The law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region is tightened

What actions are a violation of the law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region

Bringing to administrative responsibility for violation of the law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region, by residents of apartment buildings or individual houses, is provided in such cases:

  • turn on music or TV at high volume;
  • playing various musical instruments;
  • building or repairing a residential building;
  • the use of explosive substances or pyrotechnics;
  • loud screams, scandals in the room or outside it.

All these actions can be qualified as illegal and indicate a violation of the law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region, provided that the noise from these actions exceeds the norms established for a specific period of time.

The law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region is tightenedIf the residents of an apartment building called a police squad, which, upon arrival, established the fact of illegal actions regarding the law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region, law enforcement officers impose an administrative fine on the violator. The amount of the fine is set depending on several factors - the degree of harm caused by the actions and the amount of this type of offense committed earlier. In accordance with these factors, the violator of the law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region is assigned an administrative fine in the amount of:

  • primary violation of the law by an ordinary citizen provides for a fine of one to three thousand rubles, depending on the severity of the harm done to others;
  • in case of repeated violation of the law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region, a fine of four thousand rubles is provided;
  • all subsequent violations of this law by an ordinary citizen entail an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

If the law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region is violated by an official for the first time, the amount of the administrative fine will be 5,000 rubles, all subsequent violations of this law by the same official will be punished by fines of 50,000 rubles, for each violation.

When the excess of the established noise level in a certain period of time occurs on the part of a legal entity, the first established fact of an offense is punishable by an administrative fine in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. Each subsequent violation of this law by a legal entity provides for the imposition of an administrative fine from 50,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles, depending on the severity of the offense.

The actions of officials or legal entities can be qualified as illegal according to generally accepted standards, in accordance with Law No. 584, which is in force on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region.

In this article, you learned what the law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region of 2019 is. If you have any questions and problems that require the participation of lawyers, then you can seek help from the specialists of the information and legal portal Sherlock. Just leave a request on our website, and our lawyers will call you back.

Responsibility for disturbing the peace and quiet of citizens on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region


The performer explains
duties of the prosecutor of the city of Miass Shabalov Dmitry Alexandrovich

Violation of peace and silence is not allowed on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region
citizens on weekdays from 22:00 to 06:00, and on weekends (Saturday and
Sunday) and non-working holidays - from 23 to 8 hours (Article 13 of the Law
Chelyabinsk region "On administrative offenses in the Chelyabinsk region"
dated May 27, 2010 No. 584-ZO).

In this case, it is prohibited:

TV use,
radio receivers, tape recorders and other sound-reproducing devices, as well as
sound amplification devices, including those installed on vehicles,
small retail trade facilities (kiosks, pavilions, stalls), resulting in
disturbing the rest of citizens and silence;

actions accompanied by sounds (playing musical instruments,
shouting, whistling, singing, etc.), which caused a violation of the rest of citizens and silence;

failure to take measures to turn off the sound security alarm of cars,
as well as actions performed during the operation of vehicles,
entailed a violation of the peace of citizens and silence;

the use of pyrotechnics, which caused a disturbance of the peace of citizens
and silence;

carrying out repair, construction, unloading and loading works,
entailed a violation of the peace of citizens and silence.

The commission of this offense entails the imposition of an administrative
a fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to five thousand rubles; on the
officials - from five thousand to twenty-five thousand rubles; on legal
persons - from ten thousand to one hundred thousand rubles.

It should be noted, however, that these provisions do not apply to:

1) actions of legal entities and citizens aimed at preventing
offenses, prevention and liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural
disasters, other emergencies, carrying out urgent work related to
ensuring the personal and public safety of citizens or the functioning
objects of life support of the population;

2) actions of legal entities and citizens during the celebration of the New Year.

