Project of gasification of a private house
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Why is it necessary to start gasification of housing with a project?
Composition and work on the project
The project of gasification of a private house is one of the first stages of gasification of housing, but before that it is necessary to obtain technical specifications (TU) for gas supply. Such a document will consist of an explanatory note and drawings, which must contain:
- arrangement of gas equipment;
- tracing gas pipelines along the street and in the house;
- location of smoke and ventilation ducts;
- some details, clarifications, etc.
The project for a private house requires the right approach
Work on the housing gasification project will require one to three weeks. To save time, you can start its implementation in parallel with the preparation of specifications.
To do this, you need to express your wishes to the design engineer, how to arrange the boiler, gas stove and gas pipelines, on the basis of which he will prepare preliminary planning decisions and coordinate them with the owner of the house. An example of a typical project for the gasification of a private house can be viewed in the design organization and companies involved in similar work.
Upon receipt of the technical specifications, they, together with the design and estimate documentation, are submitted for approval to the gas distribution organization, which may take 3-6 weeks. Thus, the total time to obtain specifications, execute and approve the project can be two to three months.
Without TU there is no design and estimate documentation
The technical specifications indicate (contain):
- location of the house;
- owner data (certificate of land and house or building permit);
- characteristics of the connection gas pipeline;
- the need for gas for the home;
- document for checking the chimney and ventilation ducts;
- information on the equipment to be installed (boiler, meter, etc.).
If the area of the house is more than 300 sq. m, then in order to obtain technical specifications for it, it is necessary to supplement these documents with a heat engineering calculation performed by a design institution to determine the annual gas demand. Specifications are usually prepared within 2-5 weeks. Of course, the cost of gasification of a private house (dacha) of a large area will be correspondingly higher.
Why do we need a gasification project for a private house
Only a specialized institution that has a certificate confirming its membership in the SRO and a permit for this type of work can work on a gasification project.
In practical terms, the gas supply design estimate is needed for:
- correct choice of gas equipment;
- ensuring safe conditions in the room where gas equipment will be installed;
- its approval in the relevant authorities for legalization;
- accurate calculation of the cost of gasification of the house, etc.
But it must be remembered that the technical conditions and the gas supply project have a statute of limitations, which may vary depending on the region. If during this time the gas pipeline is not connected and not connected to the network, then it is necessary to re-obtain technical specifications and make a new design estimate.
How much does a gasification project for a private house cost?
The cost of a gas supply project for a private house largely depends on the place of connection to the supply gas pipeline. If this point is brought to the facade of the housing, then this situation is standard and the price for the project, depending on the region, will also be normalized. For St. Petersburg, for example, this is 20-38 thousand rubles, and for Saratov it is cheaper - 8-16 thousand rubles. depending on the required technical solutions.
If there is no gas pipeline connection point near the house, this does not mean that the gas pipeline has not been connected to the site at all. Its presence is usually confirmed by the gas cabinet control point (yellow or blue cabinet).
It may happen that the gas pipeline does not go to the site at all, but is laid somewhere along the street. In both of these cases, the process of autonomous gasification is also quite feasible, but the matter will become somewhat more complicated, since more time, funds and approvals will be required.
People may have a question: why does the cost of a gasification project for a private house amount to a certain amount? The fact is that this activity obliges the institution to acquire special documents, but certain funds are required to obtain them, and even money must be deducted monthly to the account of special funds.
Also, the cost of this work pays for the work of designers, purchases equipment, materials, rents premises, covers transportation costs and forms the profit of the organization.
When not everyone is at home, or why there is no gas in new buildings
About a dozen new buildings commissioned in Omsk are still standing without gas. Why is this happening and can apartment owners do something in such cases? Vecherka decided to look into these issues.
Reason one. To whom is the network?
The networks have been built, but not registered as property. Consequently, if there is no owner, then there is simply no one to conclude a contract for the maintenance of the gas pipeline.
In such cases, the owners of apartments in the building must submit claims for the lack of gas to the developer company. Having built and commissioned a residential building, they either do not transfer engineering networks to anyone at all and they become ownerless, or transfer them to the HOA or the management company. They, in turn, sometimes cannot provide proper maintenance and operation.
