Law on silence in an apartment building 2019 in the Kemerovo region
It is probably unsafe to combine the words “repair” and “neighbors” even in one sentence. After all, to be in a situation where the song of a neighbor’s drill simply does not allow you to rest on the only day off is not news. Both builders and residents of multi-storey buildings understand well what is at stake. Or maybe you yourself are on the verge of the upcoming renovation. Let's take a good look at when and how much you can make noise, if you have already started apartment renovation on the weekend.
Everyone who is in any way connected with construction should be aware of all responsibility. According to current laws, repair work can be started at 8.00 and completed no later than 21.00. If this regime is not observed, consider that you are already breaking the law and may incur for this administrative responsibility. Apartment repairs on weekends and holidays are strictly prohibited. If you still need to do repairs that involve noise on Saturday or Sunday, you will have to draw up a schedule and coordinate it with your neighbors. Otherwise, they have every right to complain about you to relevant authorities. If you intend to do re-planning of the apartment or re-equipment, then there must be an appropriate permit for such work.
If the repair consists only in wallpapering or painting windows (or carrying out other silent manipulations), then it is not necessary to warn the neighbors about this. It is strictly forbidden: - on any day of the week to use tools that create noise exceeding the permissible limits (40 decibels); - carry out manipulations in the room that can harm neighbors and adjacent premises; - leave construction waste in a public place and use elevators as lifts for building materials and garbage removal after construction work is completed; - without the consent of the neighbors, carry out repair work for more than four months. If the above rules are not followed, you should first talk with your neighbors. this problem, provide an opportunity to deal with the relevant services. If the neighbors still exceed the permissible noise level and do not stop repairs over the weekend, the law
involves the collection of fines from violators. If a complaint has already been filed, then the violator, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses, will be fined by the relevant authorities. In case of a repeated complaint, the amount of the fine will be doubled, and confiscation of items that create noise is possible, so it’s better not to break the law .
Silence Law 2019 Kemerovo Region
Not all citizens of the Russian state know that the current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the regulation of violations related to the peace of Russians. All frameworks for “noisy” actions are set at the federal level.
That is, the authorities of large cities pass laws on regulating the regime of silence, which operate at the local level. If you nevertheless decide to start repair work on the weekend, but are afraid to receive a monetary punishment for your actions, do not worry, there is a way out. Experts suggest: you can negotiate in a good way with your neighbors, and then take their written permission to carry out repairs in your apartment on the weekend.
Just do not forget to write down in it all types of “noisy” work that you will perform (for example, clog, drill, etc.), as well as indicate the exact time of their implementation (from 8.00 to 23.00).With such a document, you can safely begin repair work on the improvement of the living quarters in which you or your relatives live. Why do you need to know the law on silence in the Russian Federation?
In order not to disturb the neighbors and not get a fine for too loud music, including not only at night, but also during the day.
To, in turn, punish too noisy neighbors in an apartment building and oblige them to observe silence.
The new law obliges to observe silence even during the day at certain times. What about weekends and holidays? How does Russian legislation protect the peace of its citizens from construction noise? Where to complain if the construction does not stop its work at night, trying to finish the new shopping center as soon as possible?
Where to complain if complaints about noisy people do not lead to any results?
- a significant increase in fines, both for ordinary citizens who make noise day and night, and for legal entities, and for public, state and commercial enterprises and organizations;
- the above restrictions also apply to weekends and holidays established by the laws of the Russian Federation (except January 1);
- the so-called “quiet hour” was introduced for all days of the week in the daytime and in the evening (from one to three in the afternoon and seven in the evening until 9 in the morning, repairs cannot be done);
- You can learn more about all the provisions of the law by studying it.
- it was proposed to deal with the resolution of problems with violators (during the day, in the process of committing an act and also during the day, after night incidents) to employees of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, etc.
In addition, in the case of a primary violation of the law on silence in the Kemerovo region, law enforcement agencies cannot always impose an administrative fine on the violator. Depending on the severity of the harm caused to others, a verbal warning may be issued. Also, the local district investigator can call the offender for a preventive conversation, in the event of a written complaint from neighbors about noisy actions on the part of the citizen. The need to complete this for each
Noise rules in an apartment building
If the house is constantly noisy, then special measures apply for this. Failure to comply with the law on silence leads to administrative liability. There are no norms in federal laws that would apply in Russia. Therefore, it is regulated by regional documents. The Code of Administrative Offenses, adopted in Moscow, determines the time of work and rest for citizens.
If there is a special technique, then you can perform the measurement yourself. The law allows it. After that, an act is created, which should include data on witnesses, the date and place of the organization of the event
Important information is the technique used and the measurement conditions;
In the absence of equipment and knowledge in the measurement, you can turn to specialists. But you will have to pay for this service. They perform work on modern equipment, after which they draw up an act
Based on this document, you can make a claim to a neighbor or go to the police and the court. The choice of organization depends on what a person wants to receive as a result;
The most accessible method is to contact the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision if there has been a violation of the rights of a citizen. Workers perform research and create a document with the results.