3) actions of legal entities or individuals when they commit
divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies within the framework of the canonical
requirements of the relevant confessions, as well as when carried out in the prescribed
current legislation in the order of mass cultural and sports

According to Art. 28 of the Law of the Chelyabinsk region "On administrative
offenses in the Chelyabinsk region" draw up a protocol on administrative
offense under Art. 13 of the Law authorized officials
executive authorities of the Chelyabinsk region, authorized in the field
promoting the implementation of state policy in the field of prevention

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.
06/17/2017 No. 1265-r approved Agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
and the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of part of the powers to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
on drawing up protocols on administrative offenses infringing on
public order and public safety provided by law
of the Chelyabinsk region dated May 27, 2010 No. 584-ZO "On administrative

Thus, with appeals to disturb peace and quiet and attract
guilty persons, citizens must apply to administrative responsibility
to the internal affairs body, whose employees are authorized to draw up protocols
on administrative offences.

Cases on administrative offenses
reviewed by justices of the peace.

Archive of materials

Compliance with the rule of silence in an apartment building Chelyabinsk

The law on silence in the Chelyabinsk region is tightened

Compliance with the rule of silence in an apartment building Chelyabinsk

In Russia, it is possible to carry out repairs in the apartment until eight o'clock in the evening, the use of combustible substances - only on weekdays until four in the afternoon. In certain cities of our country, it is formally allowed to carry out repair work on premises belonging to residential apartment buildings on Saturdays.

How to make repairs in the apartment without disturbing the peace of the neighbors? Photo No. 2 Although the terms of repair in residential premises of apartment buildings are regulated separately within each region, the principle of restrictions is similar.

Law on noise in the apartment: what's new? This time is from 13:00 to 15:00. Moscow has always been different from other cities, so let's consider how things are with respect for silence in apartment buildings in the region.

The following rules apply here: you can make noise on weekdays until 21:00, starting work no earlier than 8:00 in the morning; for weekends and holidays, restrictions apply from 10:00 to 22:00.

There is a concept of "quiet time" in the region (break for daytime sleep for children and the elderly) - from 12.30 to 15:00.

However, the law provides for exceptions to the aforementioned norms. Noise may be made at night if necessary to carry out disaster recovery activities. This also includes crime prevention.

So, if a citizen's car was intentionally damaged and the alarm went off, this will not be considered a violation of the silence. The law also allows noise if necessary for official holidays and cultural events.

  • The use of pyrotechnics. However, the restriction does not apply on New Year's Eve.
  • Noisy work.

What threatens the violation of the law on silence in Chelyabinsk?

Everyone wants to feel comfortable at home. However, repairs from neighbors or street noise are often a concern. At the same time, there are norms of permissible noise established by the state, as well as responsibility for their violation. The regions also adopt their own regulations on this issue.

What is the law on silence in Chelyabinsk, we will tell further.

Silence Law

Silence legislation. Photo No. 1

The state is called upon to provide its citizens with a normal standard of living. The living environment of each person should be comfortable and safe. However, various external factors can affect it negatively. Therefore, certain permissible norms are introduced for them.

How not to violate the law and relations with neighbors when carrying out repairs in an apartment

and SANPIN, establish that the time for noisy repair and construction work in apartment buildings is limited to the time interval from 9.00 to 19.00 with a mandatory break from 13.00 to 15.00.

Since October 1, 2017, there have been changes in the "law on silence" in the Chelyabinsk region. Now, police officers who go to the place, and not only members of administrative commissions, can draw up protocols for breaking the silence.

Read more about this in today's Topic.

We are all human and we all need to rest.

But sometimes the most important thing is not enough for a good rest - peace and quiet. The reasons for the absence of these components of recreation can be different - rowdy neighbors, repairmen neighbors, youth companies. Everyone can add to this list something of their own, sore.

Previously, there was only one way to calm down noisy people - by calling law enforcement agencies.

This also applies to the level of ambient noise.

It is worth noting that a separate law called "On Silence" was not adopted. At the federal level, Law No. 52 of 1999 is in force. It is he who is usually called the Law “On Silence”.

This goal is achieved by introducing restrictions on the impact of various external factors on humans and their environment, including noise.

In the regions of the country, their own regulations are established in pursuance of this law. In particular, in the Chelyabinsk region, the Law of 02.

There is a concept of "quiet time" in the region (break for daytime sleep for children and the elderly) - from 12.30 to 15:00.


