Disinfection of water from a well and a well with autonomous water supply. Ivanov, PhD


Memo to the population disinfection of wells and wellsDuring the flood period, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Udmurt Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Office) explains to the residents of the region the methods of disinfection ... Tests for testing knowledge (certification) in the field of industrial safety ...B repair of oil and gas wells Answers to the test block b repair of oil and gas wells
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Memo to the populationNgc), for the treatment of 10 sq m, 15 liters of working solution (15 l of water and 150 g of ngc) are needed, for 100 sq m 150 l (150 l of water and 1.5 kg of ngc), ... AgreedA set of underground pipelines and wells (viewing devices) intended for laying, installation and maintenance ...
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Which is better to use

Sometimes such cleaning is not enough and the owners are faced with the question: how to disinfect the well. If it contains organic contaminants, then one viable option is to use compounds with chlorine.

The use of a solution with whiteness

Disinfection of water from a well and a well with autonomous water supply. Ivanov, PhD

Whiteness is a good option for disinfecting a well

Most often, disinfection of the well with whiteness is used to sanitize the source.

To do this, you need to determine the volume of the well. It is recommended to treat the surface with a sprayer.

After that, water is poured and a solution is additionally added to it: about 150 g of bleach or whiteness should be taken per cube. The incoming water must be settled for six hours. To prevent chlorine from escaping, the well is tightly closed with a lid.

After that, water will need to be pumped out of the well until the smell disappears, and for five days only boiled water should be used for food.

It should be remembered that chlorine is a toxic substance. Therefore, it is recommended to wear a respirator and goggles during processing.

Read more about the disinfection process with whiteness here.

Signs of the need for disinfection

There are the following signs that are evidence of the need to clean the well:

  1. turbidity of water;
  2. clay deposition;
  3. bottom lifting;
  4. stagnation;
  5. the presence of debris or leaves;
  6. specific smell.

The use of potassium permanganate

Disinfection of a well with potassium permanganate is one of the most popular methods. It is necessary to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate.

Disinfection of water from a well and a well with autonomous water supply. Ivanov, PhD

Infusion of potassium permanganate solution into the well is shown

You will need a bucket of water and one teaspoon of potassium permanganate. The mixed solution is poured into the well. After such a procedure, the water from the well must be pumped out several times, and then a nylon mesh with a crumb of silicon is lowered to the bottom. It must remain at the bottom of the well at all times.

We also wrote about the disinfection process using potassium permanganate - read here.

Each of the methods and means for disinfecting a well has certain disadvantages. But, without this, you can not use water for drinking. How to disinfect the water in the well, you can consult with experts.

Experts do not recommend delaying the cleaning of the well. Disinfection can be carried out with the help of special preparations.

In each case, it is necessary to conduct samples and do a chemical analysis of water. This is the only way to be sure that the water can be used for drinking and disinfection has given a result.

Disinfection of water in wells

2.1. Well water disinfection
carried out after disinfection
wells using various methods and
methods, but most often through
dosing cartridge filled as
usually chlorine-containing preparations.

2.2. During the disinfection of water in
well with chlorine-containing preparations
value of residual (active) chlorine
should be at the level of 0.5 mg/l and
achieved by the amount of disinfectant

2.3. To calculate the amount of disinfectant
drug in the dosing cartridge (A)
define the following parameters:

a1 - volume of water
in the well, m3;

a2 - debit
well, m3/h;

A3 - the amount of water intake,m3/day;

A4 - chlorine absorption of water. Payment
carried out according to the formula

A = 0.07A1
+ 0.08A
+ 0.02Az + 0.14A

The formula is given to calculate the amount
DTS GK containing 52% active chlorine,
at a water temperature of 17-18 °C.

2.4. The amount of the drug is selected
cartridge of suitable capacity (or
several cartridges of smaller capacity),
fill it with the drug, add
water with stirring until
uniform slurry, stoppered
and immersed in the water of the well at a distance
from 20 to 50 cm from the bottom, depending on


bridges from the height of the water column, and
the free end of the rope is attached to
head of the mine.

2.5. Water disinfection efficiency
installed in the well by
determining the amount of residual chlorine
(0.5 mg / l) and the value of the coli-index (no more than
10). The frequency of repeat determinations is not
should be less than once a week.

2.6. With a decrease in the value of the residual
chlorine or its disappearance (approx.
after 30 days) the cartridge is removed from the well,
free from contents, washed
and refill with disinfectant
drug. At the same time, the necessary
adjustments based on the original
experience of disinfection of water in a well.

Determination of the flow rate of the well.

Measure the volume of water in the well
pump out water (3-10 min) and note
the time it takes to recover
water level in the well.

The calculation is carried out according to the formula


where D -well flow rate, l/h;

V-the volume of water in the well before pumping,

60 —numerical coefficient;

t is the time for which
the water level is restored, plus
the time during which it was pumped out

Determination of water chlorine absorption

1 liter of well water is taken into the vessel,
add 1% bleach solution
or DTS HA at the rate of 2 mg/l active
chlorine (with clear water) or 3-5 mg/l
(with cloudy water). vessel contents
mix well, stopper
leave for 30 minutes and determine the value
chlorine in water.

The chloride requirement of water is calculated by
determining the difference between the number
added to the vessel of active chlorine and
its amount in water after
30 minute contact.