Noise and Silence Law Regulations 2018
- shouting and loud talking;
- the use of pyrotechnics;
- carrying out repairs in the house that disturb the peace of citizens (including not only neighbors);
- carrying out construction work in a nearby location or directly in the residential building itself (including during the daytime);
- the use of sound amplifiers (day and night during prohibited hours) in public places and through motor vehicles;
- loud music or singing;
- repeated alarms on cars;
- loud household appliances;
- loud sounds made by animals will also cause punishment for citizens - their owners, etc.
- complain to the precinct;
- apply for an examination that will be able to fix the level of noise produced, which will become the main evidence against the neighbors (it is quite difficult to do at night and on weekends, only during the day);
- before complaining anywhere, you need to get the conclusion of the above examination;
- you need to find witnesses who will confirm the violation of peace, collect their data and signatures. If the case goes to court, their personal presence will be needed to provide evidence (by the way, it is much easier to find witnesses in an apartment building, even at night and on working days);
- write a statement to the court.
If the law of silence is violated by an animal
Violation of the law on silence in Kemerovo and the region can occur not only by people living in apartments and individual households, but also by animals, preferably dogs. This is justified by the fact that most of the population has pets, and especially dogs that regularly bark or howl, regardless of whether their owner is nearby. Of particular discomfort to others, such actions on the part of the animal are delivered when the dog lives in one of the apartments of an apartment building. Most often, a barking animal causes discomfort to neighbors at night, however, during the daytime, this animal can cause a lot of trouble, both to its owner and others.
If the law on silence in Kemerovo and the region is violated precisely by the animal, first of all, the neighbors need to try to resolve this issue through negotiations and come to a common compromise. If the pet owner does not want to compromise and completely ignores the neighbors' requests to calm down his dog, you should apply to law enforcement agencies to further clarify the circumstances and resolve the conflict situation that has arisen.
In addition, you should apply to the relevant organizations that protect the rights of animals and control their proper maintenance. If the fact of bullying and improper care of the animal is proven, then the dog is more likely to be seized from the owner. Therefore, if there is an animal in the apartment, in order to avoid conflict with neighbors, its owner is obliged to provide him with appropriate conditions for comfortable living, monitor his behavior, and, if possible, train the dog so that it obeys commands and does not regularly disturb public peace.
The law on silence can be violated not only by animals, but also by small children. In this case, the neighbors also need, first of all, to find a compromise with the parents of the child, and try to resolve this issue as calmly as possible.
In this article, you learned what the law on silence in Kemerovo 2019 is. If you have any questions and problems that require the participation of lawyers, then you can seek help from the specialists of the information and legal portal Sherlock. Just leave a request on our website, and our lawyers will call you back.
Law on silence of the Kemerovo region 2019
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Law On Silence In Kemerovo 2019 Officially Changes and adjustments, by the way, were proposed not only by federal officials.
At the level of subjects, certain improvements were also made, which to a greater extent related to the establishment of the maximum permissible volume indicator and the time during which noise is not prohibited by law. The deputy was prompted to form such projects by constant complaints from residents of apartment buildings and structures.
General complaints have been reduced to one basic point: the neighbors are very noisy late at night and interfere with normal sleep. Complaints were also received about high-profile repair work, music.Noise can be produced by street vehicles, electrical appliances (washing machine or refrigerator), neighbors (this includes screaming and listening to music or watching TV).
The list includes sounds made by pets, a rumble when repairing or rearranging furniture. According to the current amendments, the law on silence in the Nizhny Novgorod region establishes night time from 22:00 to 7:00 on weekdays and from 23:00 to 10:00 on weekends and holidays. There is a concept of "quiet time" in the region (break for daytime sleep for children and the elderly) - from 12.30 to 15:00.
- turn on loud music in the vehicle;
- do repair work that produces noise (use of a drill, hammer, puncher and other tools);
- increase the volume of devices that reproduce sound (radio, TV, PC speaker, mechanical piano, etc.) in living quarters with open windows;
- signal with a horn;
- make noise in suburban areas.
- allow any loud sounds from pavilions, kiosks and other temporary structures;
- perform actions that cause noise (shouts, loud singing, rumbling movement of objects);
- sanitary requirements for noise in apartment buildings are set out in Appendix 3 to the Decree of the Chief Physician of the Russian Federation No. 64 dated 10.06.2010 on the approval of SanPiN
Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999
(ed. July 29, 2017) "On sanitary and epidemiological well-being." Article 1 states that citizens and legal entities are obliged to carry out their actions taking into account sanitary and epidemiological requirements.
Art. 23 obliges that residential premises comply with sanitary standards, including noise;
In addition, you should apply to the relevant organizations that protect the rights of animals and control their proper maintenance.
