The neighbors constantly run a child, a hundred to do

Where to go

The order of actions of neighbors differs depending on the situation. First of all, you need to contact your neighbors. A conversation can help in relation to a prosperous family.

The following rules must be observed:

  • the conversation must be correct;
  • no need to threaten guardianship, police, KDN and PO;
  • no need to use profanity;
  • no need to blame the neighbors.

Neighbors are not always to blame for the noise. Children can get sick, parents can feel tired. Therefore, be loyal to families with children.

Noise Complaint

Neighborhood with noisy and hyperactive children rarely pleases tenants of an apartment building. Endless screams, laughter, trampling, jumping, tears can interfere with rest in the evening and at night.

However, the legislator does not believe that parents should be punished for the noise that children make. Therefore, appealing to the precinct will not give anything.

Moreover, it is also impossible to file a complaint with the Inspectorate for Juvenile Affairs. Lack of education is also not a violation.

Therefore, it will not work to bring parents of noisy children to administrative responsibility.

Contacting the police

If you hear not only the cry of a child, but also the abuse of adults, the sounds of falling dishes or furniture, cries for help, then it is advisable to call the police squad. In such a situation, it does not matter whether a prosperous or asocial family lives nearby. Emergencies can arise anywhere.

It is necessary to report the information by phone 02. All calls to the number of the duty unit are recorded. The outfit should arrive within 40 minutes.

The downside of the situation is the need to provide your data and address. After the inspection, a police officer will visit your apartment and take an explanation of the reasons for the call.

Important! The message on 02 is done only in a critical situation. No need to call the outfit if the child does not do homework, and the mother swears

Applying for guardianship or CDN and GP

If the noise is not made by children, but by parents, then special attention must be paid to this. Yelling at a child is one of the types of psychological abuse.

On the one hand, crying can be a sign of low education, impotence or fatigue of parents.

On the other hand, it may mean that the child is being emotionally abused.

Therefore, frequent swearing at minors is the basis for sending a message to the district department of guardianship or the KDN and ZP. To do this, you can send information by phone or transfer information in person.

Specialists will visit the premises, check the proper performance of parental duties. If at the time of the check there are personal items for the child, textbooks, books, a bed, food in the apartment, then the specialists will confine themselves to drawing up an examination report.

When facts of ill-treatment are revealed, the family can be held accountable.

Even if a child is ill, abuse can be detected. For example, parents do not take measures to treat the baby. If the facts are confirmed, then the family can be registered with the authorities of neglect and homelessness.

Regular visits by specialists of authorized bodies (school, guardianship, CDN and ZP, an employee of the juvenile department). Usually, the influence of these organs contributes to the observance of silence by neighbors. One neighborhood relationship can deteriorate.

If there is noise from the neighbors' apartment, you need to pay attention. Baby screams can be caused by different factors.

However, if the crying of a sick child is not a violation, then the constant nighttime screams of children may be a consequence of domestic violence. The law does not provide for responsibility for the cry of children, therefore, in such a situation, you can only deal with the cause.If independent actions did not work, contact our lawyer. Site specialists will provide online support.

What to do

One of the characteristics of children is their frequent crying. The child's psyche has not yet formed, so crying is considered a normal reaction to external stimuli.

However, residents of an apartment building do not always agree with the normality of such a situation. Often, neighbors of families with small children have a question: what to do if a neighbor's child screams.

In order to answer it, you need to find out the reasons for crying and why it bothers you.

No. p / p
Possible options
The child is too active, so he has fun, jumps, makes noise, screams, breaks the silence at night
Neighbors commit a crime, possibly related to child abuse
A minor is often left alone at home and cries
Parents lead an asocial lifestyle and do not pay attention to the needs of the child
Noise from the playground penetrates into the apartment
The kid is sick

The solution to the situation directly depends on its causes. In any case, measures must be taken if the problem is of a regular nature.

Child on the playground

If noise from the playground penetrates into the apartment during the daytime, then it is impossible to take measures to eliminate it. A playground is a place specially organized for children to play. Therefore, children have every right to make noise and run around during the daytime.