Such a situation has developed, for example, in houses along Perelet Street - 14, bldg. one; d. 20; d. 22; 22, bldg. one.
A comment
Galina Morozova, senior at house number 20 on the street. Flight:
- The developer of our house - Valery Kokorin's company - did not draw up the network. We appealed to all possible authorities, even wrote to the blog of the President of the Russian Federation. Now the question is as follows: the networks do not have an owner, so there is simply no one to conclude an agreement with them. The management company "Mikroraion 6" has worked with us for a year, but has not yet concluded an agreement. As the director of the Criminal Code, Nikolai Mironenko, told me, he is not going to take nets, because he "does not need this appendicitis."
The latest answer came to us from the Department of City Administration of the Administration. There, our house and house No. 22 are offered to determine the owner of the networks, after which the gas can be connected. The neighboring house - 22, building 1 - was created by the HOA, and it will be connected in the near future.
The second reason. Comrades, whose apartment?
Ownership of an apartment in a new building is not registered. In other words, it just hasn't been bought yet. And an apartment in a new building can be sold for more than one year. As a result, there is simply no one to conclude a gas supply agreement with. Such situations arose in new buildings: in the village on the street. Zavertyaeva, on the street. Krasnoznamennaya, d. 26/4, on the street. Tyulenina, 14, in the village. Zagorodny, 14 and others.
A comment
Leonid Afanasyev, chief engineer of Omskoblgaz:
- In fact, the developer and the supplier must agree among themselves. Here is an example. The house has been rented out. But when you start walking around the apartments, it turns out that 20-30 percent live there. And the supplier needs contracts with 100% owners. If there is not at least one representative of the apartment, the start-up of gas is prohibited. The situation is deadlocked.
We launched the last houses with the participation of the management company, which provided access to the apartments. Where there was no one, we simply cut off the gas supply wire and put a plug. And who was - that was launched.
Reason three. Not all houses
Example. A citizen of Kazakhstan came to Omsk, bought an apartment and went back. It is impossible to enter the apartment. Therefore, it is impossible to bring gas into it, seal the meters, put plugs.
Such a careless owner leaves his neighbors without gas.So the special services have to check all the apartments in the new house and only then turn on the gas. And the neighbors can only wait until the missing owner appears and his apartment is checked.
A comment
Antonina Komleva, Head of PIK-Comfort Management Company:
- In Kristall, we have several houses without gas, and each has its own reason. In the house on Komarova Ave., No. 15, for example, all risers are connected, except for one. There, the tenant did not provide access to the apartment. But he will arrive in May, the date is known. As soon as he arrives, the gas will be connected immediately.
Today, the city authorities have no legal leverage to resolve such situations. In other words, they do not have the right to interfere in the developer's business, to control its work. And the authorities have no grounds for this either. This means that the buyers of apartments in the new house can either rely on the honesty of the builders, or purchase apartments in houses equipped with electric stoves.
On a note!
- collect a dossier on the developer: his work experience in the market, facilities, reputation. It is better to trust only trusted companies.
- find out directly from the developer whether gas will be supplied to the house, and if so, in what time frame.
- find out if the engineering networks to your future home have been put into operation and to whom they are transferred (or are planned to be transferred) for maintenance.
- if the house is rented out, talk to its residents. Ask about the quality of construction, the conscientiousness of the developer, how the communications function.
The first steps towards gasification of your country house
The process of gasification of a country house is not as technically complicated as it is tedious and time-consuming at the stage of registration of the necessary documentation.
It will be necessary to obtain technical specifications that will indicate all the technical parameters for connecting gas to a particular house. To do this, you will have to contact your local fuel supplier organization. To obtain a registration certificate, you need to provide a fairly large package of documents:
• documents for the right to own an existing house,
• certificate of state registration for a house under construction,
• situational plan for the location of the object on the territory of the settlement.
In addition, it is necessary to indicate in the application the purpose of using the fuel and the name of the equipment that will work on gas, the required amount of fuel, the period of gas supply.
After that, the specialists of the gas supply organization will study the documents provided, check the information and make a conclusion on the possibility of connecting the house to the gas pipeline. It takes quite a lot of time.
