Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

The main elements of heating circuits

Private houses are heated by heating systems. They use a convenient and universal method of heat delivery using a coolant. You can heat the coolant in various ways. Often, owners use several water heaters.

Any heating scheme in a private house consists of the following components:

  1. heat generator (boiler);
  2. the current scheme of the heating system of a private house, including fittings and equipment;
  3. control and heating devices.

If you want to create heating for a private house with your own hands, the schemes are selected based on the possibilities. There are few options, there are only two of them:

  • one-pipe scheme - all batteries are connected to one pipe, through which there is a supply and "return";
  • two-pipe scheme - separate pipes for supply and return.

It is difficult to determine which heating scheme for a private house is optimal, especially for a non-specialist, so you should definitely consult a professional. Most heating circuit specialists are convinced that a two-pipe heating scheme for a private house is optimal. There is a misconception about the lower costs of a one-pipe system.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparisonThe opinion of many experts is the opposite - a single-pipe system is more expensive and more difficult to set up and adjust. The principle of its operation is the sequential movement of liquid through the radiators, which means that the temperature drops from battery to battery, so you need to increase the power of the system. The main pipe is selected with a larger diameter. In addition, the mutual influence of heating devices on each other is very strong. This influence makes automatic control difficult.

Modern heating systems

All modern heating systems for private houses and other residential buildings can be divided into 2 groups. The first includes traditional heating methods, which use a single heat source - a boiler that runs on one or more energy carriers. At the same time, thermal energy is distributed throughout the premises by means of a heat carrier - water or air. Here, innovative solutions are aimed at improving heating equipment by increasing its heat transfer, as well as introducing modern automation tools.

The second group should include all systems using new heating technologies with energy-saving equipment. They do not provide for the combustion of hydrocarbons; only electricity is involved in heating the house from energy carriers. These are various solar systems, solar collectors and the latest types of electric heating. Despite the attractiveness of these systems, most homeowners prefer to heat private houses in traditional ways, and why is described in our article.

Criteria for choosing a boiler for autonomous heating of a private house

When choosing the type of boiler for heating, there is no alternative only if gas is supplied to the house, it is the cheapest type of fuel and, in comparison with other sources (electricity is not considered), it has a number of operational advantages - it does not require storage space, they emit less products of combustion are released into the environment, it does not pollute the chimney system so intensively.

The main parameters that are paid attention to when choosing a boiler are:

  • Unit power: is directly related to the area of ​​​​heated premises and the temperature regime, which is usually chosen based on building codes and state standards.
  • Number of circuits: if hot water supply is not organized in the house, it is more practical to choose a two-circuit model that can heat water.
  • Location: usually the unit is installed below in the basement on the floor, there are also hanging options for small houses.
  • Material of production of the unit and heat exchanger: cast iron, stainless steel, copper.
  • Type of combustion chamber according to the method of supplying air to the furnace: open or closed.
  • The presence of automatic control and monitoring systems, the ability to program operating modes.
  • The ability of the boiler to work with alternative fuels: relevant for liquid fuel modifications.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Rice. 14 Construction of Rinnai gas boiler

When choosing a boiler, the following tips may be helpful:

  • If there is no hot water supply in the house, it is rational and cheaper to choose a double-circuit boiler model than to install a single-circuit unit and a geyser, an electric boiler separately.
  • When using electricity, the night tariff is much cheaper than the day one, in this case, you can save on the cost of electricity. To do this, the whole house is strongly heated at night, with the exception of the bedrooms, and during the day the boiler is turned off for a long time or operated in the minimum heating mode.
  • For the reliable operation of all boilers controlled by automation powered by the mains, you should purchase an electric generator with automatic switching on in the event of a power outage - this will allow the boiler equipment to continue its work in case of emergency situations on the power line.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Rice. 15 Kolton solid fuel boiler device

Requirements for modern home heating

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Air heating of a private house

The purpose of any heat supply is to maintain a comfortable level of temperature in the room. However, in addition to this, modern heating of a private house must meet a number of additional requirements.