But when a small child appears, playing alone at night or in the evening, it is advisable to call the police.

Important! If a child who cries in the street is unfamiliar to you, then you cannot take him home to yourself or to the address that he names. Need to call the police

It is advisable to wait for the arrival of the police with him. If possible, it is better to involve other passers-by.

Baby crying from the apartment

If the baby often cries in the apartment, but the voices of adults are not heard, he may be left at home alone

Particular attention should be paid if children are left at home alone at night.

If good relations have developed with the neighbors, then you can clarify the reasons for leaving the child alone. Otherwise, you must report to the Department of Guardianship.

Leaving a child alone in an apartment is a potential hazard. A minor may injure himself or harm himself or property.

In this situation, it is necessary for the authorized bodies to make a decision. Perhaps the mother works the night shift, and there is no one to leave the baby with.

She will be offered the opportunity to place the child in a rehabilitation center for a while and help in finding a day job.

However, crying from the apartment may not mean anything criminal. Newborn babies experience colic. They are teething. The temperature rises. All these situations are accompanied by crying.

Also, screams can be associated with the temperament of the baby. Some children are whiny on their own.

The only way to deal with such noise is to improve the soundproofing of your own apartment. Since the laws on silence in different regions exclude children's cries from the list of punishable ones. Therefore, it is impossible to punish a neighbor, and the fact that his baby cries at night is impossible.

The child is crying in the hallway

If, returning to the entrance, you met a neighbor's baby, then you need to find out the reasons for his being there. Perhaps one of the parents became ill and the child was able to leave the apartment on his own.

It is not recommended in such a situation to visit or inspect the apartment on your own if the door is open. You need to call the police.

If a child needs medical help, it is better to call an ambulance. Doing it yourself can be harmful.

Important! Do not ignore the presence of children in the entrance. Perhaps the baby has the wrong door or got lost

The appearance of such children must be reported to the district police department.

Example. Anna was returning home after work.At the entrance, she saw a crying child. This neighbor boy often made noise in the apartment and disturbed her. At first she wanted to pass by, but then she asked why he was crying. The boy could not clearly explain the reasons. The door to the apartment was ajar. On the floor in the corridor, Anna saw a neighbor lying. As it turned out, the woman had a blood clot. The ambulance pronounced him dead. The boy cried in the entrance for several hours. But the other neighbors didn't care.

What fits the definition of noise

The neighbors constantly run a child, a hundred to do

Studies show that noise pollution is one of the main factors in the development of stress conditions. Noise can include:

  • repair in the apartment;
  • loud talking and shouting;
  • loud music;
  • dog's bark;
  • loud sound from TV or radio
  • playing musical instruments;
  • moving furniture;
  • car alarm sounds
  • night construction;
  • road repair;
  • unloading or loading operations;
  • noise from industrial enterprises;
  • noise from nightlife and entertainment venues.

Living in an apartment building imposes mutual obligations on residents to comply with all sanitary standards, which include the norms of permissible noise. You must follow these rules yourself, and also remember that no one has the right to encroach on your peace with impunity. Of course, people do not always treat their neighbors with respect. In this case, you need to know how to defend your rights.

Basic Provisions of the Silence Law

The neighbors constantly run a child, a hundred to do

To ensure the peace of citizens, the legislator provided for both temporary restrictions and the restriction of the direct noise level, measured in decibels. Specific times during which no noise is allowed may vary by region. The federal regulations are:

  • during the day from 7.00 to 23.00 the noise level should not exceed 40 decibels;
  • at night from 23.00 to 07.00 the noise level should not exceed 30 decibels.

Regional authorities have the right to adjust these time intervals, as well as additionally regulate noise levels on weekends. You should check the current regulations in the region where you live.

To compare noise levels:

  • normal speech - 40 dB;
  • screams - 80-90 dB;
  • car alarm 90-100 dB.

There are situations in which it is temporarily allowed to make noise at any time:

  • production of emergency works;
  • emergencies;
  • urgent investigative measures, etc.

With a special permit, construction work may be carried out at night, even if it produces significant noise. These works should not last longer than a clearly defined time period.