If the fact of bullying and improper care of the animal is proven, then the dog is more likely to be seized from the owner. Therefore, if there is an animal in the apartment, in order to avoid conflict with neighbors, its owner is obliged to provide him with appropriate conditions for comfortable living, monitor his behavior, and, if possible, train the dog so that it obeys commands and does not regularly disturb public peace.
Article 30. Violation of peace and quiet of citizens
Article 30. Violation of peace and quiet of citizens (Article 30 as amended by
1. Taking actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m., with the exception of actions aimed at preventing offenses, eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, other emergencies, carrying out urgent work related to ensuring the personal and public safety of citizens in in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, actions performed during the performance of religious cults within the framework of the canonical requirements of the relevant confessions, as well as when holding mass cultural events on the initiative of state authorities or local self-government bodies -
shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand roubles; on officials - from one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from two thousand to five thousand rubles.
2. Commitment of actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens in apartment buildings from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., with the exception of construction and installation, repair work, emergency and rescue work, as well as other urgent work necessary to ensure the safety of citizens or the operation of facilities life support of the population, if these actions are not covered by the offenses provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article -
shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand roubles; on officials - from one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from two thousand to five thousand rubles.
3. Taking actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens in apartment buildings on weekends and non-working holidays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., with the exception of emergency and rescue work, as well as other urgent work necessary to ensure the safety of citizens or the functioning of life support facilities for the population , —
shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand roubles; on officials - from one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from two thousand to five thousand rubles.
4. Carrying out construction and installation, repair work that violates the peace and quiet of citizens in apartment buildings from 20:00 to 22:00, -
shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand roubles; on officials - from one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from two thousand to five thousand rubles.
5. The use of sound-reproducing devices at high volume, including those installed on vehicles, balconies or window sills, that violate the peace and quiet of citizens, if these actions are not covered by the offenses provided for in paragraphs 1-3 of this article, -
shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand roubles; on officials - from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from two thousand to five thousand rubles.
6. Repeated commission of an administrative offense, provided for in paragraphs 1-5 of this article, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to three thousand roubles; for officials - from three thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to fifteen thousand rubles.
Note. Under the actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens, for the purposes of this article, are understood any actions that produce noise and thereby violate the peace and quiet of citizens, including personal actions of citizens, the actions of mechanical means and technical devices.
Clash of the Titans
Cold wars between neighbors are often provoked by noise (but not always by noise!). In almost any apartment building there will be people who will shout that because of work they can only repair their housing on weekends, while others will convince that they want to relax on weekends and do not agree to listen to the enchanting sounds of a perforator. Humanly, one can understand each of the parties, but in fact, those who consider themselves victims of the "Law on Silence" will make a variety of attempts to rein in a neighbor, including these attempts may be illegal. By the way, it's not just about repairs.
For example, in December 2017, the police of Anzhero-Sudzhensk received a message from the city hospital that a 29-year-old man with a bruised head wound had applied to the trauma department. It turned out that a 60-year-old neighbor hit the victim with an ax butt. The conflict between the men arose because of the loud music playing.
“It was established that on the eve of the incident, young grandchildren were visiting the pensioner. The children could not sleep because of the loud music playing in the next apartment, where the 29-year-old city dweller was organizing a party with friends. Angry at him, the attacker took an ax and, going to the veranda, where the electric meter hung, cut the wires. The lights went out in the apartment and the music stopped. The owner of the dwelling went out into the street to find out what had happened, and immediately got hit on the head with a butt of an ax from a neighbor, ”Sibdepo explained in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Kemerovo Region.
A criminal case was opened against a resident of Anzhero-Sudzhensk under the article “Intentional infliction of slight bodily harm”. It is currently pending in court.
Or another story that we have already told you. A 67-year-old Kemerovo resident became a defendant in a criminal case because he shot a 14-year-old girl who, together with her friends, knocked on the door of the apartment where he lived for no reason and often. After another knock on the door, the pensioner decided to teach schoolgirls a lesson with weapons. The girl, fortunately, survived, and the police detained the pensioner. The psychological and psychiatric examination recognized the man as insane.The case is now in court.
And here is a completely absurd case: in Kemerovo, residents of a five-story building along 9 January Street complained about a girl who, in their opinion, loudly walked (!) Through her apartment. This girl lived above them. The neighbors of the Kemerovo woman did not like that the floor creaked in their neighbor's house and they demanded that she either walk on tiptoe or not move around her house at all. It is clear that the townswoman ignored the absurd demands of her neighbors, there were no other complaints. Because of this, the neighbors often cursed when they met her on the landing. In the end, they sorted out the relationship in court. The story ended not in favor of the girl who told us it. The Kemerovo resident did not go to the court session, “there are no more important things, yeah,” the court ruled in favor of sensitive neighbors and fined the violator of silence for 500 rubles.