First of all, it is the maximum safety for those living in the house. Those. no heating element or its operation should harm a person. In particular, this applies to relatively new polymeric materials of manufacture. Also, when choosing a system, the following factors should be considered:

Economic expediency

It is important that the amount of thermal energy received tends to a similar indicator consumed. Modern heating of a private house should have an efficiency close to 100%;

Minimum maintenance resources

Traditional heating schemes have several significant drawbacks - a large amount of soot (solid fuel boilers and stoves), the need for annual cleaning of pipes, constant monitoring of fuel volume and operating mode. Modern types of heating a private house almost completely eliminate the influence of these factors on work;

Maximum autonomy.

What should be done to fulfill these conditions as much as possible? To do this, it is recommended to study the offers on the market for heating devices and circuits, choosing the optimal assembly for a particular house.

In most cases, it is more cost effective to upgrade an existing system than to build a completely new one.

Connecting radiators

The choice of how to connect them depends on their total number, method of laying, length of pipelines, etc. The most common methods are:

• diagonal (cross) method: the straight pipe is connected to the side of the battery at the top, and the return pipe is connected to its opposite side below; this method allows the heat carrier to be distributed over all sections as evenly as possible with minimal heat loss; used with a significant number of sections;

• unilateral: also used with a large number of sections, a pipe with hot water (straight pipe) and a return pipe are connected on one side, which ensures sufficient uniform heating of the radiator;

• saddle: if the pipes go under the floor, it is most convenient to attach the pipes to the lower pipes of the battery; due to the minimum number of visible pipelines, it looks attractive outwardly, however, the radiators heat up unevenly;

• bottom: the method is similar to the previous one, the only difference is that the straight pipe and the return pipe are located almost at the same point.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison Ways to connect radiators

To protect against the penetration of cold and create a thermal curtain, the batteries are located under the windows. In this case, the distance to the floor should be 10 cm, from the wall - 3-5 cm.

Central heating of apartment buildings

Through the main pipelines, the coolant from the central boiler house is supplied to the heat unit of the apartment building and then distributed to the apartments. In this case, additional adjustment of the degree of hot water supply is carried out directly at the heat point, for which circular pumps are used. This method of supplying the coolant to the end consumer is called independent (for more details: “Centralized heating is both pros and cons“).

In addition, dependent heating systems are used in apartment buildings. In this case, the coolant is transported to apartment batteries without additional distribution directly from the CHP. At the same time, the water temperature is independent of whether it is supplied through a distribution point or directly to consumers.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Options for a two-pipe system

The main difference between a two-pipe heating scheme for a private house is the connection of each battery to the mains of both direct and reverse current, which doubles the consumption of pipes. But the owner of the house has the opportunity to regulate the level of heat transfer of each individual heater. As a result, it is possible to provide a different temperature microclimate in the rooms.

When installing a vertical two-pipe heating system, the lower, as well as the upper, heating wiring diagram from the boiler is applicable. Now in more detail about each of them.

Vertical system with bottom wiring

Set it up like this:

  • From the heating boiler, a supply main pipeline is launched along the floor of the lower floor of the house or through the basement.
  • Further from the main pipe, risers are launched upwards, which ensure that the coolant enters the batteries.
  • A return current pipe departs from each battery, which takes the cooled coolant back to the boiler.

When designing the lower wiring of an autonomous heating system, the need for constant removal of air from the pipeline is taken into account. This requirement is met by installing an air pipe, as well as installing an expansion tank, using Mayevsky taps on all radiators located on the top floor of the house.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Vertical system with top wiring

In this scheme, the coolant from the boiler is supplied to the attic through the main pipeline or under the very ceiling of the upper floor. Then the water (coolant) goes down through several risers, passes through all the batteries, and returns back to the heating boiler through the main pipeline.

An expansion tank is installed in this system to periodically remove air bubbles. This version of the heating device is much more effective than the previous method with lower piping, since higher pressure is created in the risers and in the radiators.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Horizontal heating system - three main types

The device of a horizontal two-pipe autonomous heating system with forced circulation is the most common option for heating a private house. In this case, one of three schemes is used:

  • Dead end circuit (A). The advantage is the low consumption of pipes. The disadvantage lies in the large length of the circulation circuit of the radiator farthest from the boiler. This greatly complicates the adjustment of the system.
  • Scheme with the associated advancement of water (B). Due to the equal length of all circulation circuits, it is easier to adjust the system. During implementation, a large number of pipes will be required, which increase the cost of work, and also spoil the interior of the house with their appearance.
  • Scheme with a collector (beam) distribution (B). Since each radiator is connected separately to the central manifold, it is very easy to ensure uniform distribution of all rooms. In practice, the installation of heating according to this scheme is the most expensive due to the high consumption of materials. Pipes are hidden in a concrete screed, which at times increases the attractiveness of the interior. The beam (collector) scheme for distributing heating on the floor is becoming increasingly popular among individual developers.

