foundation drainage

Basic principles of the drainage system

Precipitation, spring gathering of snow often leads to excessive wetting of the top layer of soil in a personal plot. Under normal conditions, evaporating from the surface of the earth and seeping into the lower layers of the soil, moisture disappears, taking part in the endless cycle of the water cycle in nature.

However, with a certain structure of the soil, it is possible to thaw natural waters and, as a result, swamp the area, up to the formation of small lakes and ponds. Most often, such a picture can be observed in areas with clay soil or a large amount of loam.

The water-impervious layer is located at a depth of fifty centimeters to several meters, retaining huge masses of water and making it impossible to carry out any construction work without first draining the site.

Drainage system is a complex of engineering and technical building structures, the main purpose of which is to protect buildings and structures from foundation drainage the harmful effects of moisture erected in areas and areas prone to waterlogging.

Groundwater and melt water, once on the clay layer, no longer stagnate, but are collected and discharged from the site by a complex and carefully calculated system of traps, conduits, storage and pumping wells.

The most reliable and effective system for protecting a house built on a site with clay soil is wall drainage. A simple project and relatively low financial costs required for the device of this type of protection contribute to its popularity and wide application.

Structurally, it consists of drainage pipes laid around the perimeter of the entire building - drains that are used to drain water. They are located at a depth of thirty to fifty centimeters below the level of the foundation cushion. At the corners of the building, at the junction of pipes, manholes are installed. The system of pipes and wells is closed to the last, located in the lowest place of the site, pumping out the well. From it, water enters the storm sewer or natural reservoir.

In the case when the output point is above the level of the pumping well, it is necessary to install additional pumping equipment responsible for pumping water. In all other cases, water leaves the well by gravity.

Do-it-yourself drainage system device

If, contrary to the requirements of SNIP, the drainage system was not included in the project of the house, and no one noticed this serious miscalculation during the construction of the building, there is an opportunity to correct the situation. On the Internet, you can easily find a project for wall drainage of the foundation. Photo and video materials will help to see the phased drainage device performed by experienced builders. And people for whom the design of such systems is a job, not a hobby, will be happy to talk about all the possible complexities and nuances.

The device of wall drainage begins with the preparation of a place for laying drainage pipes - drains

At this stage, it is very important to observe the bias necessary for the effective functioning of the system. Using a laser level, it is necessary to measure the area and mark the places of elevation difference with poles

Using the landmarks as a guide, you should arrange a bed with a calculated slope, adding sand if necessary. The result should be a sand bed for laying drains, located at the right angle to the collector or pumping well.

If drain pipes with commercially installed geotextile or coconut fiber filters are used, installation can be carried out directly on the sand bed.

When using drains without filters, a geotextile sheet is laid on the sandy bed. It will act as a filter. A layer of fine gravel is laid on the canvas, the main purpose of which is to increase the filtering surface of the drainage. Next, a drainage pipe is laid, and the orientation of the perforated holes is very important.

They should be located on the right and left side of the pipe. The non-perforated part should face the sand bed. A layer of gravel three to five centimeters thick is also poured on top of the laid drain.

The protruding edges of the panel are overlapped and fixed with plastic straps, nylon cord or thread made of any synthetic material. The fact is that plastic and synthetics do not lend themselves to the destructive influence of moisture, unlike materials of organic origin.

The resulting roll is covered with sand, which is one of the best soil options for backfilling. In addition, the filtering properties of the sand cushion significantly increase the efficiency of the drainage system as a whole.

One of the important conditions for a long and trouble-free operation of the drainage system is the good perforation of the perforated holes in the drainage pipes.

To comply with this condition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the tightness of the pipe wrapping with a geotextile sheet and the reliability of fixation.

At the junctions of the drainage pipes, at the corners of the building, viewing rooms are arranged, they are also prefabricated, wells. Their main purpose is a visual inspection, and, if necessary, cleaning the drainage system.

You can arrange a manhole yourself by making a concrete casting, use large-diameter plastic pipes, or use prefabricated plastic wells. The simplest and cheapest option is plastic pipes. The most functional are factory-made manholes and wells.

If the water outlet point is located above the level of the pumping well, it becomes necessary to use additional pumping equipment.

When installing wall drainage of the foundation, it is important not to forget to lay a layer of insulating material and make a concrete blind area at least fifty centimeters wide from the wall of the house. Wall drainage ready

Step-by-step photos will help you understand each stage of the work carried out and make it much easier to understand the process as a whole.