First of all, you should carefully study the information about organizations or design institutes that provide services for designing gas supply to a country house. The design organization must have a license that confirms their right to carry out work on the preparation of drawings and connection documentation. The ideal option would be to conclude an agreement with an organization that, in addition to creating a project, has the right to perform all installation work to connect the gas system. This can reduce costs by about 25-30%.
Employees of the organization must provide technical conditions and documents for the equipment that you are going to install in the house. In some cases, additional information may be needed. You may be asked to provide a topographic survey if there is an underground gas pipeline, or executive documentation of the gas pipeline to which it is supposed to be connected.
Preparing a home for gasification is not an easy task.
Certain requirements are imposed on the premises in which gas-consuming equipment is supposed to be installed:
• the presence of a window for access to natural light and the possibility of ventilation,
• ceiling height not less than 220cm,
• the volume of the room is not less than:
- 8 sq m for a stove with 2 burners (14 sq m if there is a gas boiler in the room),
- 12 sq m for 3 burners (18 sq m),
- 15 sq m for 4 burners (21 sq m).
• organization of supply and exhaust ventilation when installing a flowing gas heater,
It is necessary to have on hand an act of a specialist in the maintenance and cleaning of chimneys on the compliance of the ventilation system with certain requirements for the safe use of gas equipment.
If it is planned to install a powerful gas boiler (more than 30 kW), then it is necessary to equip the boiler room in a separate non-residential building. It also has certain requirements depending on the power of the equipment.
What is the gas supply design organization required to do?
In the process of creating a gas supply project for a residential building, the design organization must perform the following actions:
• departure of a specialist to the facility to study the conditions for connecting gas supply
• creation of working drawings, which display internal and external gas pipelines, boiler room
• coordination of the project in the technical department of the gas supply organization, various authorities of control and supervision
• Obtaining a conclusion of the state expertise on the compliance of the project with the accepted rules and regulations.
The design of the gas supply of the house is completed. What's next?
After the completion of the installation of the system and equipment, as-built technical documentation should be drawn up. The selection committee, consisting of a representative of the gas supply organization, the contractor and the customer, must accept the finished work. By decision of the commission, the equipment is sealed later and a gas supply agreement is concluded.
Connection to the highway is made by state gas structures. After completing all the prescribed procedures, you can begin to operate the gas supply system at home.
The main decoration of the suburban area - green spaces. Get the garden looking.
By creating an original home lighting design, you can significantly improve its aesthetic appearance from the outside.
It is impossible to imagine a modern residential building that does not have electricity. But connect.
Installation of residential wiring
Residential wiring consists of two parts:
VDGO breeding scheme
- Distribution gas pipeline.
- Descent to consumption devices.
Distribution gas pipelines are located with a slight slope (0.001) if wet gas is transported. Descents to the devices are made vertical. At the ends of the descents, cranes and spurs are installed to connect gas-using equipment.
Steel pipes are used for installation. All pipe connections are made by welding, threaded connections are allowed only at the points of connection of consumption devices or valves.
An important and responsible node of the system are control devices that lower the gas pressure to the standard value in gasified buildings. They come in a cabinet version (SHRP), or in the form of GRU - gas distribution devices, which are open fenced installations.
Housing and communal services in Russia
Hello, Natalya Alexandrovna!
1. Installing an electric stove is a reorganization of a living space.
The Housing Code of the Russian Federation N 188-FZ of December 29, 2004 (as amended on December 6, 2011) has a separate chapter 4. "Reconstruction and redevelopment of residential premises" with articles 25-29, where you can find answers to your questions.
The administration of your city should have a department (employee) dealing with these issues in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7) of part 1 of article 14 of the Housing Code, where you can contact with the issue of rebuilding the equipment of the apartment.
2. With regard to 70% of the settlement at home - I do not know such a figure, and I did not find it on the Internet.You can demand in writing from the gas workers that they inform you (in writing) on the basis of which paragraph of which document they act in this way. Maybe they are right.