This is how it looks like:

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

When choosing a typical wiring diagram, it is necessary to take into account many factors, ranging from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house to the materials used in its construction. It is better to resolve such issues with specialists in order to eliminate the possibility of error. After all, we are talking about heating the house, the main condition for comfortable living in private housing.

Traditional heating systems

Most often, water or various antifreeze liquids that circulate through pipes are used for heating. The liquid is heated by gas boilers, which can operate on liquid, solid and gas fuels. Recently, electrode and induction boilers have been used as heating elements.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Water heating is popular due to the availability and efficiency of the coolant among the owners of cottages and other suburban housing. The water system is easy to mount on your own. The good news is that the volume of water in the system remains constant.

Disadvantages of water heating in the long time of warming up the room, possible leaks and ruptures of pipes. Do not turn off the water system in winter, as the water will freeze and burst the pipes.

Features of the use of polypropylene pipes

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparisonThe implementation of a heating scheme in a private house made of polypropylene has many advantages. Polypropylene pipes are cheaper and lighter than metal pipes, they do not rust. Plastic pipes do not need painting, they have a good appearance and do not impair the interior of the room. The procedure for creating a heating system from polypropylene pipes resembles an assembly from a designer. Pipes are quickly and efficiently connected using a welding unit.

For the installation of polypropylene pipes, the following equipment, tools and materials are used:

  • polyfusion welding machine;
  • special scissors for pipes;
  • roulette;
  • perforator;
  • polypropylene pipes (calculated diameter);
  • couplings;
  • fitting;
  • squares;
  • valves;
  • fasteners.

Note: the amount of necessary materials, tools and components is determined before installation, after drawing the heating circuit diagram. Couplings, ball valves and fittings are purchased depending on the type of boiler, the selected scheme and the dimensions of the polypropylene pipe.

Water electric heating

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparisonIf you apply the electric heating of a private house with your own hands, the circuit connection diagrams are described above. The electric boiler can be assigned as the main heat source or as a backup if the house already has a heating source, such as a gas boiler. An electric boiler consumes significant power, so the cross section of the wiring must correspond to the current consumed.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparisonIt is not at all necessary to make reinforced wiring throughout the house, it is enough to lay a suitable cable from the meter to the boiler. Since the electric boiler is a device that heats water, a closed system or a gravity-flow heating system of a private house will work with it. The scheme is standard. Piping schemes are no different from the schemes described above.

To create electric heating, three types of electric boilers are used:

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

  1. electrode;
  2. induction;
  3. boiler using heating elements.

It is believed that a heating element boiler that has passed the test of time is more reliable. It is advisable to pour softened water into the system so that there is less scale on the heating elements. Electric boilers are highly efficient, but the main obstacle to their widespread use is the rising price of electricity.

  • How to pour water into an open and closed heating system?
  • Popular Russian-made outdoor gas boiler
  • How to correctly bleed air from a heating radiator?
  • Expansion tank for closed heating: device and principle of operation
  • Gas double-circuit wall-mounted boiler Navien: error codes in case of malfunction

Recommended reading

Do-it-yourself water heating of a private house: schemes and necessary material Do-it-yourself air heating of a private house is a profitable and effective solution How to correctly calculate heating in a private house? How and from what are homemade products for home heating made?

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Do-it-yourself water heating in a private house

Here you will learn:

For heating private houses, water heating systems are most often used. They are characterized by simplicity, comparative cheapness and high efficiency. If you have direct hands and experience with tools, nothing prevents you from creating a heating system yourself. With the help of our review, you will learn how to make water heating of a private house with your own hands, the schemes of which we will give as illustrative examples.

We will also tell you:

  • About the main varieties of water heating systems;
  • About the radiators and materials used;
  • About coolant circulation systems;
  • About ways of installation of pipes and radiators;
  • On the choice of heating boilers.