Wall drainage is ready. Step-by-step photos will help to understand each stage of the work carried out and will greatly simplify the understanding of the process as a whole.

Foundation wall drainage

Wall drainage of the foundation is designed to divert water from the foundation of the house, which will protect the foundation from destruction. The device of the drainage system is carried out around the house along the perimeter. There are two ways to drain groundwater from a house:

  1. Open,
  2. Closed.

An open method allows you to collect and divert rainwater. But it is not very suitable for the removal of groundwater. Especially if trays or sawn halves of large pipes are laid at the bottom of such a ditch encircling the house. Foundation drainage requires deep ditches, below the level to which the foundation is buried. And leaving such ditches open is not entirely safe.

Therefore, the drainage for the foundation is performed closed.

Foundation drainage scheme: simple and clear

The foundation drainage scheme should take into account:

  • The distance of the pipe from the foundation. It should be no more than the thickness of the foundation.
  • The depth of the pipe. Hence, the depth of the trench. The drainage system should be located below the level of the foundation. In addition, the depth of the pipes should take into account the depth of soil freezing. Pipes are laid below this mark by 50 cm.
  • Presence (absence) of a drain pipeline;
  • Location of manholes.

And since the process of digging a ditch for drainage is laborious, it is advisable to perform the foundation drainage at the same time as the foundation itself, or immediately after it. The drainage pipe is laid with a slight slope (2-5 cm of slope per meter of pipe is enough) so that the water accumulated in it flows out in a given direction. The wall drainage system of the foundation should be located below the foundation itself, regardless of whether the type is chosen: tape, slab or pile.
Geotextile is laid in the trench. This porous material acts as a filter. It is needed so that sand and fine fractions contained in the soil do not get into the pipe. Gravel 15-20 mm in size is poured on top of textiles. Smaller ones will block the holes in the pipe. A pipe is laid on the gravel. And from above it is covered with rubble, which is covered with the edges of geotextiles.

The degree of its perforation depends on the humidity. The construction market offers pipes

  • with full perforation, when the holes are located along the entire perimeter of the pipe at an angle of 60 degrees and in a checkerboard pattern, along the length of the holes are located at a distance of 10-20 cm.
  • With partial perforation, which provides for the presence of 3 holes only on the upper half of the pipe, also at an angle of 60o and at a distance of 10-20 cm.

Important note. In no case should the drainage pipe serve as a storm sewer; rain drains from the roof of the house should not be connected to it

The reason lies in the perforation of the drainage pipe.

Geotextile. This porous material acts as a filter for drainage.

In the process of overflowing the drainage system, drain water enters the soil from the pipe, which leads to an increased moisture content in it.

But drainage deaf pipes can be laid next to the perforated, or above them, the second tier. This will prevent you from digging extra ditches.

At the corners of the house, manholes should be provided, which include pipes. Now plastic drainage manholes are purchased on the construction market along with pipes and geofabric.

basement water drainage

The need to drain water from the basement arises when a water layer passes near the house and water accumulates in the basement. It accumulates in the atmosphere, settles on the walls, creating a favorable environment for the reproduction of the fungus. Drainage in the basement can be arranged in two ways. The first method is natural, the second is forced, using a pump.

Basement drainage system with submersible pump

Method one: well

This method is good if there is a water layer at a depth under the house. Choose a place in the basement where water usually accumulates. This indicates that the level of the floor is underestimated here. Dig a square storage 35-50 cm deep and 55-60 cm long on each side. So that the edges of the drive do not collapse, overlay with a brick. In the center of the recess, start drilling a hole with a diameter of 6 mm. The depth of the well should correspond to the depth of the water reservoir. Then a pipe with a diameter of 32-40 mm is inserted into the well. But before inserting the pipe into the well, drill six-millimeter holes at the end of the pipe and at the level of the accumulator. Water will flow into the storage tank and, falling into the holes of the pipe, sink into the ground, where it will be received by groundwater. The device of such a drainage drain will allow you to get rid of water in the basement for a long time.

Method two: well

To dig a well, choose the lowest place in the basement. Dig a round well in this place, in such a way that a metal barrel is level with the floor. Paint the barrel inside and out so that it lasts as long as possible. Install a float pump at the bottom of the barrel. The float, when water accumulates in the barrel, will turn on the pump, and the water will be pumped out. Where you direct the water from the barrel is up to you.It can be watered plants on the site, or taken out of it.

