Law on silence in Ulyanovsk: FZ 52

Silence law from January 1, 2018 in an apartment building

But a direct indication of the degree of noise pollution and the time frame were not initially indicated in it. In the current SanPiN, only day and night intervals are prescribed: 7-23 hours, and, accordingly, 23-7 in the morning.


Therefore, in additions from 2018, adjustments are prescribed that limit the period of permitted noise

The latest version of the law prescribes when you can not be in an apartment in 2018.

This is the interval from 21:00 to 08:00 on weekdays. It is worth taking into account that the time frame in the regulations of different regions may vary slightly. For example: for St. Petersburg it is from 22:00 to 8 in the morning, in Krasnoyarsk - from 22:00 to 9:00, in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

from 22:00 to 7:00.

The law on silence in the Ulyanovsk region when you can not make noise

Quiet time comes from 13.00 to 15.00 When living in an apartment building, the question often arises of maintaining silence both in the building itself and in the surrounding area.

(as amended on 10/27/2017), as well as the provisions of Article 4.1 of the Regional Code "On Administrative Offenses" (Law No. 16-ZO of 02/28/2011 (as amended on 10/09/2018).

Along with these regulations, it is also worth considering federal requirements for maintaining silence in residential buildings. This set of measures is able to adequately take care of ensuring the peace of citizens. The law on silence in the Ulyanovsk region in 2019 in an apartment building (hereinafter - MKD) prescribes how much noise can be in an apartment.

Federal laws must also be taken into account.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, all residential premises must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for noise and vibration levels. This is stated in paragraph 1 of Art. 23 of the Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999. The necessary requirements can be found in the VI section of SanPiN

The official text of this document contains the limit values ​​for sounds both in the building of a residential building and for the adjacent territory.

As indicated in Appendix No. 3 SanPiN, the permissible sound level in the MKD is:

  1. 55 dBA — from 7.00 to 23.00;
  2. 45 dBA - from 23.00 to 07.00.

For the local area, according to the above SanPiN, the maximum standards are higher:

  1. 70 dBA — from 7.00 to 23.00;
  2. 60 dBA - from 23.00 to 7.00.

To measure the noise level, contact Rospotrebnadzor. Employees of this department can perform the necessary measurements using special equipment.

However, the department deals with the complaint only if it comes to a legal entity. For example, to any organization, shop or nightclub, whose activities interfere with peaceful living and recreation for citizens in the MKD.

If the source of noise is the activity of another tenant, then Rospotrebnadzor will not take measurements.

This is indicated in paragraph 1.19 of the Guidelines MUK 4.3.2194-07. The Silence Law of 2019 in the Ulyanovsk Region prohibits making noise on weekdays from 23.00 to 07.00. However, on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on public holidays, the quiet time is extended until 9.00.

At the same time, a quiet hour is also provided during the day to provide daytime rest for some categories of citizens. Children and the elderly need a break in the daytime to sleep or rest, so its introduction is fully justified.


The act drawn up by the experts will act as indisputable evidence when applying to the court. Acts can be drawn up by police officers. The only thing is that they do not have equipment that fixes the noise level.
Law enforcement officers draw up a protocol and hand it over to the inspector. He, in turn, conducts an explanatory conversation with violators.

If it does not take action, it imposes a fine. It is a pity that this law does not save if the windows are located towards the roadway.Uninterrupted public transport is more paramount than the peace of the Russians. The law also does not apply to the need for rescue and emergency measures.

The same norm also includes the holding of official sporting events, religious ceremonies and cultural festivals. These include events planned to be held in the near future in 2018.

Everyone sleep In the Ulyanovsk region, the law on silence has been tightened

09/24/2018 at 08:00 27055 views "Narodnaya" has collected the most pressing questions about the law on silence. The law on the violation of silence in the region has been tightened. The initiative was taken by representatives of the Ulyanovsk regional branch of the Russian Bar Association. How much have the fines increased? Fines for violating the silence law have tripled.

Administrative liability for a repeated offense has been established. So, ordinary citizens at the first recorded violation can be fined in the amount of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles. Officials for the same face a penalty of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles, legal entities will be fined from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles.

The repeated commission of this administrative offense will entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 3,000 to 5,000 rubles; for officials - from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles; for legal entities - from 70,000 to 100,000 rubles. Is there an effect? The number of complaints from residents of the region has increased.

Suffice it to say that in the first quarter of 2019 alone, 226 protocols related to violations of the law on silence have already been drawn up. For comparison: for the whole of 2017 there were 182 such protocols.