After reading the review, you will be able to draw the appropriate conclusions and create an effective water heating system for a private house with your own hands.

The latest heating systems

An example of a fairly affordable and at the same time effective system, suitable for both a country house and an apartment, is an electric underfloor heating. Having incurred relatively small expenses for the installation of such heating, it is possible to provide a home with heat and not buy any boilers. The only drawback is the cost of electricity. But given that modern floor heating is quite economical, yes, if you have a multi-tariff meter, this option may be acceptable.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

For reference. When installing an electric floor heating, 2 types of heaters are used: a thin polymer film with coated carbon elements or a heating cable.

In the southern regions with high solar activity, another modern heating system performs well. These are water solar collectors installed on the roof of buildings or other open places. In them, with minimal losses, water is heated directly from the sun, after which it is fed into the house. One problem - the collectors are absolutely useless at night, as well as in the northern regions.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Various solar systems that take heat from the earth, water and air and transfer it to a private house are installations in which the most modern heating technologies are implemented. Consuming only 3-5 kW of electricity, these units are able to "pump" from the outside 5-10 times more heat, hence the name - heat pumps. Further, with the help of this thermal energy, you can heat the coolant or air - at your discretion.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

An example of an air heat pump is a conventional air conditioner, the principle of operation is the same for them. Only the solar system equally well heats a country house in winter and cools in summer.

It is a well-known fact that the more efficient an innovation in a heating system is, the more expensive it is, although it requires lower operating costs. Conversely, high-tech electric heating systems that are cheap to install make us pay later for the electricity we use. Heat pumps are so expensive that they are not available to most citizens of the post-Soviet space.

The second reason why homeowners gravitate towards traditional systems is the direct dependence of modern heating equipment on the availability of electricity. For residents of remote areas, this fact plays a big role, because they prefer to build brick ovens and heat the house with wood.

What is required for installation

  • boiler or furnace;
  • pipes;
  • radiators;
  • expansion tank;
  • standard set of tools for installation.

Before buying all this, it is worth understanding how water heating works and developing a plan for heating a house or cottage.

The scheme looks like this - the coolant heated by the boiler (it can be water or a special mixture) enters the radiators, in which it cools down, giving off heat to the room.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

The cool coolant returns to the boiler, where it heats up again. Due to such continuous cycles, your room is heated.

Water heating systems are divided into natural and forced. By choosing the first option, you will be independent of electricity to operate the pump.

The movement of fluid through the system occurs due to the laws of physics - the hot coolant expands and rushes up, and, having lowered the temperature, it decreases in volume and falls down.

With natural circulation, it is necessary to observe the slope of all pipes at least 2 degrees (ideally - 3-5), avoid pipes of small cross section (40 mm pipes are suitable for the riser, pipes to the heating sections can be connected with pipes with a cross section of 22-24 mm).

Natural circulation has serious drawbacks: internal wiring is not allowed - when the water level in the expansion tank drops, the movement of the liquid is difficult.

It is also applicable only in cases where the distance through the pipes between the boiler and the farthest radiator does not exceed 20 meters, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room is less than 150 sq.m.

As you can see, natural circulation with its limitations is not always applicable. In a forced system, the flow of the coolant is controlled by a circulation pump.

Of course, the purchase of a pump is an additional financial expense when buying and a plus for monthly electricity bills, but look at the benefits - you are relieved of the need to clearly calibrate the angle of inclination, there is no need to observe a wide cross-section of risers, it is possible to make internal piping and connect , for example, "warm floor".

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

There are two systems of water heating - single-circuit and double-circuit. The installation of the first option involves only heating.

The second option, in addition to heating, provides the premises with hot water and is very convenient in the country, in cases where it is not planned to install a separate source of warm water.

We install the heating scheme and the order of work

Do-it-yourself water heating is carried out according to a clear action plan.

So, you have drawn a diagram of a private house, future batteries are marked on it, the length of the pipes has been calculated, you have already decided on the heating system of the house, studied the video and are ready to start construction work with your own hands.

If possible, the section system should be wider than the window unit.

However, in practice this is not always maintained. If the windows of a private house do not let cold air into the room, then the total length of all sections may be less than the window.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Installation of radiators is carried out clearly in level and always below the window opening. Beauty, of course, is important, but not paramount.