The drainage options described above are performed when the house is already built, inhabited, and it became necessary to solve the problem of water drainage.

But this problem can be foreseen in advance.

You can also use a metal barrel, but you need to cut off the bottom of it, also perforate the sides, and paint it to protect it from corrosion.

Water from under the house will be concentrated in this storage well. Drainage for a slab foundation will protect the foundation slab from systematic heating and destruction. The well is covered with a hatch or a grate.


There are two options for removing water from a well:

  1. the well is connected by a pipe to the wall drainage system,
  2. The water is pumped out by a float pump.

Properly executed water drainage from the foundation of the house will significantly increase the life of the house and improve the microclimate in it. Therefore, it is impossible to neglect such an important constructive element of construction and improvement.

Calculation of the wall drainage system of the building

The design of a drainage system requires compliance with certain conditions, on which its efficiency and performance directly depend. Drains should be positioned with a slight slope, two centimeters per meter of length, towards the pumping well or collection manifold. Manholes are located no more than forty meters apart on straight sections, and twenty meters from the turn of the pipes that go around the corner of the house. Depth foundation drainage elements responsible for drainage should be greater than the depth of soil freezing in a given climatic zone. The drainage system of the foundation slab should be three or more meters away from the house.

As an example, we can solve a simple problem. The house is twenty meters long and ten meters wide. The distance from the house to the pumping well is fifteen meters. At what, the minimum possible slope, the system will be operable?

The length of the drainage pipes of the system will be equal to forty-five meters (ten plus twenty and plus fifteen meters from the corner of the house to the pumping well). The minimum possible slope will be ninety centimeters (two centimeters per meter of the length of the drainage pipes). A typical wall drainage design usually contains a similar calculation.

But the device for wall drainage of the foundation is not limited to calculating the required slope. The design of such a system also takes into account the diameter of pipes - drains, filter materials, the nature and quality of the soil, and the overall throughput of the system.

When is the drainage system built around the house

The need for drainage of groundwater and rainwater arises if

  • The depth of the foundation pit of a house under construction is below the aquifers in the ground. Water begins to flood the pit almost immediately, as soon as it is dug.
  • The floor in the basement does not exceed half a meter above the expected level of the aquifer.

the soil is clayey and poorly passes water into the soil. Water spills over the site, rises to the wall of the house, which makes the walls damp.

External waterproofing of a building is not always able to protect the house from incoming moisture. Little while builders use penetron. This is a modern material for waterproofing foundations and concrete walls. Someone else does not know about its existence, but for someone this material seems expensive, and preference is given to cheap roofing material or bitumen.

To reduce the ingress of water to the walls of the house or outbuildings, around the building (structure), along with the drainage system, blind areas are arranged with an inclination angle of 2-2.5 percent towards the wall drainage with a width of 50-70 cm. The blind area is an asphalt (concrete) path encircling the structure.

Waterproofing the foundation with liquid rubber increases the service life

The drainage system consists of

  • pipelines, channels,
  • wells.

Wells are classified as

  • lookouts,
  • swivel,
  • Cumulative,
  • Bypass.

Work sequence

The wall drainage system is mounted in several stages. This will require:

foundation drainage

Geotextiles are designed to improve the quality of construction, its durability and resistance to the natural factor.

  • sand;
  • geotextile;
  • washed gravel;
  • perforated PVC pipes;
  • kapron rope;
  • laser level.

So, first a sandy bed is arranged, the height difference is carefully measured using a laser level. The pegs are placed. If necessary, to create a uniform slope for water flow into the receiving groove without using a pump, coarse sand is poured according to the marks on the poles.

A geotextile sheet is laid on top of the sand, washed gravel is poured on it, in which recesses are made for laying drainage pipes

It is important to maintain the same slope along the entire length of the ditch

Further, perforated PVC pipes are laid on the gravel. The size of their holes should not exceed the minimum particle size of the gravel to prevent clogging.

foundation drainage

The drainage system is provided with a vertical pipe with a built-in tight-fitting lid, which ensures flushing of the system.

At the next stage, the pipes are connected to each other, using a stretched cord, the overall slope of the entire system is checked (it should be 2 cm per one m of the length of all pipes).

On each “pivot” of the drainage system, a vertical pipe is provided with a built-in tightly closed cover. Due to the presence of such pipes, drainage is provided by the possibility of flushing the system.

The laid pipes are wrapped with geotextiles. To prevent gravel from entering the drain holes, gaps between the turns are not allowed. Pipes wrapped with geotextile are fixed with a nylon rope.

