is the measurement of blood pressure, which is carried out relative to atmospheric pressure. Gauge pressure is essentially a variation of differential pressure. Measure the pressure, excess relative to atmospheric, with a manometer.

In pressure sensors, capacitive-type secondary transducers are also used. In such devices, the entire surface of the membrane acts as a capacitor plate. A fixed metal base is used as one plate of the capacitor, the other plate is a flexible round-shaped membrane fixed around the circumference. The membrane flexes under pressure. When the membrane is deformed, the average distance between the capacitor plates decreases, which leads to an increase in capacitance.

The use of MEMS technology makes it possible to obtain micromechanical and optical units of smaller sizes than is possible with traditional technologies. The advantage of MEMS is the electronic part, and electrical connections with sensors and mechanisms, made using integrated technology and having small dimensions. The high repeatability of sensitive elements, and their integrated fabrication together with the processing circuit, can significantly improve the accuracy of measurements. Thanks to the integrated technology, the reliability of MEMS is higher than the reliability of a similar system that is assembled from discrete components. Also, optical systems have greater reliability and durability, since they are located in a sealed case and are protected from environmental influences. The use of MEMS reduces the cost of both mechanical and electronic parts of the device, since the processing electronics and MEMS are integrated on a single substrate, which avoids additional connections and, in some cases, the use of matching circuits.

Scope of water level sensors

Arduino bmp280, bmp180, bme280 pressure sensorsRice. 1 The principle of operation of the float level sensor (PDU)

  • A large storage tank for water may also be required for water supply at home, if the flow rate of the water intake tank is very small or the performance of the pump itself cannot provide water consumption corresponding to the required level. In this case, liquid level control devices for automatic operation of the water supply system are also needed.
  • The liquid level control system can also be used when working with devices that do not have protection against dry running of the borehole pump, a water pressure sensor or a float switch when pumping groundwater from basements and rooms with a level below the ground.

Device and design features

The pressure sensor is installed as a separate device in most automatic control systems, it is also part of the control units for pumping equipment of the 2nd and 3rd generations, in which all automation is located in one housing.

A simple inexpensive mechanical device contains the following elements:

  1. Housing with standard 1/4" or 8 mm diameter fitting located at the base. for connection to the water supply, and a removable cover that protects its mechanical parts, electrical terminals and tuning screws from damage and moisture penetration.
  2. Diaphragm with internal plates and spring contacts that switch the electrical circuit.
  3. Adjusting large and small screws with springs that determine the upper limit of the pressure that opens the contacts, and the difference (delta) between the switching on and off thresholds of the device.
  4. Terminal blocks for connection of pump contacts (designated M1, M2), electrical (L1 and L2) and ground wires with screw clamps.

Arduino bmp280, bmp180, bme280 pressure sensors

Rice. 5 Relay diagram on the example of model RD 2

Possible sensor malfunctions and their symptoms

The main sign of a sensor malfunction is the lack of information about the level of pressure in the wheel on the monitor. The reasons may be the used battery limit, a weak information signal, mechanical failure during installation. As a rule, it is required to replace the defective sensor with a new one. If the information signal from the sensor antenna is weak, it is recommended to determine the most effective location by turning. Replacing batteries is often a technically difficult operation, requires tire fitting with an internal location of the sensor and may not give the expected result.