An accidental slope, even a small one, will create the effect of an underground river - a murmur of liquid will be heard from the side of the raised edge. Therefore, check the installation level.

It is important to observe the distance from the floor and from the walls. The ideal distance from the battery to the wall is 3-5 m, and to the floor - no more than 10 cm

To remove accidentally trapped air, it is worth installing a Mayevsky valve or faucet.

A strobe is supplied to the hung radiators. Calculate so that a groove with a depth of 4-6 mm remains from the fitting to the edge - when heated, the pipe may increase.

Use lengths less than 10 meters or weld in bends to compensate for thermal expansion.

There are options for the use of copper or stainless pipes, however, reinforced polypropylene pipes have proven themselves most well in the combination of "price-quality".

They are relatively inexpensive and easy to install.

There are different models for connecting radiators that conduct water heating.

The lower circuit (inlet and outlet are connected to the lower branch pipes of the sections), it is fraught with heat losses of 12-15% and uneven heating of the batteries.

It should be taken into account when there is a risk of sand and suspensions getting into the system - they will be taken out to the mud filter. https://www.youtube.com/embed/BZ7Al3p9iO0

With a one-sided connection, the supply is mounted to the top of the section, and the return is mounted to the bottom of the same section. With this connection, all sections warm up evenly.

If the number of sections is significant, then it is optimal to use a diagonal connection. It differs from a one-sided one in that the outlet is mounted to the bottom of the opposite section.

When the connection diagram of the heating battery sections is clear, we proceed to install the pipe system.

Of course, it is worth watching the installation video and practicing on the scraps left after the installation of the pipe in the strobe is completed.

We melt the pipe and fitting with a soldering iron heated to 260 degrees. Combination must be done by pressing a smaller section into a larger one.

Varieties of liquid autonomous heating systems

Heating systems for heating an individual house using water and non-freezing liquids (antifreeze) as a coolant differ in a number of ways, the main differences are:

By type of fuel used. The most popular types of energy for heating heat carriers are electricity, gas, liquid combustible hydrocarbon mixtures (diesel fuel, fuel oil, oil, kerosene), a large number of solid combustible materials - firewood, coal, peat briquettes and pellets of various compositions. Electricity can be generated both from energy companies and independently using solar panels, wind or hydraulic generators.

By type of heat generators. In modern heating systems, heating boilers are used to transfer energy to the coolant, which have design features and differences between analogues for each type of fuel. With a lack of funds, many craftsmen assemble independent heating with their own hands, using instead of factory boilers self-assembled structures mainly on solid fuels, a typical example is a metal stove in a residential area with an expansion tank in the attic and a steel piping system with radiators.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Rice. 7 The principle of operation and the main components of the gas convector

According to the material of the pipeline. Polymeric pipes made of PP polypropylene, cross-linked polyethylene and PEX metal-plastic are gradually replacing metal products; at old buildings, external steel pipelines are still used to supply water to radiators. Some homeowners, with significant financial resources, make the coolant supply through copper pipelines completely or in separate sections.Modern advanced systems are mounted from special thin-walled steel pipes using a crimping technology for connecting elements of sanitary fittings using fittings.

According to the method of supplying the coolant to the heat exchangers. There are 2 main ways to supply heated liquid to the pipes of heating radiators - one-pipe and two-pipe, sometimes a combined connection is used. To connect the underfloor heating pipeline, collector wiring is used, which allows several circuits to be connected to one distribution unit, systems from a large number of radiators are connected through hydraulic arrows or radiator manifolds. When connecting heat exchange radiators, various piping layouts are used - radial, dead-end, associated, special horizontal (Leningrad).

There are also various ways to connect the inlet and outlet pipes of heat exchange radiators to the heat main - vertical, horizontal, diagonal, bottom.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Rice. 8 Piping diagrams

According to the location of the storage tank. The expansion tank, which is an important element of any heating system, can be factory-made sealed (red accumulator) and mounted in the circuit in any convenient place - such systems are called closed, since there is no direct access to the coolant. The movement of liquid through the pipeline in systems of this type is carried out using a circulating electric pump installed at the bottom near the boiler next to the hydraulic accumulator.