Then the pipes with geotextiles are covered with a layer of clean gravel for 15-20 cm.

From above, the drainage is covered with coarse river sand, which acts as an additional filter.

Particular attention is paid to tightly fixing the textile material at the ends of the drainage branches.

In the course, work is underway to insulate the sewer pipe extending from the house. For this purpose, the pipe is covered with a layer of foam 25 cm thick.

Thus, wall drainage is ready. A properly made device with periodic maintenance can be used for more than a dozen years. Therefore, having become familiar with the technology of laying the system and having the desire and opportunity, you can begin construction work. Good luck and make the right decisions!

Do-it-yourself foundation drainage

Closely located groundwater or a large accumulation of moisture in the soil have a negative impact on any buildings, especially on the foundation. Therefore, to eliminate excessive moisture, it is necessary to carry out measures related to the installation of a drainage system. It is not so difficult to make foundation drainage if you know the features of its installation and the technology of work.

The need for drainage for the foundation and its function

Even the deep occurrence of groundwater in some cases requires the arrangement of drainage, in each case a large number of factors are considered. In some situations, drainage around the foundation is necessary anyway. Here are some of them:

With a great depth of the basement, when it is below the groundwater level, or less than half a meter from the basement floor to them,
If the basement is equipped in loamy or clay soil, the level of groundwater passage in this case is not taken into account,
With a depth of underground premises of more than 1-1.5 meters in conditions of loamy or clayey soil,
If the place where the building is located is a zone of capillary moisture.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that drainage is necessary when groundwater is located in critical proximity to the building, or passes high enough, giving the impression of a swampy area with no vegetation. There is no need to equip such a system when the soil is dry, and even during the rainy season the groundwater level does not rise to critical levels.

The main functions of the drainage system include:

If the right choice of the type of drainage is made, and the design is made in compliance with the project, then the pipes and wells included in the drainage system will significantly reduce the likelihood of cracks and cracks in the foundation, improving its strength characteristics.

Types of drainage

Depending on the installation depth of the drainage system, wall drainage of the foundation is distinguished:

Each of these types of drainage can be either an annular type or a reservoir type.

The ring-type scheme is a closed loop encircling the building along the perimeter. With a deep laying system, such a structure can also be laid in a radial way over the entire plane of the structure.

It is most expedient to build reservoir drainage in the case of the Foundation of the building of the "Swedish plate" type. It is laid at a level lower than the plane of the foundation. The peculiarity of the technology of its laying is that drainage pipes are laid on a sand and gravel cushion, on top of which they are covered with a foundation slab.

Work technology

Do-it-yourself foundation drainage is quite simple, for this you need to follow certain rules for its construction, depending on the type of foundation of the building.

Columnar (pile) foundation

The drainage of the pile foundation is done in this way:

  • A 20 cm layer of sand, crushed stone is laid in a ditch dug along the perimeter of the building, and a drainage pipe is placed on top,
  • A layer of crushed stone of 30 cm is again poured from above, and geotextiles are laid,
  • Everything is covered with earth.

Rules for the organization of the drainage system

After completing all the work, it is necessary to make wells into which excess water will flow. There are some rules for installing them:

Installation of the drainage system is done at a distance of 1.5 - 3 meters from the foundation. The slope should be towards the main receiving well, its beginning should be from the far corner well.

To make your foundation protected from moisture and precipitation, groundwater, you should use the most suitable drainage system, choosing its type depending on the base and soil characteristics.

High-quality drainage, made according to the rules, can reliably protect the house from flooding, prevent the formation of excess moisture, mold and fungus on the walls of the basement or basement, and also extend the life of the entire house.

When is Foundation Drainage Performed?

Wall drainage of the foundation must be provided immediately if, from the experience of neighbors, you know that the problem of water accumulation in the basement exists. If you are not sure that it is needed, you can limit yourself to the blind area. And solve the problem as it arises.

After living on the site for some time, you will have time to explore it. You will learn,

  • where the aquifers lie
  • how deep (if it is really needed) to dig a drainage ditch,
  • which pipes are better to buy for the drainage system.

Wall drainage of the foundation must be provided immediately at the stage of wall construction

True, when performing drainage of the foundation, and to be more precise, wall drainage around the foundation, then, after some time after the completion of construction, it will be necessary to break the concrete or asphalt coating around the house, disrupt the landscape design, transplant established shrubs and trees.