3. I am aware of the document OST 153-39.3-051-2003 "TECHNICAL OPERATION OF GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS", and in it the points:
…..10. Gas pipelines and gas-using equipment of residential and public buildings (premises)
10.1. Commissioning
…..10.1.2. Gas is released by the personnel of the operating organization upon request and with the participation of the owners (tenants, tenants) of buildings (public premises) or their authorized representatives (into residential buildings - subject to readiness for occupancy).
10.1.5. It is recommended to launch gas into new ... residential buildings before the residents move in. When gas is released into occupied residential buildings, residents must be warned no later than three days before the start of work about the need to be present in the apartments.
10.1.6. The launch of gas into multi-apartment residential buildings in the absence of access to at least one of the apartments is not allowed.
10.1.8. It is recommended to carry out work on starting gas in the following sequence:
- .... Shut-off devices in front of gas-using equipment that are not connected to gas pipelines must be closed and sealed with the drawing up of an act ... "
I remember that before starting the gas in those apartments where there are no residents, the gas equipment should be turned off and at the gas pipe inlet should be. plug installed. Maybe this rule stuck in my brain from old documents, and now clause 10.1.8 is in effect (see above)?
4. What else is “sitting in my brain” - if gas is not included in the apartments of a new house, then you can pay for electricity with a 50% discount, like for an electric stove! Ask the power company about it (again, in writing or by e-mail). If I come across something on the Internet about this later, I will let you know.
How are internal gas pipelines laid?
Technological block diagram of the gas pipeline
The laying of internal gas pipelines is carried out from an external reduction gear located near the point of entry of the pipeline into the building. The most common option is one entry per section. But in some cases, a separate input is performed for each riser. The entry point also has a shut-off device with special isolating sleeves that allow shutting off the gas for testing or when leaks are detected.
Before the start of direct installation work and the introduction of the pipeline into the building, a check is made of the readiness of all elements of the building structure for the acceptance of the system. All holes in the walls or ceilings must be made, the condition of the walls in the apartments, on which pipelines will be installed, passing to the gas-using equipment, must be checked. The availability and compliance with all standards of materials and equipment is also checked.
Necessary equipment for connecting the gas system to the stove
Design of gas supply systems in Sevastopol
Individual order of any complexity. Order right now!
The room of any type is equipped with a heating system. In domestic construction, priority positions are occupied by gas devices. The planning of the gas pipeline system of the house is carried out by specially trained engineers of the Latis company in Sevastopol. Responsible workers strictly follow the instructions to ensure the operability of the entire gas supply system.
The explosive properties of the gas categorically do not allow missteps on the part of the performer. Otherwise, excessive gas consumption and complex damage to the entire structure are possible.
Gas supply design in Sevastopol
Designers of the company "Latis" carry out works that include planning the connection of a complex gas pipeline system.The professionalism of employees allows us to work with high results and comply with the following points.
- Availability of all necessary documentation. The client is granted a license and official permission to perform such work.
- Guarantee in observance of terms of the performed works.
- The engineering and working staff has the appropriate level of qualification, admission to work with gas.
- The client can order not only the design, but the complete installation of the gas pipeline system.
Certificates and licenses
Design stages
Engineers perform a personal inspection of the development area. All important measurements are taken and recorded. A general assessment of the scope of work is being carried out. A prerequisite is a topographic survey. The design of the gas supply of the house also provides for geological surveys.
The created documentary base assumes the following works:
- Based on the results obtained, engineers form the terms of reference for the project.
- Official conclusion of contractual obligations between the company "Latis" and the client. Mandatory clauses of the contract are:
- price for services;
- scheduled dates;
- scope of work.
- The gas supply system is being designed directly.
- The work performed is coordinated with the customer and documentation is prepared for the necessary authorities.
Thanksgiving letters
Range of services
Performing work in the design direction, the charter of the company provides for the following range of services:
- Purchase of equipment for the installation and connection of the gas pipeline. Managers of the organization work with trusted manufacturers that guarantee the quality of gas equipment.
- Professional workers install units in full accordance with the project.
- Engineers fill out all documents reflecting the executive and technical aspects of the project.
- The equipment is being started up and adjusted.
- The final stage is the connection of the entire finished system to the central gas pipeline.