In another type of heating systems, called gravity, the storage tank is installed at the top in the attic, the pipelines have a slight slope when approaching the radiators, at their exit a small angle of inclination is maintained towards the boiler. The circulation of liquid in the system occurs by gravity due to the fact that heated water or antifreeze have a lower density and therefore are pushed upward by denser cold layers.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Rice. 9 Open heating system

What are combined boilers

Since electric heating is expensive, you can use an alternative solution and choose a boiler capable of operating on two types of fuel. For example, you can purchase electrical equipment that can also perform the functions of a geyser. Or you can pick up a solid fuel boiler that can also work with electricity for some time.

As long as there are no interruptions in gas supply, such a boiler will work properly according to the generally accepted scheme, but as soon as any problems arise, it will be possible to switch to another type of fuel and thereby provide stable heating to the house.

A combined boiler is more expensive than usual, but such expenses will be quite justified: your house is guaranteed not to be left without heat, and even if one system fails, the second one will immediately be able to support it. At the same time, the temperature level will remain at the same values, and it will be comfortable to be in the room.

It is quite difficult to independently design and implement an individual heating system, but it is still possible. Your home will receive reliable heating, which will not depend on the presence or absence of gas pipes.

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Boiler power calculation

Regardless of the type of fuel used (solid or liquid, gas or electricity), the principle of connecting all heating systems is the same. The difference is only at the stage of installation of the boiler. In this case, the calculation of its power is carried out according to a single formula:

where W is the specific power required for heating 10 sq. m of premises; S - the total area of ​​​​the house.

For Russian regions, the following power values ​​are taken into account: • for houses located in central Russia up to 1.5 kW; • for Siberia and the North: for every 10 sq. m up to 2 kW;• for southern regions: up to 0.9 kW.

Since for sufficient heating 10 sq. m of a residential building located in central Russia, up to 1.5 kW of power is required, then, for example, for heating 100 sq. m you need a boiler with a capacity of 15 kW:

(100 x 1.5) / 10 = 15 kW

This figure is increased by 15-20% (power margin for possible heat loss, which is inevitably lost even with perfect building insulation). Thus, to heat a house of 100 sq. m will need (15 + 2.3) = 17.3 kW.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison Recommended boiler power

Ways of water circulation in heating systems

The movement of fluid along a closed circuit (contours) can occur in a natural or forced mode. The water heated by the heating boiler rushes to the batteries. This part of the heating circuit is called the forward stroke (current). Once in the batteries, the coolant cools down and is sent back to the boiler for heating. This interval of a closed route is called reverse (current). To accelerate the circulation of the coolant along the circuit, special circulation pumps are used, cut into the pipeline on the "return". Models of heating boilers are produced, the design of which provides for the presence of such a pump.

Natural circulation of the coolant

With natural circulation, the movement of water in the system goes by gravity. This is possible due to the physical effect that occurs when the density of water changes. Hot water has a lower density. The liquid going in the reverse direction has a high density, and therefore easily displaces the water that has already heated up in the boiler. The hot coolant rushes up the riser, and then is distributed along horizontal lines, drawn at a slight slope of no more than 3-5 degrees. The presence of a slope and allows the movement of fluid through the pipes by gravity.

The heating scheme, based on the natural circulation of the coolant, is the simplest, and therefore it is easy to implement in practice. In addition, in this case, no other communications are required. However, this option is only suitable for private houses of a small area, since the length of the circuit is limited to 30 meters. The disadvantages include the need to install pipes of a larger diameter, as well as low pressure in the system.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

Forced coolant circulation

In autonomous heating systems with forced circulation of water (coolant) in a closed circuit, a circulation pump is mandatory, which provides an accelerated flow of heated water to the batteries, and cooled water to the heater. The movement of water is possible due to the pressure difference that occurs between the direct and reverse flow of the coolant.

When installing this system, it is not required to observe the slope of the pipeline. This is an advantage, but a significant drawback lies in the energy dependence of such a heating system. Therefore, in the event of a power outage in a private house, there must be a generator (mini-power plant) that will ensure the functioning of the heating system in an emergency.

Home water heating system varieties, schemes, comparison

A scheme with forced circulation of water as a heat carrier can be used when installing heating in a house of any size. In this case, a pump of suitable power is selected and its uninterrupted power supply is ensured.