What does it mean to make noise? As stated in the regional law No. 121-ZO, the following actions are considered noisy (respectively, they are prohibited): - if you use sound-reproducing devices, as well as sound amplification devices, including those installed in vehicles, at trade facilities, public catering , leisure activities that caused a violation of the peace of citizens and silence; - if your car repeatedly sounds an audible alarm; - if you play musical instruments, shout, whistle, sing loudly or do something similar that disturbs the peace of others and silence; - if you perform repair, construction, loading and unloading and similar work. When should you be quiet? The ban on the above actions applies only to a specific time, namely: - from 13:00 to 15:00 daily; — from 23:00 to 07:00 on weekdays; - from 23:00 to 09:00 on weekends and holidays.

Where to complain if they interfere with sleep? As Sergey Sergeenko, an employee of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ulyanovsk region, explained to us, if the silence is broken, you need to call the police by phone: 02 or 112. - After the call, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should leave for the place.

Usually the precincts leave. They ask the person who applied to write a statement in writing, then they interrogate the neighbors in order to confirm the fact of a violation of the silence, Sergeenko comments. Each case is considered individually, since there are no universal approaches. For example, rumbling music from a car in the yard that has stood and then left is one thing.

And the neighbors upstairs famously walking at midnight are another. It is clear that the search for witnesses and violators in these situations occurs in different ways.

What if the police didn't show up?

First, call the helpline of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - (8422) 67-88-88

- Please note that this number

Law of the Ulyanovsk region 121-ZO dated 08/08/2011

On some measures to ensure the peace of citizens and silence at night

Article 1 Night time

For the purposes of this Law, night time means the period of time from 23:00 to 07:00.

Article 2 Objects at which (in which) must be provided peace of citizens and silence at night

The peace of citizens and silence at night should be ensured by:

1) in living quarters and premises for auxiliary use, intended to meet citizens' domestic and other needs related to their living in residential premises, hotel rooms and other accommodation facilities;

2) in common areas and non-residential premises in apartment buildings, in common areas in hotels and other accommodation facilities;

3) in the adjacent territories, parking lots, children's and sports grounds;

4) on the streets, squares, squares, parks, in areas intended for recreation, physical culture and sports;

5) in the premises and on the territories of hospitals, dispensaries and other medical institutions, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, educational institutions with round-the-clock stay of children, boarding schools for children, the elderly and the disabled;

6) in the territories of horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens, garage and garage-building cooperatives.

Article 3 Prevention of actions (inaction) that disturb peace citizens and silence at night

1. It is not allowed to carry out the following actions (inaction) at night if they entail disturbing the rest of citizens and silence at night at the facilities specified in Article 2 of this Law:

1) the use of sound-reproducing devices, as well as sound amplification devices, including those installed in vehicles, at trade, public catering, leisure facilities, which resulted in a disturbance of the peace of citizens and silence at night;

2) failure by the owner of the vehicle to take measures to disable the repeatedly triggered audible security alarm installed on the vehicle, or the use of a faulty audible security alarm, which led to a disturbance of the peace of citizens and silence at night;

3) the use of pyrotechnic products, which entailed a violation of the peace of citizens and silence at night;

4) playing musical instruments, screaming, whistling, loud singing, as well as other similar actions, accompanied by sounds, which caused a disturbance of the peace of citizens and silence at night;

5) the performance of repair, construction, loading and unloading and similar work, which resulted in a violation of the peace of citizens and silence at night.

2. The provisions of part 1 of this article do not apply to:

1) actions aimed at preventing illegal acts, preventing and eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, other emergencies, extinguishing fires, carrying out urgent work related to ensuring the safety of citizens or the functioning of life support facilities for the population, performing defense measures (including measures to civil defense and mobilization), ensuring public order and public safety, saving citizens, eliminating the threat to their life or health;

2) actions related to the holding of mass cultural and sports events in the manner established by the state authorities of the Ulyanovsk region and local governments of municipalities of the Ulyanovsk region;

3) the actions of citizens and religious organizations (associations) when they perform divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies that do not contradict federal law, with the exception of the use of sound-reproducing devices and sound amplification devices, which caused disturbance of the rest of citizens and silence at night;

4) use of devices for giving special sound signals installed on vehicles in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region S.I. Morozov

Does the law on silence work in the Ulyanovsk region

It is legally prohibited to produce noise that is louder than 30 decibels at night. The restriction is valid from 21:00 to 8:00 on weekdays.However, most regions have different time frames.
In Moscow and the Moscow region, the Metropolitan deputies adopted their own bill, which established the time of silence. It is forbidden to exceed the permissible volume level in the period from 23:00 to 07:00.

In the near future, they are also going to limit the carrying out of repair work from 19:00 to 9:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00. In the Moscow region, other rules apply. The night period starts at 21:00 and ends at 8:00.


On weekends and holidays, noise is prohibited from 22:00 to 10:00. And during the lunch period from 13:00 to 15:00, it is not allowed to carry out repairs or rearrangement of furniture


